Dark Rides

By weareallfallingstars

101K 4.4K 131

Sky's parents love her, but how they get money, what their jobs are. It's off limits, you don't talk about it... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Three

Chapter Five

4.4K 209 2
By weareallfallingstars

Picture of Andi's outfit above^^^


Waking up not in Sky's bed but my own was confusing. I wondered how I had gotten there, Sky couldn't carry me. It didn't matter that I was six inches shorter, she couldn't.

I saw a note on the pillow next to my head and grabbed it happily, guessing who it might be from silently in my head.
Dear Andi,
You fell asleep in  Sky's bed, 

I looked up chuckling, I've known this man for two days, and he's making me laugh at nothing. Sobering up I looked back down.
Just so you know, you and I, we dont have the problem my VP has, Sky being sixteen and him nineteen. We are both over eighteen and not minors.
See you soon,

How'd he know. He's crazy. He just guessed,  right? How could he possibly know me that well. Deciding not to let it get to me  I looked around.

I hopped up and got dressed pulling on the clothes Brody and Shawn had grabbed, and tying a red and black flannel around my waist, I  finally grabbed my leather jacket. Skipping from the room I gripped my sunglasses and used then to push my hair back from my face, like a headband, but not since I don't own any headbands.

I kept right on skipping like any proud twenty one year old right on into the kitchen where I found Brody and Shawn smirking and unsuccessfully trying hide it, Sky blushing, and two new boys who's names I didn't know. I continued skipping past them to the fridge and took out the milk.

"So, loves,"I said pointedly looking at Shawn again, "what'd I miss."

Shockingly it was Sky to answer and even more shockingly, in a speaking voice and not a whisper,  she only did that around me, "Well these to idiots over here," she said pointing at the two boys I didn't know, "decided that they've adopted me as their little sister... after those two other idiots over there told them my life story, that they know of." She said moving her hand to point at Shawn and Brody.

"That we know of?" And "Course we did." They said, at the same time speaking over each other. Sky sighed and shook her head, blond hair swishing.

"So what are your names," I spoke up and looked at the new people.

"I'm Gabe and that's Luke." Said the man who had dirty blond hair, and brown eyes, motioning next to him at Luke who had lighter blond hair and sunglasses covering his eyes. Both were huge. And handsome. I felt like asking if Brody if he looked at people and said "no your not drop dead gorgeous leave, you may not join. Out of my sight." But wasn't sure how that would go over.

Breaking me from my thoughts Gabe clapped in front of my face brown eyes glimmering with amusement, smirking. Maybe they all have to have that very annoying smirk mastered to. I mused in my head.

"Well now that we've covered that, what do we not know exactly?" Shit I thought I distracted them from Sky's slip up. I know she doesn't tell anyone what happened in between "the incident" as she had hatefully named it and foster care.

Sky bolted from the room, leaving the boys to look at each other wondering what had happened. I decided to ease their minds. A little.

"She went through some horrible stuff even after the accident." I said speaking slowly, trying to pick the right words that would tide them over and also not have Sky madder than ever at me.

"I thought she went straight into foster care, were their bad parents?" Brody said, keeping his voice calm, even when I saw his hands clenching on the table. Everyone here was oddly protective of Sky. Not that I didn't feel the pull she had, I pretty much adopted her!

"No it was blood who did this."

Then I walked from the room. Not looking back.

I had to help my best friend, not our protectors that just kept surprising me with how calm they were.


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