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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 36

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I woke up to my head being scratched and for a second I thought it was Xavier. I smiled and stretched.

“Hey good morning.”

I snapped my eyes opened and pulled away, but I could still feel the tingles against my skull from where he ran his finger tips through.

“What are you doing?”

“Xavier told me how much you liked your head scratched…”

“Can you just please stop, alright? Xavier is dead, I get it and I don’t need you to keep reminding me of that, so just stop it.”

“Then what do you want me to do because I don’t know what else to do to make you feel any better.”

“What I need is for you to leave me alone, I don’t need you to keep reminding me of everything Xavier and nothing is going to make me feel any better. I have to do this on my own with you hovering all over me.”

“Fine, have it your way then.”

He pulled away then and I knew he was pissed, but I knew he was only trying to make me feel better.

After eating enough for four people, I was allowed to get out going to Xavier’s funeral service, if I promised to relax and eat plenty. 

I met most of the pack which only gave me their condolences and sympathy smiles. Trevor 

Trevor tried to tell me who they were, but my mind wasn’t in it. Although there was a group of girls looking straight at me with deadly glares. I tried to ignore them until one of them kept starring at Trevor as he was to her. Her eyes adverted to mine and she smirked. Surprisingly I smiled because she was jealous which only meant… maybe Trevor was his true mate?

‘No! He’s ours!’

‘But what if…?”


“Her birthday is tomorrow and she’s not my mate.”

I looked up and met his eyes as they looked down at mine.

“Yes she is and you’re rejecting her because of me, aren’t you? Now that’s one thing Xavier wouldn’t have wanted you to do.”

“She’s not my mate.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Because, you’re my mate.”

I glared at him and huffed.

“You’re just as stubborn as he is, always thinking you’re doing the best for someone when you’re only hurting them more and just like Xavier you will learn too late that just by facing your fears you can get what you want.”

“I’ve made my decision whether she likes it or not. Now maybe you should take your own advice.”

“I’m not afraid. I know where my heart belongs, where my heart will always belong.”

“You weren’t so sure of it that night.”

My heart sank, that was another thing I regretted the most or none of this would have happened.

“I’m sorry… I…”

I shook my head and walked away before I started crying in front of everyone.

“Don’t listen to him.”

I let out a sigh and shrugged as Cecilia came beside me.

“He’s right though.”

He’s not. Xavier hurt you Em. A broken heart doesn’t forgive as easily after what he did to you.”

“Yet I still wanted him and loved him despite everything.”

“He was your mate; you’d forgive just about anything just to feel whole again.”

I nodded, turning around to face her.

“But there’s nothing I can do, I will always feel empty inside.”

“That’s weird you shouldn’t, especially being mated with Trevor.”

“He marked me to save the baby, that’s it.”

She stood quiet then, but I knew my sister and there was something else.

“What is it?”

She looked behind her and then came in front of me.

“There was another reason why he marked you.”


“Rumor has it that Trevor had a thing for you when he first saw you back when you started school.”

“I don’t remember him being there.”

“Well how you could, you didn’t have eyes for any other guy other than Zander back then.”

“Mated or not, Xavier is my mate.”

“Was Em…? I’m sorry to say this, but he was. You hold Trevor’s mark now and sooner or later you will end up wanting him to fully mate you.”

I shook my head and got up.

“I can’t, I don’t feel that way towards him.”

“But you feel a pull, don’t you?”

I shook y head again, of course lying to her.

“I don’t because my heart doesn’t belong to him, it belongs to Xavier and as long as his child is alive that is how it’s going to be.”

“But you can’t or you’ll break your bond and then what?”

“He’ll be free to go to his true mate…”

“You mean Layla? Please all she cares about is how much money she can make by how many blow jobs she gives.”

“That’s disgusting.”

“You’re telling me, I caught her in the woods once. I’m surprised she isn’t pregnant by the amount she swallows.

“Ewe… Cecilia!”

We laugh, but it doesn’t last long before three men approached us.

“Emma meet Duke, Lance and AJ.”

I held out my hand, but they just bowed their heads. All three were tall, muscular like all male wolves, but each one was different. Duke had red hair, emerald green eyes, Lance was blond hair, blue eyes and AJ had black hair and brown eyes, your typical white boys.

“Nice to meet you.”

“We’re sorry for your loss and of course your gain.”


“Trevor, he’s one of the best guys in this pack.”

“We have to admit though we never thought Xavier was much of a sharer.”

“He wasn’t and he’s not. Trevor only marked me to save our child.”

“That’s not what we heard.”

Their last comment was faint as a whisper, but I had alpha blood running through my veins and it wasn’t difficult for me to hear, but I wasn’t about to let them know I did.

Then I felt him approach and I didn’t really feel like speaking to him or see him for that matter, so I excused myself and left.

“It was nice meet you three.”

“Same here!”


I followed her sent to the woods, but I could also smell Cecilia’s and three of our enforcers. I went in deeper and saw her saying her goodbyes to them and went the opposite direction. She was running away from me. I smirked and went back from where I was coming from, but was stopped before I could catch up to her.

“You know you’re never going to get her to even like you or let you near her if you keep acting like a jerk.”

I turned just as Cecilia was coming out from around one of the trees.

“I just slipped; I couldn’t control getting angry at her.”

“Well it seems you’ve been slipping a whole lot lately.”

“Well it’s not like she’s making things any easier, I’m hurting as much as she is.”

“No that’s where you are wrong, she’s hurting a hell of a lot more than you. She’s pregnant, she lost her husband, her mate, her lover and most importantly she lost the one person who challenged her, made her cry her heart out, fight, scared and who has given her the happiest moments of her life. Xavier was everything to her and you can’t expect her to just give that up.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes you are! You want her, everyone who sees you look at her, knows it, but she didn’t choose you as her mate she chose Xavier and until she chooses you, there is nothing you can do about it. She will not respond until she realizes that it’s alright to love again, but I’m afraid you’re going to end up hurting her before then.”

“You don’t know me and you don’t know what I’m capable of.”

“I know men and you’re no different from any of them. You’ll start getting desperate. The yearn to have her in your arms will soon consume you especially when she’s in heat and it’s twice as bad because the pregnancy hormones make it ten times as powerful.”

“Then she’s going to need me.”

She shook her head and laughed.

“God you don’t get it do you? Emma isn’t a crazy teenager, she has self control.”

“I know she does. Look I get what you’re trying to do and you are absolutely right I want her, but you don’t know half of what is going on and why this needs to be this way. I love Emma, believe me or not, but I do…”

“Who doesn’t? She’s sweet, young, smart and has a hell of a heart. She’s the perfect damsel and distress for any male, but Emma doesn’t just go out giving her heart away and you know Xavier holds it. You can keep thinking that within time she won’t resist the pull, but she will and you can’t let her.”

I could see she was getting frustrated trying to get her point across, I just wish she would get it over with already.

“She’s a stubborn girl, when she puts her mind to it there is nothing to change her mind and only one person has ever accomplished getting her to change her path in life and that was Xavier. If you can break through her stubbornness then I believe you will have a chance.”

I was about to open my mouth when a howl went out that dinner was ready.

“Good luck.”

She patted my back and left before I even had a chance to ask her why she was helping me. I took a minute to take a breath then headed into the house to find Emma actually sitting with everyone.

“Well come on Boy!”

I looked up and smiled, bowing and then made my way over to Emma and sat next to her.

“I’m glad you’re eating with us.”

She nodded and passed me a plate.


As soon as I walked into the clearing she was waiting for me.

“Where’s Trevor?”

“I don’t know I was with Cecilia.”

“You’re not allowed to run while you’re pregnant.”

“I wasn’t running, we were just walking.”

“Well I made you an appointment tomorrow at the spa so you can start looking like a Luna.”

“As you wish.”

I was about to walk by her when she grabbed my forearm.

“Stop acting so pathetic, she’s gone and you have Trevor. You should be jumping for joy that he was willing to mark you after everything you’ve done.”

“How can you say that? What if your mate had died?”

“Then I’d go with him, but you don’t have the privilege. You have a future alpha or Luna in you and I’ll be damned if something happens to that baby. After the baby is born you are more than welcomed to do whatever you pleas, but until then, stop acting like a victim because the only person who needs that kind of sympathy is my son.”

I was pissed… I needed to get away from her as soon as possible before I told her to shove it. I yanked my arms from her hands and walked in.

“Oh and Emma?”

I stopped and took a deep breath, but didn’t turn around.

“I expect to hear you are doing whatever he’s asking you to do and that includes you eating with us.”

I let out the breath I was holding and walked away, running up to the room. I took a quick shower and dressed. When I came down I could see him coming through the clearing.

“Are you eating with us Emma?”

I looked over to the table and nodded at Trevor’s sister and parents.

“He’s on his way, sit.”

I nodded again then made my way over to my seat which Mr. DeSantos was pointing to. It was then that he walked in.

I didn’t want to sit here with everyone staring at me, but our Luna insisted that I sat down with everyone and gets use to being around them as I was going to take over her spot soon.

‘God you can’t even look at him?’

I wanted to cry and run, but he soon sat next to me, placing his hand on my thigh. A wave of heat hit me suddenly making my just nod at whatever he said to me and handed him a plate. I tried to eat as much of it as Mr.DeSantos kept adding more food to my plate.

“That’s enough Carrie.”

“She needs to eat or she’ll stave my poor grandchild.”

That was enough! I had to get out of there. I was about to go when Trevor pressed down on my thigh.

“Just eat a little more and you can go. You’ve hardly ate anything.”

“She’s eaten…”

I looked up at Cecilia and I could see that Luke had stopped her.

“You should be eating twice as much as any of us and yet you’ve only eaten the smash potatoes.”

I looked at Mr. DeSantos and he nodded, so I forced myself to eat the rest of the food on my plate while everyone watched. Once I was finished I was allowed to go back up stairs. It took everything in me not to let it all out or I’m sure she would have made me eat again. It wasn’t until I got over the sickness of my stomach being full that I fell asleep.

Days went by with the same thing happening at breakfast and lunch time. Xavier’s mother was getting over barring, but I had no choice if I wanted to be Luna. I had to as she says although I haven’t really given into letting Trevor touch me often. I had punched him the morning after our first dinner where he took the liberty of groping me under the table. Once I made myself clear, he apologized and hadn’t done it since.

I was not starting my second trimester and looking like I swallowed a basketball. Cecilia, the baby, Luke and Zander left soon after I had arrived and were not settling back into their new roles as Alpha, Luna and Beta.

I didn’t get to speak to Cecilia very often or anyone for that matter as I have more ‘important’ things to do with my time than to distract other with my nonsense. Atleast that’s what Mr.DeSantos says. Trevor spends his time alongside Mr.DeSantos and his Beta which in most part was good, but I was getting rather lonely.

I was currently working on some paperwork for Trevor when Mr.DeSantos came into the office.

“I’m going into the city to pick up some things, during your appointment, will you be fine?”


“Good, see you for dinner then and don’t forget Trevor will be taking you.”

I nodded and waited until I heard the door shut before I ran up to my room and reached underneath the very small whole underneath the dresser. It’s where I hid a certain something, but I couldn’t reach it for the life of me.

“Looking for something?”

I jumped placing my hand on my chest.

“God, do you have to do that every time?!”

“What are you looking for?”

“Nothing, I dropped something.”

“What was it?”

He came over and I had to step away. I have been doing really well these past couple of days by  myself keeping myself distracted and distant from him every time the urges came crashing from being pregnant. They weren’t kidding when they said they were both good and bad.

“It’s fine, forget it.”

He looked at me for a second, probably wondering if I was lying or not, but I made sure to keep myself as calm as possible.

“Alright, well are you ready?”


I made a mental note to find it because I was going to need it tonight. Tonight was the red moon and I’ve only heard of what it does to pregnant woman. With our hormones twice as strong as the others and the power of the full moon, I knew I was going to need it tonight. The red moon was known to be ten times that. It was why everyone was so jumpy lately.


I smirked behind her as I closed her door. She thought I didn’t know? I was her mate for god sakes of course I knew. I feel everything she feels and hear every thought she has. Well most of the time she has it blocked and I only found out about her little secret when she thought no one was home and let out a little moan in the process. I tried her mind then and that’s when I knew just exactly what she was doing when no one was home that hour of the day. Oh but I made sure I was. It was also then that I started filling in thoughts into her mind of what I would do to her if had the chance.

Tonight was the full moon, the red one and I knew tonight she wouldn’t be able to resist her urges to have the real thing especially after I do what I’ve planned to do to her since I found out her trick.

We made it to the doctor’s office and she had her ultrasound. I hated these because she would cry every time she’d hear the heartbeat and then run off after we got home. I had no idea where she went, but it would be atleast an hour or so and every time she’d come back with a swollen eyes from crying too much.

I knew today wouldn’t be any different.


I couldn’t help it; it was like listening to Xavier’s Heart beat all over again. I wished he was here to see and hear his child sound so healthy and strong.

After my regular checkup we went home. I looked forward to the silence we usually drove home in.

“How about some lunch? You haven’t really been to the city this month and it’s really pretty outside.”

It was really pretty especially since today was my birthday, but today was also… I closed my eyes and let out a breath. 

‘Don’t think about it.’

‘I’m trying, but I can’t help it.

“We could take a walk around Central Park, relax and have a picnic.”

“You should take Layla; I think she would appreciate it more than me.”

He let out a breath and stopped the car.

“Why won’t you just give a chance? I’ve given you your space just like you asked. Yet you hardly look at me, let alone speak to me. I can’t keep doing this anymore Emma. I didn’t do this so you could push me away like this.”

I didn’t say anything; I just kept looking out the window.


He hit the steering wheel and put the car in drive again, taking us back to the house. I felt bad for what I was doing, but I couldn’t as much as my feeling for him were growing I couldn’t. He was his best friend and it was obvious someone wanted him.

When we arrived, I was about to get out when he locked the doors.

“I’m tired Emma. I’m tired of feeling like everything I’ve given up was for nothing when I know it was what I wanted, what I needed.”

I didn’t answer.

“Emma please just look at me GOD DAMN IT!”

I jumped as he raised his voice and hit the steering wheel, making it break.

“Great, just fucken GREAT!”

I looked over at him as he held it in his hands.

“Layla loves you. Regardless of what she has done in the past you should know that once you’ve mated there is nothing in this world that you wouldn’t do to make each other happy. If it’s true of what she’s done then you’ll forgive her once you’ve mated with her because I can guarantee she would do anything to make you happy.”

“That’s not always the case. I don’t love Layla and she doesn’t need me.”

“Layla doesn’t know what the hell she wants and it’s your job to show her what it is. Don’t be a runaway. Fight even if you end up losing, fight because if you don’t who else will? I didn’t fight; I got caught up on my own shit that I didn’t realize until the end. I lost the one person who ever took the time to get to know me even if it was from afar. I lost the one person who fought me day in and day out until I finally saw the light even if it was too late. I made a promise to him to be faithful and I’m going to keep it no matter what.”

“And I made a promise to take care of you, to be there for you and the baby and it’s what Xavier wished…”

“Stop with what Xavier wants! Xavier isn’t here! You have no obligation to fulfill something he had no right to ask you to do! Go and be with her! Love her with no fear, take care of her like it was your last day and cherish the moments because you never know when it’s going to be taken from you, stop thinking like you owe him something because you don’t! I thank you for what you’ve done, but I can’t respond…”

Next thing I knew I was pushed back against my seat and his lips were on mine. The heat that radiated through my body was nothing I’d ever felt before. My wolf was even in shock. Then the baby kicked making him pull away and look down then at me.

“Did it just kick?”

I nodded and we both smiled as it kicked again.

“Oh man…”

He placed his hand on my stomach and it went crazy, making him laugh.

“Ah you know it’s me ha?”

It kicked, making me yelp.

“Hey mister, calm down in there.”

I sat up then pulling away from him.

“That’s amazing; does it do that a lot?”

I looked down, rubbing hands over my belly.

“Only when you’re around.”


My heart soared when she said that it only kicks when I’m around. It knew who I was, Xavier was right. The minute I would claim her, the baby would become mine. At first I didn’t realize it, but I now knew it was true.

“So it knows who I am, it recognizes who…”

“Don’t… you are not taking this away from Xavier too. You saved the baby that is it. Don’t think that this baby is yours and I’m yours because we’re not.”

She then got out of the car and ran into the house.


I got out and ran after her, catching up to her and spinning her in my arms then kissed her. As soon as my lips came crashing onto hers, she tried to push me away, but I was tired of her resisting me when this is what we both needed.


I squeezed her ass and pulled her to me making her gasp, which I took advantage of and took our kiss to another level. My wolf was more than happy to finally have a taste of our mate and when she responded I was also.

‘Baby girl I want you so bad right now. All I want to do is make you mine over and over again until you don’t remember your own name.’

I felt her stiffen and pull away, but I refused to let her go.

“Don’t Em…Don’t do this.”

“Please Trevor I can’t.”

I grabbed her shoulders and made her look at me.

“Why not? What is so wrong with wanting to be with each other? What is wrong with living out your hopes and dreams with me? I’m not just some guy who wants to get into your pants Em.”

I pulled her back into my arms and really concentrated in looking into her eyes. Somehow she needed to learn how to trust me.

“Xavier knew he knew that someday he wasn’t going to be here. Trust me; I didn’t know it would be this soon.”

I wanted to tell her the truth and tell her that this was always planned that she was always suppose to be mine and never his, but I couldn’t she loved Xavier and I knew how much they meant to each other and he was my best friend, so I lied.

“Xavier knew he knew that someday he wasn’t going to be here. Trust me I didn’t know what he was going to ask me to do, but you know that it was the best damn thing he did because I think you’re amazing Em. Xavier always spoke about how amazing you are, how sweet and not so sweet you can be and I fell in love. I love that you are being so faithful to him, but Em how long before you realize that, that baby you’re carrying inside might need a father, someone to teach him or her about who we are? Teach them how to respect, love and honor one’s commitment?”

I moved one hand over to her belly, but kept my eye on her.

“It recognizes me Em and you know it. Like it or not it recognizes me because it knows I would do anything for him or her and you. You’re my family, we’re a family and that’s what Xavier wanted for you, for us. This was never meant to hurt you, but to make you see that life goes on whether you like it or not. That baby is growing everyday and you need to start realizing that I’m the closest thing to Xavier you or the baby will ever have.”

“God stop it.”

I was waiting for her to pull away, but she didn’t. Instead she rested her forhead against my chest and started crying.

“No, I’m tired Em. I’m sick of you rejecting me when it’s clear as day that you want me as much as I want you. I love you.”


This time I was ready for her when she went to pull away and I quickly pinned her against one of the trees. The whole pack was now out, looking at us as we argued.

“Yes! I love you Emma Rosa and I’m always going to love you whether you like it or not! Xavier asked me to take you as mine because he knew how much I cared for you. I love you! Why can’t you just see that? Why can’t you understand that I want to take care of you and the baby? That I’m the happiest when I’m with you? You mean everything to me. Emma I need you, I need us so that I can live and breathe. This is hurting me as much as it is you and I can’t take it. Promise or no promise I would have chosen you over anything in this world, don’t you see that?”

“But Layla…”

“I don’t love her! She had her chance years ago, but she didn’t want me. I tried for a very long time, but again I don’t love her.

“I just can’t.”

“Why not, what have I done to make you not want me?”


“Then what is it?”

“Because this is wrong! Don’t you see it? Put yourself in my shoes, would you want your wife to be mated by another man while she’s pregnant with your child? You’ve be stirring in your grave! I made a promise to Xavier that he was the only one for me, that there was going to be no other man other than him. I maybe claimed to you, but nothing is more powerful than the love I have for him and there is nothing or anyone that is going to change that! This entire pack can hate me if they want, but my heart is never going to love someone else like I love him.”


He stood there as I finished, heartbroken, but I had to do it, to make him understand.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t love you and I can’t be with you in the way you want me to be, I just can’t.”

He then looked down, pulled away and left. I was a horrible person, but I couldn’t do it.

When I felt like I could look up I found myself being watched by the pack. Some looked at me with sympathy, some with hate and some with pity, but I couldn’t stay there for long. I turned quickly and went to the only place that brought me peace through all of this. I was just there when I heard him.

Trevor was sitting in front of Xavier’s grave with a bottle of whiskey in his hands.

“I can’t do it man, she doesn’t want me, no one wants me.”

My heart felt the ache just like any mate would feel the other’s pain, but I never said I didn’t want him. I just said I couldn’t. Our bond was growing everyday without us even knowing it, but when I did, Xavier was the only thing that came to mind and that only made me feel even worse about how I reacted whenever I knew he was near.

“I kissed her and man were you right. It was like having a mint and chip ice cream cone. The way she felt against me was perfect. Everything you said she would do she’s doing. You were also right about me wanting to give up and I want to. I want to so bad, but I can’t, I just can’t. I need her man, I need her to survive and I don’t know how to tell her, how to explain it to her without breaking my promise to you. I even lied to her, I actually lied and I hate myself for it.”

He then leaned against his knees and rocked back and forth until he began to cry. I tried to get into his mind, but he was blocked. That’s when he stopped and turned around.


I needed to vent, to let it all out and I knew he would be the only person who would understand what I was going through. Everything was coming true to the very last bit and I was getting scared. How could I get her to fall in love with me without tell her my secret if that was the only way she would maybe consider loving me? I was just about to open my mouth when I felt a tug in my mind, then I felt her, she was here. I quickly turned making her gasp in surprise.

“What are you doing here?”


I could hear her heart beating faster than usual, she was scared, but why?

“You’re eyes.”

Shit! I turned and closed them.

“You need to go, go inside and lock the door.”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, just go and do as I say.”



I knew she jumped from the force I used through our claim, but I had to do it.

“Please Emma, go!”


Something was going on and I was going to find out what. I ran into the house not because he asked me to, but to find out what the hell was going on. I quickly ran up to his room and started going through his drawers. I didn’t know what I was looking for until I found Xavier’s testament. I quickly fixed everything and took it to my room, locking the door. I sat down behind the bed where no one could see me and opened the file.

Everything was simple to understand, I was to get the house, the cars, the money and anything belonging to him with the exception of himself?

“Himself, what the…?”

I kept reading.

‘In the events of my death, my heart is to be given to Trevor James Michelson.’

“His heart?”



I gasped, but quickly recovered and kept reading.

As previously discussed, Trevor will have six months time to claim the love of my mate.


‘This is not to be given or read to my mate until after the six months time from my death. She is to not know the truth behind the claim or my wishes. No one is to force her upon him as this not my wish to hurt her, but to help my best friend, my brother live with true love within his heart and finally rid him of his curse as well as mine.’


I quickly hid the documents and got up as the door came flying into my room. I instinctively stepped back as he came in.

 “Where are they?”


“The papers, where are they?”

I shook my head.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He stepped over the bed and god ole mighty did he look good hovering over me like a caveman. I shook my head at the thought and tried to move out of the way, but he jumped just in time to block my way.

“You wanna play baby girl because I can play.”

My heart skipped and my wolf was thinking about taking the challenge.

“Do you?”

I shook my head and kept my head down, I knew if I looked into his eyes it would be the end of me.

“Look at me baby girl, tell me, where are they?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


He stepped forward, pinning me between the wall and himself.

“Look at me and tell me the truth.”

“What makes you think I have them anyway?”

“Because your scent is all over my room, that’s why and guess what suddenly just went missing?”

“I was in your room.”


I started crying as the baby began to kick, recognizing that he was near us. I could feel the heat radiating through me and the thought of what I had just read, it was too much.

“You feel sorry for me don’t you? To know I have a bad heart or that Xavier was willing to give up his or that it would only work if you love me.”

I leaned my head back, covering my face.

“Where are they Emma?”

“Under the mattress.”

He then pulled away and went over to the bed, pulling them out.

“You shouldn’t have read it.”

I sunk down the wall, still crying. This couldn’t be happening, Xavier didn’t love me, didn’t care for me like I thought he did. All of this was for his best friend.


I was pissed beyond what I thought I could control until I saw her slump down onto the floor. I looked back at the page she was last on and then back at her. I wanted… no I needed to explain to her what she just read, but she didn’t want to hear it. She just shook her head and covered her ears.

This is not what I wanted, I was angry again, but not at her, but at Xavier for not telling her the truth from the beginning like I wanted him to.

“Emma please, this wasn’t the way you were suppose to find out.”

Then she did something I never expected her to do.

“Emma NO!”

I grabbed her arms keeping her from pounding at her stomach trying to get rid of the one thing that could save us both from all of this.

“There’s no POINT! He NEVER cared, NEVER wanted me and just USED me for YOU! It was always about YOU!!!”

She pulled away and went to hit herself again when I did something I never thought I was capable of doing, especially to her.

I quickly grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head and attached her lips with mine. I expected her to struggle, but never to freeze up and my human side wanted to stop, but my wolf was taking over and doing what it had to do to survive and protect its own.


I froze as soon as I felt him against my core. My wolf immediately took my human side into hiding, like many other times. I let myself be taken to my ‘special’ place and it wasn’t until I felt him bite down onto his mark and my body reacting to him that my wolf let me back onto the surface, letting herself be taken back with satisfaction. He shifted his weight onto both his hands and looked down at me with tears in his eyes, shaking his head.

“I couldn’t let you do it. That baby is as much mine as it is yours. When I marked you again, its soul connected to mine as it did with yours and now we are connected, soul, body and mind. Now there is nothing that will keep us apart. I will take care of you, love you and cherish you until the end of time. I know you’re going to hate me for a while, but you will feel how I feel about you and soon the baby will too.”

I said nothing as he kept starring at me. All I wanted at the moment was to run, run as fast as I could until I couldn’t run anymore, but I knew as soon as I hit the forest grounds the pain that would come and would be more than I could bare to withstand, so I just laid there, not moving, not feeling, I gave up. Life wasn’t going to get any better than this and I w as tired or running away.

He bent down to my stomach and I looked away then, pulling myself away, making him growl. I suddenly froze, looking away, closing my eyes as I could feel him come closer until there was a knock at the door, earning whoever was behind the door another growl.

“Alpha’s orders.”

He then grunted and got up, picking up his pants.

“Tell him I’ll be right there.”

I didn’t dare move as he quickly put his clothes back on.

“I’ll be back before dinner, we’ll talk some more.”

Then he was gone. I wanted to cry, wanted to run, scrub myself until I felt remotely clean, but I did nothing. I just sat there, I was numb by everything. It wasn’t until the baby kicked that I looked down at it, seeing it move around. I slowly got up from where I was at and winced in pain from what Trevor had done. I slowly made it to the restroom and into the shower. It was there that I cried wondering where everything went so wrong.

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