Mysterious Konoha (Naruto Fan...

By angel19102003

1.4K 78 18

a mysterious girl who refuses to give anyone her identity comes to Konoha, she joins team 7 in their adventur... More

Hi Konoha
The Academy
not a story part but important
The test about ........................getting bells
I got tagged so yeah....

the C ranked mission

94 6 0
By angel19102003

(Crystals p.o.v)

I forgot to say I don't own Naruto, only crystal and her plotline.

"What are your positions?" Kakashi's voice rang through the headset.

"Sasuke point A." I then heard Sasuke's voice.

"Sakura point B." Sakura's voice replaced Sasuke's,

"Naruto point D, I'm ready just tell me when to go!" Naruto's voice rang in my ears, irking me.

"Naruto your slow." Kakashi replied. "Crystal what's your position?" I didn't answer, "Crystal, CRYSTAL!" I sighed irritated.

"On the ground with the target on my lap." I said boredly, not being able to conceal all of my irritation, they were looking for Tora and they couldn't they see him sitting on my lap? Are they blind or something? When I said that they all jumped down from their hiding spots in the trees. Naruto immediately snatched Tora from my arms. Tora started to scratch Naruto's face, I gently took Tora back and he calmed down.

"Target captured." Kakashi said.

"Can't we get a better mission than this, ugh, I HATE cats?!" Naruto whined.

'Well,' I thought, 'If you hadn't snatched him from me he wouldn't of scratched you.' We walked to the Hokage's office, Tora in my arms purring.

When we got there, though, the client snatched Tora out of my arms and started to hug him to death.

"Oh my sweet dear Tora, mummy missed you, yes she did." The lady said, still crushing Tora.

"Haha the cat deserves it." Naruto said, a smug smile on his face.

'No one deserves that Naruto, no one.' I thought.

"So for Team Sevens next mission," the Hokage said. "You could babysit the daimyo's so-"

"NO NO NO!" Naruto yelled crossing his arms in a X shape. "I want a real mission, not these stupid chores!"

"For one," I spoke up surprising everybody. "I agree with Naruto." I could see the look of agreement on all their faces.

"It seems that you don't understand the purpose of me giving you on these easy, D-ranked missions." The hokage said and then started to give us a lecture but I tuned him out.

"Well yesterday I had miso ramen and I'm thinking chicken today-"

"QUIET!" The Hokage yelled.

"Old man you always lecture me like I'm some little kid, but I'm not that kid that used to pull pranks anymore, I'm a ninja."

"NARUTO!" Iruka yelled. "You can't do the harder missions just yet, your just a genin. The lowest rank of ninja." Naruto deflated at that.  "You need to start on the easier mission to gain experience and work your way up."

"But we're not gaining any experience on these missions, at all." I thought.

"I don't mean to intrude Iruka-sensei but we're not gaining any experience in the fighting department. Yeah, we may be improving our tracking but that won't help us when fighting an actual ninja or bandit." I spoke up surprising most of the people there.

"Crystal does hold a valid point." Sasuke said wanting a better mission as well.

"Very well then I shall give you a C ranked escort mission." The Hokage gave in to us.

"Yessssss, who are we guarding, a princess, a feudal lord!" Naruto yelled bouncing around all excited. The Hokage laughed.

"Send him in." He yelled. That's when the stink of sake hit my nose. A old man walked in a few seconds after.

"My name is Tazuna, master bridge builder and- wait I thought I ordered ninja, these are just snot nosed brats, especially the short one with a stupid look on his face. Do you expect me to believe he's a ninja? And what about that emotionless princess she looks like she wouldn't be able look after herself, let alone me and her team, I suggest we leave her here, she will only get in the way. I doubt she has been trained properly either." He said with a stuck up look on his face. I did nothing, but inside I was struggling to keep my emotions in check. I was also making sure not to let any of my internal struggle leak onto my face. All I heard was pack and meet at the gate in an hour.

I went home and sealed my clothes into a sealing scroll of my own design, then I went downstairs and sealed some food, money and matches in another. Who knows when you'll have to light a fire in the forest. Again, I grabbed a scroll and sealed all my weapons in it including my father's old scythe, my mother's twin katanas and my huge blade.
Before I sealed my blade I used my chakra to shrink it to a more reasonable size, you may think I'm over packing for a C ranked mission but still, you'll never know.

Running to the gate, I made sure none of my hair was showing there was a slight slip up at the academy but that's not going to happen again.

When I got to the gate, nobody was there but Sasuke and Sakura. They both glared at me for being later than them but hey, I was still in the time limit so technically I wasn't late.

"Where's your stuff?" Sakura said with a sneer.

I just gave her a blank look and then patted my extra weapons pouch. (She has one weapons pouch on her right hip but she has another on her left hip and that's where she put all the scrolls she sealed things in).

"Hn. As if you could fit two weeks worth of stuff in that tiny kunai pouch. Baka, you probably only packed enough for less than a day. Go back home and pack more we can't have weak link on this team can we." Sasuke spoke up.

"Oh Sasuke-kun, your so cool." Sakura squealed.

"Oy, guys I'm here. Don't leave without me." Naruto said (yes he didn't yell the world's ending.)


"Don't worry Naruto." I said, and to my suprise, I shot a glare in Sakura's direction. "Kakashi isn't here yet do your not late."

"Don't you mean Kakashi-sensei." Sakura said trying to be smart and impress her Sasuke-kun. I rolled my eyes.

"No I'm pretty sure I know what I mean." I reply.

"Yeah Crystal, why don't you ever call me Kakashi-sensei?" Kakashi questioned, appearing out of thin air.

"Because you haven't earned my respect." I say simply. He raised an eyebrow at me in silent question. I merely blinked at him.

"Okay, now that we're all here we can head out." Kakashi said.

Tazuna, feeling the need to butt in yelled. "Now take me home."

I glared at him. He shivered in fright, feeling the glare on his back.

~okay again I'm feeling lazy so time skip to the puddle~

Looking around from the corner of my eye, I noticed a puddle. 'But it hasn't rained in weeks.' I thought with suspicion. I saw Kakashi look at me from the corner of his eye with a look that clearly said not to do anything. I reluctantly obliged. Quick as a flash, two chains wrapped around Kakashi an ripped him to shreads. 'Wait, where's the blood?' I thought to myself. Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I saw two ninja's, 'the demon brothers' came into my head, okay then the demon brothers, going to attack Naruto. I jumped in front of him and defended him, whacking the chain away with a kunai. I glanced back. Luckily he only got a scratch. Kakashi decided then was the right moment to stop hiding and knocked out the demon brothers.

"Are you okay, scaredy cat?" Sasuke sneered.

"I'm fine." Naruto answered with a glare, surprising everyone because he didn't yell and seemed calm. Then he stabbed his hand with the cut on it.

"There, now we can continue." Stated Naruto as if it's normal to stab yourself in the hand.

Time skip

As we got on the boat I looked at Naruto suspiciously, he was acting normal so everyone forgot about what happened earlier, everyone except me. I've been suspicious for a while now, Naruto isn't as dumb as he lets on. If you look closely you can see he has a cold calculating gaze hidden under his happy personality. Also, how can a dead last genin do the shadow clone jutsu, a kage level justu and create more than the average jonin, even a high level jonin can't make that many shadow clones. I glare at him from the corner of my eye. This is going to be a long trip.


Okay, I apologise for not updating but I have been thinking and have finally realised where I want this book to go and how I want it to develop. I want to write the whole story and once I have 10-15 more chapters I'll start updating regularly and I can work on (and publish) my other books. I'll be going back and changing most of the previous chapters, making them longer, checking grammar and punctuation. Also editing them to fit the story line and plot I've got in mind. Also edit it so you can learn a bit more about Crystal as a person. I also want to make it so who I've decided she'll end up with will make sense and it won't seem rushed. I appreciate of you  don't agree. Also I might need some oc's in the future so might ask for some of them. My apologies for not updating earlier,


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