The 100 | Reviews

Autorstwa _thewritersdiary_

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These are reviews that I wrote based off of the CW's TV series, "The 100". Inside I talk about the characters... Więcej

The Premise
Characters and Their Development
My Ships
Other Relationships
My Favourite Scenes/Quote: Part 2
The Actors
My Complaints
My Hopes
My Fears
My Questions
Do I recommend?
BONUS CHAPTER: "The 100" Book to Show
Scars (A Fanfiction for "The 100")

My Favourite Scenes/Quotes: Part 1

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Autorstwa _thewritersdiary_

When I watched "The 100" the second time, I made notes on my favourite scenes and quotes that I would like to share. I'll explain briefly what I like so much about them as well. By my favourites, I really mean scenes and quotes that I liked, which is a lot, so bare with me. You might be doing a lot of reading. So you know, the quotes are in quotations (obviously) and a description of the scene is in italics. 

1. Season 1, Episode 1

Abby is arrested for using more than she was allowed by law to save the chancellor. Kane reasons that he is just trying to keep the people of the Ark alive.

"That's the difference between us, Kane. I choose to make sure we deserve to stay alive." - Abby to Kane

I like this scene and quote from Abby because it really shows the two different ways that Abby and Kane want to lead. I also like it because it encourages people to always do the right thing and continue to make sure that they deserve everything they get.

2. Season 1, Episode 1

"This job requires more than simply following the law. It requires knowing when not to." - Jaha to Kane

This quote I like because it touches on the idea that always following the things that you are told doesn't make it right and it doesn't always make you a better person. You have to use logic and judge whether things will be for the better if you do or do not follow through on something.

3. Season 1, Episode 2

Bellamy catching Clarke when she falls through the ground when they go to help Jasper.

This particular moment is one of my favourites because at this point in time Clarke and Bellamy are "enemies" and you could see in Clarke's eyes that she was afraid he was going to drop her, but Bellamy never took his gaze off of hers and you could tell it hadn't even crossed his mind to let her go. Up until this point, Bellamy had seemed antagonistic, but that is the first moment you realize that no matter what he does or says, he isn't a killer.

4. Season 1, Episode 3

"I think that whatever happened up there -- you know, the pain . . . Maybe we can move past that now. Maybe being on the ground is our second chance." - Clarke to Charlotte

I like this because it suggests a clean slate and that all of the terrible things everyone on the Ark had done couldn't touch them any more down on Earth. Every single criminal had the opportunity to right their mistakes and start over.

5. Season 1, Episode 3

Charlotte has a nightmare while her and Bellamy wait out the acid fog and Bellamy comforts her.

Bellamy: "When you feel afraid, you hold that knife and say, 'Screw you. I'm not afraid'".

Charlotte repeats what Bellamy said.

Bellamy: "Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep."

I always thought that Bellamy looked at Charlotte like she was Octavia. You find out later that this quote is the same thing his mother used to tell Octavia. This is another scene that humanizes Bellamy even more. I also think he sympathized with Charlotte on a personal level because of what happened to his mother and he'd probably repeated the exact same line to himself on countless occasions.

6. Season 1, Episode 3

Wells, Clarke, and Finn get trapped in an old bunker when the acid fog comes. Finn finds alcohol and Clarke confronts Wells on what he did to her father while she's drunk.

This scene was full of tension and it was the first time that Clarke really openly confronted Wells on what she thought he did. It was also so heartbreaking how Clarke said it because, in her drunkenness she didn't hold anything back and said exactly what she'd been holding inside of her. This was the first time Clarke really let her guard down and I believe it was a key moment in her character development.

7. Season 1, Episode 3

After Atom is dying from the acid fog, Clarke mercy-kills him so it's quick.

I love this scene because it represents Clarke's strength so perfectly. I think it's also the first time Bellamy starts to respect her. He thought she was just a princess but in that moment, I think he saw that she was something more than that. This was another time that demonstrated Bellamy wasn't a killer. He couldn't bring himself to kill Atom.

8. Season 1, Episode 3

Jasper wakes up from his coma after being rescued and is delirious from the antibiotics. 

I like this scene if only because it was funny. Jasper was obviously acting a little strange because of the drugs they used to help him recover. Also, Monty's delight at seeing him awake is enough to make anyone happy.

9. Season 1, Episode 4

Murphy being hanged for "killing Wells".

Clarke: "I saw you in the woods with Atom -- I know you're not a killer! Bellamy, don't do this. Don't do this!"

Clarke continues to plead with Bellamy, but he ignores her, pushing the box out from under Murphy's feet, choking him. Clarke sees this and pushes him.

Bellamy: "This is on you, princess. You should've kept your mouth shut!"

In this scene a lot of things were going on. It was one of the first times real chaos broke loose among the campers. It showed just how far Bellamy was willing to go to in order to prove himself as being a leader, even if he didn't agree with what he was expected to do.

10. Season 1, Episode 4

Bellamy, Finn, and Clarke all team up to protect Charlotte from Murphy. Later, when Charlotte tries to turn herself in, Bellamy catches her, at which she tells him to let her go.

"I'm not leaving you." - Bellamy to Charlotte

I love this line from Bellamy in all of it's simplicity because of what it means. I got the feeling that he felt as though he had failed Octavia and he didn't want to fail anyone else again. 

11. Season 1, Episode 4

Kane visits Nigel to question her and encounters his mother, who he ignores.

I like this scene because it's the first time you discover anything about Kane's family life and it shows his current relationship with his mother. I thought that it was sort of sad to see how much his mother cared about his son and she seemed so hopeful, but he completely blew her off.

12. Season 1, Episode 4

Charlotte jumps over the cliff and Clarke stops Bellamy from killing Murphy. She suggests they create rules and a partnership of sorts starts.

"We don't decide who lives and dies. Not down here." - Clarke to Bellamy

There is a moment in this scene where Bellamy asks Clarke who gets to make the rules and she tells him, "we do". This is the first apparent moment that Clarke and Bellamy start working as a team. Bellamy accepts Clarke's strength and she realizes that he is an important part of keeping everyone alive. I also like the quote I included because it reminds the audience (and the characters) that they have to stay human or nothing will ever work out like it should.

13. Season 1, Episode 5

Octavia stops Bellamy on his way to retrieve the radio from Raven. The truth about what Bellamy did to get to the ground comes out. 

The scene is perfection because I think it says a lot about both Bellamy and Octavia's characters. Bellamy was willing to do anything in order to save his sister and, despite all of the terrible injustices towards her and her family, Octavia still would never wish for what Bellamy did to protect her.  

14. Season 1, Episode 5

After Bellamy gets rid of the radio, he is confronted by Clarke, Finn, and Raven. After some discussion, they discover that he destroyed it and why. Raven informs him that the chancellor is still alive.

"Bellamy, don't you see what this means? You're not a murderer. You always did what you had to do to protect your sister -- that's who you are." - Clarke to Bellamy

Bellamy's face when Raven tells him that Jaha wasn't dead was priceless. You could just tell that he felt relief and regret all at once. Relief that he wasn't a killer and regret that he got rid of the radio before he could help. I like it for a different reason. Clarke was the one that reassured him and she definitely saw the good in him. She understood that his guilt was killing him and recognized what he was really trying to do -- protect his sister. And to me, that's the important thing when it comes to Bellamy. He isn't just a cold-blooded murderer. He has a heavy body-count but he never wanted to do the things he did.

15. Season 1, Episode 5

The council looking at all of the bodies of the people they sacrificed to preserve oxygen.

This scene breaks my heart every time. The look on their faces is so sad and I have to praise the creation of the scene because I cried the first time I saw it and every time after. It revealed the humanity in even the cruellest leaders. Their guilt was displayed clearly on their faces. It was especially heartbreaking when Abby and Jaha saw the flares, proving that the ground was safe after all those 320 sacrifices went in vain. Abby holding the purple barrette of the father's little girl especially got to me because it was so tragic. That girl would live the rest of her life without her father. 

16. Season 1, Episode 5

The 100 observe the flares in the sky to show that they are still there and to save the 300 preparing to die.

Clarke: "Can you wish on this kind of shooting star?" 

Bellamy: ". . ."

Clarke: "Forget it."

Bellamy: "I wouldn't even know what to wish for."

In this moment, Clarke and Bellamy represent more hopeful versions of themselves than they are up to date. And I think that's why I like it. In that moment, when the flares were shooting up into the sky, I don't think they were thinking about the people they'd lost or the lives they took. It's a moment when they were still innocent. They were thinking about all of the lives that they could save.

17. Season 1, Episode 6

The flashbacks of Octavia and Bellamy: Octavia's birth, hiding Octavia in the floor, the dance where Octavia was arrested, and Shumway giving Bellamy the gun to shoot the chancellor in exchange for a seat on the dropship.

All of the flashbacks were great because they introduced a new, more caring side to Bellamy we had yet to see. It also showed Octavia before she was bitter. I loved this episode because it showed us characters worth rooting for and also how much they cared about each other. Plus, it explained some of Bellamy's feelings of responsibility as he had always believed he was the reason that Octavia had been caught and his mother killed. I won't ever forget the look on his face when the guards took Octavia away and the tear streaming down his cheek. Nor will I forget the hopelessness and hatred in his eyes when he pointed his gun at Shumway. I already liked Bellamy, but this was the episode that made me love him and appreciate everything that he and Octavia went through.

18. Season 1, Episode 6

The 100 finding out their flares didn't work.

Obviously the hundred were upset that their flares were for nothing, especially since 320 lives were taken because of their "failure", but Bellamy was affected by it especially. This scene was great because it was yet another event building up towards the moment that Bellamy would drop his act of not caring.

19. Season 1, Episode 6

Bellamy looking at Roma after she was speared.

"She only came because of me." - Bellamy

More guilt for Bellamy Blake. I think it's what makes his character connect so much with the audience. 

20. Season 1, Episode 6

Raven finds out about what happened between Clarke and Finn and she confronts Clarke about it, pointing out the necklace Finn made for her.

Raven: "He made one for me too. Just in case you thought you were special."

Clarke: "Do you think I wanted this? I didn't even know you existed. Look, as far as he knew you were dead, Raven, or you would have been soon enough. My mom, too, and everyone we ever knew on the Ark and there was nothing we could do to stop it."

Raven: "He could've waited more than ten days."

I liked this scene mostly because of Lindsey Morgan's performance. The bitterness and hurt in her voice when she said the word "special" killed me. And the best part about it is that Raven never blamed Clarke and they weren't angry at each other, like I mentioned in a previous chapter. They were angry at Finn for what he put them both through.

21. Season 1, Episode 6

Octavia and Bellamy arguing over what happened to Finn because of the Grounder (Lincoln).

Octavia: "Stop blaming me for your mistakes! What happened to Finn is not my fault -- I wanted to leave -- so if Finn dies in there, that's on you. Everything that's gone wrong is because of you. You got me locked up on the Ark; you're the one that wanted me to you to that stupid dance; you got mom killed!"

Bellamy: "Me? Mom was floated for having you. She's dead because you're alive. That was her choice. I didn't have a choice. My life ended the day you were born."

This scene is so great because it is the moment that everything that had been in the deeper recesses of these two sibling's minds came out. Deep down, a part of Octavia really did blame Bellamy for everything that happened. She depended on him to protect her and she trusted him when he told her she would be fine. I think her time in prison made her resentful. But at the same time Bellamy was pissed off at Octavia because of something that she couldn't control. Her birth was, technically, the reason for his mother's death. I think their argument happened because they both were angry with each other and were looking for someone else to pin the blame on. They couldn't deal with their own mistakes so they focussed on each others. 

Both of their words were harsh and it was upsetting to watch them. You could see that Bellamy regretted everything he told Octavia right after he said it. The big part that gets to me, though, is that despite everything -- despite the resentment they were harbouring -- they still would do anything for the other. Their bond went so deep that no matter what the other did they would find a way to get past it. And that, to me, is the important part.

22. Season 1, Episode 7

Kane goes to where the 320 people died and is bombarded by angry questions.

"I swore an oath to protect these people. Instead, I killed them." - Kane to Jaha

This is the ultimate moment that made us sympathize with Marcus. He didn't lie to the people asking him questions but you could see that the mistake was haunting him. When he spoke it aloud to Jaha, that was the point that solidified it.

23. Season 1, Episode 7

Jaha talking to the Arkers about all the people that died for nothing.

"I lost my son!" - Jaha to the Arkers

This was another line that was said so perfectly. Isaiah Washington made it so emotional and for that reason the scene was so effective. This was the moment that Jaha finally showed his guilt over his son's death and even though there wasn't much said on it, I think it was well worth it to wait.

24. Season 1, Episode 7

In order to get answers to heal Finn, Bellamy tortures Lincoln. In order to make it stop, Octavia cuts her own arm with the poisoned dagger, thinking that Lincoln will help them in order to save her.

This scene is great in two ways. The first is that it showed a darker side of Bellamy and what he (and Clarke) were willing to do in desperation. The other was that it revealed a new strength in Octavia. I don't think she even flinched when she sliced open her arm and she also was willing to risk her own life in order to get a shot at saving someone else's.

25. Season 1, Episode 7

"Dad's dead because of you. You turned him in; I know it. Wells told me everything before he . . . He let me believe that he did it so I'd hate him instead of you." - Clarke to Abby

The emotion in Clarke's voice during this moment is not something I will forget. Clearly she was struggling with her emotions and the betrayal of her mother. At this point she'd been lied to by both her mother and the boy she cared about and her feelings were delicate. This moment with her mother made me sympathize with Clarke even more and, as close to it as possible, feel her pain.

26. Season 1, Episode 7

Kane: "I don't know who I am any more."

Kane's Mother: "You're my son."

Kane: "I've done some terrible things."

Kane's Mother: "God will forgive you, Marcus. The question is, will you forgive yourself?"

Seeing Kane break down during this scene did it for me. I officially liked him because of this human side of him that usually wasn't apparent. And his mother brings an important question to the show that I think is true for a lot of characters. Watching it now makes me think of Clarke at the end of Season 2. She clearly can't come to terms with what she did, but I like the idea of thinking that if you can start to forgive yourself for the things you've done, you can be whole again.

27. Season 1, Episode 7

After Finn comes to, Clarke wakes up Raven to talk to him even though Finn didn't particularly want her to.

I like this because Clarke recognizes that Raven needs Finn more than she does and it was more important to her to do the right thing than what she wanted. There's nothing I hate more than whiny, bitchy main characters and by basically giving up Finn for Raven she proved that she was stronger than that.

28. Season 1, Episode 7

"Clarke, who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things." - Bellamy and Clarke

I'm not quite sure why, but I just love this quote. I think all Bellamy was trying to say was that in order to get through the mess they were in and take care of the people they loved they would have to do things that they didn't want to do, but was necessary for the greater good. In other words, they didn't have to be defined by the choices they made in order to protect their people. In a show like this, that's an important point.

29. Season 1, Episode 7

"We are on the Titanic and there aren't enough life boats." - Jaha to the Council

I love this quote for no other reason than the visual it created and the intensity of what he was saying. It clearly showed the severity of their situation by comparing it to an event that everyone watching would recognize.

30. Season 1, Episode 8

Bellamy won't let Octavia see Lincoln after he finishes torturing him.

Octavia: "Why do you even care if I ruined your life. You should want me to go up there. Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll kill me -- problem solved."

Bellamy: "Octavia, you know I didn't mean that."

This scene is full of tension but it is the first direct reference to everything Bellamy said to Octavia and you could clearly see that she held it against him. I like how Bellamy admitted that he was wrong, however briefly. 

31. Season 1, Episode 8

Octavia sneaks up to where Lincoln is tied up and is talking to him. Lincoln tells her his name.

This is such an exciting moment in the show because it is the moment that Lincoln, a sometimes creepy but very important part of "The 100", is introduced.

32. Season 1, Episode 8

Bellamy, in frustration, knocks over a can in the bunker he and Clarke found. Guns come out. Later, he teaches Clarke how to shoot.

 I like Bellamy finding the guns because his face is just priceless. It's the one thing that made him smile. He looked like a kid looking at all the presents under their Christmas tree. I just thought it was funny. And I liked when he was teaching Clarke to shoot because there was a moment, when he was touching her shoulder, and he got flustered. It was so uncharacteristic and I thought it was cute. 

Bellamy and Clarke talking about Bellamy running away.

Clarke: "So you're just going to leave Octavia?"

Bellamy: "Octavia hates me. She'll be fine."

Clarke: "You don't know what--"

Bellamy: "Look, I shot the chancellor. They're going to kill me, Clarke. Best cast scenario they lock me up with a Grounder for the rest of my life and there's no way in hell I'm giving Jaha the satisfaction. Keep practising, I need some air."

I like this scene because Bellamy opens up about what he is afraid of to Clarke. Also, when he leaves he goes into the woods . . . where he cries. It shows him in a very vulnerable state and that he may act tough but he is also very afraid and overwhelmed.

32. Season 1, Episode 8

All of the hallucinations caused by the Jobi berries.

This was such a great moment (or moments) in the show for a number of reasons. I think that the hallucinogenic berries revealed a lot about the characters because it showed what they were afraid of, which was apparent in Jasper's case, and the things that were haunting them. Jasper seeing the Grounders was an incredible representation of all the things that must be scaring him. A lot of people forget that he was speared by one as the show goes on and this was a great reminder.

Here is Clarke's hallucination with her father:

Clarke: "I'm trying. I'm trying all the time. But everyone's counting on me and it's so hard."

Jake: "Come here. I know, honey.

Clarke: "I let someone get tortured."

Jake: "Listen. You're doing the best you can."

Clarke: "And you want me to say mom did the best she could."

Jake: "This is about what you want."

Clarke: "You're dead because of her. She doesn't deserve my forgiveness."

Jake: "Listen to me. Forgiveness isn't about what people deserve."

I really like that last quote. Forgiveness isn't about what people deserve. Forgiveness is the first step in someone moving forward as a better person. They can't let their past bad deeds haunt them if they want to be someone better. Also, this was the one thing bothering Clarke most of all: her mother's betrayal. It says a lot about her character. Family is something really important to her and her mother tore it apart.

This is Bellamy's hallucination:

Bellamy is haunted by Jaha, who calls him "pathetic", "cruel", and "selfish". He is also chased by the 320 people he was partially responsible for their deaths who call him a murderer. Bellamy begs Jaha to kill him.

Bellamy: "I can't fight anymore!"

Jaha: "Don't you know? Life is a fight."

I found this hallucination more heartbreaking than Clarke's because it showed Bellamy at his lowest point. The guilt of what he had done was quite literally following him everywhere, staring him straight in the face no matter where he turned. He wasn't afraid of Jaha. He was afraid of what he had done and who he had become because of it. The words "pathetic", "cruel", "selfish", and "murderer" were all words that his brain had come up with himself. He truly thought he was those things and it was killing him. The most horrible part was when he begged to be killed because he didn't believe that he deserved to be alive. If you didn't love Bellamy before this, you do now.

33. Season 1, Episode 8

Bellamy and Clarke fight Dax. Bellamy kills him and they talk by the tree.

Clarke: "You're okay."

Bellamy: "No, I'm not. My mother -- if she knew what I have done -- who I am . . . She raised me to be better, to be good."

Clarke: "Bellamy . . ."

Bellamy: "And all I do is hurt people. I'm a monster."

Clarke: "Hey. You saved my life today. And you may be a total ass half the time, but I need you. We all need you. None of us would've survived this place if it wasn't for you. You want forgiveness? Fine, I'll give it to you: you're forgiven, okay? But you can't run, Bellamy. You have to face it."

This is such an amazing moment for Clarke and Bellamy. If I had to name one, this is the moment that Bellamy and Clarke's friendship solidified. Obviously Clarke's words really had an impact on Bellamy because he did stay and he remembered her words, which was shown later, in the Season 2 finale. I don't know how Bellamy would have turned out if Clarke hadn't said those things to him. He needed to hear it.

Plus, it was pretty badass that Bellamy, at a distinct disadvantage, killed the guy pointing a gun at him with just a bullet on the ground beside him.

34. Season 1, Episode 8

"I don't expect you to forgive me. But you'll have to find a way to live with me 'cause I'm not going anywhere." - Bellamy to Octavia

This quote is an indication that Bellamy took Clarke's words to heart and he realized what was important: family. He didn't know what would happen with Jaha but he was willing to face it and take whatever punishment they gave him.

35. Season 1, Episode 8

Clarke and Bellamy talk to Jaha on the radio and he pardons Bellamy.

The look on Clarke and Bellamy's faces is really cute because they both look so relieved. And Bellamy honestly looks like a huge weight was taken off of his shoulders. 

36. Season 1, Episode 8

"I trust him!" - Clarke talking about Bellamy to Finn

I like this moment because Finn's face is just of utter disbelief. And it shows how much has changed with Bellamy and Clarke since the beginning of the show. Bellamy opened up to her and now she has begun to care about him (platonically) and rely on him. 

37. Season 1, Episode 9

The little girl is singing on Unity Day on the Ark and an explosion kills many.

This is another really epic, but tragic scene. What really got to me was Marcus holding his dead mother in his arms. At this point it is easy to sympathize with the adults on the Ark.

38. Season 1, Episode 9

A Unity Day party is in full swing at the dropship.

Bellamy: "Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it."

Clarke: "Yeah . . . Okay. So do you, by the way."

I really like this because it is the first time Bellamy and Clarke joke around as friends and recognize each other's strengths by telling each other they deserve to have a little fun and let loose. They treat each other as equals.

39. Season 1, Episode 9

The exodus dropship crashes and Clarke sees it, breaking down. 

Another dramatic scene to make you cry . . . maybe. This particular one is sad because Clarke collapses to the ground, believing her mother is dead. Even despite what her mother did, she is still upset and grieves for her. I think this moment made her realize what was important to her and she regretted not forgiving her mother. However, if her "death" hadn't occurred, I don't think she would have forgiven her later.

40. Season 1, Episode 10

Clarke shoots her gun outside the quarantine zone to shut everybody up.

I like this because Clarke just looks so badass, shooting her gun into the air with one hand. She literally looked like death because she was sick. I also liked when Bellamy hit the guy pointing his gun at her in the face because he was protecting Clarke.

41. Season 1, Episode 10

Bellamy gets sick and Octavia takes care of him.

Octavia: "I won't let anything happen to you."

Bellamy: "That's what I said to you the day you were born."

This is a touching scene because it shows how deeply these siblings care for each other and also that Octavia forgave Bellamy for everything he said, recognizing all that he did for her in the past.

42. Season 1, Episode 10

Bellamy and Clarke talking about Murphy.

Bellamy: "Don't tell me you trust him now."

Clarke: "Trust? No. I do believe in second chances, though."

I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I think that when Clarke was talking about Murphy, she was also reminding Bellamy that he used to be just like him but she forgave him for everything he did. She was willing to give Murphy another shot to prove himself and she wanted Bellamy to as well.

43. Season 1, Episode 10

Raven goes to plant her bomb on the bridge, even though she is sick. She plans to shoot it herself, but is too weak to walk back to where she will be safe so she attempts to shoot it from just a few feet away, knowing it will kill her. Finn saves her in time and Monty brings bullets to Jasper after he uses up all three that he had.

This is a great representation of Raven's strength and the sacrifices she was willing to make in order to save others. I really respect Raven for this scene. I also like when Monty brings Jasper the bullets because it shows that he forgave Jasper for their fight and also that he believed in him.

44. Season 1, Episode 10

Lincoln tries to convince Octavia to run away with him, but she refuses.

"They're my people." - Octavia to Lincoln

I like this scene because even though Octavia has never felt like she belonged on the Ark, she started to belong amongst the 100 on the ground. And even though she loved Lincoln, she would never turn her back on her brother. It was also very touching to watch this scene, especially because of the tears in Lincoln's eyes.

45. Season 1, Episode 10

Raven and Finn talk after he saves her from blowing up the bomb. Raven says that Finn hesitated when asked whether he or Raven would place the bomb, but he didn't hesitate when Clarke fell from her sickness even though he could have gotten infected. She breaks it off with him and gives back the raven necklace Finn made for her.

This scene was quite sad and I thought that it showed great development in Raven that she allowed herself to let go of Finn. I never shipped these two but it still upset me a bit. Plus, the raven necklace was very symbolic and if it hadn't been included, the scene would not have been as great. Not to mention another amazing performance from Lindsey Morgan.

46. Season 1, Episode 11

In order to save the survivors on the Ark after Diana Sydney launched the Exodus dropship, Kane climbs through a steaming hot and potentially dangerous vent. 

This particular scene showed a lot of character development in Kane. For once he acted selflessly and did what needed to be done in order to help his people. If I hated Kane originally, I couldn't any more. This was a key moment that transformed his character.

47. Season 1, Episode 12

Octavia accuses Bellamy that he isn't doing anything to save Jasper right before Raven appears telling Bellamy that there is a way to get in, just like he thought. This proved Octavia wrong and that he really was trying to do all he could to help Jasper. Octavia apologized.

Shortly after, Bellamy decided to take Jasper's place, despite Octavia's protests. Once inside, Murphy taunts him and tries to hang him. 

"I don't want you to say anything. I want you to feel what I felt." - Murphy to Bellamy

I thought that this moment was funny because Octavia was losing it over how Bellamy didn't care about anything and when Raven proved her wrong she just kind of realized. So did the audience, as well, because it was another reminder of how much Bellamy changed.

Not only that, but when Bellamy took Jasper's place it really showed a true act of bravery from him and a selfless side that wasn't very often seen. When Murphy said the quote above and got Bellamy to hang himself, it was such a tense scene, but really amazing. Plus this one line from Richard Harmon is one of my favourite's because he really captured Murphy's character.

48. Season 1, Episode 12

Jasper hugs Bellamy for saving him.

"Long way from 'whatever the hell you want'." - Jasper to Bellamy

I really like this quote because of the truth in it and that's about it. 

49. Season 1, Episode 12

"This is our home now. We built this with our bare hands. Our dead are buried behind that wall, in this ground -- our ground. The Grounders think they can take that away. They think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. But they are yet to realize one very important fact: we are on the ground now and that means we are Grounders." - Bellamy to the 100

I personally really love this speech because it put into perspective everything the 100 went through, but also made me want to fight alongside Bellamy. It was really great in that way, and hyped me up for the battle.

50. Season 1, Episode 12

"Crowds make bad decisions -- just ask Murphy. Leaders do what they think is right." - Bellamy to Clarke

I particularly like this quote because it shows Bellamy expressing his regret over what he did to Murphy, but also plays on the parallel of earlier in the show when Charlotte died and Clarke and Bellamy both agreed that it was dangerous for crowds to make decisions.

51. Season 1, Episode 13

When trying to launch the Ark onto Earth, it requires one person to do it manually. This person would be sentencing themselves to death. Both Kane and Jaha stood up to do it.

The ultimate sacrifice. This act shows the responsibility these men both feel and, how I interpreted it, that they felt they needed to pay for all of the injustices they committed in the past. These scene was quite powerful in that sense.

52. Season 1, Episode 13

Bellamy lets Octavia go away with Lincoln.

"O -- O, listen to me. I told you my life ended the day you were born. . . . The truth is, it didn't start until then." - Bellamy to Octavia

This scene showed all the two siblings had gone through, but it also was a big step for Bellamy, letting Octavia leave with Lincoln. He realized that he couldn't always be the one to protect his little sister and needed to do whatever was best for her, whatever that may be. And his words to her, if slightly cheesy, pulled at my heartstrings. Everything about it was just perfect.

53. Season 1, Episode 13

Clarke and Finn observe Bellamy being brutally beaten by a Grounder before he can reach the dropship. In order to save him, Finn rushes out. Even though she knows she is sentencing them both to death, Clarke closes the dropship door, locking them out. Jasper and Raven wired up an explosive to burn all of the Grounders and Clarke pulls it, the grief of losing her friends killing her. When they eventually open the doors only charred bones remain, including what Clarke believes to be the remnants of Finn and Bellamy.

This was such an incredibly horrible but powerful ending (almost). Seeing Clarke's face at what she had done is permanently engraved in my mind. There was a part of me that didn't believe their deaths but it was still quite gruesome to see. This also, in my opinion, was the official start of the dark show I've come to expect today. Really, this was so well done.

54. Season 1, Episode 13

Jaha opens a bottle of scotch that was labelled "to be opened on Earth" where he remains on the Ark, alone.

This was a very quick scene, but very symbolic with the bottle of scotch. It showed that at last Jaha had truly given up hope and was going to drink the bottle of scotch he assumed would go to waste. No words needed to be said because this small act was enough.

55. Season 1, Episode 13

Clarke wakes up in a white room and when she stares out her window she sees Monty in a similar room, marked "Mount Weather Quarantine".

This finale was so incredibly breathtaking. A million questions were raised and none of them were answered. It was simply astounding and I honestly cannot explain how much I adored it. The look in both Monty and Clarke's eyes was of pure fear and I couldn't help but feel shell-shocked after seeing it.

So that's it, folks. Those are my favourite quotes and scenes. . . . From Season 1, that is. As you probably gathered, I have a lot of things I liked and I decided to split this chapter into two parts. The next part will focus on Season 2. Up at the top I featured the Season 1 Highlight Reel for "The 100" that played at Comic Con. Also, to continue the tradition, I included a photo of Clarke and the rest of the 100 looking down at the burned corpses at their feet.

Please stay tuned for more updates and thanks so much for reading!

Czytaj Dalej

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