Kurt Left Us (Kurt Cobain Fan...

By Ur90sGrungeChick

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"You were gonna leave me here without saying bye. Kurt, I thought you loved me. When you love someone, your n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 21

311 10 0
By Ur90sGrungeChick

Today was Kimberly's birthday. She's seven now. My baby girl. I feather curl my hair to make it super 70's like because that's basically her what her whole party is. 70's roller skating. I put on a striped tank top that was cropped above my belly button. I then add red booty shorts, a red wrist sweat bracket thing, some striped socks and I put on my tanned colored roller skates. I then do my makeup making my face look glowing. I didn't add any eyeliner though because that would defeat the purpose. I woke up super early to set up for her birthday. I put balloons every where. A bunch of 70's things. I bought snacks and juice boxes and water bottles and a boom box. It's gonna be super cool. I even bought her some new roller skates to match the dress she was wearing. But the roller skates are her present.

It was then 10:30am

"Wake up doll." I say to Kim as I sat at the edge of her bed.

"It's my birthday!" She screams.

"I know." I say and then sing her happy birthday. I call Dave.

Phone Convo

Hey it's Aubrey

Oh hey what's up in actually picking out her present right now.~ Dave

You always do things last minute.

I know. What's up?~ Dave

When you come and can you stop by at the bakery and get her cake. It's under my name. I can pay you back when you get here.

No problem. No need to pay me back.~ Dave

Your a sweetie. Okay love you bye.

Love you too bye.~ Dave

End of Phone convo

I just said love you to Dave. What was I thinking. Its just kind of slipped out. Oh well I don't really care.

I see a parked car outside the house and it looks like Kurt's car. As I roll outside on my roller skates it was Kurt and he was crying.

I open the passenger door and get in.

"Kurt baby what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing" he said coldly while he wiped his tears.

"Kurt babe tell me what's wrong?" I ask sweetly and touch his arm.

"I'm such a bad father"

"Kurt no don't say that." I say.

"But it's true."

"No it's not you came to her birthday party and came early."

"Courtney's mad at me." he says.

"Well do you really love Courtney?" I ask him.


That hurt me. it felt like someone made a rip in my heart.

"Do you still love me?" I asked while looking down.

"Of course, I loved you first. Which means I'll love you forever no matter what. Your first she's second." he says. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Well who cares if she's mad at you. it's your daughters birthday." I say.

"Oh I got her a necklace that says, my little nugget. I will always love you forever. I'll be always with you. - Kurt Cobain (Dad). I also want to give her this guitar. It's my favorite one and I want her to have it. Oh and some clothes." Kurt said while reading it.

"Woah I wish I had a dad like you. Kurt the necklace, it's beautiful. I think she'll love it" I say to him as I look at it and put it back in the bag.

"Are you and Dave together?" Kurt asked randomly.

"No we're just friends, well I'm not sure." I say.

"I don't think he's a good match for you." Kurt said.

"Yeah? Than who is?" I asked a little meanly.

"Well me" he says.

"Sorry, but your taken by a freakin devil" I say and Kurt laughs.

He grabs my face with his callused hands from playing guitar so much. The touch of him makes me feel so happy, I don't know how to describe it really. Its like warmness.

He kisses me, slowly and passionately. as he was kissing me I closed my eyes. When I peak one eye open to see if his eyes were open, they were, wide open. He just blankly stared at me as he kept kissing me. I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. Once we finished kissing, I kept staring at him.

"Your a wierdo" I say.

He laughs and kisses me again.

"So are you" he says and I laugh.

"Come inside, she's probably so excited to see you" I say.

I open the passenger door and skate to the door to open it.

"I'm liking that outfit" Kurt says while putting his huge white circled sunglasses down a bit and I laugh.

"Where's your roller skates?" I asked him.

"In the car. I'll put them on when the party starts" he says.

"Alright" I say.

"Oh Kimberly look who's here" I say and she walks out of her room in her new dress I got her with the clutch bag I got for her that she loved at the store. Once she sees Kurt, she drops her bag and sprints to him while crying and Kurt picks her up.

"I thought you forsaken me." she cries into his neck.

"Where did you hear that big word?" He asked.

"She gets her smartness partly from you." I say and Kurt smiles. She looks just like Kurt. I started to tear up.

"Aww you made mommy cry" Kurt said to Kim and we had a group hug.

"It just feels so right" I say.

"I know" Kurt said to me.

"Who do you like more Dave or Daddy?" Kurt asked her.

"Daddy" she says.

"Good answer" Kurt says to her. She than flips up her middle finger.

"Kimberly!" I say.

"Daddy showed me"

"Yeah but I told you not to do that in front of your mother." Kurt says and they both laugh as I smile.

"Mommy as one of my birthday presents can you sing the song you always sing me?" Kim asks me.

"Which one?" I ask her.

"Both" she says.

"Fine, but I'll only sing a little bit of it." I say.

"Okay" she said.

"I was five and he was six. We rode horses made of sticks. I wore black and he wore white. He would always win the fight. Bang bang, he shot me down. Bang bang. I hit the ground. Bang bang that awful sound. My baby shot me down" I sing.

"That's a sad song" Kurt says.

"Kurt most of the songs you write are sad, you big cry baby." I say to him and attack him while he sat on the couch and kissed his cheek.

"Okay sing the other one" Kimberly said.

"I don't want to sing that one in front of Daddy"

"Please" she begs.

I roll my eyes.

"Please don't deceive me when I tell you. You are the queen of my heart." I sang and then Kurt cut in and sang, "Can you feel my love buzz? Can you feel me love buzz? Can you feel my love buzz?"

"That one is one of your mommy's favorite song that I wrote." Kurt said to Kim.

"That's your song?" She asked


Kurt gets up and goes to the car to get his roller skates and they were just like mine, except his laces were white. It matched what he was wearing. Oh sorry. He was wearing some light denim shorts that stop at the knee, a white shirt and a tan suede jacket.

It was then 12:00pm.

Everyone was here. Seeing Kurt reconnect with his family made me smile. Dave as always being a little cutie and eating a bunch of cupcakes. I take my video camera out and record Kurt and Kim together.

"I love you, your turning into such a weird girl." Kurt said to Kimberly.

"Thanks. I love you too" she says and they hug.

"Kurt is really handsome" I hear one of Kimberly's friend's mom say.

"Isn't he?" I rhetorically answer.

Then Kimberly was opening her presents. Kurt didn't tell me that he got her a cat, but oh well.

"What do you want to name the kitty?" Kurt asked Kimberly.

"Well it looks like you so lets name it Kurt" Kimberly said.

"It does look like you honey" I say to Kurt.

"Kurt it is" he says.

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