Both Of Our Hearts Beli...

By orchideebianche

14.9K 432 77

Beca Mitchell, the rebellious girl who joins and all girls ACapella singing group. Jesse Swanson, a movie ne... More

Chapter 1: Can't Forget About Him
Chapter 2: Forcing To Go
Chapter 3: Saw Her Again
Chapter 4: A Midnight To Remember
Chapter 5: Asking and Stubborness
Chapter 6: What plan?
Chapter 7: Failed
Chapter 8: An Amazing Afternoon at the Radio Station
Chapter 9: Stressful Night
Chapter 10: The Agreement
Chapter 11: A Crazy Car Ride with a Weirdo
Chapter 12: Bump and Screwed
Chapter 13: The Annoying Father and Tacos
Chapter 14: Ice Creams and Lies
Chapter 15: A Nightmare?

Chapter 16: Hiding

377 19 9
By orchideebianche

Chloe's POV

"Anyways.." Stacie laughed. "Chloe, Aubrey wants to see you today. She said you have to cancel whatever you're doing with Beca right now and get your bubbly butt on you and Bree's dorm."

I swear I could punch Aubrey right now. I just got here and now she wants me to go back to that goddamn dorm?!
I want to spend time with Beca!

I fought the urge to get annoyed and I turned to Beca and said, "be right back." I fake smiled and she giggled.

"Sure." She smirked.

Gosh, she's so cute. I wonder if Beca and I were together? Nah, what the hell am I thinking? She's not even gay and neither am I. Although I like boys and Beca is the only girl I have a crush on. But I'm pretty sure I'm not gay. Wait, does that even make sense?

I sighed and stand up from the and went to Stacie.

"What does Aubrey want? I just got hereeee." I whined, not enough for Beca to hear it.

"It's Jesse." Stacie smirked.

"Lemme guess, he ran out of ideas and he wants help for his plans." I said sarcastically.

Stacie nodded and I rolled my eyes.

Time to make another plan.

I walk out of Beca's dorm and walked through the hallway. As I climb to the stairs, I turned around and saw that Stacie isn't following me.

I groaned and went back to Beca's dorm.

"Are you guys seriously making out a while ago? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you two become a couple or something." I heard Stacie said and I swear my mouth dropped.

"What the hell?" I heard Beca almost screamed.

"Shut it and get your flirty butt here and hurry up." I said as I went to grab Stacie's arm out of the dorm and sprinted to me and Aubrey's dorm.

I knocked twice to the dorm and after a few seconds, the door opened showing Aubrey, Fat Amy and Jesse sitting on the couch.

"Hey ginger head!" Amy greeted cheerfully.

"Hey." I grinned at her.

"Hey Chloe." Jesse waved.

"Sup." I smirked at Jesse. I turned to Aubrey and smiled. "Stacie said you called me?"

"Yes, I did." She furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "Jesse needs help on his plans."

"Ya, I ran out of ideas." Jesse mumbled.

"Gosh, do all boys don't know how to impress girls?" I said frustratingly and I felt Aubrey nudged me in the shoulder.

"Not all. I mean, I definitely know how to do romantic things for girls but I also know that Beca doesn't want it. She's different and badass. She hates romantic things." Jesse says, looking down at his feet.

Something clicked on my mind and said, "wait so how did the flowers you gave her went?"

Jesse bit lip and Amy giggled. We all know it didn't went well.

"Did she like, throw it on the trash can when you gave it to her?" Stacie panicked.

"Did she throw it back at you?" I asked.

"Or she kept it and said that she loves it and carry it with her wherever you go? Wait that sounds impossible." Aubrey said and we laughed.

"Very funny, guys." He chuckled. "But no. None of you got it right."

"So what did she do?" Amy asked.

"I swear, when I showed it to her, she looks like she was about to kill the guts out of me and ambush me with that scary glare of hers but luckily, she didn't." He paused, "she asked if I'm going to her graveyard and that she's not dead yet for me to gave her flowers."

"Wait so she literally just said that?" Stacie says laughing.

"Yeah." He laughed.

"But did she took it?" I asked them.

"She glared at me and yeah, she took it and smiled at me." I said, smiling at the memory.

"Aww." Amy says, doing a heart shape in her hands.

"But she spank the roses on my head on our way to Taco Bell but I luckily got back at her." Jesse smirked and we all ended up laughing our butts off.

"What did you do?" Stacie asked, probably still laughing her head off.

"Okay guys! Enough chitchat because we all know we can do it later. Right now we need to focus on the plan. Who's in?" I said and all of them cheered excitedly.

I have a big plan on London and I know it's gonna be hilarious.


Beca's POV

We are never ever, ever getting back together. We, are never ever ever, getting back together you go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me..

You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium!

The music keeps on blaring and the more I fix this mash up of Taylor Swift and David Guetta'a song, the more I'm getting irritated.
I love both of those songs but I think these songs doesn't match and it's hard to mix it dammit!

I'm criticized, but all those bullet ricochet, you shoot me down, but I get up.

But we! Are never ever ever, getting back together. Like ever.

This is really ridiculous.

"Fuck!" I half yelled and shut my Mac off.

I groaned and face palmed. Damn this.

I get up from my bed and walk to the refrigerator beside it. I opened it and get the Taco my dad brought me yesterday.

I quickly put it into my mouth and chew. Damn, this is so good.

After I ate, I decided to go outside to get some fresh air because that mix is totally irritating and the tacos didn't fixed my annoyance well.

So I put some pants on and a dark green sweater. I was about to put some dark make up on but I'm actually just going outside my dorm so I just put some light make up on.
My hair is in a big bun and decided to let it down and I'm out of my dorm.

As I walk through the hallway, I don't actually know where I'm going.
I wonder what Chloe is doing on their dorm? I mean, Stacie called her a while ago right? And I never got invited to whatever the hell they're doing.
So I went upstairs because that's where Aubrey and Chloe's dorm is located, obviously.

I reached to their dorm and before I knew it, I was standing infront of their door. As I was about to knock, I heard laughing voices came blaring through the door.

"But what if she kill me?!" It's a man's voice. Okay what the hell is a man doing on their dorm?

"Don't worry, we're just gonna film it and post it on YouTube." A sarcastic voice said which I think is Stacie.

I honestly got weirded out. I put my ear further to the door and listened to the conversation.

That's when I heard a bunch of laughing voices again.

"Okay don't bully him he'll may be a strong guy but when it comes to the love of his life, he's a real wuss." I heard Aubrey said following a bunch of laughs again.

"Sorry guys but she's my weakness." Said a man's voice which I recognize but I couldn't guess who.

"You really like her, don't you?" Stacie said.

"It's actually love." Said he which I still can't guess.

And that's when I heard a bunch of girls screaming like they just heard their best friend got engaged or something.

"Okay enough. This is getting really cliché and clingy lets just get back to the plan you clingy unicorns." An Australian accent said. Probably Amy.

Okay, this is really making me an eavesdropper.

But what the hell is Amy and Stacie doing there? And a man. A man! Oh my  God did he like rape them? Wait no I'm overreacting. Maybe it's just on their class that I probably don't know but I swear that man's voice and sounds too damn familiar.

"Look dude, it's a freaking vacation for a week. Only a week. You should stand on your butt and wake up because it's like the only chance you can prove that you love her." A different voice I heard and I think it's Cynthia Rose. Wait, what vacation?

"I know she'll never feel the same way." It's the man's voice again. Okay so Aubrey called Chloe for this stupid love meeting for someone I don't know or whatever?

I kept on listening to their conversations but it's getting boring because I don't even know what love they're talking about.

With my body full of boredom and curiousness, I knocked on the door three times, disturbing their conversations.

I don't mean to be rude but, I just want to know whatever they're doing or stuff.

"Guys, can I come in?" I say loudly so they could hear me.

"Who is it?" Chloe sang cheerfully behind the door.

"It's me, I just have something to ask you guys." I said and I heard the voices already gone. Why did it became silent?

"Can I come in?" I repeated what I said and I heard some whispers saying, "shit! Is that..?"

And "oh my God! What is she doing here?" "Hurry! Hide!"

I know the voices, obviously. But what the hell are they talking about? I mean, it's just me. Are they hiding something?

"Guys, it's just me, Beca. I'm not a serial killer or the campus police or something." I said, rolling my eyes. "If that's what you guys thought?"

"Umm.." Said Aubrey. "Be there in a sec!"

Then it's followed by a bunch of murmurings again. I frowned. Seriously, what is their problem?

I removed my ear from the door and I just leaned on the wall and wait for them to open it.

After a few seconds, the door flies open and there reveals a smiling Chloe. She smiles too wide and it's really creepy. Plus, I can see it in her eyes that she's hiding something.

"Oh, hi Beca! What brings you here?" She said, too cheerfully and it's really creeping me out.

She leans on the wall, holding the door tight as she bits her lip.

"Uh, what are you guys doing?" I asked, peeking through the space on the door because you can literally see what's going on inside the dorm.

"Oh nothing, just.. Planning for London and stuff." She nervously say while smiling at me and while blocking the view from where I'm seeing.

"Really?" I asked. "So when's Aubrey's graduation?" I said, not really believing her that they're planning for London.

"Uh.." She said, thinking. "On Friday."

"Seriously?" I asked her, trying to read her eyes as I stand infront of her. I could tell she's nervous and shaky.

"Yeah, we're gonna get our plane tickets on Wednesday so we have to uh, skip Bella's rehearsal." She said nervously. This ginger is incredibly a bad liar.

I stared at her for a few seconds and said, "so who's the lovely visitor you're all talking to?" I asked, referring to the man voices I heard a while ago. I wonder who that is?

I mean, they can't keep secrets from me. I'm the leader of the Barden Bellas so I have to know everything going on that Bella meeting or whatever they call it.

"What visitor?" Chloe grins at me nervously as I kept on trying to read her eyes. We've been best friends for a year now and just that long, I already know her too well.

I avoid her gaze and looked  inside the dorm but I see no one.

But wait..

I didn't got to respond to Chloe's answer because what I saw inside their dorm made me speechless.

A brown haired man with a checkered blue polo and pants tumbling and almost slipping as he rans all over the room.

I know that guy. It's too obvious to be him. Even when he's on his back and I couldn't see his handsome face and his charming smile, I definitely know it's him.

"Is that Jesse?" I suddenly asked Chloe, pointing to the man inside their dorm.

The moment she heard my question, that's when I saw a lot of panic in Chloe's eyes.


Hey guys! I know, it took too long and I'm incredibly sorry for that! There's just a lot of school works and school dramas to deal with. Yeah HAHA! And btw, thank you guys for the 11k reads! I never thought a lot of people would read this story. And please just ignore the mistakes haha sorry. And thank you so much for the votes! I really appreciate it 😄😘🎉⭐️

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