Kyra (Completed)

Bởi TheUrbanPrincess

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To think it all started with a broken ankle and a pair of keys... #1 Urban - March 2020 #1UrbanNovel - April... Xem Thêm

Authors Note
Before you begin reading.
11 (short)
Epilogue 1.
Epilogue 2.
New Book!


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Bởi TheUrbanPrincess


We stood there a few minutes waiting for someone to answer the door. I wrapped my arms around Cameron's waist and rested my head against his chest closing my eyes.

The sound of someone unlocking the door caused me to squeeze my eyes shut. The door opened and I let go of Cameron to look at who it was.

I little boy looked up at Cameron and his eyes got big. "Dad, DAD! Cam Johnson is at the door!" He yelled excitedly.

I just stared at his facial features. He was definitely around five or six. He was the same color as me with the same eyes as me. Big and brown. His hair was sandy brown and curly like mine had been when I was younger. He was missing a tooth in the front of his top row of teeth, but it didn't stop him from smiling as big as he could.

He looked like me.

Did that mean I looked like her?

"Can I please get an autograph man?" Cam chuckled and nodded, ruffling his hair. "Sure man."

"Kyrie! What did I tell you about answering the door-"

I looked up and froze in place as I stared at the person in front of me.

"Hi..." I mumbled.

"Hey, how can I help?" He said rubbing the little boy's head who I had Identified as 'Kyrie's' head. I just looked down at him.

He was so oblivious to who I was and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. Even our names were alike. Why did she name him so closely to me? Why did she move to all of this? Why didn't she bother to come back for me? This little boy has everything I've never had from her.

"Uh, my bad. I'm Cam, this is Kyra." We are looking for Lauren?"

He looked at me for a minute and then back down at Kyrie. Then, he glanced back at me again, holding his gaze for a while.

"Are you....?" He trailed off. "Are you her daughter?" He asked.

I nodded and he smiled. "Oh, man. Come in!" He said stepping aside.

We entered the house and looked around. My mother was definitely well off. Her house was classy and clean and all most everything was color coordinated to the fifth degree.

"You know how long I've been trying to get her to come find you?! Im so happy your here! I'm your step father. My name is John." I nodded and sat down on the couch. Cam grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers in mine.

"Boyfriend?" I looked up and Cam and shook my head. "No.."

"Ky!" John shouted.

I heard Kyrie's voice yell out an answer from a distance. "Come here!"

After a few minutes he rounded the corner and sat down on the couch staring at me. "Ky, this is your big sister."

He furrowed his eyebrows becoming confused. "What?"

"This is Kyra.. See, even your names are alike." He nodded.

"I don't get it." We all laughed.

"Where you stay Kyra?"

"Miami." He nodded. "You flew all the way here for this?"

I nodded. "For the most part."

"Wow, was it spur of the moment or planned?"

I bit my lip. "Both?"

"What does that mean?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I had talked about it with Cam but it was spur of the moment to actually fly out here. We didn't know where she lived. We had to track her down."

He nodded. "I get it."

I bit my lip nervously. "So where is she?"

"Yeah, Lauren isn't off work yet. She'll be here any minute though. You should get to know Ky. You two look just alike."

I looked down at him and and smiled making him smile. I patted the seat between me and Chris and he sat down.

"So how old are you?"

"I just turned six!" He said excitedly. "How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-two."

He nodded. "Can I ask you a question Kyra?" I smiled. "Anything.."

"If you're my sister, and you're twenty l-two, why am I just meeting you?"

I opened my mouth to answer but I couldn't. I didn't know the answer. That's what I was trying to figure out myself. Why didn't she find me when she had him? It was unfair to the both of us. As I sat here learning about Kyrie, I realized how alike we were and the things he loved to do, his favorite color, favorite food. His favorite color was orange. I loved how uncommon it was. He was such a cool kid.

The front door opened and Kyrie looked up from the video game him and Cam were playing on the TV. "Mamas home." He mumbled.

I turned around and there she stood. She hadn't noticed me yet and I took the time to examine her. She was my complexion with shoulder length brown hair that was curled elegantly. She was dressed causally but she looked professional in the same sense.

She was beautiful.

"Kyrie? Did you do your homework?"

"Yes, ma." He said never directing his attention. John walked in the room and placed a hand on my shoulder for support.

She looked up to catch me looking at her and froze. We literally held a staring match for five minutes before she spoke. I had caught on to the idea that she had no doubt of who I was. She knew who I was the moment she saw me. "Kyra? Is that you?"

I slowly nodded and she covered her mouth. "You look exactly how I did when I was your age.." She mumbled.

"John, how did you find her?" She asked walking up to me. "I didn't. She found you."

"What made you come?"

I was stuck. I couldn't even answer her. This was the moment I had been waiting for my entire life. I was finally face to face with the other half that created me. This was my mother. This was the woman that didn't want me. This was the woman my father had protected me from. This was her... I was finally in a position to hear her side.

A tear slipped from my eye and I backed up. "Kyra, don't be scared of me. I know this is hard for you. It's hard for me. I never thought I would see you again."

"You didn't want to.." I choked out.

She shook her head no. "I... I thought you would hate me if we ever met. I thought about finding you so many times and I got scared. I didn't want you to hate me, I didn't want you not to love me."

"You didn't love me so why should it matter?"

"I loved you! I just wasn't ready to be a mother.."

"You could have found me!" I cried. Camgot up and walked over to me wrapping his arms around me.

"I always blamed him. I hated him. I thought he pushed you away. I thought he made you not to love me but it was you. You chose all of this over me!" I said waving my hands in the air.

"I was seventeen years old. I had scholarships and a very strict father. I had no choice."

"You were going to abort me! You would have killed me if you could have!" I cried.

"And I'm so happy I didn't make that mistake Kyra! You don't understand. How hard life is for me without you. I always thought about you! Leaving you was the biggest mistake if my entire life."

"Then why didn't you come back for me?"

"It was way too late. I remember seeing you as a baby. You were two or three. Long curly hair and a big smile. It broke my heart. I wanted to pick you up and hold you and I couldn't. I was a stranger. You didn't know me."

I bit my lip and shook my head. "I needed you. I needed you to be there for me."

"And I promise I will be from here on out. I really would ove and appreciate if you got to really know me and your little brother." she said tucking Kyrie in her arms and kissing his cheek. "I want you to be apart of our lives from here on out."

"If you don't want to I'll understand. I just want to get to know you. I want to know all about you. I just can't believe I'm looking at you right now. You're so gorgeous." I chuckled and nodded wiping my face.

She handed me a tissue and smiled. She opened her arms and I looked up and Cam who smiled back down at me. I left his arms and made my way into hers closing my eyes. She smelled like vanilla and this high was something I needed. I needed her.

"Oh, my." She whispered wiping my new tears. "Does he know?"

I shook my head no. "Are you going to tell him?" I nodded. "I don't know if I'm ready."

"Don't be like me... I think you should take a chance. I know you won't regret it because I did." I nodded.

"Mama, I'm hungry." She laughed and nodded. "Great cause I'm cooking Rie."

She gave John and Cam a hug and smiled. "It's so nice to meet you."

"Kyra, would you like to help me cook?" I nodded and followed her into the kitchen passing a smiling Chris.

As we cooked we talked and got to know eachother a little. She was a agent for this huge company and she was highly ranked so she was well known and well paid. She asked me about college and told me how proud she is of me. That maybe I haven't found my path and that I will soon. It made me feel better.

I'd always felt like I wouldn't ever do shit with my life.

"Do you know how far along you are?"

I nodded. "A little over four months."

She stepped away from the pot. "May I?"

I nodded and she lifted my shirt placing her hands over my bludging stomach. She smiled and it made me smile. I can't believe this was happening to me.

"How doesn't he know yet? Your clearly showing."

I bit my lip. "We aren't together. Its a very long story." She placed her hands on her hips. "Talk, now."

"He cheated on me with his ex girlfriend and I left him but I was already pregnant at the time." I said and I slumped down in my chair wiping the tear that slipped. "I was going to tell him, I swear I was."

"Then why haven't you? I know you don't think you can raise a child alone?"

"No, I can't. It's just, what if he doesn't want it? He's with her..."

Lauren gave a look of sympathy and wrapped her arms around me. "If you can't see how much that boy loves you idk what the world has come to. The way he stares at you when your not looking, it's like you're the only one in the room. That's a beautiful thing." I blushed.

"I'll tell him tonight. I'm just so scared. I've been hiding my body with huge shirts and flowly stuff..."

"Everything always works out in the end. Pray about it." She gave me a squeeze before releasing me. "Now, I'll show you how I make my world famous chicken. Rosie taught me." I smiled.

She was close to my grandma....


Kyra's mom was really chill and cool. Kyra was more like her than she realized and that was amazing because they had never met. I hope they build their relationship up. I love my mother and I couldn't function with out her breathing down my back half the time like she does, so I only wish for Kyra to have that same support.

Seeing the smile on her face made me feel some kind of way. I just honestly wanted her happy and I would do whatever it takes to do that. Even if it means me going away. I can't lie and say this trip hasn't given me hope.

I still love her and I want her back..,

Kyra frowned and stood up. "Excuse me." She walked down the hall and I heard the bathroom door close.

I looked up at her mom who was standing up. "I'll be right back." She said going down the hall after.

"So Cam, you ain't play the second half of this season. What's wrong with Davis?" I shrugged. The subject of that nigga just instantly irritated me now. My contract would be up after next year and if he keeps benching me imma be out.

"We'll see next season." He nodded.

"When you came here to play the Clippers, me and Dad went to the game. You gave me a high five!" Kyrie said biting into a chicken wing.

As many fans as I interact with, there was no way I would remember him but I'm happy I made his day that night. That's all that matters.

"Ah, that's wassup lil man. It's fate."

"What's fate?" Kyrie questioned.

I put on my thinking cap as Kyra and Lauren reentered and he smiled. "It's when something is meant to be nomatter what may happen." I said glancing up at Kyra.

She turned away and looked down at her food playing with her fork.

"Cam, you're so good with him." Lauren cooed.

I smiled. "I love kids. Can't wait till I have my own one day. Imma give them the world."

Kyra started coughing and my attention shifted to her and I patted her back.

"Thanks." She said lowly. I nodded.

"Kyra, did you make this macaroni?" John asked. Kyra nodded.

"Well you need to visit more often cause this is good as hell."

"That's what I said! I need her recipe." Lauren added. Kyra smiled nodded. "Thanks."


"Promise to call me, and I will fly down there soon to check on you and stuff okay?" Kyra nodded and gave her mom a hug.

I dapped up John, gave Kyrie a high five and gave Lauren a hug before opening the door for Kyra.

She was quiet on the way back to the hotel. It was still a little awkwardness between us but I knew it was my fault.

"You feel better now?" I asked. "You know, now that you've met her?"

She nodded. "It went different than had expected. I thought I would hate her or she wouldn't want to talk to me but I can't hate her, I love her more than I realize because I've been missing that piece in my life."

"Maybe this is what you needed to move on." She nodded.

"Definitely. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders." I looked at her as she stared out the window. "And Kyrie. I love him so much already.." She said with a cute chuckle.

"He's going to grow up and be an amazing person, I see it. He's so smart and funny. She's doing a good job."

"You feel resentment because of that?" She shrugged. "Don't I have a right to? I didn't get what Ky has, but I'm a grown woman Cam. I have to get over that shit. She can't raise me over again and I think I turned out okay. I could never discredit my dad because he did a damn good job with two little kids."

I nodded. "I'm happy you got to do this for yourself."

I pulled into the parking spot and jogged to open the door for her. We made our way back up to the room and she opened the door. We walked in and she sat her purse down slipping her shoes off. She fell back on the bed and let out a breath. "I love this bed."

I chuckled and sat next to her. "You okay? You look tired."

She nodded. "I am."

She sat up and scooted off of the bed going into her bag. I silently watched her as she slipped her shorts off putting on some sweat pants. When she lifted her shirt over her head, that's when I saw it.


"What Cam?"

"Are you pregnant?" I asked staring at her stomach. It was a stupid question cause she was clearly pregnant.

It explained her bathroom break where Lauren followed her earlier and her being tired and the huge shirts. She was clearly pregnant and she clearly knew. Why wouldn't she tell me. I mean it had be mine right?

"Yeah, Cam.."

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