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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 35

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I woke up to the smell of food and my stomach grumbled. I slowly got up when the door opened with Trevor stepping through.

“How’d you sleep?”

“How long have I been out?”

“Two hours.”

“Are we there yet?”

“No, we still have a couple more hours to go.”

“Where are we going?”

“How about you eat and I’ll let you know?”

I groaned and lay back down as he laughs at me.

“Just for an hour or so, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

“Why can’t we talk in here?”

“Because it’s a bedroom and a bedroom should only be used for sleeping not eating.”

“But I like eating in bed.”

“I don’t doubt for a minute that you don’t, but I really need you to come sit out here with us.”

I look at him for a minute when my stomach grumbled again.


I got up slowly and made my way over to the door when the plane dipped making me sick in an instant. I quickly ran to the restroom and emptied whatever was left from this morning. I was so into letting everything out that I didn’t notice him rubbing my back and holding up m y hair until it stopped.

“You okay?”

I nodded as he handed me a paper towel and flushed it for me.

“Come on.”

I shook my head and washed my mouth first before he guided me back into bed.

You look like you’re in pain.”

“Back hurts from the force of gagging.”

I wasn’t expecting him to come around and start rubbing my back, but when he did my whole body started to relax which just caused my body to want to go pee, making me groan.

“What’s wrong?”

“I have to pee.”

He of course laughs at me as I get up and go do my business.


She let me touch her, too bad it was for such a small amount of time, but it was nice to feel her. She was tense that was a given and that wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

“I’m hungry now.”

I look up and smile as she leans against the door way.

“Turn around and get your behind into a seat, I’ll bring it to you.”

She nods and turns, giving me a nice view of her…

‘Please don’t finish that, it’s bad enough I feel things for you that I shouldn’t.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘There is nothing in this world that I want more than him, so please respect him and me and don’t think of me in that way.’

‘You’re right, I’m sorry.’

Now I felt worse than I did before. She was completely right, I have to control myself, he was my best friend for god sakes, but this mating thing isn’t easy either, especially when I’ve never experienced it before and my wolf was stirring at every sight and smell of her. I would have thought after all of these years of watching her and knowing that someday she would be mine, it would be easier for me to control myself.

I groaned out of frustration and watched her as she sat down next to Quin and leans over to see what he’s reading which caused her to giggle.

Oh music to my ears! Then she glanced up and I can’t help but smile at her.

“I’ll get you your food, now.”

“No need already got it.”

Luke comes in from the kitchen and places it in front of her making her light up.

“Mmm, my favorite.”

“I know.”

He winks at her and sits in front of her, forcing me to sit behind her, but not after glaring at him for what he was purposely doing.


I dug into it as soon as the food was placed in front of me. My stomach felt so empty since I had just let everything out, so it took a lot for me to adjust to having food in me again.

“How are you feeling?”

I shrug and take another bite of my sandwich/hamburger, looking over Quin’s shoulder.

“Hey, you eat.”

“I am, let me see!”

“No, it’s private stuff!”

“You suck.”

“You know that I do.”

He winks at me making me smile.

“Shut up.”

“Yeah and you still love me anyway.”


I took another bit and sigh.

“Another one?”

“You have more?”

What I really wanted was just the patties smothered in cheese with another load of fries

“Do we have more? What kind of question is that?”

Roger was about to get up when Trevor stood up instead.

“I’ve got it.”


“Coming right up!”

“Man, you guys are on it!”

They all laughed making me smile which then made me feel guilty about it.

“Hey don’t…”

Luke put his hand over mine and squeezed it.

“It’s alright to laugh, he’s probably laughing himself.”

“I just wish he was here.”

“Well according to the altitude that we’re in, we’re pretty close to heaven if you tell me.”

I couldn’t help but smile that maybe I was a little closer to him. Then I burped and that just made everyone laugh again.

“Oh Emma, breath mint!”

“Oh shut it, you try being pregnant!”

I got mad and so I got up and went to sit somewhere else.

“Oh come on Em, we were just joking.”

“No leave me alone.”

I know I was too old to pout, but I did and I didn’t care what they thought.

“Atleast they got you to laugh.”

I looked up as Trevor sat in front of me, taking one of my fries, causing me to glare at him.


“Sharing is caring.”

“Yeah well I don’t’ share very well.”

“So it seems.”

We stood Quiet for the remainder of my meal until I yawned.

“Go lay down, I’ll wake you when we land.”

“No, I’m alright right here, we’re almost there anyway.”

“How do you know where we are going?”

“I just have a feeling.”

He nodded and took a deep breath, letting it out.”

“I think I need to tell you what we are going for… I don’t want you to feel like we’re ambushing you into something you might not be ready for.”

“Okay, but I think I know what you’re getting at.”

“It’s not just that… there are a lot of things that go with it.”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re going to meet everyone, not just his family, but the entire pack community and it’s not a small one, it’s actually twice as big as yours.”

“I know.”

“Do you now?”

He raises an eyebrow, making me feel a little too excited for my liking.

“Yes, its how I know a lot of things. He was my teacher for four years; I know everything there has to know about his career.”

“But nothing of the pack, right?”

“Couldn’t find anything even after I found out who he really was everything just kept going back to his career.”

“We’re one of the most feared packs in the United States and one of the most secretive ones.”

“Okay, but what does that have to do with me?”

“He only agreed to be there for you, but his heart was always back home.”

“Yeah I know that’s why he wasn’t to be buried there, right?”

He stared at me for a second before he took a deep breath.

“We’re staying too, indefinitely. Your father…”

“My father can kiss my ass! I am not going there to live! Are you kidding me?! My home is in California, not New York!”

“Calm down…”

He tried to touch me, but I wasn’t having it and slapped his hand away.

“Don’t touch me!”

The guys suddenly swarmed around me.


“NO! How could you? All of YOU!!!”

I then looked at his lawyer who had been very quiet all this time and he bowed his head once my eyes glared at him.

“I didn’t agree to this! You can’t make me live there just because he says it in his will!”


Trevor tried to touch me again when I growled at him and without thinking I slapped him straight across the face.


Then I started crying, covering my face with my hands. This wasn’t happening again.


“How could he do this to me again?”

Quin then took me into his arms and hugged me.

“I know baby girl, but it’s not what you think. Xavier wanted his child to live and grow up where he did.”

I shook my head.

“No, it’s my baby, he left me…He left me.”

The pain of it all came crashing down on my. I was going to be a single mother in a new place, again, without him. This was too much, I can’t do it, it’s not right.

“He just wants what’s best for you.”

“He can’t make me, he can’t…”

“It is what he wished for.”

I snapped my head up and glared at Trevor.

“Well he can’t make me, it’s only wishes, and he’s not here to make me!”

“But I am and it’s what he wanted and as your mate…”




Quin pulled me tighter into him and bent my head into his neck.

“Calm down, it’s not good for the baby. Trevor…”

“NO! She needs to realize that not everything is about HER! This is what Xavier wanted and she can hate me all she wants but this is how it’s going to be from now on!”

I shook my head and kept crying until there were no tears left, which only landed me a deep sleep.


She cried until she had fallen asleep in Quin’s arms.

“Told you.”

I snapped my head towards Luke and I was ready to punch his lights out when Roger pulled me back.

“Calm down, he’s right, he warned us and you, but it’s too late you can’t back down now.”

“I’m not.”

“You don’t know her; she’s never going to forgive you for this.”

“I don’t care, it’s what Xavier wanted and I promised I would, so if she wants to kick and scream…”

“Or bitch slaps you like she did.”

“Luke, I suggest you SHUT IT!”

Emma whimpered in her sleep making Quin pull her even closer.

“I think she’s close enough, don’t you think?”

“Then stop using you damn Alpha powers in here.”

He was right, I need to calm down.

“We need to land already, I need to run.”

They all nodded, agreeing with me and soon enough we landed. We didn’t dare wake her up so we took her to the pack house still sleeping. Once we arrived, Cecilia and pretty much everyone was there to receive us. Cecilia being the first.

“How is she doing?”

I shook my head and walked over to my parents.

“Mom, Dad.”

Mon was the first to run over to me and hug me.

“Oh son, how are you doing?”

“Fine, tired, exhausted and the list goes on and on.”

Mom shook her head and then started crying.

“I’m so sorry son; I know how much you loved him.”

I brought her to my arms and hugged her.

“It’s alright mom, everything is going to be alright.”

“It’s just…”

“Don’t worry so much, things happen for a reason we just have to take it one day at a time.”

“You’re such a good boy.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, making her pull away and look up into my eyes.

“So where is she?”

“Someone is taking her up to her room; she’s been rather taken back with everything.”

“I would imagine poor thing. After everything Xavier put her through and then leaving her like this.”

“Mom, there’s something I have to tell you.”

“What is it?”

I took her hands in mine and let out a breath. I haven’t’ told them that I had marked Emma as mine so she could keep her baby, hell no on in the pack knew that she held my mark, only the guys, her family, his family and myself knew.

“Honey, tell me.”

I pulled her into a hug and sighed.

“I love you more than anything in this world and I promise to make you proud.”

“You already do honey.”


I looked up to see my little, well not so little as she almost twenty one, sister running towards me. I quickly pulled away from mom as she jumped into my arms.

“Oh you’re home! I’ve missed you so much big brother.”

“I’ve missed you too booboo.”

I felt my heart ache and had to turn around, looking up to see Cecilia in Emma’s room. She was shaking her head as she bounced her baby in her arms.



I have been awake, since they placed me in the room, staring at nothing but a picture of Xavier and his family. It was until the door opened and I heard Cecilia call my name that I pretended to be asleep. I didn’t respond to her at first, but I knew she was going to be persistent in getting me to talk to her.

“Emma, please talk to me. This is the longest we’ve gone without talking and I can’t take it anymore. We use to be so close…”

“Use to, meaning not anymore.”

She took that as a sign apparently and came around to sit in front of me, only this time she was holding something wrapped up in a pink blanket, she was no longer pregnant.

“Please Emma, talk to me.”

“I have nothing to say to you.”

I rolled over and sat up, running my hands through my hair.

“I just want to be left alone, for everyone to just leave me alone and let me grieve the loss of my husband alone, is that so much to ask of everyone?”

“We’re just afraid you’re going too…”

“And if I did so what? I have every right too. I have every right to deal with the pain I have inside whichever way I want. I wish I could just do this on my won, but everyone is just so worried about what Xavier wants that no one is even thinking of what it’s doing to me.”

“Luke and I don’t agree with what they are doing either.”

I turned to her then.

“Then get me out of here.”

“I can’t do that; he’ll find you just like Xavier did, who do you think found you? Trevor isn’t someone you want to mess with, he wasn’t Xavier’s second in command for nothing and I wouldn’t doubt if he’s got this whole place surrounded with enforcers who already knows your sent by memory.”

I shook my head and lay back down.

“But Trevor isn’t bad either Em, he was Xavier’s best friend, they were like brothers. They’d get into trouble together, went to school together, they were inseparable. Trevor would do anything for Xavier because Xavier would the same for him. If you think you’re hurting, imagine what he’s going through himself.

I hadn’t thought about that, but at the same time he was using me like he had a huge debt to repay Xavier for. 

We stood there looking at each other until there was a knock at the door and someone came in.


I quickly turned around to see Xavier’s mother, so I sat up.

“I’ll leave you two alone.”

Once Cecilia was out the door, she came in and sat next to me.

“I just wanted to come up and say that although I know it wasn’t your intention for things to happen this way that I still blame you.”

My heart sank immediately to my stomach, but she was right, it was my fault and so I nodded, agreeing with her.

“Xavier was my pride and joy since he was born. There was not a doubt in my mind that he would be a good husband, father and Alpha of this pack, but that all went down the drain when he married you.”

I looked up into her eyes and I could see the rage burning inside of her, but she kept her composure.

“You have every right to hate me and I too blame myself, I wouldn’t expect anything less form you or your family.”

“This pack doesn’t know the detail of what happened and I would like to keep it that way. To everyone here, he died saving your life from an intruder and that’s it.”

“Yes ma’m.”

“You will not speak of Trevor’s claim and you will not tell anyone anything about what happened through the time he was married to you, except for the good things.”

“Yes ma’m.”

“You will be the next Luna of this pack because that is what Xavier wanted and after everything, you owe it to him to fulfill his last wishes, starting with his child. We all expect you to pull yourself together, regain your strength for the sake of my grandchild because I can care less what happens to you. In my eyes, you were never good enough.”

My heart ached, making me get up, but she stopped me, making me turn around to face her once again.

“You were only claimed to save my grandchild, nothing more and nothing less, Trevor is one of the greatest after my son and Trevor deserves to be happy so if he wishes to take his right as your mate then I would expect you to let him.”

I gasped, shaking my head. How she ask me to do something like that?

“No… You can’t ask me to do that.”

She then stood up and grabbed my arm tighter than I thought she could.

“I’m not asking you, I’m telling you.”

“I can’t do that to Xavier, I can’t and I won’t.”

“He saved your child’s life, it’s the least you can do!”

“Then he can go out and find someone else. I can endure the pain just like…”

I looked down then and let out a cry.

“Like what?”

I shook my head

“Doesn’t matter, I won’t do it.”

“Yes you will!”

Next thing I knew my head flew back, losing my balance, I hit the floor as pain radiated through my wrist and cheek.

“And that’s where you belong. If it wasn’t for m son you’d be nothing. You owe this family and this pack, so be a good little girl and do as I say as I am still Luna of this pack.”

“Yes ma’m.”

I kept my head down as she stepped over me and walked out the door.

As soon as the door closed, I slid to the nearest wall and took my wrist into my hand just as there was a knock at the door.

“Emma? Emma are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

I looked down at my wrist and it was starting to heal and I knew I had to snap it back before it stood the way it did.

“Emma let me in.”

“I’m Fine Trevor, I just need a minute.”

I took a deep breath and snapped it making me yelp in pain.


The door then flew opened as I kneeled down in a crouching position clutching my wrist to my chest.

“What happened?”

I shook my head moving away from him before he touched me.

“Emma, please tell me what happened.”

“Nothing, I’m fine.”

My hand was already heeling, but he then jerked me up making my wrist move and I whimpered. He looked down at my hands as it held my wrist and then up, meeting my eyes.

“What happened? Who did this to you?!”

He grabbed my chin and turned my head to the side obviously seeing the red hand print. I tried to pull away, but he just pulled me closer.

“Don’t you dare Emma! You will tell me this second what happened!”

“I fell.”

“So help me Emma I will beat it out of you if I have to…”


I quickly pulled away turning around to wipe my face. The last thing I wanted was Xavier’s father to tell me the same thing as his wife.

“Sweetheart are you okay?”

“Yes Sir, I’m alright.”

“What happened to your hand?”

“Nothing I just fell.”

He came up to me and took my wrist making me flinch in pain.

“It’s broken.”

He squeezed it and I cried out.

“Please let go, it hurts.”

“Come on.”

He took my good arm and dragged me out of the room, down the stairs and out the door as the guys came running up.

“Shit Emma, your face!”

Xavier’s dad suddenly looked down at me and turned my head, causing a growl to erupt throughout the pack. I was closest to him, so it was only natural that it took more of an effect on me. My knees buckled, but he caught me in time and picked me up bridal style as my body went limp.


He thought I did it! That I would her like that? I know it wasn’t right to say what I did to her, but I couldn’t stand seeing her hurt. I thought my whole life collapsed before my eyes when I saw her on the floor and rage the rage that took over me was more than I wanted to show her. She didn’t know I could be ruthless when it came to protecting what was mine and this pack and she were MINE!

“Son, control yourself.”


“You are not Alpha yet and you had no right to yell at her like you did. She is hurt, fragile and with child, did you ever think of that?”

“She wouldn’t tell me who hurt her, but so help me I’m going to make sure they pay when I find them.”

I ran out of the house and out to the yard when his command rang out, making us all whimper, but I pushed through it and made it out to see Emma fall.


I almost made it to her when I was held back.


“Not until you calm down first, CONTROL YOURSELF!”

But my anger was too much. My wolf ripped through me and onto all fours. I ran almost catching them when I was knocked onto my side.

‘Stand down or I will take her away!”

I whimpered then, losing Emma would be more than I could take after losing my best friend.”

‘Now go calm yourself down, go!”

I did as I was asked and ran to the only place I could think of.


“My arm was patched up with a removable cast and I was given ice for my cheek.

“Now are you ready to tell me who it was?”

“No one, like I said I fell, I have no idea actually how I got the hand print to be honest.”

I tried to keep a straight face and my eyes glued to his.

“I’m your alpha, but I also see you as a daughter and I want you to know you can trust me.”

I looked down then and nodded.

“Now from what it looks like it seems it was a woman’s hand who struck you and I know you’re mother isn’t here.”

I shook my head

“And my wife was the last to be seen going into your room. Now please tell me who it is, was it her?”

“She had ever right.”

“No she didn’t.”

“Yes she did.”


“Because it was my fault, everything was my fault! I wasn’t good enough for him.”

I covered my face and began to cry.

“It was my entire fault.”

“No it wasn’t. You didn’t know what was going to happen.”

“But they were there because of me! I was the cause of all of it and I wasn’t there to help him, I wasn’t there.”

The doctor came in then and asked him to go.”

“You’re very weak Emma, so I’m going to keep you here for a while until I’ve seen you gain some weight and regained your strength.”

I nodded and lay down, I was really tired.


A howl went out as I was walking back to the pack house, that there was to be a pack meeting and that everyone needed to be there. I took off in a sprint until I got to the clearing as everyone was beginning to gather. I spotted Mom with some clothes so I quickly shifted and changed.


I turned to meet Mr. DeSantos’ eyes.

“Up here.”

I nodded and made my way over.

“I won’t take long, but you need to keep calm and understand that it is still my duty to discipline those who need it.”

“You’ve found the person?”

“Promise me to keep calm and that I will handle this.”

“But she’s my…”

He shook his head letting me know that he didn’t want to hear it.

“I understand, but I’m still Alpha and you do as I say until I’ve handed it over.”

I had no choice, but I agreed.

“Yes Sir.”

We turned towards everyone and he took a step forward making everyone acknowledge that he was ready to speak.

“Thank you all for coming. As you all know Xavier’s wishes were to be buried here in his homeland and that his mate come live here as part of the pack. Now as you all heard from my call someone has hurt her without reasonable doubt but a selfish one. I don’t know what the rumors are of her arrival, but I’m letting you know now that if anyone makes her feel unwelcomed or disrespected in any way for any reason I will give free range to Trevor to do as he pleases to any of you who have done so. I expect you all to respect her and treat her as part of this pack just like we would welcome anyone who you have chosen as your mate. 

Remember that this is a very hard situation to be in for her. Not too long ago after losing a child from an accident she went into deep depression to the point where her wolf had to be taken from her and given to Xavier. It was the night that Xavier died that Emma regained her wolf back and with that a child. Xavier never had a chance to claim her that night as planned…”

I looked down then and had to master all my strength not to let out a cry as everyone started to whisper the why and how it was possible that she was still pregnant.

“Xavier had asked Trevor to claim her as his. It was the only way to keep your future Alpha from vanishing as well as your next Luna. I expect you all to understand where we are coming from, that the choices we have made in regards to his mate are those requested by my son and my son only. She is not responsible for what has happened nor to be blamed for it. She was not given the choice to choose a new mate like some of you have. She was taken by his best friend and the only person who is trusted to be the best person capable of taking care of her and because of that I expect you all to understand her anger, her resistance and even her unwillingness to participate in pack activities.”

He looked over to me and patted my back.

“There no more secrets.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Alpha, I have a question.”

We both turned to see a group of coming of age girls step up.

“Go ahead.”

I swallowed hard; I knew what was going to be asked before she even opened her mouth, so without thinking I answered it.

“I will not be claiming my mate if there is one out there for me, they will be free to choose whomever they choose as I have.”

“What if they choose you, then what? Why should your true mate suffer the consequences, it’s not fair.”

“Layla that is for my mate and I to discuss when it is time and I’m sorry that my decision has caused this kind of reaction from you as Xavier was like a brother to you as well.”

“He was, but that doesn’t mean taking you away too.”

She then started crying and left running. I felt like running after her and explain why I did what I did. She always had a thing for me, but my I knew Emma was going to be my mate when Xavier would eventually die. Emma was who I loved and was always going to love, but I had to admit Layla was always someone I would see myself with if Emma decided to never be with me. Now that I have Xavier’s wolf, that was impossible now, everything belonged to Emma.

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