The stolen soul (a Supernatur...

By Sam-winchester-lover

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Chapter 1:Secret Uncovered
Chapter 2: New Home
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Exorcism
Chapter 6: Daddy
Chapter 7: Glad To Be Home
Chapter 8: Jonah
Chapter 9: Hell Risen
Chapter 10: Cestialo
Chapter 11: New Friends
Chapter 12: Leaving Home
Chapter 13: Verge Of Death
Chapter 14: Will The Fight Ever End?!
Chapter 15: How It Happened
Chapter 16: Living My Dream
Chapter 17: Stranger
Chapter 18: Lucifers Daughter
Chapter 19: Goodbye
Authors note

Chapter 5: Help....

124 4 0
By Sam-winchester-lover

"Dad!" I yell once I open my eyes. And I go to hug him but I realize my arms are tied down. "Why am I tied up? Can you untie me please dad?" He just shakes his head, then calls someone's name I think he said Brandy.

Then a woman walks into the room with a cart full of things like knives and a bunch of different kind of tools. "Hello, little winchester." She says,then looks up at me with her dark eyes, are they black? And she rubs her dark face, she mixed, and she tries to straighten her fizzy hair with her hands but fails and wails in aggravation.

"You and I are going to have so much fun" and she picks up a knife and drags it down her arm slightly. "Dad, what is she doing?" He grins, "I'm not your dad little girl," and he drops skin and changes a shifter, great then the woman jabs the knife into my thigh and I scream, she laughs at my pain. "Damnit! What the hell!" I scream

"you shouldn't use that kind of language, I'm sure you daddy wouldn't approve" the brandy woman says and I stop yelling aand I don't feel pain anymore, "I know what you are, I just don't know what you I want." I say calmly. She raises her eyebrow "what I am?" She says and I grin, "duh, I'm a Winchester you son of a bitch!" She looks at me shocked then smiles and flashes her black demon eyes.

" I'll be back for you, Rose." She says and walks out she knew calling me Rose was going to piss me off but I try to not let it and not think about what just happened and the bleeding wound in my thigh.

I sat alone for hours and right when I was about to fall asleep from boredom brandy walks back in. "Hello pretty Winchester." She says and laughs "what do you want with me?" I yell loud. "I want to find out why demons ordered you to be taken." She says "what are you talking about?" "Duh, you stupid Winchester, when you were two demons ordered your 'mother o kidnap you, that you were needed. Now somehow you end up with the boys again. How?!"

"I ended up with father and uncle again because I found out I was taken." I say She groans "yes I know that part!" She goes over to the cart again and grabs the knife again. "Now you are going to tell me why you are special now." Before I can stop her she takes the knife and jabs it into my other thigh and I scream. She leans her head back and laughs a deep scary voice.

"I don't know why I'm special! Please just stop!" I scream as I feel tears fall down my cheeks. "Aww prior little girl, do you want you daddy? Or how about your boyfriend?" She grinned and snapped her fingers and another demon comes in with an unconscious person on the chair.

"JONAH!" I scream and I start to shake the chair to try and get out but I fail. "Sorry girl, you can't get away." She laughs "wake the boy!" The over demon nods and takes a big bucket of something "what is that?! What are you dumping on him?!" I scream. "Relax, its just water." And I do relax a little. He dumps it on Jonah and I wince back a little but he wakes up. At first he looks around the room confused then our eyes meet. "Zoe! What's going on?" He asks and I shake my head.

He must have seen the blood on my legs because he shook his head. "I am so sorry! I shoukdve protected you better!" He says "its not your fault Jonah, don't breat yourselve up, I love you" I say "I love you too" he replies. "Ugh, quiet being all sappy and cute." Brandy yells "now, you or your little boyfriend? Who dies first?" "Me! Just leave him alone!" I yell instantly "but you see i need you" suddenly she takes a knife to Jonahs stomach and walks away with the other demon.

"Jonah!" I scream and he lifts his head and smiles " I'm okay, really, just it hurts" he says and I can't take it anymore I wiggle my hand free quickly and my hand comes free. I untie my other hand and then my ankles. I run over to Jonah. I lift up his head and look into his eyes, "your getting out of here alive, I promise." I untie him too and I look around the room, there's another door, an emergency exit.

"We're getting out of here!" I open the door and wince at the bright sun. I know where we are, this is the town I grew up in. I get to the hospital because its not far and leave Jonah there, its the only safe place for him now. I draw demon traps and warding around his room. I knew I had to leave for his safety so I did. I asked a nurse to use a phone and I call Sam.

"Dad, they took me, demons I need your help to come get me please." I say

" WHAT!?!? Demons took you! I knew you wouldn't be safe, where are you?!" He yells

"I'm at the hospital near where I grew up."

"I'm on my way, stay there!" And he hangs up.

I left the hospital and stood outside but I suddenly feel arms grab me and I pass out again.

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