chapter 4

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“Oh thank god it is done!”

Oh Em… It’s gorgeous!”

Tess bear hugs me and I sit down, looking at the two dresses hung before me. One was white with the hint of pale pink at the bottom of a full skirt and lace covered bodice, with a off the shoulder three quarter sleeve of pure silk lace as her dress. The second one was all lace, form fitting and also with a pale pink bottom, corset bodice with the beading that reflected the first dress. Though my sister’s had he anagram screened  along the length of her train so when she walked down the aisle you could see it. I had both brooches made by my friends, shoes and hand bags also. Finally the day came two days before I left for California to my sister’s wedding and was called in for judgment.

“Oh wow, Emma, these are just incredible.”

 I jumped a little and smiled.

“Enough to get me to New York?”

The headmaster smiled and winked before writing something on her clipboard and walked away with the rest of the judges which included Mr. DeSantos.

“Really great job.”

“Thank you and thanks again, you really save my butt.”

“I think you adding that pink sash in the back really made the piece I just helped along.”

 I nodded as he walked out then turn to my friends and jump again, making a dance.

“Oh I’m so glad that’s over with. I gotta go pack!”

I gave them each a kiss and ran for my room. I had my packing done in less than an hour since I hace already picked out all my outfits, but either way mom would have a full wardrobe for me for my my birthday when I get back. I was just zipping up my suitcase when I got a delivery.



“These are for you.”

 I grabbed the box form one of our lower classmen students and went back into my room. I took the card out first and read it.”


But no name as to whom it was from and I didn’t recognize the writing, either way I opened it and immediately gasped.

 “No way!”


I’ve been eyeing her the minute she received my package and once she opened it I could feel my heart thump a million miles a minute because I now could feel her emotion as we were getting closer  to her birthday. Then she gasps and squeaks jumping on her bed. I laughed to myself and decide I had to see this. I quietly went into her room and loved the sight of her jumping on her bed once again.

“Why so happy?”

She jumped down and picked up the book I’ve been hiding in my room for the last month. She’s been hearing about it and I just so happen to know her personally and was happy to give me an early copy, a signed copy just for her.


“Nice? Nice? It’s amazing! it’s not suppose to be out yet for another week!”

I smiled and stepped forward.

“May i?”

She handed it me and I opened it.

“Oh look it’s signed.”

She gasps once again, taking it right out of my hands. Well more like yanked it then she did something I wasn’t expecting her to do, she cried. My instincs kicked in and I picked up her chin, wiping the first tear to fall.

“You okay?”

 She nodded and closer the book, hugging it.

“It’s the best present anyone would have ever given me.”

My heart skipped a beat. I was about to open my mouth to let her know it was I who had done such a thing to make her cry when her cab arrived and Zander and Tess came running in.


Emma’s cab was here to pick her up, but I could clearly see Xavier was there giving her, her present. She cried I knew she would and it made me happy that my best friend was finally going to be happy after everything that has happened to her since that awful night. I could still remember her torn clothes as she ly there in the pouring rain as he…

I closed my eyes and shook my head. I can’t even bring myself to saying it. I still have nightmares about it. I’m just glad he wasn’t able to do anything to her besides tare her clothes. If it weren’t for me strong sense to protect her I would have been too late, but thank god I wasn’t… at least that’s what she told me.

I let them have a moment before Tess came beside me and told me her cab was here. I smile down at her and nod.

“Sorry to interrupt, but Em, your cab is here.”

“And we’ve already packed your dressed and things too!”

Tess was a nervous, cheery person and Emma always got a kick out it. I looked at Xavier and he gently backed away looking down.

 “Come on Em, you’re flight will leave if you don’t get to the airport on time.”

She knodded and before I could step foot in to help her with her bags, he took them. I looked at Em and I could see the gleam in her eyes that she always gets when he’s near her.

“Alright, well come on baby girl.”

 I grabbed her arm, getting a growl from him and smirked. 

‘Yeah you growl all you want, but I’m going to take advantage of this until she figures out you’re her mate.’

‘Don’t think I’ll forget this when yours comes around.’

After a hundred more hugs from me, she was off. I would follow soon after just needed my critique to be done for my other two classes. 

Once she was gone, Tess went back to her room to cry and I was stopped just before I hit my room.

“You know after Saturday, you won’t be able to do that anymore.”

I smiled, putting my hands in my pockets.

 “You don’t know that. She’s my best friend and even when you do get her, she’s still going to love me.”

“But she’ll be mine.”

“That’s exactly what your brother said once too.”

I was suddenly against the stone wall. If I were human, this would hurt like hell, but I wasn’t.

 “I’m nothing like him!”

“Then prove that to her! Love her, don’t let him get to her because if you do, Alpha or not, I’ll kill you and she will be mine.”

He pulled away then and walked away.

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