never leave me ~ miniminter {...

By YouTubeGirl7

217K 3.8K 1.8K

Danielle Jones has been best friends with Simon minter since the second grade when she moved from America to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 33

4.5K 87 32
By YouTubeGirl7

Simon's POV:

It was now the morning after and I haven't had any connection to Danielle since yesterday night when I told her nothing could happen. Did I make the wrong choice? I mean, if she doesn't feel the way I do then she wouldn't be bothered, but maybe I had said it in a way that could almost offend her? I don't know... Maybe I made it sound like I didn't want to be anything more with her, because I might have found it disgusting. Of course not, I could never think that, but maybe Danielle thinks I could...

Either way it doesn't change the fact that I'm worried. Normally she would text me or anyone for that matter to let them know she was staying out. I mean, we're supposed to be looking after her, right?

Ethan told me that she went to some party, which explains the loud noises when I spoke to her over the phone. The annoying thing is, apparently she went with Justin. I don't know what it is about him, something's just fishy. I can't quite put my finger on it but something sure as hell isn't right.

I paced back and forth our kitchen, every now and then looking out of the window to see if she had yet arrived.

"Simon, you've been pacing around for about an hour now. Why are you so worried?" Ethan walked into the room, a look of amusement on his face.

"I haven't heard from her since yesterday, what if something happened? What if she's hurt? What if sh-" I panicked but was gently interrupted my Ethan's voice.

"What if she's having fun without you?" He walked over and patted me on the back. "She's fine, Simon. She can look after herself. Chill." He laughed, walking back out of the room. I sighed and wiped my dry eyes, grabbing myself a glass of water but suddenly being interrupted by the door opening and closing again. I jogged around the corner and saw none over than Danielle.

"Danielle? Where have you been?" I asked as I joined her at the front of the steps. She was dressed in a green hoodie which was way too big for her and some baggy shorts which had a symbol on them, maybe a football club or something.

"I've been out, what's it to you?" She laughed with an expression on her face that suggested she didn't care at all.

"Just wondering, just since you've been out for the whole night and now it's 4pm in the evening, I think I have the right to wonder. Whose are the clothes anyway?" I asked her, turning my back to her and walking to the kitchen, as she followed.

"Well if you really want to know I stayed at Justin's place last night," I felt a pang of jealousy and I started to get a headache. I shot a look at her with a confused face. "and no, we didn't do anything." She sighed at my ignorance. Of course she wouldn't do anything... She's not that type of person.

"Well, did you have a good time? Meet any new people?" I asked, not able to meet her eyes with mine. I had been struggling with that a lot recently.

"A few, no one really clicked with me though. I mainly spent the night with Justin." She smiled slightly, her cheeks going slightly pink as she played with the sleeves of her - or should I say his - jumper.

"Do you," I paused, my voice cracking slightly. "like him?" I coughed. She looked up at me, perplexed, her body stiff, as was mine.

"I don't know, why?" She squinted her eyes and I chuckled.

"Just wanna look out for you, you're my best friend, am I not allowed to know who your crush is?" I smiled, raising my arms in question. She relaxed and grinned, walking over to me.

"Fair enough, but to be honest I really don't know. I'm kind of fed up with feelings at the moment." She yawned with her hand over her mouth. "And I'm tired so I'm gonna go get some more sleep before I go out again." She smiled walking closer to me to hug me.

As soon as my arms wrapped around hers I felt comfortable again, and I couldn't bring myself to let go. I sat my head on top of hers and kissed the top of her head, a friendly kiss. "Where are you going out?" I asked, still unable to let go.

"I'm going to nandos with Justin again, and then we're going to watch a movie." This was when I let go.

"Like a date?" I looked away, casually.

"I guess you could call it that. I don't know I haven't really thought about it." She chuckled awkwardly.

"Okay well go and get some sleep then." I turned around and started to pour myself some more water. But, I turned around to a distressed sounding voice. "I can't be bothered to move." She groaned, sliding to the floor. I chuckled, placing my water down and walked over to her, helping her up again. She gave me a sad pouty face and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on." I laughed and picked her up bridal style. "I'll take you up if you're that desperate." She ignored my comment of being desperate and mumbled a thank you while closing her eyes and resting her head on my shoulder.

I smiled at her adoringly, admiring her face from every angle. Even when she's tired and in baggy boy clothes she still manages to look amazing. I started walking up the stairs carefully, making sure I didn't accidentally bump her head on the passing banisters. Quickly, I found her bedroom which was a spotless sight and I rested her on her bed.

Smiling softly, I stroked the side of her face and stood up to leave. "Simon?" She murmured. I turned around and leaned over her. "You really take care of me." She opened her eyes so she was staring at me sideways.

"That's what friends are for." I grinned turning my head to level hers, but only for a second as I stood back up and walked for the door.

"Yeah... Friends." She whispered, so I was unable to tell what sort of tone it was said in.

"Do you want me to wake you up in a bit? I mean you are going out soon." I spoke softly.

"Yeah please, could you wake me up in about an hour? The movies at 8:15 and we have to eat before so I need some time to get ready and stuff as well." She smiled.

"Sure, no problem, sleep well Dani." And with that I closed the door. As soon as I got out of the room I turned with my back against the wall and I slid down it with my head in my hands.

"This is worse than i thought." I immediately recognised the voice, Tobi. I looked up and nodded.

"You think?"


Danielle's PoV:

"Dani? Danniiii?" I heard a muffled voice from under my bed covers. I raised my heavy head slightly. "It's been about an hour, you should probably get up now." An easily recognisable voice said. Simon.

I sat up knowing that I shouldn't sleep any longer and I grinned, thanking him. Thankfully the room wasn't that bright, as it was already five in the afternoon. He was being surprisingly nice about this whole date thing, which made me happy, yet sad. It made me feel that perhaps he really doesn't care for me in that way, that he's not at all jealous. I'm not saying that I want him to be jealous but I don't know, maybe I do.

"No problem, you excited?" He smiled sitting down next to me on my bed. I lifted the covers, stood up, placed them back down and then sat back next to Simon.

"I guess so." I sighed, smiling slightly.

"What's up, are you okay?" He asked, grabbing my hand. I looked at him, quite concerned and explained my dilemma.

"You know a while ago, when we were trying to talk about what was going on with, u-us?" I spoke awkwardly, I need to get this off of my chest. He nodded, looking down slightly. "Well we never finished the conversation and with everything that is going on, I just want to know if you're alright."

"Alright? What do you mean?" Simon asked, shuffling over to face me, he was staring at me intently.

"Well you were trying to talk about how you felt about... Well, me. And then yesterday, when we kissed on the live stream and I know it was for the viewers and everything but," I paused, catching my breath nervously."but, did you feel anythi-" But I was interrupted by the phone ringing, my phone ringing. It was Justin. "Sorry, one second." I said to Simon, while accepting the call and bringing it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Danielle. We still up for tonight?" I heard Justin's cheerful yet soft voice.

"I am if you are." I smiled, looking over to Simon who was staring down at his hands somewhat nervously. Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up... No. I need to do this at some point and it's driving me off of the edge.

"Great! Well I was thinking, maybe you could invite Simon and his girlfriend! I'd like to meet that guy at some point, I mean he is your best friend and I really like you, so..." He asked sweetly, making me giggle. I looked at Simon once more and he was frowning, maybe I should invite him. It might make things less awkward.

"Hey Simon, Justin asks if you wanna come on a double date tonight with Lucy, me and him." I said, holding my hand over the speaker. He looked at me and nodded unconvincingly.

"Yeah, Justin he said yes." I grinned over the phone, letting my hand off of the speaker.

"Great! I'll see you soon. Bye Babe." He cheered and hung up. I smiled at the fact he called me babe and I put my phone down.

"You were saying?" Simon asked, looking back at me. I remembered what I had tried to say to him before and I gaped and panicked slightly.

"Oh, pffft. Don't worry about that, it was nothing. Now I need to go get ready and so do you, so I'll see you in a bit, call Lucy!" I stood up and rushed out of the room whilst face palming. I really wish I hadn't brought that up now...

To be honest i couldn't think of anything worse than going out for a double date with my enemy, and my crush. I mean, Justin's not even my boyfriend but, i don't know. I'll just have to deal with it for him, I do like him.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting my music of my phone burst out while I undressed my self. I stepped into the hot steaming water and I took a few deep breathes. This is gonna be a long night.


Simons PoV:

It was now 5:45 and Lucy was here. We're all leaving at 6:00 but we're just waiting for Justin. I have to admit, I'm more nervous than I thought I would be. I mean, it's only nandos and a movie, and we're watching sinister 2, a film that Danielle was especially scared about. The first one had pretty much scarred her for life, we watched it together a while ago and we had to have about ten sleepovers in a row because she refused to be by herself. I smiled thinking about that time, when I hadn't had feelings for her like that (that I knew of) and it was so much simpler.

The doorbell went off and Danielle came rushing down the stairs, looking amazing. She was wearing blue skinny jeans and a black vest top with a leather jacket. Her dark hair was slightly curly and she was wearing black converse. She didn't just looking amazing, she looked hot.

I felt myself getting slightly red and I shook my head. "Quick, how do I look?" She asked in a rushed voice doing a little turn.

"You look-"

"Hot." Lucy interrupted me. "Justin will love it." Her voice intensified on the name Justin, and she didn't take her eyes off of me the whole time she said it, whereas my eyes stayed on Danielle.

"Well, thank you Lucy. You look great too." Danielle replied confused but sincere. What the fuck was that?

Danielle walked over to the door and opened it. A smiling Justin stood at the door, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Wow, you look amazing." He grinned. "And these are for you." Dani chuckled and took the flowers, thanking him and he bent over to kiss her cheek. She grinned and put the flowers on the side table.

"Aw, you two are so cute together." Lucy smiled and Justin put his arm around Dani.

"Thank you." They both said in unison. I took Lucy's hand, seeing these two together made me feel somewhat distraught.

"Should we go then?" I smiled at Lucy. "Better get there quickly if we don't want to rush to get to the cinema in time." I picked up my keys, as I was driving and we began to make our way to Nandos.

Nandos went seemingly quickly, we all made friendly chit chat for once, and Lucy was being unusually nice to Danielle. Perhaps because this way she knew that Danielle didn't like me, and that she was there for Justin. The boy seems nice, but too nice, which still makes me have my doubts. You may say I'm paranoid, but I have a gut feeling about this. I don't trust Justin. However that doesn't mean I'm going to ruin the date, Danielle's first date might i add.

I feel like Justin thinks he needs to impress me, which he does to be honest. But really, if Danielle likes him then that's fine, I will still always be protective of her, but he really just needs to impress Dani.

Soon we finished and me and Justin split the bill, and we made our way to the cinema as planned. We had missed the first few adverts because we were getting popcorn and the necessities. Yes, necessities. We sat at the back so we could have the best view and the order went Justin next to Danielle, next to me, next to Lucy.

I looked to my left to see my best friend clearly shitting herself so I leaned over and whispered "everything will be fine, don't pee yourself on your first date." And she laughed and punched my arm so I think that helped. After that she mainly talked to Justin which is fair enough and I talked to lucy.

"Thank you for doing this," she said. "It makes me feel a lot more comfortable now Danielle has herself a guy and stuff." Lucy smiled squeezing my hand and kissing my cheek.

"No problem, thank you for being civil with Danielle. I like seeing you two being nice to each other for once." I smiled and put my arm around Lucy, who nodded.

As the film started we got settled down, Danielle and Justin were holding hands and I had my arm around Lucy, but I still felt jealous.  Especially because I couldn't stop thinking about earlier, she was going to say something about feeling something when we kissed, but it was interrupted and now it probably won't come up again until God knows when, and now i don't know what to do.

The rest of the night was pretty much a blur, we watched the rest of the film, and we all separated, even Danielle who went back to her apartment. It ended up being not so much of a failure, the film was good, but not as good as the first, which is better for Danielle. She was still scared though, halfway through the film she grabbed my hand from under the chair so it wouldn't be obvious, but i knew and hoped she would do that. I'm glad she did too, i held it tight and didn't let go until the end. It's the way it's always been, me and her together no matter what, and that's not going to change.

The only two things that I disliked about the night was that it wasn't a date with me and Danielle, we were on different sides of the date. And the second was when we dropped off Danielle first, and Justin walked her to the building and kissed her goodbye. It was a proper kiss, like the one we shared in the river, but this one I didn't enjoy. God, I really didn't enjoy it.


Danielle's PoV:

It was now 2am and I couldn't sleep, sinister may not have been as bad as the first, but it still scared me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not that bad with horror films but this one gets me. I got out my laptop and went onto Skype calling Simon.

He picked up within three rings.

"I'm on my way." He said straight away, I laughed and he hung up. Just seeing his face made me calm down slightly and grin. He was tired, I had obviously woken him up and he was yawning, but he was walking around.

As soon as I heard the door buzzer go I ran to the door in my fluffy onesie and opened it. Simon ran in and hugged me. "I knew you wouldn't be able to do it." He laughed.

"Hey! In five hours I would've gotten up anyway, it wasn't that bad." I whined.

"Oh yeah then why did you call me?" He retorted smugly and I paused with no answer ready. "Come on loser, let's go to sleep." He grinned and he walked me to my bedroom where every single light possible was on. He sighed and started laughing at me.

"Shut up!" I grinned while laying in my (luckily) double bed. He turned the lights off and lied next to me. "I'm scared of the dark and that film just made it worse." I sighed, chuckling slightly. I couldn't see anything but blank as I stared at the ceiling.

"Are you scared now?" He half whispered. My heart began beating faster.

"Pfft, yeah."

"What about now?" He grabbed my hand which was on his side.

"Eh, kind of." 

"Okay, face the other way." He commanded and I did as so. I was now facing the complete opposite way, making me more scared as I began to make dark shapes around my bedroom. I closed my eyes tight and took a deep breath, but I suddenly felt Simons body against mine, and his arm reached around my side to hold my hand. "What about now?" He whispered into my ear as he rested his head next to mine.

"No. This is nice." I said, the full on body contact making me blush like crazy.

"Good, because I didn't know what to do next." He admitted and I started laughing.

"Thank you Simon." I smiled, squeezing his hand.

"Anytime." He replied, and with that we both drifted off to sleep.



Hey guys! I still have no wifi, and I'm using my mobile data to do this, my parents are gonna kill me! Oh well, this was really fun to write so #YOLO

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See ya!


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