Rebirth In Hunter X Hunter

By AriaNeesan

366K 11.3K 8.4K

A fifteen year old Kuroi Akuma had been an orphan since she was born. Her parents died due to an accident and... More

Prologue (Edited)
Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
OC Information (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited) (The Hunter Exam Arc)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 13
Reader X Illumi
Chapter 14 (The Zoldyck Family Arc) (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Heaven's Arena Arc)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
20 True Facts
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
As we all know
new book and help.

Chapter 12 (Edited)

12.7K 436 205
By AriaNeesan

(Finally Edited)

Don't judge a girl by her innocence. Although she looks innocent, sometimes the innocent ones are always the dangerous such as myself- Kei Kimiko.


"In a while, the fourth round of the trials will end," the sound of the ship suddenly boomed echoed through Zevil Island, making each and every participants to stop what they were doing. The announcer announced the news.

"All the participants are invited to come back to the starting point of the test. The participants must make themselves known in the time of one hour. After this delay, the ones who haven't shown themselves will be disqualified. Please pay close attention to this information," she continued. Everybody looked up their heads before making their way to the starting point.

A familiar white hair searched his way to the starting point after completely changing his attire to a comfortable one, knowing that the next and the last phase will be fighting against one of the nine participants. He was dressed in a white v-neck shirt with a pair of red pants, a pair of black converse and a red bandana, the same bandana that was wrapped around his forehead, wrapped around his left wrist, making it looked like as of he had a wrist injury which, in truth, she actually does.

An underground squirrel who she called as Emi was resting on her shoulder with a bag slung on her. The Stuart Little's bag. The young girl did not bother to take out the now 97kg bag and carried it all the way to the starting point since it was troublesome so, she asked Emi to help her carrying it.

As the girl was making her way to the starting point, the announcer continued to spoke. "Tags stolen from now on will not be counted. Verifications will be made. And people who break this rule will be disqualified," and with that said, the announcement ended.

As soon as she arrived at her destination, she instantly smiled when she saw a familiar silvernatte leaning against a tree while he waited for his five friends to show up. Feeling like someone was looking at him, he looked up and his face lighten up when he saw his childhood friend waving and coming towards him.



"Hey, Killua. I see that you made it," I spoke as soon as I was in his hearing range, walking towards him. I, obviously, knew that he would made it because the reason being me knowing what would happen and also, him being an assassin. Leaning against the tree beside him as soon as I arrived, he chuckled before saying, "Likewise, Miki. Likewise."

"Where's Gon?" I heard Killua asked and I looked at him at the corner of my eye. When I was about to answer him, the devil himself arrived with Kurapika and Leorio. "Speaking of the devil, " I said, standing upright and smiled at the men who are coming towards us.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted, waving at them as they replied with a hey. The look on their faces were hilarious though. Gon had a bunch of bandages on his face as the same as Leorio while Kurapika just had his ordinary look. "Miki! Killua! You guys made it," Gon said but it was not as enthusiastic as he was just like before.

"Of course we would," Killua smirked and nodded at my reply before we went out of the bushes and stood with the rest who were waiting for the blimp to arrive. Walking behind the group, I glanced behind my back to find a familiar redhead standing there, with some bruises on his face, with the same clothes he was wearing, only he did not has a shirt on. I guess that was the fabric he had in his hand.

Looking up to meet his face, I saw him staring at me with the same green eyes, except he did not stare at me just like how he did a few days ago but he was staring at me with respect and I could tell he wanted to fight me in the future.

"All right. Time for verification," I heard the girl who I finally found out was named Kara spoke as she was holding a clipboard in her hand. I showed her my tags as soon as she called my name and when she called Vycen, I looked behind my back to find him holding four cards, the number #103 Barbon, #197 Amori and a new player, #146 which got him the three points and the tag I gave him, #359, which got him a total of six points.


After the verification, we all boarded the blimp and as soon as we did, everybody split up, doing their own business, including Gon who was still in his gloomy mood. Killua was beside me, eyeing Gon and asked me what happen. I just shrugged my shoulders, telling him I do not know even if it was a lie.

'Gon, don't worry. You can punch Hisoka during the Heaven's Arena,' I thought, staring at the back of Gon's head before facing Killua, telling him that I was going to go around the blimp to kill time. Nodding his head, we bid each other a good bye before going to our separated directions.

As I walked through the corridor and was about to take a turn, familiar voices were heard and I looked behind the plant and saw two of my best friends, one reassuring the other.

"We're arriving at the last round," Kurapika told him and Gon just gave him a 'Yes'. The blond closed his eyes as a way to feel grateful for what Gon did. "If I managed to get this far, it's thanks to you." Gon made a nervous laughed and shook his hand, "What are you saying?" before the two fell into silence, Kurapika and Gon stared outside the blimp.



"Did something happen to you during the forth round?" Kurapika looked at him at the corner of his eye and expected an answer but there was not. Gon was still staring at the scenery before him. "You looked a bit odd when we met up and that's what's worrying me," he continued.

Few minutes of silence, Gon was able to speak. "My target was Hisoka," and it shocked Kurapika who gasped. "I followed him and stole his tag but I was also being followed myself and I was immobilized by a poison dart. He didn't have any problem stealing my tags. Right after this, Hisoka took his tag back and he came to put it next to me. 'I'm lending it to you,' he said. I replied that I didn't want it, but he hit me hard. 'I'll accept it the day you're able to do the same thing'. I was really upset. Not to be able to hit him back," Gon explained as he tried hard not to cry and during his explanation, Kurapika's eyes widen and did not say anything.

'Poor Gon,' I thought before standing up from my place and walked away from the two, letting them have their time alone. While I was walking to a random direction, an announcement boomed through the entire blimp. "In a while, the president will receive you for a conversation. When you're called, please come to the first reception room on the first floor," she said before calling one of the candidates.

"Candidate #406." I snapped my head at the speaker and she continued, "We ask that you please come to the reception room."

"Looks like it's my turn," I said to myself before facing Emi who is behind me, "Let's go, Emi." She nodded her head and hopped onto my shoulder. We went to the reception and before going inside, I knocked on the door. "Come in, Miki," was the first thing I heard before opening the door.

"Nice to see you again, Netero-san," I greeted, sitting down on the cushion in front of him. "Likewise, Miki-kun," he replied before continuing. "I'd like to ask you some questions to know more about you. Why do you wish to be a hunter?" I thought about it for a second, debating whether to tell him the truth or not. In the end, I decided to tell him.

"Well," I hesitated before letting out a sigh. "I'm actually trying to find my brother. You see, when I was a child, I never had a family. I got adopted at the age of three and got abused when I was five until ten. As soon as I was eleven, I left the place and travel around the world. Until, someone told me that I have a brother who looks like me. That's why I have to be a hunter," I told him, 90% the true story while the rest are just lies. Nobody told me who my brother was, he told me himself.

Netero looked at me with sympathy eyes and I did not like it. "I see. Among the ten candidates, which one retains the most of your attention?"

I thought about that for a second. "#44, #301 and #215. #44 Hisoka and #301 Gitarakuru, they always give a bad vibe to other people, including me although, you could say that I'm an acquaintance to them. As for #215 Vycen, he's not a bad guy and he is very challenging to fight with. I hope someday to fight these three although being on the same level as Gitarakuru and Hisoka are difficult," I told him.

"Okay. Well, last question. Among the ten candidates, who do you want to fight the least?" That was an easy question.

"#99 Killua, #403 Leorio, #404 Kurapika and #405 Gon. These four are my best friends. If I fight one of them, I might as well withdraw the fight," I said. "Hohoho! Okay, okay. Thanks a lot," Netero laughed for a while before telling me to go back and I did.

"By the way, Miki," Netero's voice stopped me from opening the door and I looked behind my shoulder. "Why do you want to dress up as a guy?" he asked and my eyes darken before brightening them, giving him a smile. "For fun," I told him before leaving the room.


"#99 and #406 ♥. #405 is not bad as well but he can't reach the level of #99 and #406 ♣. I hope someday to fight them ♣. This time I would say #405 ♣. I don't exclude #99 and #406, but with the meaning that I don't really want to fight against them now, #405 ♣."- Hisoka.

"#404 that retains the most of my attention: At the first look, you can see that he's well balanced. I don't really want to fight against #44. Truthfully, I don't think I would be good enough to fight against him."- Pokkle.

"Gon and Miki. Well, I should say #405 and #406. We're the same age, so... #53. I think I would be bored fighting against him."- Killua.

"#44. I don't really like him, but he's inevitable. #405, #406 and #99. It's unthinkable for me to fight against kids."- Bodoro.

"#99. #44, #406."- Gitarakuru.

"For various reason: It's #44 that's the most preoccupying for me. Pff... Choosing one is impossible. It would have to be #99, #403, #404 and #406."- Gon.

"#44. Without a doubt, he's the most dangerous. #44, as well."- Hanzo.

"Positively: #405. Negatively: #44. With a good reason, no matter. With no reason, I don't want to fight."- Kurapika.

"#405, obviously. Not only do I have respect for him, but I'd like him to reach the end. For the same reason, I don't want to fight against him."- Leorio.


Three days had passed after the end of the forth round and everybody was already polished for the last round and I was finally able to take a hot shower after fifteen days of surviving in the wild and also for not having a nice bath.

As I put on a white button shirt and a pair of red shorts, I looked at the mirror and saw my heart necklace dangling around my neck. Touching the fragile object in my hand, I clutched it. 'Mom... Dad... If you were here, I know you would be proud of us to follow Dad's footsteps,' I thought before putting it inside my shirt.

Drying my white long hair and brushed it, I tied it into a high ponytail before tying a black bandana around my forehead. "Alright! Emi, let's go," I told the squirrel who is carrying the bag in the Stuart's bag.

She hopped onto my shoulder and I went out of my room after wearing a pair of black combat boots. As I arrived at the room where we were supposed to meet, I saw that everybody was there, including my four friends who were in a conversation.


"I hope that everyone has rested well. We are here in a hotel managed by the committee. Until the end of the round, this place will be yours," was all Netero said as we were then standing in the big room where we will be dueling of one versus one.

I already left Emi in a room I already reserved, thanks to Netero who kindly agreed. "The last trial will be in the form of duels of one versus one. The groups are the following...," the man spoke as he pulled down the white sheet and everybody saw the result.

"294 vs. 405."

"The loser from the first round left side vs. 53."

"The loser from the second round left side vs. 99."

"The loser from the third round left side vs. 301."

"406 vs. 215."

"The loser from the first round right side vs. 44."

"The loser from the second round right side vs. 403."

"The loser from the third round right side vs. 191."

"The loser from the forth round left side vs. The loser from the forth round right side."

'Hmm. It looks like I'm up against Vycen again, huh? Well, I guess this is better than encountering him in the forth round,' I thought before gazing secretly at the redhead who was standing a few feet away from me. 'But then again, it wouldn't be a bad idea to fight him again if our paths ever crossed especially the Heaven's Arena,' I continued, smirking and looked at Netero who began to explain how it works.

He began to explain how the rules go: "One victory and you pass the exam. In other words, in this tournament, the winners quit the game one by one." The chairman continued talking about the principles of the pyramid and about how many opportunities we have, such as how Gon, Hanzo, Vycen and I have more than two opportunities.

Killua did not like it and wanted it to be explain thoroughly. The Chairman shook his head a no which pissed Killua off. He continued with the explanation. "The way we counted lies in absolute secret. I can't reveal everything to you. However, I can still give you some explanation of our ways." He talked about the three essential points which are strength, mind and charisma. As he continued explaining to us, I zoned out since I know what to do.

The only think I was worried about is Killua. Knowing the scene where Illumi will reveal himself, let's say it would not be good...

"Hanzo vs. Gon!"

Snapping from my train of thoughts, I saw that the first round had begun. "Good luck, Gon," I patted on his shoulder as I walked to the side line with Killua. "I'll be the referee of the match. Good luck!" the man in the black suit said as he stood between them.

"And we meet again!" Hanzo spoke out loud. "You were the one who followed me during the forth round weren't you?" With that said, it shocked a few of them and the contestant who did not know about that, which is Gon and Leorio.

"You saw it?"

"Of course. Each candidate was followed by a juror during this round? I couldn't have been the only one to have noticed it," the bold continued. Gon was surprised which made me chuckled. 'Of course...'

"I noticed but I didn't know if I should have told you...," I heard Kurapika uttered and I nodded my head. "Me too. Satotsu-san was the one who followed me around during this round," I told them. Leorio looked like he ate something bad just then.

The conversation continued before the referee shouted a 'Begin!'. It started with Gon who was getting away from Hanzo. Even if he is fast, I know, for a fact, that Hanzo is faster since he is well-trained. With just a blink of an eye, Hanzo was already there with Gon and muttered, "I see you are pretty confident in your speed," before karate-chop Gon's neck.

The torture continued for three straight hours and Gon still did not want to quit. Every time Hanzo tortured my best friend, my fists clenched at every second and by the time I felt something wet, I knew that blood was trickling down to my knuckles and dropped to the ground.

Leorio tried to persuade Gon to stop but failed when Gon did not listen to him which lead the older man shouting to Hanzo who retorted back. The older man was about to step forward when he was stopped by two referees. Gon told him he was fine and that he can bear some more.

Hanzo was surprised to see him and smacked him to ground before twisting his arm. "I'm gonna break your arm," he threatened. Everybody stayed quiet and Gon didn't answer. "I'm serious. So just say it!" he hissed. The wild boy grind his teeth before shouting a loud 'No!' Before we know it, a loud crack echoed through the hall followed by a loud scream.

"He really did it," Pokkle whispered, feeling afraid at what he saw. Glaring at the bold man, I grind my teeth to keep me together before losing myself from using my chains to torture him, right here right now. I heard Leorio talking about not wanting to get stop by Kurapika who agreed with him, his eyes flashed scarlet.

Hanzo started speaking his speech about his clan of 'Shinobi' and other ♪ that I do not give a ♪. He started doing a handstand as he spoke about how he already killed at our age. I scoffed quietly, 'And Killua's first kill is when he is younger than all of us. Amateur.' He started lifting himself using only four fingers until it was only left with his index. "I don't say that to make you mad. Say only that you lose."

I do not know what happen after that because I ended up laughing on the floor when Gon kicked his face. "I don't believe it! The pain and your speech woke me up!" I heard Gon exclaimed which made me laugh even louder. The rest cheered for Gon who has his own speech as he stood up, despite the fact he is in pain.

It continued until Hanzo withdrew a sword from the bandage he wrapped around his arm. Oh here it comes.

"I don't want you to cut my leg. But I don't want to lose! Let's fight in another way...," Gon suggested which only made Hanzo fumed at him. "Wha!? Don't you understand your situation!?" he shouted. "Oh God!" I laughed out loud, rolling on the floor as I clutched my stomach. People were chuckling around me as the argument continued.


"I've lost. I admit defeat." That was what Hanzo said to the referee before knocking Gon down who is being the stubborn person he is. That boy is really something.

The referee carried Gon to his room as the conversation between Netero and Hanzo started. Zoning out at that, I just stared at the beautiful cream ceiling that is above me and thought about how to defeat Vycen.

"Second match: Miki against Vycen!" That stopped me from thinking any further and I stepped forward with Vycen who followed my lead. "Looks like fate decided to play with us," Vycen said and I smirked at him. "I won't hold back, Xavier," I told him.


"Begin!" With that said, I closed my eyes just for a while, only to open them once more but it was not my kiddy eyes anymore, they were narrowed and darker. Vycen stared back at me with the same eyes and I guess he would not hold back either. 'Good.'

Since nobody knew what Nen is except for the examiners, Hisoka and Illumi, they all felt the dangerous aura lurking through our bodies eventhough it was only 15%. "What is this?" I heard someone from the crowd gasped when they felt it.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Killua shaking, sweats were forming on his forehead as a sign of nervousness. 'Sorry, Kil. I have to do this,' I thought. "You ready?" my deep voice echoed through the hall and Vycen nodded his head once. "I'm always ready," was all he said before the fight began.

This is what happens when life gives you lemons- The Author.



And that's chapter 11 (Part I) (Edited) √


Okay, so first thing's first. I would like to apologize for not updating for like three months ago and it's October now and that's mean... END OF YEAR EXAM!!!!!!

That's also mean, no update until further notice. So, I won't be able to update until November because that's when my exam will finish. I hope I'll do well and so, I need your support. Also, I would like to say thank you for voting and commenting the book eventhough I haven't updated. Arigatou Gozaimasu.

So, hope you guys like this chapter eventhough it sucks a lot and this chapter is dedicated to the reader who got the quiz right which is 6 of July and my birthday, 224sup846.

*Throws lemons* Enjoy the prize~


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