Once Upon A Text

By igoncerforlife

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Text messages between Storybrooke's inhabitants. More

Once Upon A Text
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Anniversary Edition
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 31

461 35 4
By igoncerforlife

Emma, Regina, & Zelena

Emma: So, we all know that your mom is crazy as hell. What are we going to do about her and this plan she has?

Regina: You do realize that this is pretty much out of our hands now, right?

Zelena: Yeah, we're powerful but no match for her. She's a whole different type of crazy and powerful.

Emma: So we're just going to sit back and watch this madness unfold?!

Regina: For once, don't be the hero.

Zelena: We've come to learn that our mother's plans never quite work out the way she thinks they do.

Emma: In other words: Let nature take its course?

Regina: I knew you weren't all that blonde, Swan.

Zelena: Bingo. So stop worrying so much. Even Marian's not worried.

Emma: How's that possible? Hey-wait! That's fucked up, Regina.

Regina: I take it back. It took you way too long to get that.

Zelena: Granny gave her a crossbow with plenty ammo. And you thought I had a crazy glint in my eyes, you should see Marian when someone threatens Roland.

Emma: I'm ignoring you, queenie.

Regina: Call me that again and you'll personally get to experience Fireball Friday. So I take it everything is all good in your neck of the woods, sis?

Zelena: Oh yes. Wait! Marian says Robin just told her he's on his way because he doesn't want mother corrupting his child.

Emma: Fireball Friday? And too late for that.

Regina: Great. More problems. A senile mother, a childish sheriff, a rebellious son and now a confused thief. Can anything else go wrong?

Zelena: You should also probably talk to Maleficent and apparently your daughter?

Emma: Oh yeah! How does that even work?

Regina: I forgot about Mal! Oh hell, I need to go!

Rumple & Neal

Rumple: Bae, it's a little girl.

Neal: What's a little girl?

Rumple: The baby. Your sister. Remember, Belle was pregnant for nine months?

Neal: OOOOH! That's amazing Papa! A little girl.

Rumple: It truly is. She looks so much like you did as a baby.

Neal: Aww Papa.

Rumple: But don't think that this joyous occasion has distracted from the fact that you told Emma about the serum.

Neal: ....I think you should be more focused on Belle and the baby. They deserve ALL your attention for the next...20 years.

Rumple: I'd be a selfish father if I didn't pay any attention to my first born.

Neal: No no, that's okay. I'm a big boy now.

Rumple: Oh no, you'll always be my little Bae.

Neal: I'm in trouble aren't I?

Rumple: Lots.

Erin & Henry

Erin: HENRY!


Erin: Why haven't I heard from you in days?

Henry: Sorry. Been stuck in the White Room?

Erin: What the hell is the White Room?

Henry: Okay so you remember that day you came over when no one was home and I showed you a locked door?

Erin: Yeah.

Henry: Behind it is a room, the walls and ceilings are white, no windows and the only object in the room is a white chair.

Erin: So you're basically in time out?

Henry: Can we not call it that? I prefer the term 'forced isolation'.

Erin: But in reality you're just in time out for being a bad boy.

Henry: Does no one respect that I'm almost a man?!

Erin: Aww Hen Hen. I think that's cute.

Henry: I swear to- You do?

Erin: Yeah. It's obvious you didn't do anything too stupid or dangerous. Plus if you're locked in a room with no windows, no way of anyone knowing what you're doing, maybe I should come over and keep you company.

Henry: You always have the best ideas.

Erin: I know. You'd be lost without me.

Henry: Such confidence. You'll need it if my mom catches us.

Erin: I'm not worried about her. Plus your grandmother said she's leaving for the rest of the day so we have plenty of time to spend together.

Henry: I'm afraid to ask what else you and my grandmother have been talking about.

Erin: I can show you better than I can tell you.

Henry: BLESS.

Maleficent & Lily

Maleficent: Is everything okay sweetheart?

Lily: I guess so. I mean, this town is full of freaks, excluding you, but it's nothing I haven't become used to.

Maleficent: I agree that it does have its...quirks, but it's the only place where we actually fit in.

Lily: So you want to stay?

Maleficent: I don't really have much of a choice in the matter. But seeing as you do, I hope you'll stick around. I really would like to get to know my only daughter.

Lily: Only if you promise that the crazy woman will leave me alone.

Maleficent: Which crazy woman, dear? There are plenty.

Lily: I can't think of her name right now.

Maleficent: Snow? Cruella? Cora?

Lily: Cora! But those other two too.

Maleficent: Don't you worry about them, they won't be bothering you.

Lily: Okay. Then I'll stay. I really do want to know more about you.

Maleficent: Perfect. How about I make us some dinner after my nap and we'll talk about anything you want to know.

Lily: Nap? Mom, aren't you like 40?

Maleficent: Why does everyone think only old people nap? And I may have the body of a 40 year old but I'm much older.

Lily: Because most of the time only old people nap.

Maleficent: Well being a dragon is tiring. You'll find that out soon enough. Does 8 sound good?

Lily: Yeah that's good. I'll bring wine.

Maleficent: See you then, sweetheart.

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