My Best Friends' Sister

By princess_skittlez

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I quickly rushed over with my hands ready to catch Yesha the same time as they stepped back, when she dropped... More

Copyright Statement
Chapters 1-Welcome Back to hell
Chapter 2 - Try Outs
Chapter 4 - ☆ It's a tie ☆!!
Chapter 5 - Asia Trouble
Changer 6 - The Twenty-Seventh
Chapter 7 - Beach it is!
Chapter 8- Kissing the Head Slut
Chapter 9 - We're Done
Chapter 10 - New Relationship Partners
Chapter 11 - Party
Chapter 12 - Second Chances & Friends
Chapter 13 - Traveling News
Chapter 14 - The Help
Chapter 15 - Friday Nights...
Chapter 16 - The Eye of the Storm
Chapter 17- Shocking Suprise...
Chapter 18- Please Forgive & Forget?
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 3- Mr. & Mrs. Prankster

1.1K 36 2
By princess_skittlez

Authors note
Do you think Stephen and Ayesha are together or are they just close friends? Well I don't know, you'll have to read the rest chapters to find out. They could be together since that kiss, but still they could be just planning to forget it ever happen and stick to being friends.
This chapter would be written in Ayesha's point of view.

"Ayesha's POV"
I was awoken by a bucket of water being poured over my body, then I heard screaming next to me. The voices sounded exactly like Jessica, Casey and Lasey. I looked over to my right and saw three completely wet girls which were Jessica, Casey and Lasey.

"What the hell guys, my hair." Casey and Lasey shouted in perfect sync.

"Run!" Nicholas shouted running out the door first, while the boys followed behind.

When the boys left I got up and locked the door, then turned on my heal to face the girls who were still in shock. I snapped my fingers to get their attention and started to discuss the plan for payback. We decided that since all the boys cars were right outside, we would spray paint their cars girly. I know evil right, let the games begin. We rushed outside with the spray paints in our back pocket, then started our masterpiece. We all painted Nicholas' car with little rainbows and unicorns, I painted Steph's car with roses, hearts and my name, Jessica had also written her name on Seth's car and cute little pink butterflies. Casey painted Chase's entire car pink then made a portrait of all four of us, while Lasey on the other hand painted hello kitty, brats, littlest pet shop and bubble guppies on Jase's car. Everything looked perfect, the cars were totally girly. I wrote a note then stocked it on each car as we signed our names on them. We walked inside casually pretending nothing ever happened, with evil but innocent grins on our faces and started phrase two of our prank.

"Can you go get me some jolly ranchers please Steph?" I asked kindly.

"Umm, we don't have any sorry Yesha." He said apologetically and I just frowned

"Come on be a gentlemen, go to the store and get her some." Jessica said nearly shouting.

"Okay, okay. I'm going to the store." He replied raising his hand in defense.

Steph got out of the chair and walked out the door into the garage. When we heard the door close, me and the girls started to laugh uncontrollably while the boys watched us like if we were crazy.

"Ahhh, what did you girls do to my car?" Steph shouted from the garage.

Everyone rushed outside to where Steph was, when the boys reached out they screamed like little girls. Chase took up the paper off of his car then read aloud.

"Let the Prank wars begin!!!
I guess we're tied now, lol

Losers- 1 Girls Rule- 1

Don't ever mess with a girls hair nor beauty sleep :)
This ends tomorrow night at 10:30 p.m.

With love,
Jessica, Ayesha, Casey & Lasey "

Steph walked up to us with a grin on his face, he looked at us all then started to clap.

"Great jobs girls but if you may know we are the masters of pranks, watch your backs ladies." He said walking away with the rest boys.

Okay now is the time to figure out other prank we're going to plan and it has to be fast.

"We need another prank and fast." I whispered so that if the boys were near by they won't hear.

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