Damaged ❁ G.D

By tbhmeliissa

50.1K 1.3K 191

A girl moving away to forget her terrifying past could be one of the most regretful mistakes she'll ever make... More

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t h i r t e e n

1.7K 57 0
By tbhmeliissa

Grayson's pov:

I woke up and my head was throbbing. I tried to grab it with my hands but they were bound with rope.

I tried to yell but my mouth was covered with tape. I looked around the room and saw I was in a abandoned building. There was a camera set up in front of me like you'd see if this were a movie.

I wiggled and wiggled trying to get out of the rope around my hands, but I couldn't.

"I told you to stay away from her." I heard someone say throughout the darkness.


I tried to say something but it sounded like mumbling. He came closer to me and ripped the tape off. "You don't control me. I can do what ever the hell I want."

He shook his head and laughed. "This won't be easy for you." He picked up a metal pipe. "Alex, don't you dare hit me with that."

"I control you now, I tell you what to do and what to say. That's unless if you make it out of her alive anyway."

"Listen to me here Alex, the things you did to her are crimes. You committed multiple crimes. The police are out there looking for you, just turn yourself in and go to court. You can always try to appeal the sentence. There's always possibilities." I try to persuade him.

"The police don't know what I did, they only know the stabbing that Baylee did to me."

"You got away with that. You stabbed yourself to make it look like she did it, why, why would you do that?" I look him in the eye.

"The bitch deserved jail time to maybe smack some real life in her to realize she's always going to be with me. If not things would've been worse for her."

"Look, I get why your doing this, but if you lay a finger on me, when I get out of this rope you best believe I will crack your fucking head open."

"I don't think so." I felt the metal pipe collide with the teeth inside my mouth. I spit out the blood and my tooth that got knocked out.

"Maybe the tooth fairy will visit you tonight." He hit me again on the other side of my face.

It felt like my jaw was dislocated from the top half of my mouth. I couldn't move it or speak.

The blood just kept coming out of my mouth like a waterfall. "Fucking bastard!" My words were all slurred.

There was a sudden ringing going off in the background. It was my phone. My phone was going off.

I looked around and Alex whistled at me. He had it in his hand. "It's your little whore, should I answer it?"

I couldn't bring myself to say anything I was in so much pain.

"Well since you didn't say no." He put the phone to his ear.

Baylee's pov:

"Grayson- Grayson baby can you hear me?" I felt my glassy eyes fill up. "He's in a little bit of a crisis right now."

"Alex, please just let him go. He's not what you want."

"Your right. It's you that I want, but he's important to you, and if I hurt him I hurt you."

The whole police station was in on my call, listening. I looked at the lady officer and she put her finger in the air making circles. 'Keep it going' she mouthed.

"Alex, I'm here, you can come and get me. Just please let him go."

"Are you with the police right now?"

"No. but they have been trying to get a hold of me because of your live stream. You're making yourself move involved in this and making this way harder for you. If the police catch you, you will be charged with multiple felonies and will be in jail for a long time. Listen, I'm sorry for leaving you, I really am. I remember our first date. We went to the drive in theatre together and you brought me flowers and a poster, asking me to go out with you. I remember when I made you ride your first roller coaster and you held onto my hand the whole time because you were so scared. I remember when you would kiss me and show me what love is really about. I remember everything, I remember loving you. All of this has made me realized how much I still love you."

"You still remember that?" I could hear him get all sappy on the phone. "Of course I do, I would never forget it. Just let Gray go, and you can have me and we can start over."

"I'm not an idiot, I know your just saying that."

"No I'm not, I still have the pictures of us you gave me for my birthday. They are in my new house, sitting in my room."

"You're lying." He refused. "No I'm not. Meet me at my house if you want to see them."

"Ha, you really think I believe all of this? I bet you're at the police station right now."

"Just tell me where you are." I got to the point.

"Delis's abandoned building!" I heard Grayson's faint words in the background. "Call you back, I have to finish off your boyfriend." He Hung up.

"NONONONONO" I threw my phone on the ground. "Baylee, you did great, now let's go get that motherfucker!" The officer lead me out to the car.

We sped down the highway with the cop lights and sirens on.

"Park here, I'll walk in by myself." I was about to get out the car. "Here you'll need this." She handed me what I never thought I'd be ever be handed.

I nodded my head and put the gun under my clothes behind my back.

I ran up the building, yelling his name. "Alex! Alex!"

I barged the door and heard yelling upstairs. I ran up there quietly and stopped at the doorway. "I told you to shut up!" I saw alex hitting Grayson in the face.

My heart skipped beats. His face was swollen to the max and he had blood all over him. I pulled out the gun and held it in my hands.

"Don't you fucking move Alex!" I pointed it at him. "Look who came to the rescue." He had a bottle of tequila in his other hand.

"Why did you do this? Why did you do all those things to me. WHY?" I took the back of the gun hitting him in the nose. "MOTHER FUCKER!" He grabbed his nose with blood coming out of it.

"Why did you rape me, tell me why." I grabbed his shirt, pulling him to my face. "WHY DID YOU BEAT ME EVERYDAY. WHY DID YOU COME HOME DRUNK EVERYDAY. WHY DID YOU MAKE ME FEEL PAIN." I spit all over his face.

"Because everyone was doing it." He smirked.

I laughed. "You're going to jail for a long time, or I can just end your fucking life right here." I held the gun up the his forehead. "You won't do it, you ain't got the fucking lady balls to do so."

I put the gun beside his head and shot at the wall behind him. He jumped out of my arms and felt around his head.

"Next one will be in your brain. Admit that your nothing, admit that your a dirty fucking man whore, admit that you are a lifeless coward. Admit it Alex."

"I admit that you're a low life piece of fucking garbage." He spit his blood all over me.

I wiped my face and looked at Grayson. His head was down, he looked like he was dead.

"Shoot me, go ahead." He forced the gun onto his forehead. "Do it, do it!" He yelled louder and louder. I felt my checks having my salt water tears running down them. "You can't do it, pussy." He tried to stand up.

I aimed the gun at his foot and pulled the trigger. "YOU SHOT MY FOOT YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He grabbed his foot in agony.

I looked around for some extra rope to tie his hands with.

"I'm not finished with you." I felt Alex grab my hair. He pulled me down on to the ground and straddled himself down on top of me. He punched me in the face and I hear my cheekbone crack.

I looked to the side and stretched my face to make the pain go away.

I was infuriated at this point.

I pulled up my leg and kneed him in the dick. He fell down in pain and I untied Grayson's hand to use that rope to tie Alex's hands.

Alex stood up and came towards me with the gun I dropped. "Stop right there, if you take one more step I will blow your brains out. Get on the ground now!" The officer came to back me up.

He smirked at me and went down on his knees with his hands behind his back. "Let's hope I get a good cell." He said while she handcuffed him.

I felt fifty pounds being lifted of my shoulders. This was it, he was finally going away, forever.

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