chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four


“Wait, what are you asking?”

“I need to know if he really raped you or if you actually…”

I couldn’t help but drop my jaw as the words came out of her mouth.

“Are you serious?”

“Please answer the question, did you or didn’t you drink that night?”

“Yes, but…”

I let out a breath and put my hand to my forehead. I couldn’t believe it. I felt like an idiot for thinking my own sister would believe me when it was apparent that Luke was filling her head with lies. I watched her as she sat down on her bed with her phone in her hands and I knew that she wanted an excuse to go back to him. As much as she says she hates him, she loves him more than anything and I know now more than ever because since she’s been with me I noticed she’s been acting funny.

“Emma did you ever say no?”

She looked up at me for the answer, but I knew there was nothing I could do or say for her to believe me. I wanted her to be happy and if I had to lie then so be it.

I shake my head 

“No, never.’

“Not once”

I shake my head again which caused her to let out a breath and my heart broke, but I never expected for her to say next.

“God, I can’t believe you would do this to me.”

I frown 

“Wait, what?”

I knew I didn’t but that still didn’t make it right and why would I do anything to her, he raped me not her.

“Not I know…”

She slowly got up from her bed and made her way over to me.

“You didn’t come home crying everyday from school because he tortured you; you came home because he never wanted you or paid attention to you.”

My breath caught, what did he say to her?

“That’s not true!”

“Of course it’s true! It explains everything!”

My first instinct was to get out of there before we got into an argument where both us would end up saying things that we didn’t mean, but she had other plans. I was just about to walk out the door when she grabbed my bruised arm, making me yelp.

“How could you?”

“He’s lying!”

“No you are! You just said you never said no! Did you or didn’t you do it because he was going to tell me?”

“Please you’re hurting me.”

“Not as much as you hurt me! I stood up for you, I even left my husband for you and it was all for nothing! A LIE!”

 “No it wasn’t… Please you’re hurting me.”

“Then tell me you said no, TELL ME!”

“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”

“I hate you and I’m so glad you’re not my full sister.”

She then let me go and turned around, placing her hands over her bed.

“I never lied, he raped me and you saw it for yourself! He would scare me into submission; threatening to tell you lies and hurt you.”

“I knew you were always jealous of what I had and who I was, but to try and take it all away from me?”

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