Dark Rides

By weareallfallingstars

102K 4.4K 131

Sky's parents love her, but how they get money, what their jobs are. It's off limits, you don't talk about it... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Three

Chapter Twenty-Two

2.2K 118 1
By weareallfallingstars


Of course he brought a gun. Why wouldn't he? But he didn't bring a gang of angry bikers, I did. And they all had guns.



That had always been my way of keeping sane, and now that he was back. I needed to stay sane again.

"Am I supposed to be threatened by that little gun?" my voice was cold and hard. I looked him up and down, "then again everything about you was always 'little'." I knew that he was pissed off, that was the goal.

I turned and flashed my light blue eyes to the back corner where Ash sat his dark brown hair annoyingly perfect and brown/black eyes watching everything with a small smile on his face. He caught my eyes and winked, before he motioned with his eyes behind me. George was directly behind my body.

I spun and stopped walking, I didn't want to get stuck against the table. When I had stopped walking it caused him to run into my leg that had accidentally been put forward.

I didn't want his grimy hands actually running into me

Still smirking I spit out, "Gonna do something daddy? Or are you just going to stare at me like the pervert you are?"

He grabbed my hair and pulled me by the dark brown locks from the restaurant. When we got outside he looked disgustingly at the handful of hair he held in his fist, "Did you dye my hair? Sweet girl. You know better than that."

"My hair is mine to dye, and because of that I might just get a full fucking head of blue."

That sentence earned me a blow to the face. Blood ran down my face from my mouth because of the hit, it was all over my chin. "That all you got George? You seem to be getting weaker, was jail-"

My taunting sentence was meet with a kick to my stomach, "Fight back and I'll kill your pretty blond friend. What was her name? Sky? She's such a pretty little thing, so young. Also, you know not to call me George, it's daddy to you." he banged my head into a nearby wall and my blurred vision saw Brody behind the ally wall, ready to pounce.

I shook my head at him and right as the darkness toke over said, "You'll never have her."


I had woken up at some point in the car ride and checked to make sure my necklace was still intact., it was. Some man with blond hair was dragging me towards a door at the end of a long, brick hallway.

How did George get this good of a hideout?

He's a drunk, who beats kids. Not a gang leader or some other shit.


When we entered the room I saw Sky sitting next to the last person I had expected.



The door had been opened by a beautiful girl who looked around eighteen with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Ok, seriously. It's like Shawn, Andi, and this girl all came from the same womb or something. Although Andi had darker hair and lighter eyes, so maybe not.

(She's thinking back to when they first meet.)

"AHHHH." she ran up to me and put her arms around me, hugging me tight. I stiffened and patted her back. Did know her?

"Hi?" I squeezed out, being smashed by her hug.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Shawn probably didn't tell you about me! Stupid boy! I hope I didn't freak you out to much! I know about your seizures," she dropped her voice when she said seizures, probably wondering if our captives knew. I knew she was taken to because she had a black eye and bruised cheek.

"How do you know Shawn...?" I asked, already guessing the answer. He'd told me he had a sister but...

"I'm his twin. The idiot didn't tell you! He's always doing that, mean boy." she sighed and hugged me again, "It's horrible we have to meet like this but I don't know if Shawn would actually let us meet without being forced so it works out!"

I laughed under my breath at how hyper and full of energy she was. I think we'll be good friends.

"And he might not have told you since I'm going backpacking in Europe and Australia and Africa and everywhere else for a year or two... I already have seen all fifty states so. I gotta see all the countries right!"

I just stared at her, I was a genius but that was impressive even to me.

She saw my shocked face and clarified, "I already graduated college, I did this year at nineteen and in Africa I'll be helping out some clinics."

"Oh, I'm in pre med! I'm sixteen, but am hoping to graduate by nineteen at the latest, if all of this doesn't get in the way." I had been continuing studying but it was hard when you couldn't go to any classes.

"YES!! My twins girlfriend is just like me!!" she was screeching now, leaving me shocked, "When I get back we have to plan something and I'll give you my number when this is all over."

For a minute I'd forgotten that I was trapped. Dang.

"Wait, what's you name?"


(They are back in the present.)

Sam and I where talking about our favorite movies when Andi was thrown into the room by the same blond man Sam and I had been tossed in by.

"Andi!!" I jumped up and hugged her, then remembering she wasn't supposed to be here, I smacked the back of her shoulder lightly. "Bloody Idiot." I muttered, saying what Shawn always said to me when I did something weird.

"HEY, my brother says that!"

"Yeah I know.. He always says it to me and I picked it up." I responded to the always hyper girl.

Andi looked at her, "Hi, I'm Andi. Who are you?"

Sam looked at her, "Oh! Your Andi, that's so cool! I've heard a lot about you, I'm Sam. Shawn's twin sister."

"He has a twin?!" Andi looked completely shocked, "Wow."

I hugged her again and she sat down, I followed and Sam sat next to me, all f us leaning against the wall.

"So what now?" Sam said, we each had at least one black eye and Andi had blood on the back of her neck, and a split lip. Sam still had a bruised cheek and I knew there was bruising all over her stomach and back. Along with mine.


Andi reached up and grabbed a silver necklace that I'd never seen before in her jewelry, it had a thick silver chain and a charm at the bottom. She looked down at it and tapped the button I had just noticed.



I had pushed the panic button, not seeing the point in waiting for it to break, or be taken away, or for us to be separated.

Then I saw George open the thick door. Shit. This can't be good.

He reached over and grabbed my arm, I ripped off the necklace and threw it at Sky at the last second. "Keep this on you." I screamed at her.

I saw her reach up and put it around her neck as I was pulled from the room, we went down some stairs and wound up in a cellar like area. It was musty and smelled disgusting.

"Open that door bitch." George said in my ear.

Andi- 1


I opened a wooden door that was set deep in the ground and I was pushed into it from behind. When I landed my hands and knees met cold dirt. "Stay on all fours bitch," I stood back up just to have someone kick me in the stomach, the lack of air made me fall to my knees.



Why was everyone calling me bitch? I'm not that bad. I went to stand again and someone's hand grabbed my hair, yanking it back down so I had to follow. "All fours." my unknown attacker said, "Where you belong."

A gunshot went off behind me and I jerked my body back into a wall. The man who had been holding my hair was now dead and Brody was standing outside the hole me and four men along with George were in.

I forgot all about the score.

"Who's next?" I almost cried when I heard his voice, thank god he was here.

The four men left ran down the hallway I was most likely going to be pulled down. George screamed after them "YOU TRAITORS, CAN'T HOLD YOUR GROUND."

"Actually," Brody was speaking now, "Your the weak one here, taking a sixteen girl to get the twenty-one year old girl you want, who by the way is your daughter, that's weak."

Brody aimed his gun and right before he shot I saw George take out his gun, "NO." I screamed trying to push George off balance, but it was to late. Brody shot, and so did George. George fell to the ground with a perfect bullet hole in his forehead, then I looked up and saw Brody had also fallen.

I almost passed out right there.

I was pulled out of the hole by Michael and ran up to Brody's unmoving body just as Shawn burst in holding a shaking Sky, Followed by Gabe, Sam, and Wes.

Shawn saw Brody and handed Sky to Gabe kissing her forehead, then he started looking for where the bullet could have gone into his brother.


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