chapter 35

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I woke up to the smell of food and my stomach grumbled. I slowly got up when the door opened with Trevor stepping through.

“How’d you sleep?”

“How long have I been out?”

“Two hours.”

“Are we there yet?”

“No, we still have a couple more hours to go.”

“Where are we going?”

“How about you eat and I’ll let you know?”

I groaned and lay back down as he laughs at me.

“Just for an hour or so, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

“Why can’t we talk in here?”

“Because it’s a bedroom and a bedroom should only be used for sleeping not eating.”

“But I like eating in bed.”

“I don’t doubt for a minute that you don’t, but I really need you to come sit out here with us.”

I look at him for a minute when my stomach grumbled again.


I got up slowly and made my way over to the door when the plane dipped making me sick in an instant. I quickly ran to the restroom and emptied whatever was left from this morning. I was so into letting everything out that I didn’t notice him rubbing my back and holding up m y hair until it stopped.

“You okay?”

I nodded as he handed me a paper towel and flushed it for me.

“Come on.”

I shook my head and washed my mouth first before he guided me back into bed.

You look like you’re in pain.”

“Back hurts from the force of gagging.”

I wasn’t expecting him to come around and start rubbing my back, but when he did my whole body started to relax which just caused my body to want to go pee, making me groan.

“What’s wrong?”

“I have to pee.”

He of course laughs at me as I get up and go do my business.


She let me touch her, too bad it was for such a small amount of time, but it was nice to feel her. She was tense that was a given and that wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

“I’m hungry now.”

I look up and smile as she leans against the door way.

“Turn around and get your behind into a seat, I’ll bring it to you.”

She nods and turns, giving me a nice view of her…

‘Please don’t finish that, it’s bad enough I feel things for you that I shouldn’t.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘There is nothing in this world that I want more than him, so please respect him and me and don’t think of me in that way.’

‘You’re right, I’m sorry.’

Now I felt worse than I did before. She was completely right, I have to control myself, he was my best friend for god sakes, but this mating thing isn’t easy either, especially when I’ve never experienced it before and my wolf was stirring at every sight and smell of her. I would have thought after all of these years of watching her and knowing that someday she would be mine, it would be easier for me to control myself.

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