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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 37

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I was talking to Mr. DeSantos and the elders about what my plans were with Emma when I felt my heart ache. I clenched my chest with me hand over my heart and grunted.

“Trevor, what is it/”

I shook my head and tried to steady my breathing.


Then it stopped and I was able to breathe again.

“What happened?”

“Nothing, I’m fine.”

I took another deep breath and shook myself a little.

“I’m sorry, what were you saying?”

I looked at her grandfather who was now wearing a frown on his face.

“Where is she?”

“Upstairs taking a shower.”

He then ran up and I ran after him.

“Sir, please, she’s fine.”

He turned to me and went into her room, sniffing then relaxed.


“You mated.”

“Yes, but let me…”

Before I said another word Emma came out sporting hand marks on bother her wrists and red skin. My eyes widened what had she done?

“You forced her?! Did you not listen to ANYTHING I SAID?!”

His wolf was on the verge of ripping my head off when Emma’s hand circled its way around his shoulder.

“Papa, calm down.”

My heart clenched at how cracked and scratchy her voice was. He turned around and shook his head.

“My sweet, sweet girl.”

He pulled her into his arms and let her burry herself into his chest. My wolf growled making her grandfather look down at me.

“Get out.”

“I can’t do that Sir, she has to tell me.”

He then looked at her, but she just looked away with a faint whimper.

“Shhh… It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m right here.”

He picked her up and it took everything in me not to run to her and pull her away from him, especially since she was just in a towel.

He scratched her head and rocked her as she kept her face hidden from me, but I knew she was crying.

“How could you? After everything I told you…”

“It had to be done Si; she was trying to kill the baby.”

He gasped and looked down at her, but she wouldn’t look at him.

“I couldn’t control my wolf, it just seemed like it was the only way.”

He nodded as he kept looking down at her.

“Oh baby girl, this wasn’t supposed to be this way.”

I wanna go home, please, take me home.”

My heart felt the natural pain of a mate not willing to try and I turned away, leaving.


“Please Papa, please.”

“Oh baby girl you know I would do anything so you can. I wish that I could tell you that you could but you can’t. You need to stay here with Trevor or you or the baby will never survive.”

“I don’t love him.”

“Not now, but soon you will, you just have to give it a chance.”

“He raped me.”

He pulled me in closer and I could feel his tears against my neck.

“I know, I never thought it would come down to that, but you gave him no choice, you were trying to hurt the baby.”

“It doesn’t deserve this life.”

“Yes it does. Every child has a right to live and this is why Trevor is living right now because Xavier wanted him to live. Xavier chose to go not because he didn’t love you, but because he did.”

 I shook my head, he was making no sense.

“Just listen to me...”

He lifted my chin and wiped my tears.

“You were meant for Trevor from the very beginning. Xavier was just here temporarily, Trevor was keeping Xavier alive with his human blood and Xavier’s bond with you was keeping Trevor alive. The bonded blooded Xavier had was keeping Trevor alive until he died and now Trevor will be getting Xavier’s heart, but that heart needs to be loved by you. You can’t give up now, Trevor needs you, and this pack needs you.”

But mating is between wolves, not hearts, how is that possible?”

“Trevor never had a wolf, did you not ever notice?”

I shook my head, pulling away from him as I needed some space and air.

“Xavier loved you, there was no doubt about that, but Xavier was never meant to be yours. It’s rare when a human boy is born on the same day, at the same time, in the same hospital as a wolf. It’s legend that when that happens, paths can cross and the human gets the wolf and the wolf stays human. When that happens, things get complicated. They needed each other to survive and when Xavier found you, Trevor knew who he wanted to be with.”

“I was just survival to them.”

“No Emma…”

“Yes I was! It’s why he never really loved me, why he could go on and sleep with the entire town without remorse! I was never his! I was never… his.”

“Xavier wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you, you were only meant to fall in love with him.”

“Oh god…”

I shook my head and sat down on the bed.

“The feeling your wolf has, is for the same wolf, it’s just in a different body. Nothing has changed the love is still there only with its rightful owner.”

I shook my head, I was so confused.

“Emma, Trevor is your rightful mate and now that you’re fully…”

“NO! He took that without my permission.”

“You can’t deny it. You’ve mated under the red moon which only means your bond is that much stronger.”


“You won’t go long. All mates go through it at first. Both of you are Alphas, blood in and blood out and your bond will only grow that much stronger until you take over this pack.”

“I don’t want it, I’ll reject him.”

“Then you will die.”



I ran out then and went looking for him, finding him in the living room with his face in his hands. My heart ached for him and when the baby kicked I stopped. He must have caught my sent because he looked up and quickly came towards me.

“What’s wrong?”


‘Please don’t do it, it’s him, it’s really is our mate.’

‘You knew?’

‘Yes, but I wasn’t sure until we completed our mating process.’

I shook my head and turned around, covering my mouth.

‘How could that be?’


He went to touch me, but I pulled away and ran back up, slamming the door shut. I couldn’t do it, god I couldn’t do it and I could already sense him behind the door  making me want to yank the damn door opened and wrap myself around him like I puppy dog. UGH! What was going on with me?

“Emma… Emma… are you alright?”

“Why couldn’t you just tell me the truth?”

“Because I couldn’t, I had to let it happen, but I want you to know that every moment you had, I was there. You might have not seen me, but I was there. Please Emma, give me a chance.”

 “NO! NO! NOOOOOO!!!!”

Then I felt a pain in my stomach making me place a hand on the bed and bend over.


The door flew opened for the millionth time and as soon as he touched me the pain went away letting me take a full breath. He moved his hands towards the baby and started rubbing circles around it.

“You see our bond is growing already.”

I pushed his hands away and stepped out of the way, going into the closet to change. It took me a while to get my body to stop wanting him before I was able to get out. I was exhausted, so I just decide to lay down and go to bed, but to my dismay Trevor came in with a tray of food.

“Sit up baby girl, you need to eat.”

I rolled over instead.

“I’m really tired.”

“It’s your favorite.”

I shook my head as he came around and knelt down in front of me, but I refused to open my eyes and look at him. I could feel his hand ready to touch me so I turned, avoiding his touch.

“I’m really tired.”

He let out a sigh and got up.

“Very well.”

Once he was gone, I sobbed into the pillow and cried myself to sleep.


“She didn’t eat did she?”

I shook my head at Quin and sat down as he handed me a stiff drink.

“Give her time to adjust, keep your distance as much as your bond will allow and just let her come to you.”

“She will never come to me.”

“Maybe not now, but she will.”

“How are you so sure?”

“Because I’ve known Emma my whole life, you have to give her time. She’s been through a lot and with today being her birthday and all, I…”

“What did you just say? Today’s her birthday?”

“Yeah, I thought you knew?”


“Wait, you didn’t know?”

I shook my head and grunted, how could I know this?!

“Damn it! Now she will never forget what I did to her!”

I slammed my glass down onto the table and stood up.

“Out of all days, why today, why now, why like this?!”

“What you think you were just going to get Xavier’s heart, his wolf and his ate with no problems, no complications?”

I shook my head and sat back down.

“No, of course not, but I wasn’t expecting her to fight me this hard.”

“Well she’s been through a lot.”

I nodded; Xavier and her grandfather told me everything that had happened, which only made me feel that much worse for what I had done to her. It didn’t come to me until now why she had frozen up when I held her hands above her head. She was never going to forgive me now, let alone touch her without her remembering what I had done and she will never look at me in the eyes the same way again. Her eyes already held so much, her sparkle was and her smile was no longer there.

“Just give her time maybe once the baby is born she’ll give you the chance you need.”

“Maybe, if she even lets me be there when she gives birth.”

“We will see in five months.”

We had a couple more drinks before either one of us went to bed.


I woke up in the middle of the night with my stomach growling and had no choice but to get up. I saw the tray of food, but it was cold, so I took it silently back into the kitchen to heat it up. The baby kept kicking and growling.

“Relax, I know, I know.”

I took my food outside and sat down on the steps of the deck looking out into the clearing and forest just behind it. I could sense wolves out on patrol and some close enough to smell, but I was comforting to me and began to eat, sighing that I was getting something in my stomach, but I should have known a plate wasn’t going to be enough especially being pregnant.

I was on my lat bit when I saw something coming out of the woods. It was the girl who was hugging Trevor, she was giggling with Quin right behind her. So that’s why he didn’t leave with the rest, ha?”

“Ahhhh… heya Emma.”


They both came up and sat down beside me.

“We were just…”

I put my hand up before he went any further.

“Secret is safe with me.”

“By the way I’m Vivian, Trevor’s little sister.”

I smiled and shook her hand.

“Emma, nice to meet you.”

“I know Quin told me a lot about you and I just wanted to say I’m sorry about Xavier, he was like a big brother to me.”

I nodded, looking down at my plate.


“So what are you doing out here so late?”

“I got hungry and needed some fresh air without everyone hovering over me.”

“Yeah, Trevor tends to overdo it sometimes especially with my baby niece or nephew in there.”

She rubbed and it kicked.

“Whoa, that’s so cool!”

I laughed, nodding when I felt the heat of my skin rise and I knew he was out there.

“Emma are you alright?”

I looked at Quin and he quickly got up, going up to him.

“She just wanted fresh air and your sister and I were keeping her company. Why don’t you go back to bed, I’ve got her.”

“Can’t sleep.”

He came closer to me and took my plate.

“I’ll get you some more.”

Before I could protest, he was already inside.

“So what are you doing today once we’ve all woken up again?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well how about you and I go into the city tomorrow and do a little shopping! We can get out hair done, nails… Oooo and there’s this place I want to take you, you’ll LOVE IT!”


“I think you should go.”

I should have known as he sat down next to me handing me a plate of spaghetti with garlic bread and two forks. I frown until he took it and ate off my plate.

“God big brother, you couldn’t just get a separate plate for yourself, could you?”

“What I like sharing with me girl.”

I didn’t say anything and just stared at the place on my lap.

“Well we better go to bed, see you in the morning!”

They both went to bed, leaving Trevor and I alone which I didn’t feel too comfortable with. I scooted away from him and put the plate between us as an excuse. I felt how the pull affected us when we pulled apart and sensing from the baby and my wolf, they weren’t too happy about it.

“Happy birthday by the way.”

I didn’t say anything as I leaned against the railing.

“I know it doesn’t mean much, but I never meant to do what I did, especially on such a day as this. I’m sorry Emma, I’m really sorry.”

I didn’t say anything and stared off into space until he took my hand. I gasped, pulling it away and got up.

“Emma, please.”

“I hope it’s a girl so when I leave you, you’ll have something that reminds you of me.”

He snapped his head up and looked into my eyes, but I looked away going up to my room. I grabbed my heart knowing that I just basically rejected him as my mate.


When I heard her come down and then eat I thought she was making an effort to come out atleast. Then she smiled as she saw Quin and my sister came out of the woods giggling like teenagers. For a split second, I thought the light in her eyes was back, but it soon faded away.

 I knew she was eating what I brought up to her, but knew she would be wanting more, so I offered to heat up another plate and came out just as Vivian was asking her about going into the city to get pampered and I thought it was a great idea. She never agreed, but knowing Vivian there was no way she was going to take no for an answer especially if I gave her my credit card to use.

I was even surprised she didn’t flinch or freeze when I sat next to her, but the minute I called her my girl there it was. I could feel the sickness in my stomach, but it wasn’t from me, it was from her. I looked at Vivian and she knew it was time to go, so when she left I was to take advantage of the closeness to speak to her when she moved away. I felt the ping of the pull and my wolf didn’t like it one bit. This bond was going to be stronger than I thought.

I looked at her for a bit as she looked up the sky and wondered what she was thinking, but no luck there as she wasn’t letting anyone get into that head of hers. Then I took the courage and wished her a happy birthday. I could see her eyes water, so I began to apologize only for her to pull herself away from me and give me the shock of my life.

I couldn’t believe it, is that what she wanted to do? After all she’s learned was she not willing to try and make this work? My heart ached, was she rejecting me? No, I couldn’t let her do that and I couldn’t let her leave me. She belongs to me and ONLY me!!!

I was about to get up to go after her when there was a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned and saw dad there.

“Don’t do it, let her go, she’ll come around.”

“Didn’t you not just hear her? How can I just sit here and not do anything about it?”

“Because you know if you push her she’ll just push right back. She’s a strong one son and she’s not something you can use your man cave ways with. All she needs to know is that you care, that you’ll be there for her no matter what. She’s testing you that’s all.”

“What if you’re wrong?”

“Then you’ll let her go, nothing good ever comes from keeping a mate by your side that doesn’t want to be there.”

“She just needs to see that I love her, that she belongs with me.”

“Then start by groveling at her feet. What you did was the worst thing you could have done to her and honestly I don’t see how she will ever let you in after doing something she tried so hard to forgive and forget. Life has taken everything from her, not it’s time it’s given back.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?”

“That’s for you to figure out.”

He then walked away leaving me to figure out a way to give her what she lost in hopes she would stay here with me.


I woke up with a pounding headache and sick to my stomach which had me over the toilet in no time.

“Good… Oh ewe!”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed flushing the toilet.

“Teach you to come in without knocking.”

“Sorry, I was just so excited that we’re going out today.”

“I never said I would.”


I shook my head and started brushing my teeth as she pouted.


“I’m not feeling so good and …”

“I heard what you told my brother.”

She crossed her arms across her chest and looked at me as I bent down over the sink and washed my mouth.

“You must think I’m a real bitch for saying it.”

“You’re hurt, you’re confused. Hell I would be too! But it’s not Trevor’s fault he was born the way he was. No one knew Xavier was planning on doing what he did.”

“That doesn’t change the way I feel. I mean look at it through my eyes, what if Quin died and you thought the baby you were carrying was his and then suddenly it’s not, that your whole relationship was based on lies after lies, I just…”

She came behind me and put her chin on my shoulder.

“I don’t want to lose my brother, please give him a chance. I don’t want to wake up another day wondering if I’m going to wake up with him dead because his heart stopped all of a sudden.”

I shook my head, letting out a cry.

“It’s not that easy.”

“Why not? You’re having his baby, you’re his mate and the bond you two have…”

“Not when he takes it by force, a bond made like that only brings heartache, sorrow and sadness, exactly what I feel now.”

I shook my head trying to control my tears, but it was too hard not to. Just thinking that I could be the cause of his death and if only things were different.

“I wish I could tell you that I could, that I could just go running to him, but I can’t. There are just so many things I don’t understand, things that I never wish on anyone and I can’t just forget about it like they meant nothing.”

“But you can move on from them. The memories will always be there, but you can’t keep holding onto things that you had no control over. I get my brother could be stubborn and have caveman ways but he loves you and if you let him I know he can make you very happy. Being loved by Trevor is like having a thousand teddy bears hugging you all around. He’s such a teddy at heart, but he will always protect you, comfort you and put you in your place all at the same time. Please Emma just give him a chance.”

 “It’s not that easy! Everyone acts like all it takes is for me to jump him and that’s it, but it’s not that simple. I’ve only loved one man in my life the way I loved Xavier and look what he did? There is nothing worse than to give your entire heart and soul to someone thinking they would never hurt you and then turns out everything was a lie, a lie for your brother! How am I supposed to just love him?”

“But if you just…”

“NO! NO! NO! Once the baby is born it’s his, he will find true love there, but not with me. I’m done trying to be happy, I’m done trying to think there was someone out there for me, I’m done and you’re stupid to think I will ever love someone like your brother or anyone for that matter so just stop!”

My heart was pounding against my chest and I was suddenly feeling faint.

“Please just go.”

I thought she would, but instead she called out to Trevor who came running in just as my legs gave out.


I was walking through the hall when I heard them talking. 

I had woken up this morning determined to come in and talk to her, take her out for her birthday and maybe make her smile somehow, but by the way she was speaking to my sister I knew it was going to be one of those days. 

I was walking into the room and stood outside the bathroom door as my sister pleaded my case, but there was nothing to chance Emma’s mine. What I did to her was unforgivable and downright irreplaceable.

I let out a breath about to walk away when Vivian called me in and I ran just in time to catch her.

“Hey…Hey… deep breaths baby girl.”

Her eyes were closed, but by her breathing she was not sleeping. I slowly picked her up and took over to her bed, lying her down slowly.


I moved her hair out of the way and looked up at Vivian who was trying not to cry.

“You can’t get her up set; she’s not in the condition to take much more stress.”

“I was just…”

“I know, but you can’t force her to love me, she’s gotta do it on her own.”

“But you will die if she doesn’t!”

She then let the tears fall and I went up to her, hugging her.

“It’s okay.”

“She said you took her right, what did that mean?”

I let out a breath and looked at her.

“I did something really stupid that I regret, but you have to understand that I did it because I had no other choice, she would have killed herself and the baby if I didn’t.”

“She wouldn’t.”

I let out another breath and pulled away, taking her with me to my room and closing the door.

“I raped her Viv. I forced her to be mine.”

“Oh my god, you DIDN’T!”

I nodded my head and sat on the bed burning my face into my hands.

“She was pounding on her stomach and next thing I knew my wolf took over as she was lying under me not moving, not saying anything, it was like her entire soul was gone.”


She started pounding on me and I let her, I deserved it and more.

“How could you do that to her?! She just lost her entire life’s dreams and you just go and…”

She then stops and shakes her head as she walks from one end of the room to the other.

“I messed up and now this is the second time she’s said that once the baby is born she’s gone.”

“As she should! You don’t deserve to live after what you’ve done. I can’t believe you would do that to her!”

She then storms out and from her footsteps back into Emma’s room. 

Now I had two women in my life to make it up to, but Emma was my biggest and only priority right now especially with her health.


I woke up crying until I felt a hand on my shoulder making me turn around to see Vivian lying next to me.

“It’s okay, it’s just me. I’m sorry for yelling at you and getting you upset.”

I shook my head and turned around to face her.

“I’m just tired of fighting, tired of always being hurt and I’m tired of feeling like I have no control over anything.

“Then let’s go, let’s get out here. We still have time to make it into the city. It’ll be fun, get your mind off of things, atleast for one day.”

I thought about it for a minute… Fresh air didn’t sound so bad and getting out of the grounds where no one was keeping a close eye on you to see if you were going to snap at any minute would be good too. Besides it beats staying in this room and I could use a good walk.


“Yes! Come on!”

So we got dressed and headed out, but I had to let Trevor know where I was going or he would be sending out a search party for me.


I could smell her coming near and I smiled. Seems Vivian convinced her to get out for a bit and stretch out.

When they walked into my office I saw that they were dressed and ready to go out.

“Heading out I see?”

“Are you going into the city later to check up on everyone?”

“Yeah, need a ride?”

“Sure, but we need to leave now.”

“Give me a minute and I’ll be right out.”

I kept my eye on Emma the entire time, but for the life of me I couldn’t get her to look up at me. When they left, I let out a sigh and quickly gathered my things.

The ride into the city was a quiet one, but I had a chance to have her next to me for a bit before I dropped them off.


I quickly came around the car and opened her door and helped her out.

“Thank you.”

I wanted to pull her against me and kiss her, but again she wouldn’t look at me, so I began to take my wallet out when she stopped me. I froze when her hand touched mine, but she pulled it away this time locking eyes with mine.

“It’s okay, I got money.”

“Well this is your money, Xavier left it for you.”

She shook her head and looked back down making me itch to tilt her head back up.

“No, I don’t want anyone’s money. I have money from when I worked at the fashion house in Spain.”

“Wait what?”

We both looked at Vivian.

“Yeah well I did go to school for it and all.”

“Then you have to go work with me!”

“Oh I…”

I could already see her going against it, but knowing Vivian.

“It’s Xavier’s company, you practically own it!”

“No…no…I don’t think…”

I smiled

“I think it’s a great idea. I’m going to be Alpha soon and won’t have much time for this and I think you would be great.”

“I can’t.”

“Oh of course you can! Xavier always did say you had an eye for it, please, it’ll be so much fun!”

For a moment there I saw a sparkle back and I knew that it was the right thing to do. Xavier didn’t want her to get into it this soon, but hell it got her to smile again I would do anything at this point.

“Well why don’t you guys meet me there after you’re all done and I’ll show you around?”

I tried not to show too much excitement, but to see her faint smile, I couldn’t help it.

“Okay see you there!”

Vivian then whisked Emma away to the thousands of stores.

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