Good Girl Bad Girl (A Trevor...

By R5andmusic

111K 4K 520

My heart is reserved for somebody better. More

1. Why It All Started
2. It Can't Be That Bad
3. Boys And Little Kids
4. "I Don't Like You"
5. Fall Asleep
6. Guap
7. House Cleaning
8. Daniel
9. Study Session With April
10. Twins's Birthday
11. Pair Up Project
12. Truth Or Dare
13. Hospital
14. Park PDA
15. Fight
16. Vegetables
17. Street Make-Out
18. I Told You Everything
19. Because Of You
20. Dance Again
21. Good Girl
22. I Got My Eyes On You
23. "I Can't"
24. April
25. Autumn Leaves Are Falling
26. Because You Do.
27. "He Told Me I Mattered."
28. He Knows
29. Things Really Got Crazy
30. Look At Him.
Please read !!!
31. "I Discovered What You Wanted From Me."
32. She Don't Do Bad Boys
33. Orthodox Wednesday
34. Don't Give Up On Me
35. Happy Holidays
36. Christmas Preparations
37. Decorating The Christmas Tree
38. Merry Christmas
39. Hurt In Silence
40. Until The 31st
41. Happy New Year
42. "I Do"
43. My Heart Is Broken In Two
45. BM
46. The Games
47. The Girl He Never Took To Bed
48. Couples
49. Olivia Was Right
50. If This Isn't Love
51. 101
52. Blessed
53. Maddie's Picks
54. Nobody's Business
55. A Day Of Exclusion
56. School Fight
57. N VS N
58. Good Girl Bad Girl
59. Good Girl, Bad Girl
Sequel Canceled

44. Monday, January 7th 2015

1.1K 46 2
By R5andmusic

"Hello students, hope you rested a lot during those holidays because there's gonna be a test on the 16th..."
The whole class interrupted Mr. Ami with unsatisfied protestations. "I know I know, but this leaves you more than a whole week ! We are Monday 7th of January 2015..."
The class started to go quiet again. I just noticed Mr. Ami had a really weird face. He kinda looked like an owl. He had round glasses, a brown beard, a turning to grey mustach and hairy eyebrows. His voice was deep and scratchy, not very pleasant. He was teaching history of arts in this high school since probably 35 years. It was kind of boring. I've always listened to it to get good grades but since a few months, it was getti-
A paper ball hit me in the head by behind. I turned around and saw Nora and Louise laughing quietly while looking at me. It was like this since this morning. There was two hours left until lunch which meant two hours since class started again, and everytime I was walking through the hallways, I was hearing people whispering or staring. Apparently, and I don't know how they found out, but a lot of people were gossiping about the fact I was not a good girl anymore because I slept with THE player of the school. How did they know that ? I felt like my privacy was violated. Well, a lot of people were at Olivia's party, so somebody must've seen us get in the room. Damn it.
"Leave her alone" a voice said next to them.
I saw Diggy watching Louise and Nora, a pen in his hand.
"Aww, what's wrong cutie, you don't want us to bother your little friend ?" Nora giggled.
He rolled his eyes and turned back to the board. He looked at me and I took the opportunity to mouth a 'thank you'.
"No problem" he smiled at me.
He got down on his paper again and wrote whatever was on the board. I turned back around and did as well. It was really nice of him to defend me. Well, I was sure Olivia would've too if she was here, but history of arts wasn't in her options ; she had technology at this moment. Such as Trevor...

At the end of the class, I packed my stuff and walked machinally towards Diggy.
"Hey" he told. He put a last book in his bag and said : "Let's go to math class"
We headed out of the class room and once we were in the hallways, I stopped walking.
"What are you doing ?" he asked.

"Um... I just wanted to thank you."
"For Nora and Louise earlier ? That's no big deal..."
"No, well yes, but I mean... For being discreet about Trevor and I..."
I saw in his look that he understood what I meant.
"I know you saw us on New Year's Eve... And I just wanted to thank you for being like really quiet and not talking about it..."
He smiled. "No problem... I'm not judging whatever is going on between Trevor and you." He started to walk again and I followed him. "But just know you're lucky it was me who found you, it could've been anybody else."
"Right" I laughed. "By the way, how did you find us ?"
"I was searching for my phone. I didn't put it in Olivia's room like everyone else because I was scared it would be stolen or something... And I saw you guys."
"Alright... Thanks anyways."
"You're welcome."
We smiled at eachother and entered the math classroom. Diggy sat on his seat next to Olivia who was already here, and I walked to my table where I was alone. I remember at the beginning of the year where I was next to Trevor in almost every class because I was tutoring him. I was glad it wasn't the case anymore. But he wasn't in his seat next to Amy's one anyway. Probably skipping class again.

One hour later, I was eating my sandwich in front of Diggy and Olivia who were feeding eachother some spinache.
"So, have you talked to Trevor yet ?" Olivia said, her legs on Diggy's lap.
I scowled as soon as I heard his name.
"No...I haven't seen him since this morning anyway"
"But you have to speak to him"
"There's nothing to say."
Olivia knew it was best for her to shut up, so there was an awkward silence until the director's voice was heard in the whole cafeteria.
"Madison Wilson in my office please"
We all looked at eachother, surprised.

"What's wrong ?" Diggy asked.

"I have no idea. I'll just pack my lunch, we'll meet in english class."
"Alright" they both answered.
I got up and left them confused. Oh well, they were probably happy to be alone anyway.

I knocked on Mr. Exe's door. When the 'come in' answered me, I went in to see him sat behind his desk.
He was not alone. Mrs. Deep was standing up next to him, and in front of him were sat Malcolm and Trevor. Oh.
"Close the door and come sit next to these young men please" Mr. Exe ordered.
I didn't do anything wrong. What was going on ?
I put my butt on the last chair left, on Trevor's right. I really didn't want to but this was the last seat.
"I'm sure you both are wondering what's happening, so Mr. Fond will explain..." Mr. Exe talked to Trevor and I.
I perceived a little smile on Malcolm's face. "Remember the time when I got suspended because of you two ? Well, I demand that Trevor gets the hours of detention he was supposed to have, because he didn't, because he got Maddie on his side who defended him. But she was defending him not because she was saying the truth, but because..."
He waited a few seconds.
"Her and Trevor are having an affair."
Trevor raised his eyebrows, but I was way more shocked than he was. "That's not true !!"
"I have proof they slept together on the 31st at Olivia's party" Malcolm continued.
"Mr. Exe you gotta believe me this is absolutely not true, he's lying because he doesn't like Trevor ! Like everyone else..." I mumbled the last part. "Trevor and I are not even friends. We don't speak to eachother. Trevor, is what Malcolm's saying true ?"
Trevor looked at me then at the teacher, to finally answer : "No."
"Ms. Deep told me she observed you" Mr. Exe said. "What does she think about that ?" he turned to her.
"It's true that I haven't seen Maddie and Trevor speak to eachother lately..." she said.
"I don't know what's going on between them, but Maddie didn't say that Trevor attacked me later on. He threatened me and took a grip of my throat, and she didn't say because her and Trevor are sleeping together."
"Malcolm shut up !! This is my private life you have no right to say that, I can't belie-"
"Both of you shut up !" Mr. Exe said in a loud voice.
Everything got quiet and we all waited for his verdict.
"I don't know what is going on between Mr. Jackson and Ms. Wilson, and I don't wanna know. This is not our business and doesn't concern anyone but them. It is a violation of privacy, Mr. Fond. If this is true that Mr. Jackson attacked you later on, this does not have to do with Maddie and you should've come warn me right away. Let's please forget about this. You are dismissed."
"Nice try" Trevor said to Malcolm with an ironic smile.
I headed out quickly of the office, forgetting my manners who taught me to say goodbye. I didn't pay attention to the stupid creatures behind me and walked to english class.

Ms. Deep's period -which was our last of the day- was interesting. I listened to every word and didn't speak to anyone. I felt Trevor glancing many times at me, but I ignored it. When the bell rang and I got up while Diggy and Olivia walked to me, Ms. Deep's voice interrupted me. "Maddie come see me once you're done packing please"
We all looked at eachother, surprised. "Um, can you guys wait for me outside the class please ?"
"Sure" they both answered.
They got out of the classroom with the rest of the students, holding hands.
I walked towards Ms. Deep's desk.
"Sit down" she smiled.
She still was really nice. Once the door closed, she started :

"I don't know what's going on between Trevor and you. But I wanna make sure you're not in trouble. Last time, you told me you barely had time for yourself, and I saw how tired you were. Are you better now ?"
Surprised, I nodded. "Yes, I am. Thank you."
"No worries. The well-being of my students is very important to me."
"Well, if it is... Can you tell me what's going on with Trevor please ? You must know about him since you told me he only had his little sister and his mom... What's his story ?"
I saw Mrs. Deep hesitating. "I don't know if I can tell you that... Trevor might not want everyone to know. Shouldn't it be him to decide to tell you or not ?"
"But Trevor was indeed going to say it to me"
"Then why didn't he ?"
"...we got into a fight. Well, I started the fight, but that was his fault, but we were friends before that, he was supposed to tell me, but then he..."
I stopped, stuttering.

"He what ?" Mrs. Deep asked.
"He made a mistake which caused our fight. He tries to make me forgive him, so he doesn't mind if I know."
Mrs. Deep sighed. "Well, I could almost get fired for telling you this, but if you don't tell anyone it was me..."
"I won't." I shook my head.
"You guys were apparently really close, so why not... Trevor's father left him when he was 13 years old, and his little sister very little."
Oh. I remembered when Trevor told me that. It felt like it was such a long time ago. So he didn't lie about it ; he just didn't want to tell me more.
"So then, his family started to have money issues. They might live in Los Angeles, their house costed a lot of money, so we don't see it, no one could guess it's the case. His dad bought it but when he left, the money of his mom was not enough. So Trevor stopped school, and started to work, at only 13 years old. I respect his mom a lot because she raised him well and made sure he wasn't drug dealing. He's well raised, you know. He has manners, and I think he's a very smart boy. He could be a gentleman and have amazing grades and go far in life, but I think the separation with his dad was tough, and it hardened him. I don't know more about him because it's all I learned from his mom, but I think he doesn't tell her what he really feels. I think he really needs a friend."
She smiled at me and in her look, I could see what she wanted me to understand.

A/N : Soooooooooooooooooooooo there's something I want to say !! You know how I am a Jetsetter and a huge Diggy fan ? Well, once GGBG will end, you guys will have to wait a while for the sequel to start. Meanwhile, do you think I should make a Diggy story (if I do it will be a short one) ? Comment below !! Love :* <3

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