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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40


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I had to admit I still ran away sometimes, but he always seemed to catch me which was always the fun part. After ten years of marriage, four kids and many fights, we still managed to keep our love going strong.

There were times where I thought we weren’t going to make it, especially when Antonio came back demanding to see me.


I was rushing home for Trevor and I’s wedding anniversary and needed to get home to get ready since I had big news for him.

“Go away.”

“Emma, please.”

“No! I have nothing to say to you.”

“You can’t keep ignoring me like this!  Emma please?!”

I stopped and turned, coming face to face with him.

“You have two seconds.”

“I love you.”

I huffed and turned, but I was suddenly surrounded by his arms wrapped around me.

“Let me go Antonio.”

But he just pulled me in closer, running his nose against my neck.

“I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’m serious let go, I need to get home.”

I tried to push him away, but it was no use.

“Have dinner with me.”

“No, I need to get home to my husband.”


He turned me around pulling me right smack against his chest.

“You’re married, when?”

“You weren’t invited.”

“To whom?”

“Who else?”

“But he lied to you, they all lied to you! How can you marry someone who’s only used you to keep himself ALIVE?!”

I tried again, but he just squeezed me even more. I whimpered at the pressure of my ribs being squeezed.

“Antonio, you’re hurting me.”

Next thing I knew my lips were being pressed against his until a loud growl came barreling down the street and hit me smack in the heart. I gasped and Antonio took it as an invitation, taking things deeper.

I felt his anger, his sadness and mostly the betrayal that I caused.

I finally got him to pull away and slapped him across the face, wiping my lips form his disgusting taste.

“Go away!”

I ran then hoping to catch him, but when I got home he was nowhere to be found. I called everyone and had Quin and Roger looking out for him, but nothing, nowhere. Vivian kept the kids so they didn’t see what was going on. It was three in the morning when he finally came home. I sat in a corner of our living room watching him as he walked through the door smelling like her and the pain of it all still lingering in my heart. I stood quiet as much as I could as tears still poured down my face. 

“She give you want you wanted?”

He growled, slamming the door shut as I got up and turned on the light to reveal the bite marks and lipstick stains on his shirt and neck. 

“Did he?”

I shook my head and turned around, holding onto everything I had not to rip his head off for being so stupid to think I would ever.

“God you even smell different. I should have known that your sent changed when he came back into town.”

I turned then, growling at him myself.

“I’m pregnant you idiot!”

“Probably his.”

My wolf was on the verge of ripping through and destroying him, but with the baby, we kept it as calm as we could.

“Yeah because I married him and been sleeping with him for the last five years just praying for another baby because that’s just the person I am, right?”

“You could have fooled me.”

I grunted and threw him a pillow.

“I never thought, not in a million year that you would ever doubt how I feel about you, but I was wrong! I was wrong to think you were different! That everything we’ve been through was proof enough that I loved you, but NO! How could you? How could you just go over there and…?”

I couldn’t even say it, let alone think it!

“If this is how it’s going to be anytime you think I did something wrong, which I didn’t then I’m done.”

“Yeah how many times have I heard that one before?”

He picked up the pillow I threw at him and threw it back on the couch, sitting down. So I picked another one up and started pounding on him.

“I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!”

Then ran upstairs, slamming the door behind me. 


I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. There she was in his arms, locking lips like she didn’t have a care in the world. My Emma was cheating on me with HIM! It felt like my entire world came tumbling down before my eyes and to think tonight I was hoping she was going to tell me she was pregnant.

I couldn’t watch anymore and left. I was just going to go home when I found myself in front of her door.

“Wow, I’m surprised to see you here.”

“I don’t want to go home.”

“First fight?”

“And last.”

I pushed past her door and went in.



After several drinks and rambling about how much I loved Emma she took me to bed.

“Let me take care you.”

“Is that what say to all the guys you sleep with?”

“What other guys?”

I laughed, yeah right we all knew she was the go to girl if you wanted your fix, all the guys in the pack used her, it was no secret she was it.

“Come on.”

“Shut up.”

She kissed me then and my mind went to Emma and what she had done. I got angry and at some point I felt bad for what I was doing but the image of her kissing him was enough to pull me back in. 

“Where are you going, stay.”

She tried to pull me back in, but I was already disgusted with myself for stooping so low.

“I gotta get home to my kids.”

I quickly dressed and left. When I got home I just wanted to go upstairs say good night to my kids and go to bed, but that’s not how it went down. Now I was locked out of my room and forced to sleep in the guest bedroom. I had to admit I didn’t care when she told me she was done because I’ve heard it a million times before, but this time I think she was serious.

In the morning, Vivian came by with the kids asking where Emma was at.

“She didn’t come by?”

“No, I was surprised too she’s usually on time, but I figured you guys had an awful lot of fun last night, seeing by your neck, so I figured I let it go, but it’s almost eleven and she knows I have an appointment so I came by.”

I nodded and took the kids instead of answering.

“Tell her to call me will you?”

“Yeah, I’ll let her know.”

Thing was, I didn’t even think she was coming back, but thankfully she did.


In the morning I had to get out of there. I needed to figure out what to do, so I laid down in the meadow for what seemed like hours. It wasn’t until I remembered about the kids that I quickly got up and went back home to find them already home.


“Hey monkeys!”

They stumbled over to me and each gave me a hug.

“Vivian said to call her.”

I ignored him and took them upstairs for their naps then went into the room to start packing.


“I’m moving out. I don’t want to be like this anymore. I’ve already given you everything I’ve got and I just can’t do it anymore.”

“You kissed him like it was normal.”

I shook my head and looked at him with tears in my eyes.

“I didn’t want to, I tried to pull away and when I did, I slapped him then ran after you. I ran after you, but you ran to her and I can never forgive you for that.”

“I was hurt, I drank too much and things happened.”

“I sat there for three hours with the pain running through my heart over and over again, it didn’t just happen Trevor!”

“Yes it did and you’re not leaving, those are my kids!”

“No they’re not!”

I knew I hit a nerve, a nerve that I promised I would never hit, but I was so hurt that it just came out.

“You know what I’ll leave instead.”

“No, I’m leaving.”

“I said I’m leaving, I’m not letting my kids live somewhere else.”

“Then you should have thought about that before you did what you did.”

I went to walk away when he grabbed my arm, but I pushed him away.

“Don’t touch me, EVER! I hate you!”

I grabbed whatever I could and started packing the car when Vivian came running over.

“Oh my god it’s true.”

I ignored her and ran back upstairs.

“Emma wait!”

“I don’t want to hear it! It’s over!”

God I was so stupid to think he was any different.

“Emma, please just don’t do this. You two have worked so hard…”

“I don’t want to hear it!”

“What about the baby? You can’t just leave and not let him be there for you.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time and besides he doesn’t think it’s his so it doesn’t matter.”

Just rethinking what he said to me had me breaking down.

“Oh Emma…”

“Doesn’t matter. I can do it on my own and I’ll figure things out, but for right now I just have to get out of here. I can’t stand to be here anymore, I just have to get out.”

I grabbed the last of the kid’s things and ran back down to find Quin and Trevor talking.

“Here let me help you, you shouldn’t be carrying things.”

“I’m fine.”

I walked past them and placed everything into the trunk of my car.


I shut the trunk and looked up to see a pair of keys in Quin’s hands.

“It’s the keys to an apartment; you’ll have everything you need there.”

“Thanks, but no thanks.”


“I said I don’t need it.”

I turned and went inside to see Vivian coming down with the kids.

“Please don’t go.”

I looked down at my babies and knelt down.

“I need you guys to say goodbye to daddy okay?”


“Because we’re leaving and daddy can’t come with us.”

They looked up and Trevor bent down for them to say goodbye to him.

“I’ll see you soon. You take care of mommy for me okay?”

I turned away and walked outside, sitting on the porch steps, looking out at everyone go about their day. I looked down at my wedding rings remembering our wedding day.

“Just take deep breaths.”

But I knew if I did I would only get sick since I was pregnant again and he didn’t even know it. It was going to be my wedding gift to him even if I have been hinting at him for a while about it.

“He’s here, you ready?”

I turned around to face the mirror and smiled. Now this was how I pictured my wedding dress to look like. Form fitted from my thighs up into a sweetheart neckline with a full skirt at the bottom. The bodice itself was beaded with thousands of crystals and beads which took me months to do, but worth every second I spent on it. My hair was up in a side bun with a white feather rose and a cathedral train tightly inserted into the back of my head.

“I’m ready.”

The wedding was being held outside while the flowers were blooming and the sun was casting a nice warm feeling over everyone. Everything was like a dream come true. Everyone was here, but most of all HE was there waiting for me.

“You look beautiful.”

I smiled and wanted to kiss him more than anything, but held back.

“You look handsome too.”

He smirked and the ceremony began under the willow tree where we first carved our names the night he and I promised to love each other forever. It was the happiest day of my life and I promised myself to let everything go and love him, always love him no matter what. 

Now I wasn’t so sure about it. I looked down at my rings again and closed my eyes. I was about to take them off when a hand came over mine.

“Emma, I’m sorry.”

I tried to pull my hand away, but he pulled me into his arms, wrapping me in his embrace.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

I couldn’t help it; I wrapped my arms around him and cried even harder.

“I’m sorry, for what I said, I was mad.”

“I trusted you and you promised.”

“I know and I’m sorry.”

I shook my head and pulled away.

“Emma, please?”

I shook my head again and looked up at him.

“I thought you would never hurt me like this and I can’t… I can’t stay here and look at you knowing what you did and what you said to me. Deny all you want, but this is your child…”

“I was mad Emma!”

“Don’t yell at me.”

He let out a huff and I could see his wolf itching to come out and teach me a lesson, but my wolf and I were too heartbroken to care.

“You can’t just leave me like this. I made a mistake, I screwed up and I’m sorry. Please don’t go we can work this out.”

“I can’t stay here, I need time to think and figure out what I want to do.”

“Think here! I’ll move into the spare bedroom, I’ll go to work and come straight home, I promise.”

“No. I need time away from you. I have to start thinking about what I want and right now that’s to be away from you.”

“So what I’m just supposed to sit around and wait for you to come back? What about the kids, will I be able to see them? What about our unborn baby?”

“I don’t know. I just need time to think.”

“You can’t keep me away from my kids Em; you know they’re my life.”

I nodded, taking in a breath.

“I wasn’t planning on them being away from you long.”

I knew he loved his kids more than anything and I really wasn’t that mean of a person to keep them away from him when the kids loved him as much as they did.

“I have to go.”


I didn’t answer and just left. I grabbed my kids and left far away from the grounds, but close enough where I could still drive them to school and make it to work on time. 


I broke her heart; I Alpha, mate and husband broke her heart. I never thought in a million years that I would ever see her that heartbroken again.

Five years of marriage, three kids and one on the way and I couldn’t believe her; trust her to tell me what happened. Now she was gone as I stand on our porch as she drives away with my kids out of my life.


I shook my head and went into the house and into my office, locking myself in. The last thing I wanted was mom yelling at me.

“Trevor, don’t you give up now! You have to bring her back, do you hear me!”

I cried, I fucken messed up and she’s gone.


Dad’s growl was louder than expected, but I didn’t budge, I needed time alone to think just like Emma. After hours of everyone pounding on the door they finally left and I finally figured out what to do.


“I need your help.”


“She left me man, I messed up and she’s gone.”

“So the rumors are true?”

I sat up straight.

“What rumors?”

“Man, she’s spreading it like wild fire, but I just thought that she was mad because Emma was pregnant again.”

“You knew she was pregnant and you didn’t tell me?”

“She wanted to surprise you.”

“How long have you known?”

“About three months now. She told me during one of our sessions, so really I couldn’t tell you. I thought you would be ecstatic since you two have been trying for three years now.”

“I messed up. I pinned the baby on Antonio.”

“You mean the jack ass that’s been harassing her for three months now?”

I stood up ready to go over there and rip him apart.

“Seriously man, what the fuck?!

“And that is exactly why she didn’t want to tell you.”

“I thought when it came to him, you’d tell me!”

“And I was, but she warned me and you know when Emma says she’ll do something, she’ll do it.”

I sat back down, running my hand through my hair.

“Damn it!”

“Calm down, just give her some time to think this through and I’ll see what I can do, alright?”

“I don’t know how long I can go without her; the last time nearly brought me down to my knees.”

“Maybe that’s where you should begin, on your knees.”

“I think this time she’s serious. I haven’t seen her this heartbroken since Xavier died.”

“Then you have some major groveling to do my friend and you know where you need to start.”

“Don’t you think if I knew I would be calling you?”

“Don’t get smart with me, I meant with the person who’s spreading the rumors.”


As soon as the kids were bathed and in bed I sat down on the couch of my sister’s place and sat there in the dark. My mind finally stopped thinking, stopped feeling and nothing was going through my head anymore. I was tired and in pain. Being away from Trevor was always hard because of how strong our bond was, but this time I didn’t think our bond was strong enough to get us through this.

I rubbed my stomach and sighed. I felt alone again for the first time in a very long time even with three kids and one on the way. I was about to start crying again when there a knock at the door.


I huffed and got up, but didn’t open the door.

“Go away.”

“You know that I can’t.”

“How did you find out where I was?”

“I have my ways my Luna.”

I hated when he called me that.

“I don’t want to talk to you.”

“I heard what he did to you.”

“Yeah and it’s your entire fault.”

“Mine? I wasn’t the one who ran away to sleep with someone else. I just kissed you that’s all.”

“Yeah and that has cost me my family, everything I’ve worked for.”

“He didn’t seem to mind throwing it away for one night of passion…”

“Go away Antonio, I never want to see you again. Forget I exist, forget you ever knew me and forget me, I hate you. You’ll never get me, I’ll never be yours and I’ll never want you again.”

“In time my love, in time you will love me again.”


“Never say never.”

“Go away!”

I deadbolt the door along with the other three locks and backed away from the door.

“You’ll never get rid of me Emma. I will have you again.”

He’s nuts! After so long of not having any contact with him, he suddenly shows up out of nowhere and starts harassing me. At first I thought I would just ignore him, but now it was just plain creepy.

After an hour or so, I finally relaxed and went to bed. He did that every night until I had enough and opened the door.

“Leave me alone!”

I was expecting to see Antonio standing there, but it was Trevor.

“Sorry, I just…”

“No, I thought you were Antonio.”

“He still bothering you?”

I nodded and let him come in.

“I’ll get the kids.”

“Wait, I think you should come with us, I don’t like you being here on your own especially if he’s bothering you.”

“I’ll be fine as long as I don’t open the door.”

“Seriously Emma.”

He came up to me and wrapped his hands around my face.

“Have you been taking care of yourself? You look pale and really tired.”

“Been a long month.”

“I miss you.”

I pulled away then and grabbed the kids.

“I’ll pick them up next week.”

“Get some rest.”

I nodded and walked them out.

“Call me for anything and I’ll come running.”


It still hurt to see him and I hated how much I loved him, how much I missed him and how much I wanted to just run to him and cling to him for dear life, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t’ bring myself to go back and pretend everything was okay again.

Couples therapy was barely starting to get us to talk to each other when a month ago I couldn’t even sit in the same room with him without crying. Now it just hurt and I was tired all of the time because being pregnant and away from him was draining me completely.

I made it back up and went straight to bed not paying much attention to the locks. When I finally woke up I rolled over to what seemed to be a brick wall. I suddenly jumped up and found myself face to face with Antonio.

“Good morning Luna.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to take care of you.”

He went to touch me, but I backed away making him growl.

“You know I’m getting really tired of you rejecting me.”

“And you just figured that out?”

I went to get up, but he grabbed me and pushed me back onto the bed making his way over me.

“It wasn’t my fault! She was the one who killed him; she was the one who shot, not me!”

“And this is supposed to convince me that I should be with you? How many times do I have to tell you, that I don’t love you?

“You will learn again.”

He leaned in and kissed my neck making me sick.

“Antonio stop.”

“That’s the thing, I can’t. God knows that I’ve tried, but I can’t. All I do is think and dream about you. The way your skin feels against mine…”

I tried to push away, but he just put more weight on me.

“The way your lips feel against mine.”

He was about to kiss me when there was a growl and he was suddenly flung away from me.

“Get your hands off of my wife!”

He turned his back to me and pulled me back behind him.

“She was mine first and you don’t deserve her!”

“Maybe not, but she’s mine and I’m not going to let you hurt her.”

“But you already did or did you forget what you did to her a month ago? I merely kissed her and yet that gave you the right to go sleep with the town whore.”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Of course it’s my business! You hurt my Luna too many times and now she is to be MINE!”

I shook my head as Antonio challenged him.

“NO! Please…”


Trevor turned me around and took my head into his hands.

“No, please, you’ll get hurt.”

“Not as much as I’ve hurt you, but it’s a challenge I cannot back down from especially when it comes to you.”

“I don’t want to lose you.”

I wrapped my arms around him and cried.


“I promise that whatever happens I want you to know that I’m sorry for everything. I should have trusted you because I do love you, more than anything in this world.”

“I love you too.”

“I’m so sorry baby love; you have no idea how sorry I am. I would do anything for you; you know that and this is one thing I have to do.”

“You have to win, you just have to.”

We hugged each other a little tighter until he slowly let go.

“I want you to stay here, you shouldn’t see this.”

“No, you can’t ask me to do that.”

“Please? You’re pregnant, I can’t risk you losing our baby and besides this way I won’t get distracted.”

I hugged him again and gave him a kiss.

“Come back to me.”

“I’ll try.”

“Promise me.”

He squeezed me and kissed my mark. I knew he didn’t want to, but I needed him to promise.


“I promise baby love, I promise and when I come back you and I have some making up to do.”

“I promise whatever you want.”


I had to win this, for my baby love and for my kids. There was no way I was going to let him win this and take her away from me. She was mine and she belonged to me. 


I smirked and took off my clothes, letting my wolf come out and play.

‘Kill him!’

We were back on pack grounds where only the men were allowed to watch. I watched as Quin came beside me, along with the others.

‘Don’t you let him win her or I’ll kill you myself.’

‘I’ll already be dead if he does, but I want you to promise me that if I do, you’ll take him out.’

‘My pleasure.’

‘And you don’t let her see me; I want her to remember me as she last saw me.’

‘Stop it, you’re going to win.’

I sighed, I had a bad feeling about this, but I was damb well going to fight ‘til the end. I blocked my thoughts out and said a little prayer to Xavier to help me out here before stepping into the circle. Everyone was silent watching as we circled each other until he made the first move. He went straight for my neck, but I was quicker than that. 


I didn’t stay for very long and quickly made my way to the grounds and out back. I almost ran towards Trevor when I saw Antonio snap his teeth into Trevor’s back.

“Emma no!”

Vivian held me back, hiding my face from seeing anymore. 

“Stop, you have to let him do this.”

I heard another cry and I snapped my head up to see Antonio’s wolf going for Trevor’s neck.

“Antonio no!”

He looked up and Trevor took the advantage and snapped his teeth over Antonio’s neck killing him instantly. I ran as fast as I could and knelt down beside Trevor as he whimpered. I looked him over and shook my head, there was blood everywhere.

‘I love you with all my heart.’

I looked over into his eyes and watched as he tried to keep them opened.

“Don’t you dare.”

He whimpered as I bent down and nuzzled his fur.

“Please, don’t leave me.”

‘Never, I will never leave you.’

I was pulled away from him as the guys picked him up and took him into the house. I was waiting in the living room pacing back and forth when the doc finally came down.

“How is he?”

“I’ve got him as comfortable as possible, but he’s been bitten pretty badly.”

“Can I see him?”

“Of course just…”

I didn’t stay long enough for him to finish before I was already running up the stairs nearly knocking Quin over.

“You should be taking it easy little girl.”

I flipped him off and went into the room. He smiled as soon as I walked in, but I stayed near the door.

“I’m fine.”

I shook my head as I looked over his bandaged body. 

“God, I’m so sorry.”

“Hey, stop that, this is not your fault.”

“Yes it is, if I just handled it instead…”

“Stop it!”

I whimpered and looked away.

“Baby love come here.”

“No, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You’re not going to hurt me; in fact you’re going to make me feel better.”

I looked over at him and he had his cocky smirk on making me smile.

“You promised whatever I wanted.”

“You’re hurt.”

“I said come here or I will get up.”

That was the last thing I wanted him to do so I made my way over to him.


I stepped another step making him smile.

“I want you to touch me.”

I slowly crawled onto our king size bed that fit both of us and our three kids and pretty soon four and knelt down next to him, taking his hand.


I almost opened my mouth to protest when he flashed me one of the scenes of his fight with Antonio and so I got up on the bed and stripped very slowly. He watched me and didn’t move a muscle while I came down to just my underwear where I stopped.

“Keep going.”

“You’re nuts, I’m not sleeping with you right now.”

“I need you to lay down next to me.”


“Yes, it will help with the heeling process.”

“Yeah right.”

But he did fight for me so it was the least I can do for him, so I stripped. 

“Mmm… I love when you’re pregnant.”

“Too bad it’s not yours right?”


“Forget it.”

I laid down next to him, pulling the covers over me.


“Please I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Come closer and look at me.”

I did as he asked and felt him start to caress my back with his good hand.

“I’m sorry.”

I couldn’t help the tears, I was still hurt.

“I’m an idiot and I deserved you leaving. I made a mistake, a mistake that I wish I never made especially if it meant never being able to hold you, kiss you or make love to you again. You’re the love of my life.”

“Then why? Even if you were mad, why not come to me and ask me? Why her, why did you have to go to her?”

“I wasn’t thinking, I was just so mad, so hurt and I wanted revenge.”

“But I would never do anything like that to hurt you. Not only did you go to her, but you made sure I felt everything and that’s something that I will never forget.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry just isn’t going to cut it anymore Trevor. The pain that you’ve caused and not just because of her, but denying your own child and making me feel like you don’t trust me, like I’m just going to sleep with anyone when you know I’m not like that. Five years Trevor, five years and you can’t trust me?”

“Why didn’t you tell me about Quin?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me about Quin and you?”

“What about him and me?”

“You’ve slept with him.”


“What do you mean and? You slept with Quin!”

I sat up, but he grabbed me before I got off the bed.

“You slept with him and you didn’t tell me, why?”

“What for?! It was before you and I, it didn’t matter.”

“Well it matters to me.”

“Then you should have asked…”

“I shouldn’t have to ask!”

He cringed and I got off, grabbing my clothes.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m not arguing with you, you need to get some rest and I need check on the kids.”

“I told Vivian to take care of it.”

“Will you stop asking her?! She’s not their mother, I am! I swear it’s like everyone matters except for me.”


“Forget it, it doesn’t matter. I’ll be back.”

I quickly wiped my face and left. I could sense the kids sleeping, so I ran outside away from everyone and cried. 


I knew mom would be up any second and sure enough there was a knock at my door, but I didn’t expect to see Quin.

“Can I speak to you?”

“Are you going to tell me more about you and Emma?”

“How did you find out?”

“Does it matter?”

“It matters when you’re making things worse between you and Emma.”

“I needed to know.”

“Really and asking her after you’ve cheated and nearly died fighting for her is the right time to find it all out?”

“Like I said I needed to know.”

“You’re an idiot you know that? Emma and I were just eighteen when we slept together. It was before she went off to college and it was only once.”


He held up his hand, stopping me.

“I’m not done. Emma and I did sleep together again when she came back from Spain and yes it was my fault. I wanted her and I’ve wanted her since we were eighteen and when I had the chance I took it, but that was the last time. Xavier made it very clear never to come near her again and I didn’t. I don’t regret what we did, but that was years ago. If she wanted to be with me she would have been, but she’s not. I love Emma, but I love her like a sister and she loves you more than anything. Stop being such a jack ass and see that. Stop using the past against her. She’s trying and you’re not even letting her. When are you going to see that Emma loves you, that she’s literally begging you to see it? I have never seen Emma fight so hard to keep herself together in my life, but I don’t know man, this might be the last draw for her and if you don’t do something and finally see you’re going to lose her and not just her, but your kids too.”

Before I could come up with anything he was gone and I was left alone. Everything he told me kept repeating itself over and over again. I thought about everything Emma and I have been through the last five years and I wanted to kill myself for the way I’ve treated her. I couldn’t believe she put up with my shit for five years and was still holding on. 


I think I sat there for the rest of the day just crying. I thought of different options of what to do; if I should leave him, go back to California, stay and endure all of this again or make my own life somewhere no one would ever find me again, with or without the kids.

It wasn’t until I sensed I was being watched that I finally got up and headed back to the house. When I came into view everyone stopped and looked at me, but I ignored them and went up the kids.

“Come on, bath time.”

My youngest held out his arms and I picked him up stumbling a little.

“Emma, I got him.”

“No, I’m fine.”

I took a deep breath and took them up. After they were ready I took them to see their dad.

“Hey you guys!”


“Careful with daddy.”

They quickly stopped and one by one gave him a goodnight kiss.

“I love you guys.”

“Love you too daddy.”

As soon as I got them to bed I made my way back to see Trevor.

“Have you eaten?”

“Yeah, mom brought something up.”

I nodded, but wouldn’t look at him.

“You need anything?”


I tried not to cry, but I couldn’t help it.

“Please Emma don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it.”

“Lay down with me please?”

I walked over and crawled up next to him until I was laid out beside him. One thing was for certain, I loved him with all my heart.

“I’m sorry and I know that doesn’t mean much, but I am. You are everything to me, nothing in this world compares to you and nothing ever will. I’m sorry for everything I’ve said and put you through these last five years. I don’t know how you put up with me.”

I looked up and saw the tears in his eyes.

“I’m so sorry Emma; I never meant to hurt you. You are everything to be baby; everything and I can’t live without you.”

“I’ve waited five years for you to say that.”

“And I’m sorry it took me so long for it to happen, but I promise this is it, it ends here. If you stay then it ends, no more fighting about stupid stuff and we learn to trust each other like we should have from the beginning. We’ll start over and hopefully by the time we have our baby we’ll be good as new.”

I nodded running my hand through his hair.

“I love you baby love, I hope you know that.”

“I do now.”

“And I’m going to tell you every day until my dying day.”

That was five years ago, now here we are renewing our wedding vowels under the same willow tree on the same day we did ten years ago by carving the kids initials next to ours and along with the rest of packs.


I snapped out of it and smiled.


“Daydreaming again my love?”

“Couldn’t help it.”

“It only gets better from here.”

I smiled and pulled him onto my lips.

“Last chance to runaway.”

I shook my head and looked up at him, giving him one last kiss.

“Only if you catch me.”

I smiled and ran. Running away never was the same after that.

The End.

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