24. April

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I waited the whole day for April to come over to me ; since I heard the conversation with Luna, I knew I was going to get my friend back, and I was happy about it.
It was only at noon, when I was eating with Olivia and Eric - Diggy was (for once !) eating with Trevor, swearing to Olivia it will not happen all the time- that something happened.
I was sitting next to Eric, his arm around me while Olivia was looking at us.
"So...you guys are dating" she said.
"Yup" I smiled. "Isn't that great ?"
She smiled, but I could totally see it was fake. She was being polite because Eric was here, but once we'd be alone she'd start talking about I don't know what about the fact it's weird we are dating because blablabla.
"It is" she nodded.
She finished her lunch and spoke up :

"So, what are you guys gonna do today...? To see if I can hang out with-"
"You can hang out with your boyfriend today" I playfully rolled my eyes.
"I was gonna say you, but alright" she shrugged as we laughed.
And then April finally arrived.
"Hey..." she trailed off with a shy smile.
We all looked up at her.
"Hey" I replied.
"Um, Maddie, can I speak to you for a second ?" she asked, awkward.
"Sure..." I politely answered.

I got up and followed her, going further away from anyone. She looked at me, in the eyes. It's been so long since she didn't do this. I miss her.
"Hey, I know you're probably not gonna forgive me as easily as I wished you would, but I wanted to tell you that I'm truly sorry. For how I reacted, for what I've done. I guess I was a bit jealous because you are amazing, you really are. I'm not sayin' this to be an ass licker and get forgived, I'm sayin' it because I really think that way. I'm sorry that I have slapped you, I hope I didn't hurt you so bad."
The last part made me chuckle.
"I'm really sorry, I don't even like Trevor. I don't know what happened between you two - I decided to not believe all the rumors going on, 'cause I'm almost sure they ain't true - but I am sure aware of the fact that he is a jerk. I knew it already, I just wanted a guy, and he was, you know, he was cute... And just so you know, I planned to do this before something happened between you two. I know it's hard to believe for you, but I was gonna apologize before you get in a fight with him. I understand if you don't want to forgive me, but I hope you will."
I smiled, simply.
"April...you're my best friend with Olivia. Of course I forgive you."
She smiled, really wide ; I could see it was real. She hugged me, tight. And the feeling of sadness and emptiness that was here since our fight finally left.

Good Girl Bad Girl (A Trevor Jackson Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora