One Direction mpreg one-shots

By Stypaytomhoranlik

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One Direction mpreg one-shots
Nouis: I wasn't there
Ziam: Beach baby
Narry: Let's hope
Lilo: Troublesome children
Ziall: Valentine's Baby
Larry: Bakery baby
Niam: Now's not a great time
Zouis: High baby
Narry: Our Son
Larry: Clubs and Bakeries
Narry: Not quite the right time
I hate nagging:(
Narry: Military dad
Nouis: Family baby
Larry: Cars
Lirry: Or so we thought
Nouis: A Drunken Mistake
Ziam: Problem children
Nouis: More than we expected
Narry: We had no idea
Larry: That took too long
New Story!
Narry: Really?!
Niam: We're too young
Lilo and Narry: Surprise!
Nouis: At the same time
Ziall: Unfortunately
Larry: First date and a baby
Zarry: 19 and counting
Niam: Finally baby
Wow thanks!!
Lilo/Narry: Easter kids!
Nouis: But I thought....
Zouis: You don't belive me?
Zianourry: You were supposed to help!
Larry: Long time
Niam: This way of living is terrible
Larry: I thought I would be by myself
Ziall: Just hold me
Zianourry: When you're stuck on a bus
Larry: Wedding babies
Ziam: Late
Zianourry requests(very important)
Hey! Feedback?
Zianourry: Bring your daughter to work day
Zianourry: You ignored me!
Hey not an update:(
New Story! Please read!
I'm stuck :(
Zianourry: Tops and bottoms
Zianourry: Cats don't want you to know
I'm the worst updater ever!
Zarry: There's a first for everything
My old story!
Quick little story (funny)
Narry: We missed you Pt. 1
Narry: We've missed you Pt. 2
Narry: We've missed you Pt. 3
Narry: We've missed you Pt. 4
Lilo: Storms
Another story!!!!!
Zianourry: Nouis
Larry: Nialler is born
Larry: Another boy
Niam: YouTube
Zarry: I've found her
Narry: Let me teach you
Lilo: Not giving up
Ziam: Win you back
Ziam: Win you back Pt. 2
Zianourry: Runaway
Lilo/Niam: Meet the Paynes
Lilo/ Niam: Meet the Paynes pt. 2
Nouis: Airplane baby
Nouis: Bus baby (sequel to Airplane Baby)
Larry: I'm here
Ziall: In denial
Ziam: Miscarriages
Narry: FOUR
Zarry: Different
Larry: Football
Nouis: Concert baby
Ziall au: Just keep trying
Larry: Volleyball
Niam: Abandoned
Zarry: Punks and drugs
Ziam: This isn't right
Ziall: Fall for me
Larry: Confirmed
Larry: Foxes
Larry: You cheater!
Larry: School
Larry: Shopping
100th chapter!!!
Another book!!!
Next book!

Lirry: Workout buddy

3.9K 64 2
By Stypaytomhoranlik

"Are you ready, Harry?" Liam asked as Harry came down the stairs with a bag.

"I think so," he said, looking in the bag. "Let's see, sweat rags, weight gloves, tennis shoes... do we need anything else?"

"Water bottles," Liam said.

"I've got those."

"Okay then we're set. Now let's go." Harry followed Liam out the door, locking it behind him. They hopped in the car, taking off soon after.

When they arrived at the gym, Liam took his weight gloves into the weight room to lift and do some conditioning while Harry went to the treadmill.

An hour later, Harry was still running and Liam had moved to weight lifting from push ups, sit ups, etc. however, he was ready for a break.

He went into the room that Harry was in, seeing that he was still running on the treadmill with his headphones in and shirt off. "Aren't you tired, babe?"

Harry took one of his headphones out shook his head. Liam chuckled, taking his phone out. "Smile!"

Harry stuck his tongue out, smiling like a goon. Liam laughed at his husband as he snapped the picture. He posted it on Instagram, captioning it: My workout buddy ❤️💪🏼.

Harry turned off the treadmill, walking off. He took his headphones out, shoving them in his pocket. "How was weight lifting and conditioning?"

"It was great. My abs are already a bit sore since its been a while since I've conditioned, but I'm good otherwise. How was your run?"

"It was great. I'm a bit tired tonight. It's just because of all the stuff I did today though."

"Yeah. Let's go get some water." Liam took Harry's hand, then walking back to the weight room. Liam took out his water while Harry continued to search for his.

"Dang it. I left mine at home."

"Here." Liam handed Harry his water bottle.

"It's okay, Li. I'll just go drink from the water fountain."

"Don't be stupid, Harry. Just use mine."

"I hate and love you so much right now." Harry kissed Liam before drinking.

"Want to go get some dinner?"

"I'd love to." Liam grabbed the bag, taking Harry's hand. Harry draped Liam sweat rag across Liam's shoulders before doing the same with his, then both leaving their shirts off.

*~After dinner~*

"That dinner was so good!" Harry said as they got into their car.

"It was good," Liam agreed. "Time to go home and watch a movie and sleep."

"Sounds amazing."

*~Back at home~*

"Toy Story or Titanic?" Liam asked, holding up the two movie containers. Harry chuckled at his husband's choices. "What's so funny?"

"It's so cute how you choose a kid movie or a romantic movie that kids shouldn't see."

"Yeah yeah. Which one?"

"Mmmm, Toy Story." Liam looked at him strangely. "Titanic?"

"Better." Liam popped in the movie and sat on the couch. Harry cuddled up next to Liam, laying his head on Liam's shoulder.

"You know, I think this is first time you've ever denied Toy Story," Harry said.

Liam shrugged. "Eh. I just wanted to watch a more romantic movie with my husband."

"Toy Story is pretty romantic."

"Not as much as Titanic."

"Whatever you say, Woody."

"Now watch the movie, Jessie."

"What? Why am I Jessie?" Harry pouted.

"Would you rather be Buzz Lightyear? That wouldn't make any sense though because Woody and Buzz don't make out and have sex."

"How do you know if Woody and Jessie do?" Harry tested.

"I don't but it seems more realistic than Woody and Buzz."

"Okay fine. I'm Jessie." Harry rolled his eyes and laid against Liam again. "I love you."

"I love you too."

During the make out scene in the movie, Harry and Liam of course had to do it too.

What they thought would be an innocent make out, ended up being rolling around on the floor, clothes off, and love, love, love.

Afterwards, they laid on the floor, panting, small blanket covering their bare bodies. "That was the best one we've had in a while."

"Round two?" Liam asked. Harry nodded. They threw the blanket off, running up to the bedroom.

*~The following morning~*

Harry woke up, feeling a light wave of nausea. It went away quickly though.

He got out of bed, slipping on a pair of boxers. He left the room quietly, letting Liam sleep. He headed downstair to make breakfast.

He looked and saw the telly was still on so he out in Toy Story so he could watch it while making breakfast.

He went into the kitchen getting out all materials and ingredients to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

*~30 minutes later~*

Liam came down the stairs, seeing that Toy Story was on. He looked into the kitchen to see Harry making some breakfast.

"Morning, Liam! How'd you sleep?" Harry asked. Liam walked to the kitchen, saying good morning to his husband.

"I slept amazing thanks to last night." He kissed Harry, tasting chocolate. "Why do you taste like chocolate?"

"I've been eating a couple of these." He picked up a bag of chocolate chips. "I'm putting them in our pancakes and I just ate a few."

"A few?" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"Yes I only ate a few!"

"Mhm okay." Liam began walking out to the living room but stopped when he was hit with something in the back. He turned around to see Harry with flour in his hands, laughing. "Did you just-"

He went over to the bag of flour, throwing a handful at Harry. Harry gasped, taking another handful and throwing it at Liam.

Liam took a huge handful, going over to Harry and rubbing it in and around his long hair. "Liam!"

"What?" Liam laughed.

"C'mon, now I have to clean my hair." He pouted, trying to get Liam's attention. Liam realised what he had done.

"Oh Harry, I'm sorry I didn't know you didn't want that."

"Can I get you back?"

"Of course." Harry smiled as Liam stood back. "Oh no."

Harry began shaking his head, his hair flipping everywhere and flour pouring out and onto Liam.

"Okay okay okay! I'm sorry!" Liam said, surrendering.

Harry stopped, running a hand through his hair. "Oh the perks of long hair."

*~A few weeks later~*

"Liam!" Harry called as he threw up again. Liam came running in, sitting next to Harry.

"That's it. Just let it out." Harry leaned back onto Liam, beginning to cry.

"It hurts," he said, his voice raspy.

"I know. I know. But I got you something." Liam pulled out something from behind him. It was a plastic bag. Harry looked inside.

Pregnancy tests. He took a box out and looked at Liam. Liam shrugged. "Just to make sure."

Harry unexpectedly wrapped Liam in a hug. "I love you, Li."

"I love you too, Hazz."

Harry took the tests, soon emerging from the bathroom. Liam sat in the bed, head in his hands. He looked up when Harry walked out. "What do they say?"


"All of them?"

"All of them." Liam couldn't help himself from smiling. He wrapped Harry in a giant hug, which took Harry back a bit.

When they pulled apart, Liam said, "We're having baby, babe!"

"I know!" Liam took one of the tests, putting it on the counter and snapping a picture. He posted it on Instagram captioning it: We're expecting!🙉❤️💞👶🏼

*~A few months later~*

"Did you want to find out the gender of your baby today?" The doctor asked.

Harry looked at Liam, them both shaking their heads. "We'd like it to be a surprise."

"Okay. Well your baby looks great." She printed out some pictures. Harry and Liam checked out, going straight home.

"So we need names..." Liam started. "I have an idea for a girl."

"Spill!" Harry said.

"Leah Marie Payne. I've always said if I ever I ever had a daughter I would name her that."

"It's beautiful. I have an idea for a boy," Harry said.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Grayson James Payne."

"Awe I love it. It has two of my names in it."

"Yep it does."

"I love you and this little one so much."

"We love you too."

*~1 month later~* (6 months pregnant)

"Liam," Harry whined. "I'm so fat! I've lost the body that I've worked so hard for."

"You're not fat, Hazz. You're carrying out little miracle. I know it's probably frustrating that it's not there anymore but we'll have our little one soon and you can start working out again."

"Yeah you're right."

"You love the baby right?"

"Unconditionally. I love this baby so much. I would do anything for it." Harry's hormones began acting up, making him cry. Liam wrapped him in a hug.

"Me too."

Harry ran upstairs, going into the bathroom. He lifted up his shirt, looking at his belly. He had always kept up with putting stretch mark cream on his belly so his stretch marks weren't too clear.

He took out his phone, snapping a picture of his big belly. He put it on Instagram, captioning it: Little one isn't so little anymore ❤️🙉🙊👶🏼💙💚💘😘 Love you, baby

*~Months later~* (8 months pregnant)

Harry walked around the gym, looking at everything. He had agreed to go with
Liam so could work out.

Eventually, his feet started to hurt so he sat in a chair, watching Liam lift weights. Liam saw that Harry was watching and stopped to go over to him.

He got down on his knees, kissing Harry's huge belly. "Tired, babe?"

"I know I shouldn't be, but just walking around tires me out." He rubbed his hands over his belly, earning several kicks from the baby.

"Let's go home. We can take a nap, watch a movie, anything you want."


*~1 month later~*

"You've got this love, our baby's almost here," Liam encouraged, holding his husband's hand.

Harry pushed again, crying out in the process. "That's it. Keep pushing. Your baby's almost here!"

Harry kept pushing. He fell back on the bed as all the pain disappeared and his baby was lifted onto his chest. "It's a girl!"

"A girl! We have a daughter, babe," Liam said, looking at the baby on Harry's chest.

"Yes we do. Hello little one."

"Leah Marie Payne."

A few hours, Leah slept away in the incubator while Harry caught up on sleep. Liam took a million pictures of the baby, cooing over her constantly.

He posted one of the better pictures on Instagram. He captioned it: Leah Marie Payne born August 5th, 2015 3:09am, 7lbs, 3oz. Our beautiful baby girl is here 💘

*~A few months later~* (Leah is 4 months old)

Liam walked into the small workout room in their house after a long day of work, seeing Harry working out and Leah sitting happily in a little play seat.

Harry saw Liam walk in so he stopped, going to give him a sweaty hug and kiss, which Liam didn't mind.

"How long have you two been in here?" Liam asked, sitting down in front of Leah and taking her out of her seat. "Oh my god I love her outfit!"

She wore a bright pink exercise shirt that had the Champion logo on it. She also wore small exercise shorts that were pink with white stripes down the side. She had a pink sweat band on her right wrist and pink and purple tennis shoes. 

"Isn't it? She let me put that on her so I went all out. And we've only been in here about an hour. She wouldn't take a nap today so I just let her come in here with me. Now she's my little workout buddy." Harry wiped away his sweat with a towel before sitting on the floor with his daughter and husband.

"Well maybe she'll sleep well tonight for daddies."


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~REQUESTS OPEN~ you heard right bitch theyre open theres an allies gc in here that evolves into most of the main gang