chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-Six


 I was just going down for a glass of water when I heard someone crying and couldn’t help but be curious as to whom it was. It wasn’t until I found a little boy of maybe one or two sitting in the kitchen alone. 


He looked up with those piercing brown eyes and I smiled. 


I came a little closer and when he noticed it wasn’t his mother, he looked back down, leaning his head against the chair.

“Are you here with someone?

He pointed towards the hall which led to Antonio’s office and I understood. It was probably an emergency if they were here this late at night and I wasn’t about to bother them if they were in his office.

“Well how about some milk and cookies while you wait for mommy?”

His eyes suddenly lit up and nodded his head with excitement.

“Come on.”

I picked him up off the table and placed him on the counter as I poured him a glass of milk then pulled out the cookies from above the refrigerator.

“Thank you.”

“Well you are very welcome. I’m Emma by the way, what is your name?”


I nodded and watched him as he ate his cookies, savoring them one by one like it was his last time having them. As I watched him, I couldn’t help but feel like I was looking at younger version of Antonio. They had the same hair and eyes, his nose was a little smaller than his and lips were a little thinner, but all in all it was like this was his own kid.

“So how old are you Junior?”

He held up his tiny hand and pointed two fingers out.

“Wow you’re a big boy.”

He then smiled at me and he went on about how he was hoping his dad would give him a birthday party because he was a big bag wolf alpha, but that he never met him before because they lived far away. 

“Well I bet your dad would love to meet you and I also bet he would love to throw you a big birthday party too.”


“Of course I do, no dad would ever let their baby boy go without a party, especially one as cute as you!”

I gave him one last cookie when what looked like his mother and Antonio came into the kitchen. I couldn’t help but compare Junior to Antonio and the woman with him knowing very well that they were his parents.

“Look mommy cookies!”

I snapped out of it and looked down at him, rubbing his head then back at them. I could see her eyeing me down, but I smiled and stepped away, noticing how pretty she was, beautiful actually. She had long auburn hair and her features were flawless, almost as if she came out of a magazine. You could see she was perfect for Antonio and they actually looked perfect together, making my stomach twist in knots for some reason.

“I hope you don’t mind, he was looking very sad and I wanted to make him feel better.”

“No, it’s fine.”

She then scooped Junior up from the counter and turned him around so that Antonio could see him.


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