I'm Not Her

By JustAdriana

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Penelope Larissa Edwards has always wished she could have her sister's life. Why? Because her sister was Perr... More

I'm Not Her
Chapter 1: I'm Not Perrie
Chapter 2: I'm Not His Girlfriend, She Is
Chapter 3: I'm Not Telling The Truth
Chapter 4: I'm Not Being the "Normal" Perrie
Chapter 5: I'm Not Losing To This Eating Contest
Chapter 6: I'm Not Wearing A Life Vest
Chapter 7: I'm Not Kissing You
Chapter 8: I'm Not Recognized
Chapter 9: I'm Not Telling Anyone
Chapter 10: I'm Not Faking Anymore
Chapter 11: I'm Not Penelope
Chapter 12: I'm Not Staying
Chapter 13: I'm Not Answering His Calls
Chapter 14: I'm Not In Love With You
Chapter 15: I'm Not Okay
Chapter 16: I'm Not Staying in South Shields
Chapter 17: I'm Not In Denial
Chapter 18: I'm Not Who You Thought I Was
Chapter 19: I'm Not Sure Where She Is
Chapter 21: I'm Not Seeing Him
Chapter 22: I'm Not Forgiving Her
Chapter 23: I'm Not Dreaming Right?
Chapter 24: I'm Not Feisty
Chapter 25: I'm Not Eating Dinner With You
Chapter 26: I'm Not The Best With Dates
Chapter 27: I'm Not A Big Fan of Planes
Chapter 28: I'm Not Crazy
Chapter 29: I'm Not Anybody But Myself
Chapter 30: I'm Not Going Inside
Chapter 31: I'm Not Sleeping At His Flat
Chapter 32: I'm Not Freaking Out...Ish
Chapter 33: I'm Not Looking For Perrie
Chapter 34: I'm Not Going Back To America Yet
Chapter 35: I'm Not Sure What I Feel
Chapter 36: I'm Not Calm
Chapter 37: I'm Not Living With These Lies
Chapter 38: I'm Not With Him Anymore
Chapter 39: I'm Not Productive
Chapter 40: I'm Not Letting You Go
Chapter 41: I'm Not In The Same Country
Chapter 42: I'm Not Sure You Kissed Me
One-Shot Competition Rules
One Shot Winner

Chapter 20: I'm Not Going To That Concert

182K 4.1K 768
By JustAdriana

Hey guys! My cousin @Alex2Infinity is on wattpad and writes books about like badass girls so you should go check it out...For me? *insert Adriana's puppy face* but I'd really appreciate if you fan and read her stuff. Unlike some stuff on here, it's about a bad girl, not the bad boy ;) Trust me, it's actually not bad and this is coming from a picky reader here! So to the chapter...

Chapter 20:

Six months later...

"God, I'm so nervous!" I grinned from ear to ear as I held on to my co-star's hand so tightly, I was actually afraid I'd cut off her circulation. Today was the premiere of my very first television show and I was excited beyond words.

Perrie had really put good words in because I had gotten a job after nearly a month and a half. Maybe I wasn't really the first choice, but I had gotten the lead in a new television show that was really desperate for a lead girl. The first three girls had dropped out after getting better deals, but I was new. I wouldn't get any new deals. The company took a big risk, but from what had gone on in the past months, they were glad they took the chance. 

"You did great Pen," Kylie, my co-star and also the actress that my foster sister, said to me. Her grin was as big as mine because she too, was excited.

The television show wasn't actually bad. The plot was about a girl who was lost and broken. At a young age of seven, she was torn away from her mother since her mother was an alcoholic. Nevertheless, the girl loved her mother. After eleven years of jumping from foster home to foster home, she goes on a search for her mother. It brings in complications which include her father, a brother she never knew she had, and a boy. The producer was still developing a little, but the first episode was being shown today. 

"What if it sucks?" I suddenly asked. "People are gonna hate it. I'm so bad!"

"When people figure out that you're actually British, they'll love you...mainly because of the accent. A lot of people really like it!" Kylie said. 

We weren't in the studio, but we were in Kylie's flat...or apartment as they called it here in America. We sat in front of her TV with drinks, tainted with a bit of alcohol, in front of us. I wasn't twenty-one yet, but Kylie had an older brother that just brought around the drinks.

"Three minutes," Kylie said, "Sheesh, I've never been this nervous..."

"First show. First show. I. Am. So. Nervous." I said, pausing after nearly every single word I uttered. Perrie was back in England and told me to send the link of the episode to her once it was on the Internet. She too was very excited for me.

Unfortunately, the last time I heard from Zayn was nearly six months ago and I was in no mood to think of him. I was so happy right now and there was no guy that was going to bring me down...well except for the producer if he cut me from the show. Tomas was really nice though and told me he was glad that I had been selected as the lead actress.

"IT'S TIME!" Kylie squealed and almost threw her popcorn in the air. 

I was glad to finally have friends. All my co-stars were my friends, but Kylie was by far my closest. We acted like best friends and did nearly everything with each other. I now knew how it felt to have a friend besides my sister and I absolutely loved it. 

Kylie bit her lip and twisted a strand of her auburn hair around her finger. Her leg was shaking and her eyes were wide as the intro of the show began. 

It began with a scene of a small quaint house and police men surrounding it. Out came a little girl with blonde ringlets and a woman in her late twenties with gaunt eyes and a skinny, almost skeletal, figure. 

As the episode progressed, my nervousness left and I was glad with the result. I had never seen myself on the screen before and I mentally congratulated myself on pulling off a perfect American accent. Being British, it took me a good week with the American people to actually pull it off. However, I knew that I would never lose my British accent.

After the episode ended, Kylie turned to me with a smile on her face. "I have a surprise for you."

"What? You didn't need to get me anything!"

"Okay...well they're tickets for a concert that I won from a radio show and they gave me two so...I was wondering if you'd like to go with me because I'd rather not be a loner..." Kyle explained. 

"What concert?"

"Oh you're British! You might even know them! One Direction is in Los Angeles and I've been dying to get my hands on those tickets. I'm not going alone."

One Direction was in LA? That meant- Well shit.

"So do you know them?" Kyle questioned. 

"You know my twin sister Perrie? The one I told you about?" I asked Kylie. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she tried to think of when and where she heard the name.

"OH MY GOD! Perrie Edwards as in...Zayn's ex girlfriend right?" Kylie screeched. "OH MY GOD YOU KNOW HIM!"

More than you think...

"Yup, but I dunno if I want to go to the concert. Kylie, I'm not going to-"


"Please please please please please please please please please please. I beg of you Penelope Larissa Edwards!"

"Has anyone told you that you look really funny when you beg?" I asked. Kylie had hopped off the couch and got on her two knees in front of me with her two hands clasped together. Her bottom lip quivered and she mustered the best puppy dog face she could pull.

"I'll go, just for the heck of it," I shrugged.

"Promise me you'll go and you won't back out with some lame excuse. That excuse of 'my bathtub broke and I'm waiting for the fixer guy' wasn't very believable considering that you don't have a bathtub. You just have a shower. Don't act like I've never been to your place!" Kyle pointed out.

So she did figure it out...

"Where are the seats?" I questioned. 

Please don't be front row. Please don't be front row...

"The second row, right in front."

That was just as bad as the front row. Just put me in the second row because they definitely wouldn't see me there front and center. That was just great. 

"And guess what?" Kylie screamed.

"What?" I said, less enthusiastic than she. 

"I got backstage passes as well," Kylie grinned. 

Well this day just kept getting better.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"You sure you don't want to come Zayn?" Harry asked. He was going out to an LA club with Niall and Liam. I think Liam was just there to be the designated driver because knowing Harry and Niall, they'd be drunk out of their minds before midnight struck. "You either Lou?"

"Nah, I'm good with chilling in the hotel," I shrugged.

"Same," Louis said, "and I told Eleanor that I'd stay up and Skype her since she'll be up really early tomorrow morning and will have a little time."

"Alright...suit yourselves lads," Niall said and closed the door behind him.

"Turn on the TV Lou. See what's on," I told Louis. He flicked me off and told me I was demanding, but I knew he was just joking around.

Things finally got better after a month or two after Pen left. Perrie was on her Little Mix tour and when she got back, she made no effort to come see us. There were rumours swarming that she was aleady with another guy. 

"Eleanor told me to go this channel and check out this new American show they have," Louis said and landed on one of the channels, "apparently, there's a really good actress that actually came from England playing the lead role. Isn't that cool?"

"Sure," I shrugged.

We sat on the couch in front of the TV. Considering we had the penthouse, it was spacious and we had enough room for all five boys in the room.

The show started with a flashback, so what it seems. There was a little girl running out of the house and crying. Police cars were flocking the house. Another woman appeared in a drunken state and fought the officers. The little girl was taken away and the flashback was over.

"Well that's a surprise," Louis said as his jaw nearly fell to the floor. 

I could see why though.

Because Perrie was obviously in London or South Shields with her family, it could only be Pen on the screen. She didn't look any different. Her hair was still blonde, but it had been cut slightly shorter I noticed. Most of all, she seemed happier. Maybe she had gotten a new boyfriend or something.

I had to admit that Pen was a very good actress and her American accent was spot on. Louis was amazed too and kept telling me how good Pen really was and that we finally found her. All this time, she was in America shooting for a show. 

After the show, there was a little ten minutes episode of an interviewer asking Penelope questions about her life just to get to know her better so more people would watch the show. 

"So I hear you have a twin?" The interviewer, Jenny, asked. 

Penelope nodded. "My identical twin actually. Her name's Perrie and she lives in England at the moment. She's a singer in a band called Little Mix."

"So we've got a singer and we've got an actress now! Isn't that something! Being British, how was the change from cold England to sunny California?"

"The move to Los Angeles was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I prefer it here actually. The plus is the cute and tan guys on the beach. Have you seen their eight packs?" Penelope laughed as well as Jenny.

That comment somehow stung. There was that clenching feeling in my chest, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was similar to Perrie in so many ways, but she acted nothing like her sister.

"There will be a leading male coming into the cast soon playing your love interest. Have you had any experiences with boyfriends before?" Jenny asked.

"Well this certainly got more interesting," Louis said and sat up straighter in his seat. 

"Well," Penelope blushed, "there was this one guy. We haven't talked in six months really and he was mad at me. He was the reason I left really, but I love it in California. To the man who broke my heart, screw you but thanks for sending me off to LA! Anyways, he broke my heart. Blah blah blah, it's not that interesting really."

"Well that man must feel like shit now. I hope he sees this interview. God, now wouldn't he be embarassed! Care to give a name to that man?" Jenny asked.

"Now that," Penelope crossed her arms over her chest, "is classified information. So to my ex out there, I never want to see you ever again."

Louis shut off the TV and looked worriedly over towards me. 

I was in such shock that I was actually in the same city as her. Adding to that though, Penelope hated me. Wasn't I supposed to be equally as angry as well? I was the one that yelled at her for lying. 

"Just a piece of advice," Louis said to me, "you lost her once six months ago. Are you really going to let her go again? I think this is fate telling you to do something you know. She's here in LA, you're here in LA...Zayn, do something that you won't regret for the rest of your life."


DUN DUN DUN! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. The ideas of Zayn being on tour in LA and Zayn seeing her on TV actually came from a friend of mine. Shoutout to my best friend Sophia who should make a wattpad account! So I thought her ideas would be a great way for Zayn and Pen to...see each other again?  So vote and comment on this chapter please. I love y'all! And wattpad needs to fix my reading count thingy because it pisses me off. C'mon. I had 220 reads and 260 votes at one point. Ermm...

-Adriana should go to bed since it's 11:15 pm and she has school tomorrow!

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