Broken American Girl (Michael...

By pastelpurpleclifford

22.3K 668 65

It's easy to simply stay in a relationship, whether it's healthy or not, for fear of being alone. The fear of... More

1-Racing Thoughts/Should Know Better
2-Small Smile/Oh My God!
5-Give It Up/Like A Sleepover
7-Shopping/Scaredy Cat
8-What Are What?/Date Details
9-Sick Again/Changes?
10-Nando's/Bail An Interview Like This
11-Take All The Heartbreak Away/Fan Reaction
12-Fan Visit/Phone Call
13-More Confused Than Ever/May I Help You?
14-The Girl Who Can't Be Moved/Your Girlfriend Happened
15-Paparazzi/As Slow As You Want
16-Now You See Him/You're Hurt
20-Psychological Problems/Confession
22-Try Hard/Threat
23-Discharged?!/Wrong Moment
24-Cali Arrival/Phone Call
25-Decisions/Sneaky Performance
28-That's What Men Do/Getting Ready
29-The Brits/Mine
31-Heartache/That's More Like It
33-Heart-To-Heart/Heart Attack
34-Shout Louder/Insist
35-Sheet Fort/Blacking Out
36-Shit In These Situations/Gone Blind
37-Alone Time/Breathing Support
38-Did You Hear?../Love Affair
39-Discharge/6 Years?!
41-Getting Funky/August 2nd
42-Single Tear/Giant Teddy Bear
43-Texts/Moved On
45-Stealing/In The Mood
46-You Guys Are So Cute/Like A Princess
47-You Got Chicken?/Told You
48-It's About You/Most Truthful Bullshit
49-3 Weeks../Girlfriend
51-In a Daze/Weak
54-Christmas Eve/I Have No Say
56-Bad Reaction/Unexpected
60-Tour/Icy Glare
61-Accusation/Bad Timing
62-Emotional Pain


163 7 0
By pastelpurpleclifford

-Kyra's POV-

@KyraWrightXO super sorry to all of the fans that were expecting to see me over the last few shows. I'm now out of hospital and am expected to make a steady recovery so it shouldn't be too long before I return to the stage #ForgiveMe #TakingItEasy

I felt that it was only fair to inform the fans about everything, I've left them hanging for a week which surely can't have been great for everyone expecting to see me.

Niall has insisted that I stay with him for a few days while I recover. He didn't even let me argue my case. We were now on our way back to his flat that he has rented for awhile, 'Earned It' by The Weeknd blasting through his phone which was connected by Bluetooth to his car, making it 100X louder.

"You make it look like its magic
Cause I see nobody, nobody but you, you, you
I'm never confused, hey, hey
I'm so used to being used" I shouted way off key and way too loudly. Niall joined in after, we were both just swaying sharply to the beat.

We continued to sing out of tune to the song until it finished. We soon arrived and Niall opened the car door for me and helped me out carefully, he was nearly carrying me.

-An Hour Later-

I felt refreshed as I dried my hair with the towel that was on my head. Niall let me borrow some of his clothes once I got out of the shower.

"Hey, are you decent?" I heard Niall call from the other side of his bedroom door, I smiled at his decency to be a gentleman.

"Yeah." I called back. He opened the door and sat beside me on the edge of his bed, waiting for me to finish drying my hair.

"What's up?" I asked cheerily once I'd put my damp hair into a bun.

"Just wanted to ask some things.." I froze. If he asks about the eating thing then I don't know what I'd do.

"Go for it." I smiled widely to cover up the fear slowly rising in the pit of my stomach.

"It's about the hospital, they think that a lack of food may have caused you to collapse-" he stopped, looking towards me for a reaction. When I didn't give one, he continued.

"I just wanna know why you'd feel the need to do that; starve yourself I mean.." his eyes showed genuine concern.

"It's stupid.." I muttered, looking down.

"It's not stupid if it's making you feel like you have to take matters into your own hands." I took a deep breath before speaking.

"I just hated myself after me and Mikey spilt, once he confessed that he did sleep with Chloe, I just- I don't know, thought I'd done something. Then I began thinking about all of my imperfections and flaws that Michael probably saw that made him realise that a model was better than me. Whenever me and Mikey would argue I would go off food for a bit and I know that he noticed. All of this started with Daniel." I concluded, Niall looked at me with sad eyes.

"No girl should feel like that, why didn't you talk to someone when it first started happening?"

"I had no one to talk to, and besides, I was stuck in an abusive relationship- I was scared." I said simply, quickly wiping a falling tear that escaped.

"I remember when I was still with Daniel, I'd pig out on a takeout or something and he'd tell me how fat I was gunna get, then I'd wake up the next morning and feel fat so I wouldn't eat for the next few days until I felt skinnier." I laughed nervously to cover up the deep hatred I had for myself. Niall still didn't talk.

"I just wanna be loved, that's all I ask for." I put my head in my hands, Niall put a hand on my waist slowly, probably worried that I'd snap at him and ask him what the hell he was playing at.

"Just let it out, I haven't personally been there but people I know have been and it's horrible to see anyone hate themselves that much.." he spoke carefully and softly.

I opened my eyes and spotted a white envelope in my bag, 'Kyra Wright' was written in messy handwriting along with the house address and a first class stamp and my heart warmed at the memory of finding it on the mat just inside the door. I reached out to retrieve it.

"What's that?"

"A letter from Mikey a while back, when I had something with Ash.." I shivered at the thought of Ash.

"What did he say?" I was hesitant but handed the piece of paper over anyway. His eyes scanned it slowly.

"What did he get you for your birthday?" I reached back into the envelope and grabbed the concert tickets before showing Niall.

"The 5SOS concert is in a week." my eyes widened at Niall's sentence as I quickly rushed to open the calendar on my phone, seeing that the concert was indeed, next week.

"Are you still gunna go?" I thought about it for a second before nodding.

"I'm still on good terms with Luke and Cal so yeah, why not?"

"Aren't you okay with Ash?, he's cool."

"Oh, that's another story.."

"Where's Sophie? Haven't seen her in a while.." why is God doing this to me?

"Well that kinda links as to why I'm not cool with Ash.." I was unsure as to whether I should answer but he needed to know.

"What happened?"

"Well Sophie became ill so she needed to stay in the hospital, me and Ash weren't okay anyway as we got into a fight about something stupid, so he decided to discharge her himself saying that we both found a consultant in America that could help her, he was lying. He knew that if he had Sophie, I'd follow. She wasn't allowed to fly as she was too unwell but Ash wasn't told that. Sh-she die-died as soon as we arrived in Cali.." I didn't cry, I told myself that I wouldn't cry. Niall was speechless.

"So, he killed her?"

"Yeah, I suppose.." I don't actually know if he did or not but he had a part in it.

"And you haven't pressed charges for murder or manslaughter?"

"That seems a bit extreme, she was suffering. I guess he just stopped that suffering, that's the way I look at it.."

"You can't help but see the good in every situation can you?" I shook my head and flopped so my head was on the pillow behind me, Niall got comfortable beside me.

"Do you mind me sleeping next to you? I can go on the sofa?"

"Don't be stupid, course I don't mind." I smiled and wrapped myself in the duvet that covered me, falling into a deep sleep almost immediately.

-An Hour Later-

"Kyra? Kyra? Kyra!" A loud voice called to me, shaking me until i opened my eyes, sweat covered me and I felt extremely clammy as my breathing quickened and deepened.

"Kyra what's wrong? You were shouting and screaming and thrashing around.." this has happened only a few times before, my mind had a flashback to that night. The times that it has happened I was always with Mikey and since he knew about what Daniel did he comforted me in the early mornings that he had to wake me up from the nightmare. As Niall didn't know what was going on, he just stared at me, awaiting an explanation.

"Just a nightmare, s'all.." I brushed it off quickly, wiping my forehead with the back off my right hand as my left wiped under my tired eyes, collecting tears.

"What was it about?"

"Can I just sleep please Niall? I've been severely deprived from sleep and I need all the hours I can get." I groaned, dropping my head onto the pillow.

"Yeah okay, but you would tell me if something was really wrong, wouldn't you?" I nodded, too asleep to form words. I wasn't aware whether he knew about what Daniel done but I guessed that he had no idea since he hasn't brought it up yet.

"Okay, night.." he was hesitant to drop the subject, but did nonetheless.

My tiredness left me quickly and I found myself sitting on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands wondering what was so wrong with me for Daniel to turn horrible so suddenly.

My eyes travelled to the letter on the bedside table, I quietly grabbed it and re-read it over and over but my eyes always got caught on the end.

'Happy birthday beautiful ❤️

Love you to the moon and back,

Michael xx'

I looked over my shoulder briefly at the sleeping Irish blonde before turning and returning deep in thought once again as every memory of my past relationship replayed in my mind.

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