9. Study Session With April

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We entered my house, went upstairs in my room as April sat down in a chair in front of us. We got out our books and tried to study but April kept interrupting and bothering us. She was either talking, or moving, or coughing, or looking in a really creepy way Trevor. At one point, she even made her phone fall down behind her -and I think it was made on purpose- to get up, bent down and show us -or Trevor- her ass. Her butt. Sorry. Her butt.
"Okay I don't wanna be rude but maybe you should go April" I suddenly let out.
"Why ?" she asked.
"Because we can't concentrate"
"Oh...okay. See you tomorrow then" she said, offensed.
She slowly walked away to the door to let me time to change my mind. I didn't, though I felt bad.
Once she left, I sighed.
"Maybe I was mean, I shouldn't have told her that..."
"Yes, you should've. I'm glad she's gone !!" Trevor said.
I chuckled. "Wanna take a break ?" I asked.
"Sure" his face lit up.
We stayed silent until I spoke up :
"Do you remember the first day we met ?"
"Yah, it was almost two weeks ago."
I chuckled. "You told me you liked good girls. The thing I never understood is that a few hours later, I saw you with a biker girl at your car."
"Right." he remembered. "But I also made out the next day with a random chick that I didn't even know and she wasn't even my style. So doesn't mean I don't flirt with girls who aren't my type."
"Pfft...you're ridiculous" I told him.
"Hey, you're ridiculous !!"
I giggled as he grabbed me and put me on the bed and started to tickle me. I struggled to get away but he put himself on top of me, his legs on both sides of my waist to stop me, and tickled me more. I laughed really hard, and suddenly let out a snort.
Trevor burst out laughing as I blushed. He fell on top of me and laughed even harder.
"Shut up" I blushed more and pushed him off of me but he suddenly got back up and immobilized me.
"Admit that was pretty funny" he laughed.
"No" I smiled.
"I wanna hear it again" he said and continued to tickle me.
"Stop !!" I screamed as I moving under him, trying to stop him.
"Not until you say 'Trevor's the sexiest man alive'"
"No way !!" I replied.
He tickled me more. It was unbereable.
"Alright you're hot !!"
"That's not what I asked you !"
"Trevor's the sexiest man alive lemme gooooo !!!" I yelled.
"Not yet"
"Why not ?!!" I whined, wiggling to get out of his grip.
"Say you love me"
"I don't love you !"
"Hurtful !!"
He put a hand on his chest and I laughed more as his fingers were moving against my sides's skin.
"Alright alright I love you !! I love you so much you are the sexiest man ever I love you let me go !!"
He finally stopped and looked at me. He collapsed next to me, not breaking our eyes's contact.
He put a strand of my hair behind my ear and whispered :
"Say it again."
I waited a few seconds. "I love you."
He got closer to me and put his forehead on mine. Panting, we were both lying next to eachother. He had a hand on my cheek, sometimes rubbing his thumb over my skin, as I had my hand on his stomach. We looked deep in eachother's eyes, and it felt good. I liked this moment. I think he did too, because he murmured, his lips close to mine :
"I don't wanna let go."
I smiled. "You don't have too."
He smiled back.
And then we fell asleep.

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