30. Look At Him.

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I was sitting in the principal's office, alone with Trevor. Mr. Exe, the principal, was bringing Malcolm to the infirmary because of all his bruises and bleedings, and we were supposed to wait for him until he gets back.
It was the first time I sat in the principal's office. I already went into it one or two times, when I was sent by a teacher to warn him or something... I was one of the only students they could trust to do that, because most of students would've did something in the hallways to waste and kill time so that they had minutes less of class. I never got to sit right here to talk to the principal, because I never got into trouble. Until I met Trevor.
It was kind of awkward. No one was talking, all we could hear was the tic-tac of the clock hanging on the wall.
"Thank you" I finally let out.
Though my eyes weren't on him, I could feel him looking up at me.
"You're welcome" he softly said. It was so gentle, almost like a whisper.
He stayed silent just for a few seconds, then his voice got a little louder but just as soft, only he was using his vocal chords this time.
"Look at me"
I pursed my lips, but my eyes stayed where they were : on my feet.
"Please" his voice shook a bit. "It's been so long you haven't looked at me. It hurts, 'cuz I don't know why. If you could only explain to me, so that I fix it, that I make it better. You didn't look at me since so much time. Please. It hurts."
I lifted up my eyes and my head to his face.
"Look at me" he repeated.
I stared in his eyes. He smiled. I loved it, but I couldn't smile back.
"Thank you." he told me. "And I'm sorry. I don't know what I did, so I can't be sorry for it, but I mean, I'm sorry for hurting you. I never meant to. I swear. You might don't believe me and that's understable, but I swear I would never want to hurt you. If I did, I wouldn't have defended you five minutes ago."
Our eyes still into eachother, he asked :
"Do you believe me ?"
My eyes got filled up with unshed tears as I slightly nodded.
"I do."
I watched my feet again as Trevor moved his seat closer to mine until we were face to face and our knees could touch.
"Maddie, I know sorry doesn't make up for it... But I...I don't know what to do. You don't know how sorry I feel, how I wish you could tell me what I did."
I suddenly lifted up my butt from the chair I was seated on, and as I took his face between my hands, I kissed him. Gently. I thought it was a bit funny 'cuz he always has been very tall compared to me, but right now his head was bent to the ceiling because I was taller than him, in the position someone has between standing and sitting.
I slowly pulled away after a few, short seconds, our faces only inches apart, and sat back down when I heard footsteps in the hallway.
"Mr. Fond is in a very bad condition" our principal announced right away, coming in the office and sitting down behind his desk.
"I hope you're proud of you Mr. Jackson. Of corse this behave will have impact and consequences on..."
His voice faded as my mind drifted away. I don't know what came over me. I just felt the urge to kiss him two seconds ago.
"...but I know you didn't do this for no reason"
I snapped out of it.
Mr. Exe joined his hand and leaned his elbows on his desk.
"I want you to tell me exactly what happened."
He was looking at Trevor.
"Well..." this one started, hesitantly. "I was in detention with Maddie, Malcolm, Josh, a sophomore and a freshman that I both know of view. At the end of it, I got to the men's bathrooms. No one was there... I got out and heard weird noises in the hallway."
"Like ?"
"Things falling, a girl's whining, and like...punches's sounds. So I turned at the corner to see what was happening and I saw Maddie on the ground, and Malcolm was beating her. So of course I did something !" he justified himself.
Mr. Exe turned to me.
"Madison, what happened before Mr. Jackson came ?"
I felt like a witness getting questionned by police officers.
"Um... I got out of detention. I went to my locker to get some books. I closed it... I realized Malcolm was there. He... Um... And then he...he started to beat me."
Mr. Exe looked confused.
"Just like that ? He went to you, and started to kick you for no reason ?"
I hesitated. "Yeah"
I felt the weigh of Trevor's eyes on me. I knew he didn't believe me.
"Fine" Mr. Exe accepted. "I'll have a talk with him. Anyways, Mr. Jackson...you thought we were in a fairytale ? The prince saves the princess ? Well sorry to disappoint you, but it's not happening. It's a good thing to rescue and react at bullying, but-"
"It wasn't bullying." I cut him off.
A voice inside my head was screaming 'Stop, Maddie, what are you doing ?!! Getting in troubles and saying to the principal he was wrong !' but the words were getting out without me being able to hold them back.
"He... Trevor defended me and he was right, thanks to him. But...but...i-it wasn't bullying."
Mr. Exe looked at me.
"Mr. Jackson, you may go home now. I need to have a private conversation with Mrs. Wilson."

A/N : Yo everyone, I'm back !! ;D sorry for taking long, but actually this chapter has been written since a few weeks on my phone, I just haven't been able to write it down on Wattpad because I needed a computer for that (don't have Internet on my phone :/) ! So it took time but now I am in HOLIDAAAYYYYY ^.^ so, I will probably update faster :) I alreayd started the next chapter ;P
Thanks for your patience, your comments, your votes and readings and I hope you're keeping to enjoy this story that I personally really like ! Let me know what you think in the comments,
Love y'all <3

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