By Tomisin_25

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Sang lives a life of confusion. Her mom is a drunk who neglects her and her sister ,Aria. She later meets Kot... More

laser tag
Twin sister?
Beach day


120 9 0
By Tomisin_25

I was just freshening up when my phone rang at 6:30pm. I glanced at the caller ID- Nathan. I hesitated so I wouldn't seem too needy but I ended up answering almost immediately after.
"Hey Sang!" His deep voice filing my ears. "I'm out front."
"I'll be down in a minute " I replied hanging up. I quickly got dressed putting on my white long sleeved crop top, black shorts and then lacing up my white superstars. I packed my hair into a messy bun, put on a light layer of make up. I grabbed my satchel, phone and rushed out the door before my mum spotted me.
  As I walked on the front door I was greeted with the sight of Nathan. Damn did he look good in his dark jeans, white adidas shirt and black vans.
"Looking good sang." Nathan yelled as I approached the car.
"Not bad yourself I must say." I smiled, looking away when his eyes reached mine. He grabbed the door handle before I could and opened the door .
"Being a gentleman today I see."
"Aren't I always?" He said sending me his biggest smile.He smiles a lot.
"So where are we going?" I ask as he got in.
"That's for me to know and you to find out." He had a full on grin now seeming to find amusement in my lack of knowledge.
"Are you really pulling that card right now?"
"come on. Please?"
" Nah. I think I'm going to hang on to it." He was really enjoying this.
"Fine." I sigh in defeat blowing my bangs from my eye.
"Don't go all puppy dog face on me now sang."
"who said I was doing anything?"
"Isn't that what girls do when they try and get what they want?" I looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"I wouldn't know. If you noticed I don't have any friends." When I was younger the fact of not having any friends upset so much I would cry for days but now I don't really care much. I've learned a lot on my own.
"That's not true. You have me." His eyes filled with sympathy.
"That's nice to know." I give him a warm smile.
I turned up the radio and it drowned out the silence
After a while I started to see trees and it looked like we were nearing the woods .
What are we doing in the wood ? Oh God I knew I shouldn't have come, his probably going to kill me .
"We're here" Nathan's voice interrupted my thoughts
"umm why are we in the woods?"
"You'll see if you come with me"
"Your now going to kill me are you?"
Then he burst out laughing.
"Oh my lord, what makes you think that?" he said in between laughs. What was so funny? Is that a thing psychopaths do?
"I don't know, why would you bring me to the woods to hang out."
"oh well, that... you just have to wait and see " I looked him dead in a the eye, straight face and an arched eyebrow. I'm was dead serious.
"Fine." Pause  "Oh gosh I can't tell you "
"Cause I've had this planed for a while now, and if I tell you it's going to mess up the whole plan" he said with a little pout and constant blinking of his eyes
"Do you have something in your eye?"
He started laughing again. "I was trying to do the puppy dog eye thing"
"How's that working out for ya?"
"I don't know, you tell me." I really wanted to known what he had planned but he took his time to set it up and wanted it to be a surprise. So I guess I could give him that.
"Alright, lead the way."
He led us down a small path way "what could be so good that it's such a secret?" I really wanted to know.
"Wait and find out babe."
Then it was my turn to burst out laughing "Did you seriously just call me babe?"
"Yeah what's so bad about that?"
"Nothing. Just don't call me that, it's weird. Try something else."
"Okay then, how about..." He had his hand on his chin trying to look serious. "I have nothing"
"I guess we'll find out when the time comes" Did I just say that? I just implied to Nathan that I possibly was thinking about a future with him. "I mean if anything happens and we have to call each other different names. Not that we'll ever have to call each other different name like we're boyfriend and girlfriend but-"
"Sang, I get it" he sends me a reassuring smile. Those smiles make me feel at ease. As we walked on I started to hear the trickle of water, we pushed through a few more branches and then right before me was a huge water fall and right beside it was a blanket, and on top of that was a bunch of food. Sandwiches, soda, strawberries and a lot more of other things.
"Oh my! Nathan how'd you do all this?"
"Oh you know I have my ways."
"What's a guy like you need connections for?" I say a huge smile still plasted on my face
"Stuff like this" He said pointing towards the blanket. "come on, I'm starving." He led us toward the blanket.
He picked up a ham and cheese sandwich and handed it to me. " No way, this is my favorite. How'd you know?" I asked taking a bite of the heavenly goodness.
"To be honest didn't, their my favorite so I just thought... You know, why not bring them."
"Something we have in common." I said smirking at him.
"I'm sure there's a lot more things" he said taking a bite of his sandwich.
"I guess it means more time together then." I said my smile getting wider at the thought of spending time with him.
"I wouldn't mind that" He said flashing me with his white teeth.

After stuffing down our food Nathan asked "Wanna go for a swim?"
"We just ate."
"Nothing actually comes up unless you swallow the water."
"Are you sure about that." I asked no too convinced with his reply.
"Definitely. You don't even have to swim if you don't want to. You could stand or float." He let out a little chuckle.
"Okay, but I also don't have anything to wear and I don't want to ride back soaked." The thought of riding back in clothes clinging to my body and making me feel cold wasn't very appealing.
"You could wear my shirt. That's if you want to." He rushed the last part.
"You don't mind?" I asked not wanting to cause him any discomfort.
"Not at all. Anything for you." He sent me a full grin.
Suddenly my face felt warm and my stomach feeling. Butterflies?
In a swift move Nathan took his shirt off and handed it to me. He moved on to taking his pants off too and his shoes. Giving a quick smirk he ran straight off the cliff. A few moments passed and his head hadn't broken through the surface. What was taking him so long? What if something happened to him?
Quickly I took of my clothes and replaced them with Nathan's shirt. As I tugged the shirt down a loud "woah" echoed through the area.
"You look good Sang, now get a running start." My cheeks had that warm feeling again after his compliment. I took a few steps back and lunged my self for the water. It hid the water hard but the pain was quickly forgotten as I felt a pair of hands grab my waist. Nathan pulled me toward his chest, our faces barely apart. I could feel his breath lightly blowing across my face. He was looking straight into my eyes, I felt like he could see everything. He face inched closer until his lips were barely touching mine. We were so close.
"I've wanted to do this since you walked out that front door."
"So what are you waiting for?" I don't know where the sudden boldness came from but I was happy with it.

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