A Little Bit of Honey- OHSHC...

By dead-and-dying

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Kozumi Suko (Fujioka) was a small, tortured orphan who lived with her best friend, and adoptive sister, Haruh... More

Chapter One: Me and Haruhi
Chapter Two: Why do you have to be so clumsy?!
Chapter Three: This party might not be so bad...
Chapter Four: The complications of a physical exam.
Chapter Five- Nightmares and Sweet Nothings
Chapter Six- Renge, the demon manager
Chapter Seven: Filming random movies in the rain?
Chapter Eight: An odd day in a weird resort
Chapter Nine: Playing with fear on the beach, Part One
Chapter Ten: Playing with fear on the beach, Part Two
Chapter Twelve: Why can't I go one day without you guys?
Chapter Thirteen: Memories Destroy Us.
Chapter 14: Tricking and Teasing
Chapter 15: Lifeline

Chapter Eleven: Three strange girls can change so much!

1K 32 15
By dead-and-dying

(A/N- I may have accidentally made it longer it normally would be, and I'm sorry for that, I know I said that they would be shorter, but making them that way is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I'll also try to update more often if I can, before school starts up again. Imagine(in the picture) the people hugging to be shorter, the boy blond, and the girl with long black hair )

Kozumi's P.O.V.-

      I thought about Hikaru and Kaoru as me and Haruhi walked back to the club room, after being forced to go buy some more instant coffee, because apparently we'd run out. Today and tomorrow were apparently special days because we got to skip out on afternoon classes, because of clubs from some other school coming for a festival or something, and we were talking to some girls about it when the twins forced us out the door. The girls followed us out the door, and told us about how we've changed them, because little by little, they are talking to other people more, and being more social. I guess we were pretty close, we spent a lot of time together, and Kaoru was pretty close to me, other than Honey. I'm just glad that we were able to help them without even really trying to. even though, I know Haruhi was the main reason for them to change.

        I looked out the corner of my eye, at my 'sister', who looked as though she was deep in thought as well, before gasping slightly when we both fell back after slipping on some random banana peels. But, before we could hit the ground, a girl managed to catch bot of us , and gently let us kneel on the ground, to recover.

         "It would be so sad if any harm came to those cute faces of yours, my ladies." The stranger said, as she stood from where she was kneeling beside us. Haruhi looked up, gasping slightly in surprise as she probably didn't expect the girl to know she was a girl, while I just kinda sat there, gaping at her. She's tall. And what's the dress for, is she from another school?


        We were dragged to the hall outside the club room by the strange girl, who then answered a question that two other girls seemed to be asking Tamaki, rather mockingly. Me and Haruhi just stayed still, dumbfounded as she seemed to begin to perform a scene as she answered, right outside the door frame. "Great question, for my case it would be, 'I would never eave my lover alone.' "

       She posed, holding us both to her left as she stared up at nothing in particular, and shocking Tamaki, Honey, and the twins, as they just kind of blinked at her. " 'If we are to fight, it shall be together. If we prevail not, we shall meet our fate together. Even though I perish, I swear to you I will not leave your side.' " The girl kneeled as she finished, taking one of both of our hands, and kissing them to finish whatever she was doing.

         Tamaki looked appalled, and pointed in shock, Honey put his hands to his face and turned red, with the same expression, and the twins just had the same look. The other two random girls came out into the hall, " Benibara-sama, you're late."

        "What are we going to do with you? And where'd you get these adorable ladies?" 'Benibara-sama' stood as they finished.

        "From just over there. They may be dressed differently, but I could tell right away. Watch." She spun both of us around, and dipped us, surprisingly not being affected by the weight, or the fact that she was holding both of us with one arm. "Such maidenly eyes, and features."She kept us dipped, while the other two took opposite sides of us. The one with the longest hair rolled up the leg of my pants, and was stroking my leg, while the shortest one was a Haruhi head, stroking her arm.

        "Their skin is so pretty." The smallest girl of the three said.

        "Sure is. Such natural, shining material, if polished." The girl with the long hair rubbed her face on my leg, before being cut off by a raging Tamaki running towards us, yelling about how no one got permission to touch his daughters. Benibara responded by punching him away. "Hands off!"

      "She-she hit me! That was violent!!" He cried, backing up to the rest of the host club, who were sympathetic.

        Honey looked sightly upset, before he held Usa-chan to Tamaki. "Tama-chan, buck up!" As he finished, the three girls stepped up to them, talking about how feeble they were, and how they were just frivolous fools.

      Kyoya spoke up, "I can see your uniforms are that of Lobelia Academy." They answered by confirming that, and throwing off their uniforms, only to have some random costumes on under them, that couldn't possibly have been hidden under their clothes. They sang 'Lobelia' over and over, as they said their names.

Benibara said "2nd year, Amakusa Benio (Benibara)."

The girl with the long hair said, "2nd year, Maihara Chizuru (Suzuran)."

The shortest girl of them said, " 1st year, Tsuwabuki Hinako (Hinagiku)."

       "We are...... The Zuka Club!" The boys in the host club stared and gaped for awhile, before Tamaki turned white and fell to the ground, and the twins burst out laughing, so much that they were crying. Everyone else was just kind of silent.

        Then Renge appeared and explained where the Zuka Club came from, and what Lobelia Academy is mainly for; basically they think girls are superior to anyone, and that most boys are idiots.

         Suzuran then spoke to add on. "A maiden's beauty... is to have a pure spirit, enough so that they don't give in to superficial beauty, influence, or lust..." I looked at Honey through the corner of my eye, to see him slightly looking at me, and I turned back to face the Zuka's, blushing.

        I wouldn't say that there was lust between us, but we do like to be around each other, and I do get certain feelings when I'm around him. I don't know what he feels, though he probably just pity's me. Then Hinagiku continued, "As a girl, you..... We're tired of all the oppressive male contempt for women."

       Benibara looked down a bit," Our pride, comes from having soulful relationships based on equality, as a result of being the same gender. Including relationships of love. " Though it seems we all stopped listening to them after awhile, and didn't really care one way or another. Honey was watching the twins play a game, Kyoya was reading, and Mori was practicing with his sword. I was also trying to find my black earbuds, they were my favorite, and I lost them yesterday. "Oh, so you don't care about our sublime love?"

"What's she talking about?" Hikaru asked, obviously not caring about the answer.

"Yeah, seriously, go away." Kaoru said.

"You have to feel sorry for them, Hinagiku. Their patented skills didn't work, and they don't know what to do." Suzuran said.

"Ah well, it was worth it. While we were here for our theatrical performance, to come and see the notorious Ouran Host Club for ourselves." Benibara said, prompting Honey to turn towards the club.

"Are we notorious?"

Mori looked at him. "Maybe."

         Benibara put her hands on either side of me and Haruhi. "To think they dragged these sweet girls down along with them, though." I blinked, 'huh?' "I don't know if their president is supposed to be a halfer or not, but spreading false love with impressive appearances and toying with the hearts of maidens is positively demeaning!" The club is watching her rant, while me and Haruhi slip out and into the side kitchen to make coffee or something.


         Honey stared at Benibara. "You see, Tama-chan is taking nappy time right now." I smile as I walk back into the main room with Haruhi, as we had just made some coffee. That's the first thing I heard when we opened the door. We walked up to the three, before Haruhi spoke.

"Um, we made some coffee, would you like some?"

"Thank you, how kind of you!" Benibara said, dramatically, taking a cup.

Suzuran smiled. "You are real treasures in this trash heap."

Benibara spoke next. "Coffee made by a maiden possesses such a fragrant aroma." Uh.......

"This is instant." I said, finally speaking up.

"Then, why don't us five have a tea party?" Hinagiku suggested.

         Then Tamaki woke up and went on a rampage running up here, ranting about girls being in love with other girls, before he accidentally put his finger into a cup of steaming hot coffee, ad starting freaking out. Then Honey ran up and tried to blow on his finger to help, and I shook my head at Tamaki's idiocy, before walking over to him with Haruhi. "Geez, why can't you be more careful?" We said together, while I grabbed his wrist softly to hold his hand still, and Haruhi wrapped first aid tape around his finger like a bandage.

        He blushed, looking at Haruhi, then at his finger. "Thanks. Do you always carry first aid tape with you?" He turned to Haruhi, while I backed away to stand by Honey, since I knew he wouldn't bother talking to me, anyway. Honey looked at me, and smiled when our eyes met. We just kind of stared like that for awhile, and I couldn't hear Haruhi's response anymore. I heard Benibara clear her throat, and we turned to see her staring at us with a neutral look, causing us to glance at each other and blush before turning away.

          "This doesn't even seem worth discussing." And with that, she grabbed my wrist, along with Haruhi's and pulled us so that we were pressed against her chest and she was holding our hands. "Now that we know this, we must prepare transfer papers to Lobelia for these girls at once, to welcome them to the Zuka Club! We cannot allow them to stay!"

         "Huh?" Haruhi said, at the same time I said "What?" From the sound of things, the rest of the Host club (probably minus Kyoya and Mori), were just as shocked as us. "J-just a minute please-" I continued, stopping for Haruhi.

      "There seems to be a misunderstanding! You've labled Tamaki-senpai a 'halfer' for one-" She was cut off by Honey, and Tamaki rubbing his head awkwardly.

          "Tama-chan is a halfer, a French and Japanese half-chan!!" It seems only she didn't know that, the only reason I knew was because Honey told me, when I asked why he seemed so different. And, I know, this is a small problem I have, but I stopped listening to the conversation again, because it was getting boring, and I was still trying to look for my earbuds. My attention was drawn back to it, however, when Kyoya mentioned me.

       "You see here, Haruhi, Kozumi, your used mechanical pencil and used black earbuds just sold a winning auction for 30,000 yen and 20,000 yen. Good for you two." I cringed, my left eye beginning to twitch in irritation, and my lip beginning to tremble. WHAT?!? Those were- they were.... one of the last things I ever got from my mom and dad, for my 7th birthday. Honey looked a me worriedly, he can tell I'm distraught, but I don't think he knows why. I never told him... only Haruhi knew, and about two other things that matter to me.

        Haruhi walked to the computer Kyoya was on in shock, "We thought we lost those! This is the first we're hearing about this, you know! I didn't know you took money for this!" She yelled in annoyance, before looking at me to see me shaking, trying so hard not to cry, or be bothered. She looked back at me every few seconds while listening to Kyoya respond, as if she wanted to help me or something.

        Honey stepped closer to me and hugged me, while the Zuka girls were staring at Tamaki apologizing to Haruhi, then looking at me sadly, as if they saw my reaction, then looking back at Tamaki. The three grabbed me and pulled me away from Honey, who was just starting to calm me down a little, and put me next to Haruhi. "Poor things, to think you were so deceived. Come now, just come with us, and dump this bunch." Hinagiku said.

         "Oh Hinagiku, give them a break, the poor maiden's are all shaken up. Let's come back tomorrow and expect a more favorable answer." Benibara said. Then they left spinning, leaving me to look down, with my hair covering my face, and a dark aura around me while I turned to the club along with Haruhi. This way they couldn't see my tears which were ready to make me sob, and could tell how mad we were. They jumped the twins were sweating and Tamaki and Honey gulped, while the latter was watching me intently.

           "We'll be going now too." She said angrily, taking my shaking hand in hers and dragging me along behind her. And as soon as we got into the empty courtyard, I collapsed onto my knees, grabbed my chest because my heart was hurting, and sobbed into her arms.


       The next day, Haruhi and I ran into the Zuka Club in the halls, who gasped slightly at my red eyes and tired appearance, before getting back into character. "Hello." "As said, we came to ask you once more." "We're going to set things straight with those host club people today."

Haruhi was confused, as usual. "Set what straight?"

        "That maiden's like you should be in a more appropriate place for her." Benibara answered, pulling us to the club door and opening it to face darkness. "Huh?" Then one by one the member popped up and sang 'Ouran!', then got to 'Host Club!!! Welcome!', and I was struggling to hold my laughs in, as the other girls looked so shocked they were white.

        Then 'Tamaki' in a girls dress with makeup and long hair came up to us "Haruhi! K-" He stopped for a second once he saw what I looked like, before shaking it off. "Kozumi! Welcome!" What humored me most, was that everyone in the host club was dressed as a girl but Mori, who was still his gender. I do have one question though, how did they get Kyoya in a dress?

         Honey looked at me when he spun over, and frowned slightly, before covering it up, " Kozu-chan! Haru-chan! I'm a princess, don't I look good?"

Benibara looked mad. "What stunt is this? Are you making fun of our culture?"

            Tamaki denied her assumption, "This is a surefire technique guaranteed among commoners to make even a crying child happy," I flinched, trying to bat away the painful memories that were brought up again. "The Freebie Campaign!" Then he started to talk about how commoner's have a weakness for free things, etc. " It's true that those two may be distracted, and seeing appeal to joining the Zuka Club. However, if you two chose this club, you get your brothers and sisters that come with it! The plan is to experience the feeling of being in the Zuka Club, while staying in the Host Club. You see girls, " He came closer, "Aren't I pretty?"

Then the twins came up, "We're the Hitachiin sisters! Which one is prettier? Just kidding! Hahaha."

         Then Honey, "Kozu-chan! Haru-chan!" He came up to us, putting his face by his face, "You can call me Big Sister!" Then Mori and Kyoya came up, with a tambourine and a fan blocking Kyoya's face. As soon as they left, Benibara exploded.

        "Y-you think a maiden can be taken by this?! We've had enough of your fooling around!!-" She was cut off when I just couldn't hold it in anymore, and burst out laughing along with Haruhi, who apparently also found this very amusing. I opened my eyes slightly through my laughter to see the surprised faces of the Zuka and Host Clubs, who weren't expecting that reaction.

"Too much. I don't even-" I had to stop talking, and roll on the floor, I was crying from laughing so hard. Haruhi was punching the ground, and crying just like me.

"I mean, I thought you guys were goofballs, but geez..." She laughed harder, then just as we were about to stop, the twins and Honey got right in front of us.

"Are we really that funny?"They chorused. "Call me Big Sister!" They made us laugh harder and started to chase us around. "Big Sister! Big Sister!"

"Stop! Stop!" We both yelled through our laughter. "Really, stop it already! What were you thinking, gosh..." Haruhi said, as we calmed down.

Hikaru stopped, folding his hands behind his head. "Well, we still want to run the host club with you two."

We paused, before chuckling. Benibara asked, "Maidens, are you... "

        Haruhi answered her question, while I walked over to stand next to Honey. I leaned over, and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, before turning my head away in embarrassment. I can feel his surprised stare on my face, while I begin to talk to him softly, "It was nice of you guys to do all this just to stop Haruhi from leaving. Thanks."

        I felt his hand turn my head so that I was facing him. "We also did it to stop you, you know. Or, at least, me, Mori, and Kaoru did." I smiled more genuinely this time, and waited for Haruhi to finish her answer.

         ".... so we never intended to quit Ouran to begin with." And with that, I hugged Honey tightly, telling him that I'm fine, which was a lie, and that he shouldn't worry. The rest of the Host club looked really happy, but then Tamaki got mad, and pointed at us.

 "Hold on, if you weren't planning on leaving, then why did you get so mad at us yesterday?"

      She got into his face, angry again. "When you sell people's things without asking, they usually get mad! We really liked those, and the earbuds we special to Kozumi, so of course I'm pissed!"

        "U- .... Sorry about that. B-" I tuned out his argument, instead hugging Honey even tighter, since we still haven't let go. Did I ever mention that he smells good? I think I have. I pulled away when I heard Benibara's voice.

        "We're not giving up on you, maidens. We swear, someday, we will come and rescue you, and bring down the Host Club!" And after that, they left twirling, and slipped on banana peels right before the doors closed.

        Then Renge appeared, but I didn't listen to whatever she was saying, because at some point during the Zuka Club Dramatic exit, Honey pulled me closer to him.

         I blushed as he leaned into my ear, and whispered, "I can tell when your lying." And grabbed my hand, and all I can focus on was him.

(all scenes that may have come from the manga or anime do not belong to me, all rights go to Bisco Hatori, and Takuya Igarashi)

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