
Von 1dfanatics345

1.1K 45 16

This isn't your typical fairy tale story. There are no fairy godmothers, no evil step-mothers and no evil ste... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

49 2 1
Von 1dfanatics345

Chase's POV

I didn't get much sleep last night because of what Hunter confessed to me. Before I even had a chance to reply all of our idiot friends were banging on Hunter's car telling us to put a move on it. Hunter just looked at me sadly, sighed and got out of the car. Don't get me wrong I was and will say it back but I was just too much in shock at that moment.

The sun was shining through my window and I wrapped a long cardigan around me before stepping out onto the balcony. The backyard was beautiful. The way the sun was rising behind the trees and how all the gardens looked was incredible.

"Gorgeous view isn't it?" My mom asked standing next to me already dressed

"Yeah I could get used to waking up to this every morning." I said laughing

"Well I came up to tell you that your father wants you downstairs for breakfast to meet Lynn and Katherine. Please be on your best behavior." my mom said giving me a look

"I always am." I said smirking at her.

After going into the bathroom and doing my business and brushing my teeth I took one final glance in the mirror. I was wearing a long sleeved red and black dress that the pattern resembled something of a cheetah print and my black booties. My hair was pulled into a low side ponytail with a braided crown. For makeup I had on foundation, blush, top eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. I sighed and began walking downstairs to where I heard everybody.

I walked into the kitchen and everybody went silent. The first person I noticed was Lynn. The best way I could describe her was she looked very similar to Leighton Meester. They even had the same features. She was wearing a yellow and white long sleeved button up shirt that was tucked into an orange skater skirt with nude heels. Her brown hair was curled and parted down the middle and pulled half up half down. She also wore very light makeup. She looked just like her mother Katherine who was dressed in a nice pant suit.

"Morning honey. How did you sleep?" My Dad asked me kissing my cheek

"Good thanks." I said sitting down next to him at the table

"Well Katherine, Lynn, this is my daughter Chase and Chase this is my fiance Katherine and her daughter Lynn." my dad said introducing all of us

"It's nice to meet the both you." I said politely before grabbing a muffin and sticking it on my plate

"Likewise. You are very pretty." Katherine said smiling warmly at me

"Thank you. How old are you Lynn?" I asked trying to break the ice

"Seventeen. How about you?" she asked sweetly. She seemed a little shit

"Seventeen also." I replied and she nodded. For the rest of breakfast thank goodness the adults talked or they were asking my friends questions. When we were all done with breakfast my grandparents came through the door.

"Grandma, Grandpa!" I exclaimed running up and giving them a hug

"Hi sweetheart. You look gorgeous. I love your hair like this." my grandma said giving me an extra hug before saying hello to everybody else

"Hey kiddo. How have you been?" my grandpa asked me

"Good how about yourself?" I asked 

"Pretty good." he said before greeting everybody else

So my Dad was taking all the men including all my guy friends out golfing today and than out for lunch. My Mom and Hunter's mom were going shopping in town today so that leaves me alone with Katherine and Lynn.

"So girls today is my last fitting for my wedding dress, would you girls like to come with?" she asked me, Avery, Chels, and my grandma. We all agreed and piled into her big SUV. It took only about ten minutes to get to the dress shop.

Katherine's dress is very simple. It is a mermaid style with beaded jewels on top and a pretty light pink ribbon around the waist.

"So girls what do you think?" she asked turning to me and my friends

"It looks really pretty. Like the dress was made for you." I replied smiling 

"It looks gorgeous!" Avery exclaimed

"Very stunning." added Chelsea

"Good now I am only having three bridesmaids. Lynn of course and my best friend since high school Stacy." Katherine explained

"That's only two who is the third one?" I asked confused

"Well Chase it would mean a lot to me if you would be my third bridesmaid. I know we hardly know each other but I think it is a nice idea." she asked me. I looked from my friends to my grandma who were all giving me smiles.

"Yeah sure. That sounds fun." I replied as Katherine squealed and gave me a huge bone crushing hug. After releasing I got led into another room to try on the dress. It was yellow and white ombre with sleeves. If you ask me these colors do not fit for a winter wedding.

"Wow it fits you like a glove." Avery said 

"Thanks." I mumbled

"Look I know this is hard for you but at least she is making an effort." Avery said gently

"Yeah Avery is right. Look at it this way she could have been a bitch like the step mom in Cinderella." Chelsea added

"I know this is all just too weird for me because I can't get out of my mind that she did break up my parents' marriage. And Lynn doesn't even talk." I explained 

"She just seems shy. Just give her time." Avery told me

Katherine and my grandma dropped us off back at the mansion because those two were going out to lunch.

"So what is there to do for fun around here?" I asked Lynn

"Go shopping, movies, parties. But those things get old fast." she explained

"Do you do any sports at school?" I asked her

"No but I am student body president though. You do cheerleading right?"

"Yeah I am the captain of the team along with Avery and Chels." I explained

She just nodded before walking upstairs to her room.

"Okay I made an effort but she sort of did and than just walks upstairs. What the fuck?" I asked just as the boys all came through the door

"Where is my Dad and grandpa?" I asked confused

"They had their tux appointments. The more important question is where is your smoking hot soon to be sister?" Drew asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay first of all ew. And second of all you're either on Team Chase or Team Lynn. And nobody wants to be on Team Lynn because their captain is a big whore!" I huffed before stomping off to the kitchen

"Woah what is with the attitude dude? What did she ever do to you?" Austin asked following after me

"I have been making an effort with her all morning and she just gives me bland answers and than locks herself up in her bedroom." I said annoyed

"Well she has been an only child her whole life too. I think it will just take some adjusting." Austin said

"Why are you taking her side?" I asked annoyed

"I'm not I am just putting myself in her shoes. Something that you maybe should try." he said holding his hands up in defense before walking out of the kitchen

After lunch Lynn still hasn't come out of her room. Everybody convinced me to go upstairs and talk to her. I knocked on the door three times but she didn't answer. I tried the door and it was unlocked so I walked on in. I looked all around her room but she was nowhere to be found. I noticed her window was wide open. I looked down to see she has a garden wall she climbed down from.

"Guys she snuck out!" I called and they all ran upstairs to me

"Why wouldn't she just use the front door?" Marco asked

"There has to be a boy involved that her mom doesn't approve of. Why else sneak out?" I asked

"Yeah I agree. But she seems like such a good girl to sneak out." Avery added

"Well lets just go in case she comes back and we all look like creepers." I said as we all exited her room

Hunter and I made eye contact and I wanted to say something to him but the words were stuck in my throat.

"So we saw a basketball court a couple blocks over we are going to hoop at. See you guys later." Hunter said as the boys followed him out the door

"Why has he been ignoring you all day?" Chels asked me confused

"Last night in the car he told me he was in love with me." I confessed to them and they started to squeal and freak out

"Oh my God we both knew it! Are you guys dating now?" Avery asked all excitedly

"Well I was in total shock and before I could say it back you guys started banging on the car and he looked at me sadly before leaving. I do love him back but every time today when I tried to say it back the words just get stuck." I said confused

"Well when the time is right they will come out just fine. You guys belong together." Chels said

Lynn was back in time for dinner but she seemed very sad. Later on that night when all thr adults were asleep I knocked on her door and she answered. She looked like she had been crying.

"Okay spill it. I know all of this has to do with a boy." I said sitting down on the edge of her bed

"How did you guess it?" she asked confused wiping her eyes

"Well earlier today I was coming in to see if you wanted lunch and your window was wide open. Now you are crying and listening to Taylor Swift break up music." I said chuckling making her laugh too

"His name is Carter Benson and he is considered the most popular kid at school. His parents are loaded and he is the captain of the boys basketball team. Every girl in school wants him and he used to sleep around a lot. I am popular at school but the partying scene isn't really my thing. So he noticed me one day and we started flirting but I was playing hard to get because I didn't want to get hurt. Well we finally went out and he turned into a different guy with me. I was his first real girlfriend. So we have been dating for the past eight months. My mom doesn't like him because she thinks he sometimes treats me bad and he is a huge partier. She thought we broke up a month ago and we did but we recently got back together but broke up tonight because he told me he cheated on me. He has been calling me nonstop since but I am not picking up." she explained crying all over again. What I did next surprised me and I pulled her in for a hug

"Look he seems like a total jerk who doesn't deserve you. You don't need to be with him just because he was your first true love. You deserve better and deserve a guy who will treat you like a princess. So don't pick up any of his calls. Show him what he is missing. And trust me it may not seem like it now but tears should not be wasted on him." I said wiping her remaining tears and she laughed

"Thank you. I really needed to hear that right now. And I'm sorry for being so closed off earlier. This whole marriage thing is weird for me as it is for you." she said

"Well I promise to keep trying if you do as well. Deal?" I asked

"Deal." she replied giving me a hug

Drew busted open the door with a smirk on his face.

"Oh no I know that smirk Drew. What is going on?" I asked

"Cmon ladies we are sneaking out. Wear something comfortable." he grinned before running back out the door

"Wait I can't where this out. Can you help me?" she asked. I smiled at her and grabbed her hand and led her into my room. She put on a black cropped top, army green skinny jeans, and white high top converse. We took her hair out from half up half down and let her curls run free.

"There ya go. Looking good." I said laughing making her laugh too


We arrived at this music festival there was about a half hour away. The boys already got themselves a drink but I was confused as to why we are here. I looked up to see Hunter, Avery, Nick, and Chelsea all smirking at me.

"Why the heck are you guys looking at me like that for?" I asked blushing. I always blush when people stare at me for a long time.

"Well tonight is amatuer night where anybody can go up onstage and perform." Nick said to me and than it dawned on me

"Oh no I am not getting up there in front of all those people and singing. It has been way too long." I said shaking my head

"Cmon we even got your old band back together for the night. Caitlyn and Caitlyn are even here backstage." Hunter said leading me backstage with the other following closely behind

"Chase it has been way too long!" Caitlyn who would play violin for me gave me a hug. This Caitlyn has red hair and we call her C, the other Caitlyn my backup singer has brown hair who also gave me a hug.

"You guys all still play together?" I asked shocked

"Yupp we used to play for Taylor Swift. But now that she is pop she decided to branch out more." C replied

"Wow sounds like a lot of fun." I said laughing

"She is a little unsure about playing tonight." Avery told them

"You have nothing to be worried about. Just let loose and have fun. From what I remember you had such a good voice." Caitlyn said smiling

"Besides I am here and I miss seeing you perform." my Mom said smiling at me along with Hunter's mom

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I asked shocked

"This afternoon Hunter told me all about his little plan to get you to come here and sing. He says he can tell you missed it on the trip up here because all you would do is sing. Nobody is saying this has to be a career choice for you but you need to have some fun and take time for yourself. Now is your chance. Good luck out there." she said kissing my fore head before walking away

"Alright lets do this." I said as I followed C and Caitlyn into my dressing room. Avery and Chels followed to help me get dressed. I changed into a gold spaghetti strapped flowy, sparkly dress and knee high black boots. They took my hair out of its ponytail and curled it. They took my makeup off and applied foundation, blush, sparkly eyeshadow, to eyeliner, mascara, and red lip gloss.

"Wow Chase long time no see." a voice said. I turned around to see it was Molly.

"Wow I didn't know you were still playing at these events." I said surprised

"Yeah well I have a agent now so she books me all kinds of gigs. Are you planning on singing tonight?" she asked trying not to laugh

"Yeah I am. I know it has been a while but it is just for fun right?" I asked trying not to start a fight with her. 

"Well for you maybe but I am trying to turn this into a career. I don't need wannabes like you trying to get in my way." she said annoyed

"I see somethings still never change. You know what Molly I will admit I was pissed when you beat me years ago at a competition like this. But I got over it and changed as a person because of it. But you you are still the same slutty lying liar who lies. When are you going to learn to grow up? Life isn't like the movies and you can't always be the mean girl." I said to her rolling my eyes and walking away because I realized she is not worth my time anymore

A couple minutes later they announced my name and I got really nervous. I took a deep breath and thought well here goes nothing.

The song I sang was Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift. It has always been one of my favorites. During the whole performance I felt really good and happy again. It made me realize how much I have missed performing. So many people were cheering, clapping along, singing, and dancing with me. It felt really good. The best part was looking out into the audience and seeing my mom smiling and crying and all my friends looking very proud of me, especially Hunter.

After my performance I quickly changed and exchanged numbers with my old band mates. 

"Honey that was amazing! I am so proud of you." my mom said giving me a hug

"Thanks I can't believe you, Chels, and Avery all put it together." I said shocked

"It was not us. Hunter actually came to us with the idea. You better snatch that boy up fast Chaz before another girl does. I can see the way he looks at you he really loves you. And as much as you two bicker and sass each other. You guys go well together." mom said making me smile. I glanced at Hunter to see him laughing widely at something Jake and Matt were saying.

"What can I say? He brings out the worst in me but weirdly I bring out the best in him. I'll talk to you later." I said smiling at her

"Hey Riley!" I shouted at him

"Whats up Chaz?" he asked smirking at me

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"I love you too." I said leaning in and kissing him. He kissed me with so much love and passion it made my head feel dizzy. We broke apart briefly before he whispered.

"Say it again."

"Hunter Riley I am in love with you sooo much." I said laughing

"Good because I love you too." he said before leaning in and kissing me again


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