Not All Hockey Boys Are Bad

By OliviaSmirl

426K 7.1K 454

*complete* Rosie and Jack could not be more different. They were like Yin and Yang, North and South, light an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

10.3K 186 4
By OliviaSmirl

Chapter 28

I didn't stay for the next two games, I couldn't stay here any longer, so me and Georgia went back the hotel packed up our stuff and headed home. It was the last day of the tournament, anyway, no need to stick around. Plus, I had homework to do.

Georgia didn't question me like I thought she would. She held off, letting me cry it out first.

When I was done, she grabbed our stuff and we left, not looking back. I wanted to say bye to the girls, but I didn't know how. I didn't belong in their club anyway.

I let Georgia drive, not really caring enough to put up a fight. The scene between Jack and I replaying my head.

I couldn't take anything back, neither could Jack. I didn't want to be the girl who freaked out on him, but I couldn't help it. I was the one left with a bruised hickey on my neck. Oh god, how am I supposed to explain that to my mom? I rubbed my neck I had three hours to figure that out.

Trees flew past by the window, making it seem like Georgia was racing to get home. I leaned my head against the window preparing myself for meeting mom. She'd want to know how everything went, but I couldn't tell her. She'd never trust me to go anywhere again.

I'd have to lie. Tell her that everything went fine when it hadn't. It was a mess from the start.

"You hungry?" Georgia asked. We were passing through a small town an hour away from Seattle the last one we'd see for awhile. It was barely noon and I hadn't eaten in a couple of hours but I wasn't hungry. Not at all.

I shook my head, and Georgia sighed. "Well, I am, so I'll run through the drive thru. Let me know if you change you're mind before it's too late."

"I won't change my mind." I say quietly.

"About the food or Jack?" She was prying. Looking for answers and an explanation I wasn't ready to give yet.

I gave her a look and she shrugged then pulled into a McDonald's.


"You sure you don't want me to come in with you?" Georgia asked a second time.

We had pulled into my driveway, right behind my Mom's car. It had been a long drive. I couldn't fall asleep, my thoughts not letting me and Georgia refused to let me drive.

My phone had died an hour before we got back in town and there was nothing good on the radio. By the time we made it to my house I was grumpy and exhausted.

"I can handle my mom." I said grabbing my bags from the trunk.

Georgia threw her hands up in surrender. "Okay, Okay. Well I'm always a call away, but guess I'll see you tomorrow, Rosie."

She hugged me gently, patted my shoulder, then climbed back into her car and drove away.

I turned around looking at my house. It was around 6 and I knew Mom was sitting in the living room watching a rerun of some show she'd seen a 100 times before.

I sighed, I had to get the interrogation over with. It'd be better sooner than later. And I couldn't spend all night out here it was freezing, so I clutched my bags tight in my hands and began walking up the pathway.

As I predicted Mom was lounged on the couch a bowl of popcorn in her lap and her eyes glued to the TV.

"You're home early." She says noticing me standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, I have homework that needs to be done." I say as an excuse.

"Homework that required leaving the tournament early for?" Mom asked suspiciously. "You feeling all right?"

The show was on commercial now, letting Mom focus solely on me.

"I feel fine, I've just got an English paper due in the morning and tons of Calculus to work through."

Mom nodded, eating a piece of popcorn. "Well then, don't let me hold you back."

I took that as my cue to leave, so I turned and went up to my room. I passed Addie's room she was humming a song as I saw her pour a fake cup of tea for one of her dolls. I smiled at the action before continuing on to my room.

It looked exactly how I left it. My bed made and my clothes folded in a basket near my bed. I threw my bags down next to it, before collapsing into my comforter.

It had been such a long weekend and I didn't know what to make of it. The excitement, Jack, the hurt, physical and emotional we both received. The Harland boys, the acceptance of me into the team. So much has changed and shifted and all I could do was lie here and think about it.

Rolling over on my back I felt around blindly for my phone charger the main one I had, that I'd left plugged into the wall.

I plugged my phone in, and waited for it to turn on. And when it did I hoped to see at least something from Jack.

A text apologizing, or something, anything. But my screen was blank. All it told me was the time. It was close to seven now. The hockey boys were probably grabbing dinner, before they headed back.

I sighed, mentally forbidding myself to think of the hockey team or Jack. Then forced myself to grab my books put of my backpack and get to work on my homework.


"Rosie... Wake up." A small hand jostled my shoulder.

I rolled over and groaned before slowly opening up my eyes. Addie stood on the side of my bed she was dressed and had her backpack on.

Shit, what time was it? I looked over to the clock. It was 7:30, I had thirty minutes until school started.

I hadn't fallen asleep until around 3 last night finishing all the homework I missed and the homework that I knew would be due. I must've past out after I finished the last page of the Calculus assignment.

I jumped out of bed, hurrying to get dress and ready. Addie still stood near my bed. I paused, looking over to her.

"What are you still doing here, I thought the bus left at 7:15?"

She shrugged, looking down at her feet.

"Mom not wake you up?"

She nodded, I sighed. "Looks like we both over slept. Go wait downstairs I'll take you to school."

It didn't take me long to brush my hair and my teeth and by the time I had my shoes on it was already 7:45. There was no way I was going to make it on time, especially if I had to take Addie to school, but I refused to think of that as I made my way to her school, which was good twenty minutes away from mine.

When we got there she climbed out, waved goodbye, then ran up the steps barely making it in before a teacher closed the front door.

I waited a little while longer. I was officially ten minutes late for first period. I thought about skipping, but that would create more problems than solve any.

Sucking it up I drove to school, counting down the minutes before I had to walk in, late.

There was no on in the halls when I finally made it to school. I rushed to my locker, needing to grab my government book, just in case there was a pop quiz.

"33...45...12" I whispered to myself as I did my combination.

Hearing a pair of feet walk down the hall I looked up expecting a teacher to bust me for being late but when I looked up I saw Jack making his way down the hall. He had on sweats and a black t-shirt.

He looked tired, probably not getting much sleep either after getting back so late.

Jack was getting closer now, and he glanced over seeing me. My heart squeezed remembering our fight. I thought maybe he'd stop to talk about it, but his eyes flicked away quickly, as quickly as they found mine and he clenched his jaw and kept walking.

I watched him walk past me, as if we didn't know each other. I closed my locker and headed to class hoping I didn't look as crappy as I felt.

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