41. Happy New Year

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"Oh my godness thank you so much !!" I threw my hands up in the air as I walked into Olivia's house, after she had opened the door for me and Chris. "Finally seeing another house than mine and other people than my family !" I exclaimed. "Don't take it the wrong way" I added to Chris, who chuckled.
Holding my clutch bag (A/N : outfit in the external link ;P), I said to my cousin :

"C'mon I'll make you meet some people, I don't want you to get bored."
"You promised me I wouldn't get bored so you better do it"
"Witness right here, you said that" Olivia interviened.
I playfully rolled my eyes. "If you don't tell people you're 14 -well almost 15, they won't treat you like a kid, think you're their age, and well really appreciate you. You can just tell them you're my cousin, and I promise you're gonna make some new friends."
Grabbing his arm, we both dived into the crowd of people, either chatting, drinking, eating or dancing over the music.

"Heeeeyyyyy April !!" I hugged her as soon as I saw her. She was talking with a really tall, white, brown-haired guy that I didn't know.
"Heeyyyy !!" she hugged back real tight then pulled away. "How are you doing ?"

"I'm fine, how 'bout you ? By the way, here's my cousin Christopher" I told as I put a hand on his back.
He shyly waved and flashed a very little, brief and polite smile.
"Hey" she smiled with all of her teeth, being nice.
She was very pretty, with a golden dress and black eyeshadow who suited her very well.
"Have you seen Eric ?" I asked her.
"Oh, he's not coming" she winced a little. "Olivia has told me she invited her, but he wasn't able to come. She doesn't know why, though."
I frowned and opened my mouth a bit, surprised and suspicious. "Oh, alright..."
"Don't worry, he probably has some family to see. I don't think he's avoiding you or something" she spoke up, guessing what I had in mind.
"Maybe... Well c'mon Chris, let's go meet other people."
I dragged him towards some other friends of mine. I kissed so many cheeks in one night, but still haven't seen Trevor. I missed him.
"Will I see your lover or isn't he here tonight ?" Chris asked me, teasing.
I playfully smiled. "Trevor isn't my lover"
"Then how did you know I was talking about him ?"
I stayed speechless as he laughed. It had been already one hour we arrived, and Trevor still wasn't in my sight of view.
Olivia suddenly walked to us and started to make a conversation.

"Oh, are you guys thirsty or something ? We have alcoohol and-"
"Wowowow, no alcohol for him ! He's too young, and I won't take some either. I wanna drive us safe home." I interrupted her.
"Sure, you're right, you're right. There's some juice there on the table if you want."
"Thanks ! Um, have you seen Trevor ?"
"Yeah, he arrived like, five minutes ago."
"Oh, that's why I haven't seen him ! Thanks. C'mon Chris, let's get something to drink."
We walked to a table and took apple juice in some red cups as I told :
"So, have you seen any pretty girls ?"
Chris nervously laughed. "No..."
"If you see one tell me, I might know her." I smirked.
We turned around to face the dance floor instead of the tables and I heard my name.
"Trevor you're here !!" I answered as I jumped in his arms.
He hugged back, his arms wrapped around me. "I missed you"
"I missed you too !" I told. "Here, this is my cousin" I pulled away, showing Christopher.
"Hi man" Trevor said as he held his hand. "Trevor"
"Chris" Chris shook his hand, showing again this brief, shy and polite smile.
"So, how you guys doing ?" Trevor clapped his hands together.
"Fine ! It's been like one hour we're here but I'm already super tired" I admitted.
"Too bad, because we're gonna be up all night dancing" Trevor winked. "How bout now by the way ?"
"I'd love to, but I promised Chris he wouldn't get bored. He doesn't know anyone here."
"No it's okay you guys can go dance..." Chris spoke up.
"No" I insisted, still smiling. "I promised you you wouldn't get bored"
"I agree with Maddie, we shouldn't leave you like this ; I wanted to see Josh cuz I haven't yet, and he might be with some other people. Shall we ?"
"Yeah, let's go !"
I smiled and made sure Chris was following us while we all walked to the kitchen.
Under the door frame was Josh, in a conversation with Lori, a short ginger kinda blonde girl, and a pretty cute, tall black guy.
"What up" Trevor saluted as he bro hugged Josh and the other guy. "Hey Lori, and hey..." He trailed off, looking at the other girl, who looked around her 16, though her small height.
"Jess" she shyly smiled.
"Jess just moved here" Lori told. "She's a freshman and she will be going to our school in January, as soon as the school starts again."
Woah, she looked older. She seemed like she was either a sophomore or maybe a junior like Trevor, Olivia and I. But if she was a freshman like Lori said, then she was probably around her 15.
"Hey" I told with a big smile.
I liked to be nice to people. Especially new people, so that they feel like they're welcomed. Plus Jess seemed a little shy and I wanted her to feel comfortable.
"So, who do you know at this party ? I'm Maddie by the way" I flashed another smile.
"Um, I'm actually a close friend to Natasha, so she decided to invite me... I also know Isa and Isabel, and well now you guys" she grinned a bit.
Natasha was a girl in my class. I didn't speak to her all the time, but she was pretty cool.
"That's nice ! We'll here's Trevor, and my cousin Chris."
We all continued talking for a while until Olivia arrived, sweaty and breathless.
"Heyyy ! How are you guys doing ?"
"Us are good, but you seem like you need a little help" Trevor said.
"Oh no that's okay" she faked smile.
I noticed again Jess's look on Chris for the fourth time.
"Um Josh did you invite Amy to dance yet ? Trevor and I are going to the dance floor and that would be cool if you joined us"
"Um, sure, I'll go get her" this one answered, surprised.
"Trevor let's go" I took his hand and guided him to the dance floor.
As we moved in rhythm to the music, I perceived Chris with a crooked smile talking to Jess, and I knew he wasn't bored.

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