Living With Damon and Stefan

By Dark-Violet

9M 59.3K 12K

Marni is 14. She lives with Damon and Stefan Salvatore in the Salvatore bording house. She also has powers; s... More

Rude Awakening
Mystic Grill
Elena Gilbert
The Plan
History Lesson
Road Trip
Necromancer Crystal
Book of Crystals
The Game
Intense Stares
Jonathan Gilberts Journal
The Man In The Mirror
Harsh Words
What Are You?
Warp Crystal
Shock News
Jumping Out Windows
The Secret
Shattered Glass
Finding Out
Surprise Party
The Kiss
Holding Hands
Opening The Tomb
Alaric Saltzman
The Really Bad Problem
The Battle
Beverly Hills
The Concert
The Moonstone
Mason Lockwood
Masquerade Ball
Family Barbeque
The Argument
The Halloween Party
The Haunting
The Warning
The Epic Battle
The Beach
Running Down The Street In Underwear
First Sight
The Reason Why Knocking Was Invented
The Risk Of Sounding Jealous
Failing To Notice Something Important
Getting Distracted By Dandelions
Finding Floors Comfortable
Tomato Juice And Garlic Paste
Ice Cream, P.J's, And Damon
Evil People Chasing Bunnies
Goats And Hating Men
The Runaway
Unwanted, Annoying Dreams
Toothbrushes, Puppets and Haircuts
Awkward Moments And Apologies
No Longer Friends
Hangovers And Rainy Days
Sock Wearing Pineapples
This Coffee Is Not For You
Pillow Eating Dinosaurs
Feeding The Cat
The Dandelion Throwing Lamps
People Actually Use Toilet Paper? Ew.
Sniffing Random Peoples Hair
Fluffy Refridgeraters That Sing
Super Ninja Monkeys! And Shane Dawson!
Teletubbies Rock!
The Naked Shoe Box Lover
Potatoes Have Feelings Too!
Hugging Pens With Eyeballs
The Cute Washing Machine And Dimples
The Day The Sharpener Coughed
Marshmellow Covered Coat-Hangers
Mating With Butterflies
Lamp Posts Are Nice Triangles
The Chocolate That Eats Stockings
Le Flying Taco Mafia
The Bookcase That Sniffs Potato Salad
Exploding Donuts and Lentils
The Umbrella Shaped Box
Throwing Paper At Harold
Salt & Pepper Pencil Baskets
Lettuce Leaf!
Oh, You Like Chirping? Too Bad.

The Body Swap

85K 455 72
By Dark-Violet

"What the hell?" Elena/Me gasped.

"Oh no," I muttered. "This is bad."

"What the hell happened?" Elena asked.

It was strange seeing myself talk to me.

"Some crystals have bad reactions when they are mixed together," I said. It was eerie hearing Elena's voice instead of my own. "In this case it seems that we have swapped bodies."

"How do we swap back?" she asked.

"That is a very good question," I said.

"We have to tell the others and figure something out," she said.

"No!" I said. "Damon will never let me hear the end of this if he finds out."

"Then what do we do?" she asked.

I thought about it for a moment. "We have to go through our regular daily activities, because the others will think something is up if we both ditch school, but I know someone who can help us. We'll go see her this afternoon. In the mean time we tell no one of this, clear?"

She nodded.

"Does this mean I have your powers?" she asked.

I clicked my fingers and a flame appeared in my hand.

"Nope," I said. "I guess magic is connected more to your spirit than your body,"

"Damn," she muttered. "It'd would've been fun using them."

"Okay, so everything will be fine today as long as you act like me," I said.

"How do I do that?" she asked.

"Just be very very sarcastic," I said. "And if Damon says a smart ass comment, don't ignore it like you usually do, say something back."

"Okay," she said. "I can do this,"

I heard a door open and close.

"Stefan's home," I said. "Act casual,"

"Elena?" I heard his voice call.

"Go!" Elena whispered.

I walked downstairs and found Stefan standing at the bottom.

"Hey," he said, pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back.

This was awkward.

"Ready to go to school?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied, pasting a smile on my face, when really, all I could think was kill me now, kill me now, kill me now.


I didn't realise how many people Elena was friends with. Within the first ten minutes of getting to school, like fifty hundred billion people said hello to me.

The bell rang and Stefan turned to me.

"You okay?" he asked. "You seem a bit out of it this morning,"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I quickly reasured him. "Just tired, that's all."

"Okay," he smiled. "I'll see you at lunch."

I smiled back. And that's when the worst thing possible could've happened.

Stefan leaned down to kiss me.

I acted normal, like Elena would, when his lips touched mine.

He pulled back smiling and turned and walked away.

"Blegh!" I muttered, wiping my lips.

Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, I kept thinking. I kissed Stefan!

I shuddered and headed off to Elena's first class.

My classes were normal. Well, as normal as you could get when you're in someone elses body.

I was walking to lunch when I felt a buzzing in my pocket.

I pulled out my phone and answered it, checking Caller ID.

"Hey Damon, what's up?" I asked.

"Um... Hi Elena," he said. "Why do you have Marni's phone?"

CRAP! I completely forgot.

"Oh, um, she, uh, gave it to me this morning because I, uh, had to call Jenna and I left my phone at home and I forgot to give it back to Marni," I quickly lied.

"Right..." he said. "Would Marni happen to be with you?"


I spotted myself walking down the hall.

"Yes! She's right beside me," I said.

I grabbed Elena/Me by the arm and pulled her into the bathroom.

"What the-"

"Marni, it's Damon," I said.

Her eyes widened.

What do I do? she mouthed.

"Just go with it," I whispered.

I put the phone on loudspeaker.

I motioned for her to say something.

"Uh, hey Damon, it's Marni," she said. "What's up?"

"Hey, I was just wondering if you could come to thr Grill, I have to talk to you," he said

"Uh, now?" she asked.

"Yes, now," he said.

"Um, sure I'll be there in fifteen," she said.

She hung up and looked at me.

"What do I do?" she asked,

"Go talk to him!" I said.

"I can't!" she said. "He'll know somethings up."

She was right.

"Look, I'll go," I said. "I'll just make some excuse up about why you couldn't come."

"You sure?" she asked.

"Positive," I said. "If Stefan asks why I'm not here, just tell him I'm helping a teacher with something."

She nodded.

"Oh, and try not to show any attraction towards Stefan," I said. "It would be really, really weird."

She nodded again.

"Okay, I'll be back soon," I said.

I headed out of the bathrooms.

"Hey Elen-" someone started to say.

"Can't talk, the fairies are calling," I cut them off.

Ten minutes later I walked up to Damon, who was sitting at the bar.

"Hey," I said.

He turned and raised his eyebrow.

"Elena, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked.

"A pineapple," I said.

"Okay..." he said.

"So what did Liz want the other day?" I asked, changing the subject.

He glanced at me with suspicion.

"How do you know about that?" he asked.

"Oh, um, Marni told me about it the other day," I said.

"Where is she anyway?" he asked. "She was meant to meet me here five minutes ago."

"That's the reason I'm here," I said. "She couldn't make it, so she sent me instead."

"Why couldn't she make it?" he asked.

"Uh, she had a detention," I quickly lied. Dammit! He would never believe that!

"Either Marni's gone completely insane, or your lying," he said. "Marni would never do detention if she had a way out of it, which this is, by the way."

"No, seriously, the teacher came and got her, making it almost impossible to come here and see you," I said. "Anyway, Marni wanted me to find out what you wanted and tell her back at school."

"I would, but no," he said. "I guess it can wait until after school."

"Why can't you tell me?" I asked. 

"Because it's a matter to discuss between Marni and I," he said.

"Oh, right," I said, backing off a little. I didn't want him to suspect something. "Sorry. I should, uh, get back to school. Class starts soon."

I turned and walked out.

I reached the end of the street and rounded the corner, coming face to face with Damon.

"I just called Stefan," he said. "Marni's been with him the whole time."

"Oh, um, I guess she got out of it then," I said.

"Why did you lie?" he asked.

I didn't answer.

"You and Marni have been acting very strange today," he said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," I said.

"Another lie," he said.

"Look, you want to know the truth Damon?" I asked. "Marni's avoiding you."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because..." I paused, trying to come up with a reason.

"She isn't planning on killing herself again is she?" he asked.

"What? No!" I said. "She learnt her lesson the first time. She had this weird vision thingy about you, and she said it would be awkward for her to see you."

"And what was this vision about?" he asked.

"She wouldn't tell me," I lied. "She just asked me to come instead of her."

He stared at me suspiciously for a minute, but then turned and walked down the street.

I sighed in relief and headed back to school.

I spent the rest of the day avoiding talking to people for too long.

I went back to the boarding house with Elena/Me.

When we reached the living room, Damon walked up to us.

"Elena could I talk to you for a second?" he asked.

"Sure," I said uneasily.

I followed him into another room.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's about the other night," he said.

"What about the other night?" I asked.

"You know, in your room?" he asked.

I stared at him blankly.

"If you want to forget about it, then fine. But I can't," he said. "When you and I kissed-"

"You and Elena did what?!" I screamed.

"I knew it!" Damon said.

"When Stefan finds out- Wait, what?" I asked. "What do you mean I knew it?"

"I think you know what I'm talking about," he said. "Marni,"

I gasped. "How did you-"

"You and Marni, or Elena, whatever," Stefan said from behind us. Elena/Me was standing beside him looking guilty. "Have been acting strange all day."

"When you kept mentioning things that only Marni would know," Damon said.

"And how you had Marni's phone," Stefan said. "And showed up at the Grill instead of her."

"We put the pieces together and figured it out," Damon said.

"Wait, then why did you just tell me what you did?" I asked.

"It was a test," Damon explained. "Elena and I didn't actually kiss the other night."

"You told her we kissed?" Elena/Me asked.

Damon shrugged. "It had to be done."

I pouted, annoyed that I hadn't managed to keep it a secret.

"How in the hell did you manage to swap bodies?" Damon asked.

"That's not important," I said. "What is, is getting us back in the right ones."

I pulled my phone out and dialed a number.

"Hey Bree," I said. "It's Marni. I need your help on something,"

Ten minutes later I hung up the phone and turned to the others.

"It's simple," I said. "We just hit the same crystals together and we should be back to normal."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

I went upstairs and grabbed the crystals.

"Uh, you guys might want to stay outside," I said to Damon and Stefan. "Incase you guys swap bodies."

Damon shuddered and walked out of the room, Stefan behind him.

"God I hope this works," Elena muttered.

"Well, let's find out," I said.

I hit the two crystals together.

The same thing as last time happened, only this time I woke up in my own body.

"Yes!" I yelled.

Damon and Stefan took that as a sign that it worked and walked in.

I hugged myself.

"Oh how I missed you body," I said.

Elena walked over to Stefan andhugged him.

"Wait," he said looking at me. "Does that mean that this morning before the bell-"

"UGH! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" I yelled, knowing what he was going to say. "NEVER SPEAK OF THAT AGAIN! EVER!"

Damon started laughing, obviously guessing what happened.

I glared at him.

"This is so not funny," I said.

"Yeah, you're right," he sighed. "It's hillarious!"

"I'm gunna go talk to Jeremy before I rip your head off," I muttered.

Wow was I glad to be back in my own body.

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