
By LionaAlde

183K 3.3K 383

When letting you go is the only way. But having you back is the answer. More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine


4K 102 16
By LionaAlde

Althea opened her eyes, looked at Jade and yawned. She propped up on her elbow and said, "I should be asking you that. But well, you were too drunk I'm sure you don't remember anything." She raised an eyebrow and without smiling, she stood up and went to the bathroom. Without glancing back she added, "Go back to sleep. It's still early.. Unless you can go home by yourself in your current state."

Jade was shocked to learn that she wasn't in her bed and why the hell was she at Althea's bed. She closed her eyes and tried to remember what happened last night. The last thing she remembers was that after she went to the bathroom, she felt dizzy and fainted. Her head hurts from trying to remember and rubbed her forehead.

"Ehermp. Here, take this" Althea said with a glass of water and aspirin. Jade nodded her head, "No, I -thank's but I don't want to drink medicine. I just need to sleep and drink coffee later and it'll be gone."

Frowning, Althea said, "Still the same as before. Stubborn. Just drink this water, then." She insisted and Jade drank half of it while looking up at Althea.

Jade tried to stand up but swayed a little. Althea without saying anything, offered her hand and helped Jade to the bathroom.

"I'll be here outside just in case. Walk slowly so that you will not slip."

"Ok, ok.." she added to herself, "I am never drinking again!" As she closed the bathroom door.

Althea helped Jade back to the bed. Jade feeling awkward, did not lie down.

"What is it?" asked Althea. "You said you neeed more sleep."

"Uhm.. I don't know how I ended up here but I don't want to bother you anymore.. I guess I need to go home."

"Jade, it's only 3:20AM. I know you don't want to see me, the feeling's mutual. But, since it's your fault you got drunk, and since Bette's phone was still out of the coverage, then you have no choice but to sleep again. Now once you're ok, then by all means, leave." Althea said sarcastically.

Althea went to the other side and started to sleep leaving Jade looking at her wi. Jade having no choice, lay down and stared at the ceiling thinking. Althea on the other side, opened her eyes and smiled.


"Allright, ill see you later, then? Ok. Love you, too. Bye." Althea turned around and saw Jade sitting in the bed.

Jade smiled hesitantly. "H-- hi.. I'm so sorry I woke up just now.."

Althea just looked at Jade and thought, 'How can a drunk girl woke up and still be beautiful?' She groaned inwardly.

She shook that thought out of her mind. "It's ok.." Althea scratched her head, "There's coffee outside.." She turned around and went out of the room.

Jade freshened up a bit and when she went out, she saw that there's a cup of coffee waiting for her.

Althea was on the phone again and indicated that the coffee was indeed for Jade.

She sat down at the dining table and sipped the coffee. She followed Althea with her eyes who was walking back and forth. She had almost drank half of the coffee when Althea ended the call.

"Uhm, Althea.. Thank you for helping me last night.." Jade put down the mug and looked at Althea.

"Thank you for--"

"Jade, wait. Before anything else, it wasn't me who helped you but my girlfriend. Let me just clarify that. I didn't know it was you until i saw you at the backseat of her car, drunk as hell. So, stop thanking me and next time, please be decent enough not to drink too much when you know you won't be able to handle yourself. You just don't have any idea how many plans you have ruined." She stopped at the table and met Jade's eyes.

Jade stood up her hands on the table and said, "I'm sorry if I ruined your plans! I'm sorry! I know it's my fault and again, I'm sorry!" She was shaking as she continued, "But will you please, PLEASE stop rubbing it in my face?" her tone rising. "I'd rather you left me there than be here with you who-"

"Oh wow! Really? Really, Jade? Now it's my girlfriend's fault that she took you here because she was worried about you?! How ungrateful!"

"I- that's not what I meant. I-"

Althea stepped closer at Jade and yelled, "You know what you're problem is?" Pointing her finger, she angrily continued. "You are so full of yourself. You always think of yourself. And you- You are the most selfish person I know!"

Althea's words sliced thru Jade's heart like a sharp knife. Unable to say anything, tears started to drop from her eyes. Althea was the first to lower her eyes for she can't stand the tears. She stepped back and said nothing. Jade tried to blink back the tears but she was unable to contain the tears because of the painful words Althea threw at her.

"You never forgave me, do you?" Jade said softly. "Althea.. i don't know but.. maybe.. maybe this is the time that you'll finally hear me say.. i am so sorry. I am truly sorry for leaving you like that." She held Althea's left hand but Althea was standing still avoiding her eyes. "You may never forgive me but i want you to know that i fought for you. After sometime, it dawned on me that i don't want to lose you. That i love you but i was too late. You have gone away and i never heard from you again."

Althea looked at Jade coldly. "Because you pushed me away! And now you're telling me that at some point you realized you love me and you don't want to lose me? It took you more than a year, Jade. And what do you want me to do? Huh? Wait for you? May i remind you i also have a life to live and I deserve to put all my pieces back together." Seething with rage, Althea continued, "I never expect i'd see you again. I have already forgotten about you and the past. You no longer mean anything to me. So, if you have nothing else to say, please leave."

"Althea, please let me atleast say sorry and ask for your forgiveness. Please."

"Forgive you? Fine! I forgive you. Are you happy now? Will YOU leave now?"


"Stop it, Jade. What happened between us is all in the past now. We were both young and i was stupid. But like i said, i have already forgotten about you, us.. everything! There's no point in talking about it anymore.. We are both adults now. So let's stop and drop this, ok?" Althea walked to the door and opened it. "Please leave. And just pretend that this didn't happen."


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