Cindy Potter: Book One (Harry...

By xuelian

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Cindy grew up living with her godfather, Severus Snape. She originally lived with her aunt, uncle and cousin... More

Book One: Cindy Potter (Harry Potter Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 25

826 21 2
By xuelian

"Twitchy little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy." - Harry Potter


Needless to say, I was paranoid. If Father found out he'd probably beat me and lock me in his dungeon for a month, well, if he had a dungeon. Professor McGonagall didn't tell, but by morning, we were already on the list of 5 most hated people in school. 200 points! I'd hate myself if I were them. And then there were the Slytherins, as smug as ever. As I left the charms classroom to head to my next class, I was cornered by Draco Malfoy and his cronies.

"So, has Professor Snape taught your sorry arse a lesson to not stick your nose where it doesn't belong yet?" Malfoy sneered. I tried to shove past him. "Not so fast. You're starting to make me feel like you're not happy to see me."

"I'm ecstatic, now if you'll excuse me-" I began.

Slap! I almost fell over with the force. I opened my mouth to retort when someone beat me to it. "Mr. Malfoy, care to explain what is going on here?" I gasped. Father stood behind me looking murderously angry.

I beat him to it. "It was my fault, um I challenged him to a strength contest."

Draco Malfoy sneered. "Oh really? And I thought I was teaching you a lesson. After all, you were out after hours last night." I groaned silently.

Father turned his glare to me. I gulped. "Well, Miss Potter?" I glanced at the floor. His gaze turned to ice again. "Mr. Malfoy, I heard what you said to Miss Potter earlier. Ten points."

"But Professor, your own house-"

"I do not tolerate fights in the corridors." He turned to me. "However, I'm glad you've brought to my attention of last night's events. I'll deal with you later." He sneered at me. I gulped. Draco Malfoy smirked and left. The bell went. I groaned loudly. Turning on his heel, father turned back to shout at me. "Another five points for tardiness. Get to class!" I glanced at my timetable. Potions. I let out an even bigger groan.


Father gave me the evil eye all throughout class. He was furious, no doubt about that. I snuck into his office after class. "Please let me explain?" He glared at me silently. I took this as my cue to speak. "We snuck out for a reason." I took a breath. Ron, Harry and Hermione would kill me if they found out, but I trusted Father. "We think someone's trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone." Father choked on his breath.

"Who told you-"

"Please don't ask." I cut him off.

He sighed. "You're too clever for your own good, but I must I advise you to stay out of it."

"Oh? Like you are? I heard you and Professor Quirrell-" I gasped slapping a hand over my mouth. "I-I mean..." I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself in it to hide from the fire in his gaze.

"I knew I sensed someone that day. It was you! And Potter probably."

"No! Harry wouldn't do that. He didn't know I left. I snuck out so he wouldn't get in trouble if I was caught!" I fibbed.

"Oh? Then perhaps I should remind you why my rules are not to be ignored. Stand by the wall." I shook my head with wide eyes. Father's eyes narrowed.

"Has being at Hogwarts turned you insolent? Do as I say!"

I inched over to the wall. I heard father take out the stick and I blocked the rest out.


I currently sat curled up in father's armchair, sniffling quietly. I guess I forgot how much his punishments could hurt. And to make things worse, I had detention tonight. Father had informed the Professors that I wasn't feeling quite well and excused me from attending class. That was the good side. The last thing I needed was for Draco Malfoy to see me with swollen eyes and a puffy, red nose.

Father enter the room. "How long are you going to sit there crying?" I dug my face into my knees as a reply. He groaned. I heard him set something beside me. "I got this from the kitchens. Drink it." I sniffed in reply. I heard footsteps leave. I could tell he was angry that I was ignoring him. Eventually I got up and made my way up to the common room. Best prepare for detention.


At about eight, Filch met us at the front entrance to take us out. Malfoy kept elbowing me in the ribs and shot me a knowing smirk everytime I tripped. We approached Hagrid's hut. "Hagrid will be supervising your detention tonight." I heard Ron sigh in relief. Seeing this, Filch added, "You have some work to do in the Forbidden Forest."

Malfoy visibly paled. "But isn't that just what it is? Forbidden? Students aren't allowed. And there are-" We heard a howl as Malfoy gulped. "Werewolves." He finished. I suddenly thought of Uncle Remus.

"Oh there's a lot more than werewolves in there, boy." Filch said cheerily. Turning to Hagrid, he said. "I'll be back for what's left of them." Hagrid glared at Filch's back. Then he turned to us.

"Alright. Now all five of yer, listen and listen good." He glanced around to make sure we were paying attention.
"We are about to do some work in the Forbidden forest. It's dangerous in there so we all gotta follow the rules."

"If my father knew what we were doing-" Malfoy muttered under his breath.

"Then he'd tell you that's how it is at Hogwarts!"Hagrid cut in. "If yer'd rather be expelled, then go!" Malfoy made no move to leave. "Okay then. We will be going in groups. If yer in any trouble, send up red sparks."

We walked in the forest. As we went deeper I grew more uneasy and felt my scar throbbing. Hagrid suddenly stopped in front of a clear sticky substance on the ground. He bent down and felt the texture. "See that? It's unicorn blood. Found a dead one a couple o' days ago. Our job is to find the poor creature and put it out of its misery." I swore I heard Malfoy whimper. "One we've found it, we send up green sparks, got it?" We nodded. "All right, Ron, Hermione, you come with me, Harry, Cindy, you two go with Malfoy." We nodded and set out.

During the whole time I could hear Malfoy muttering under his breath, something along the lines of: wait till my father hears about this. Suddenly we heard a voice from behind. "What're you kids doing in here?" Malfoy screamed and made a dash for it. Hagrid and the others immediately came running over. He relaxed visibly when he saw us.

He nodded to the man, no, horseman behind us. "Hello Ronan." He turned to us. "This is Ronan, a centaur." Turning back to Ronan he gestured to us. "These are the Potter twins."

Ronan nodded. "It isn't safe for them to be in here."

Hagrid nodded in agreement. "We'll be out as soon as we find that creature."

Ronan seemed to ignore him. "Mars is bright tonight." Hagrid bid him goodbye and we split up again.

As we walked deeper into the forest, my scar started hurting more. Suddenly, we heard a noise.

"Did you hear that?" Malfoy had a painful grip on my arm that only grew tighter. I pried his hand off and gingerly stepped forward. Close by, there was a figure. The figure wore a black cloak and it was bent over something, I took another step and squinted through the darkness. It was a unicorn-and-the thing was drinking it's blood. Malfoy screamed deafeningly and raced off in the distance. The figure raised it's head to stare at Harry and I. My vision blurred as my scar seared with pain. Harry shoved me behind him and we both toppled to the ground. The cloaked figure approached us. Harry shielded me as I opened my mouth to scream.

Suddenly, another horse, no, centaur, leapt onto the cloaked figure and it disappeared into the darkness. The centaur turned and approached us. "Harry and Cindy Potter. The forest is not safe at this time, especially not for you two. I will help you. Get on." We climbed on his back and he raced away.

"Hey!" I spun to see Hagrid. He looked relieved. "Oh Firenze, it's you."

The centaur bowed his head. "Hagrid."

"I see you've met the twins."

"I just saved them back there."

"What was that thing you saved us from?" Harry asked.

"It is a dreadful creature. Harry and Cindy Potter, do you know what unicorn blood is used for?" We both shook our heads. "The blood of a unicorn can bring a person an inch from death back to life. But it comes at a terrible price. To have slain something so pure, so defenseless, you will lead a half-life, a cursed life."

"But who would want such a life?" I questioned.

"Can you think of no one? Not one?" Harry and I remained silent, but I knew we both had the same thought.

"Firenze! What're you doing there, letting humans ride you like a common mule! Have you no pride?!" I turned to see the centaur we had met earlier, Ronan, and another.

"I will ally myself with humans if it is for the greater good." The other centaur scoffed.

"Anyways," Hagrid interrupted. "Did you happen to see that thing clearly?"

"Mars is bright tonight." Firenze replied.

"Yes, yes, we've heard." Hagrid replied with annoyance coating his words. "Well, we best be going now, bye." The centaurs nodded at us.

"Thank you." I whispered to Firenze.

"Take care, Cindy Potter." I nodded in reply.

"Ruddy star-gazers," Hagrid complained on the way out. I blocked out the rest of the journey, as I couldn't get Firenze's words out of my mind.


After we safely arrived at the castle, we bid Hagrid goodbye and headed in with Malfoy muttering about his father the whole way.

After we had settled in, we sat in the common room to discuss what we had seen.

"All along, we've been wrong. Snape doesn't want the stone for himself, he wants it for Voldemort." Harry paced back and forth.

"Don't say the name!"

"Professor Snape does not want it!"

Harry ignored us. "Don't you get it? That was Voldemort out there tonight, drinking the unicorn's blood. With the Stone he'll get stronger. He'll-he'll come back. I stood up.

"Harry, I agree with you that Voldemort wants the Stone. But I can honestly say I don't think it's Professor Snape who has been trying to steal it." Harry just glanced at me. "And if it is? What if it is, Cindy?"

I didn't respond. Deep down, I was scared of just the thing.

Hey:) this longer chapter is a double update( to apologize for my absence) you won't need to wait long for the next one!

Enjoy, vote and comment!

Lots of love,

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