Larry: Cars

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Request made by sweetrebelfromhell! Thank for your request!

"You sure you're comfortable?" Louis asked for the millionth time that morning.

"Yes, Louis. Please quit asking. I'm fine," Harry assured.

"Okay. And you'll let me know if you feel anything, right?"

"Yes! Now be quiet. I'm watching my show." Harry put a finger to his lips and shushed Louis. Louis rolled his eyes before pulling Harry's head into his lap. The two happily fell asleep that way.

Harry shot up from Louis' lap suddenly. Louis shook awake. He saw that Harry was holding his stomach with a scrunched up face.

"Are the girls coming?!" He asked his crying husband.

"I think so. My stomach just all of a sudden clenched up and it really hurts," he whined. "But my water didn't break yet."

"I don't care. We're going to the hospital. Now." He helped Harry waddle to the car slowly, but surely.

Harry sat in the passenger seat, trying his hardest not to curse out Louis.

About a minute into the drive, Harry was in the middle of a contraction when his water broke. "Louis."

"Yes, Harry?"

"My water just broke."

"Seriously? Okay I'm going to hurry up a bit."

"Louis, please pull over," Harry pleaded.

"Just hang in there, love. We'll get there eventually," Louis said convincingly.

"No pull over! Her head is coming out!" He cried.

"It just feels like that. We'll get to the hospital on time. I know it."

"Oh fuck this," Harry grunted. He unbuckled and pulled his trousers down. He put his hand where he thought he felt one of his little girls' head.

Sure enough, he felt her while head already out. "Louis! Please!"

"Where is she? Is she sitting in between your hips?" Louis asked. He put his free hand on Harry's back.

"No! Her head is already out! PULL OVER!" He yelled.

"I'm trying to find a place to pull off. Just wait."

"I'M NOT WAITING! HER BODY IS ALREADY COMING OUT!" He screamed. He pushed one last time. He body fell into Harry's waiting arms. He brought her up to his chest as she let out her first cry.

"Here we go," Louis said as he pulled off to the side of the road. As soon as he car was parked, Louis jumped out of his seat and ran over to Harry's side.

He pulled off his jacket and wrapped the little baby in Harry's arms. He began searching the car for scissors to cut her cord.

He finally found some medical scissors in the first aid kit in the back. He carefully cut his daughters cord. She cried louder.

Harry handed her to Louis because he thought he felt a contraction. Louis wrapped her in her baby blanket that was sitting in the back seat. He carefully placed her in her car seat, just as a place to put her while her sister was being born.

Harry sat on the floor of the passenger side. Louis spread his legs and told him to push when he felt a contraction. Sure enough, he began pushing. Louis said encouraging things as Harry pushed her head out.

He took several breaths before pushing again. He freed one shoulder before taking a breath then pushing again. He freed the other shoulder. He gave one last push, letting the baby land in Louis' arms.

Louis handed her to Harry. She didn't cry. Harry stared at her, seeing if she would take a breath. Nothing. The couple watched in horror as their daughter was dying in Harry's arms.

Harry couldn't take it. He broke down in tears as he held her for the first and last time. Louis took her from Harry and put her in the other car seat.

A few moments later, an ambulance pulled up behind their parked car. Out came a few paramedics. Harry answered questions while Louis helped his daughters into the ambulance.

Harry and Louis sat in the back with the girls and a few paramedics while they performed medical things for the newborns.

Harry sobbed the entire way to the hospital. Louis wanted to cry super bad but he knew he had to stay strong. For him. For Harry. For his daughter.

Harry laid in the hospital bed, holding his little girl. A doctor came in with a clipboard.

"I've brought some terrible news. We were unable to save your daughter. I'm very sorry. There's nothing we could do," he said.

"What? No...." Harry whispered. He broke down. He brought the baby in his arms up to his face. He hugged her tight. "Baby..."

Then another doctor came in. "Why did you just tell them that? Their baby's fine. Got out of here. You don't know what you're talking about."

Harry and Louis watched in confusion. "Excuse him. He's new. He's a trickster and he said that to trick you. Your daughter is alive. However, she's very fragile and has a small breathing problem. She will grow out of it though."

Louis and Harry sighed in relief. A nurse brought in a little pink bundle. She handed her to Louis who held her so carefully. "Congrats, boys."

"Thank you. So much," Louis said. The doctor left and Harry and Louis shared a long passionate kiss.

"Penny Sasha and Emma Amber Tomlinson," Harry said.

"Our girls."


Penny Sasha Tomlinson
November 12th, 2014
4:56 pm

Emma Amber Tomlinson
November 12th, 2014
5:02 pm
5lbs 10oz

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