Enough | Sequel to Crazy 4 You

By MsFanfictional

83.3K 3.6K 606

If you haven't read Crazy 4 You , you can go on my page and read it there. Other than that continue to read t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 ✷
Chapter 4 ✷
Chapter 5 ✷
Chapter 6 ✷
Chapter 8 ✷
Chapter 9 ✷
Chapter 10 ✷
Chapter 11 ✷
Chapter 12 ✷
Chapter 13 ✷
Chapter 14 ✷
Chapter 15 ✸
Chapter 16 ✷
Chapter 17 ✷
Chapter 18 ✷
Chapter 19 ✷
Chapter 20 ✷
Chapter 21 ✷
Chapter 22 ✷
Chapter 23 ✷
Chapter 24 ✷
Chapter 25 ✷
Epilogue ✷

Chapter 7 ✷

3.4K 148 21
By MsFanfictional

✷ chapter 7 ✷

✷ Natalie

I smiled as I watched Chris and his mother talk. I love the way that they get along and I wish my mother was here so we could spend some time together. I still regret how I treated her before she passed away. I was knocked out of thought when Joyce started talking to me.

"So Natalie tell me about yourself." She stated smiling over at me.

I put my hands on the arm of the sofa before sighing.

"Well there isn't much I can say about me. I grew up with my mom and sister , we were very happy until my mom passed away two years ago. Since then I've been following my dreams of owning my own dance studio and teaching others how to dance." I explained to her as Chris held onto my hand.

"Awwww sweetie I'm so sorry about what happened to your mom. If I may ask how did she pass?" His mother asked giving me a sad look.

"She had cancer." I replied back a tear slipping out of my eye.

Chris quickly wiped the tear away before kissing my cheek.

"I'm sorry baby." Chris mumbled as he gripped my hand tighter.

I nodded my head.

Joyce came over and sat on the other side of me making me scoot over.

She grabbed both of my hands making Chris put his hand on my thigh.

"I'm so sorry your mother passed away and if it helps I want you to know that you can come to me anytime for advice or to just talk." She said looking me in the eye.

I nodded my head and pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed happily.

It was good to know that I would have another mother figure in my life. I think this is exactly what I needed, someone to come to when I'm going through some things.

My phone ranged interrupting our little moment.

I pulled it out of my back pocket and looked to see that it was a unknown number. I always answered my phone so I'll just answer this call.

"Um excuse me." I mumbled getting up.

"Where are you going?" Chris asked with his eyebrow raised.

"I have to take this call it might be important." I told him before walking into the kitchen that still smelled like the delicious food his mother cooked.

"Hello?" I greeted the person on the other end.

"Hey , it's me." Tristan's smooth voice boomed through the phone.

I groaned because I forgot I even gave him my number.

"Oh someone's not happy to hear my voice." He said cheerfully making me picture the smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes.

"I forgot I even gave you my number. Now what do you want? I'm kind of busy." I asked slightly irritated.

"Well geesh I was just calling to see if you wanted to go out to eat or something." He stated.

"I can't. I don't want want Chris thinking I'm cheating on him so I'd rather not go out to eat with you." I told him honestly.

I know how Chris can get so I don't want him thinking that I'm cheating. I don't want what happened the other day to repeat itself.

"So he has you on a leash huh? You can't go anywhere daddy doesn't want you to." He joked while laughing almost making me hang up the phone.

"Shut up. I'm my own woman and I can go anywhere I please." I said getting heated.

"Okay then. Go out to dinner with me friend." He mentioned again.

I sighed giving up.

"Okay but don't try anything." I told him in a stern voice.

"Don't worry baby. If I wanted you I would've had you already." He said cockily before hanging up.

Tristan really knows how to work my nerves.

I slid my phone back into my pocket before making my way back into the living room.

Natalie in mm 😍🌹

What do you guys think about Tristan?
Is going out to dinner with him a bad move?
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Xoxo - msfanfictional ❤️

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