Living A Lie (Completed)

By Mys_AJ

2.6M 108K 11.6K

SECOND BOOK OF THE WEREWOLF PRINCESS SERIES! (Sequel to A Rejected Princess) I suggest reading that book firs... More

Living A Lie
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12. 1
Chapter 12. 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Not An Update
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Riley's book

Chapter 1

79.2K 3.2K 623
By Mys_AJ


A bucket of ice cold water was dumped on me, waking me from my peaceful sleep. "Dad!" I shouted. He chuckled before snapping a picture of me. God, no. I jumped up to grab the camera, but he dodged me and ran down the stairs. I chased after him, and ended up in the kitchen.

"Happy birthday!" people shouted. I gripped my father's shirt and pulled him in front of me to hide myself. He just had to make me look like crap.

Dad chuckled at me. I peeked out from behind him. "Thank you, everyone" I said before booking it. I ran back to my bedroom and closed the door. My gaze landed on my soaking we bedsheets. Now I have to wash those and get a new mattress. I groaned before grabbing a towel and going to the bathroom.

'Happy birthday, Audrey' my wolf, Casey, told me. I smiled and thanked her. Casey and I get along relatively well. She never fights me for control, unless we're in immediate danger. She's pretty cool. 'Get these clothes off of us' Casey whined.

Laughing, I peeled off my soaked clothes and threw them on the ground. They made a weird squishy noise. "Gross" I muttered before hopping in the shower. After my quick shower, I changed into my white pants and my favorite blue shirt. I towel-dried my hair and ran my brush through it to get out the knots.

I stood in front of the mirror and admired my hair. Honestly, my favorite part of my appearance is my hair. My hair is long, naturally straight, and dark-colored. I have the same hair color as my dad. It is one of his characteristics I inherited. Unfortunately, I share the same skin tone and eye color with the monster who gave birth to me. I would rather have my father's hazel eyes.

Sighing, I shook the thoughts of my egg donor out of my head. That's what I call my mother. It's the same concept as having a 'sperm donor,' usually the father is the bad guy, but not in my case. My egg donor was never my mother. She just handed me over to my dad and kept her other two children. "No. I'm not gonna think about her on my birthday" I scolded myself.

"Audrey Bay Reynolds!" Keith shouted. We're still best friends after almost ten years. The only thing that changed is now he lives in our little pack house. I smiled before making myself invisible. I've mastered my powers over the years, and I learned a lot of spells. I watched as Keith came into my room and glanced around. "I know you're here. Stop hiding!" he huffed. "I can sense you"

We are magically bonded. We're kinda like mates. We can feel when the other person is near. We can feel each other's pain. We can feel each other's emotions. However, we're not mates. But we're still really close.

I walked behind him. "Is Keith sad?" I whispered by his ear. He spun around, but I ran before he could touch me.

Keith rolled his eyes. "That's cheating. You can't be invisible" he complained. I smiled, but didn't stop the spell. Keith sighed. "Well, since I can't see you; I guess I can't give you your present" he said dramatically.

Quickly dropping the spell, I ran up to him. "What'd you get me?" I asked.

"Happy 18th birthday, Bay" Keith said as he hugged me. A lot of people call me Bay, since my first name is kinda long.

I hugged him back before remembering the present. "Where is it?" I questioned. Keith rolled his eyes at me before pulling out his car keys. He told me that he was too lazy to get it out his trunk. I rolled my eyes as we walked out the pack house. A few people passed me and wished me a happy birthday.

Everyone knows everyone's birthday here. We're one big family. We always fight, but we make up. I opened the trunk to Keith's car and saw a guitar case. I quickly pulled it out before closing the trunk and putting it on top. Excitedly, I popped open the case. He got me a guitar! "Thank you, so much!" I squealed.

I've been wanting a guitar for so long. Our school lets us borrow guitars, but only at the school. I learned how to play years ago, but I never had my own guitar. "God, she so beautiful" I whispered as I ran my hand along the smooth surface. It's a simple acoustic guitar. The outer edges are black and the color fades into blue.

Keith smiled at me. "Well, since I bought it, I think it's only fair that I'm the first one to hear you play" he stated.

I opened my mouth to argue, but Dad came out the house. "Bay! Come eat breakfast!" he called out.

Rolling my eyes, I yelled back. "I have werewolf hearing! You could've just talked normal" Sadly, my werewolf side is more dominant than my witch side. Something was wrong with Dad's wolf, so now he's only a witch. Honestly, I think it had something to do with the egg donor. Don't think about her! I mentally screamed at myself as I walked back to the house with my new guitar.

I put my guitar in the living room before going to the kitchen."Chocolate waffles for the birthday girl!" Naomi sang. She's a sweet elderly lady. Her husband actually died a few days ago.

Leo, her husband, was one of the wiser and more powerful witches here. He created a spell to keep us hidden from covens and packs. It basically made our area invisible. Anyway, Naomi would basically be the Luna in a pack. She takes care of all of us and cooks for us.

I smiled at the meal in front of me. Everyone knows that chocolate waffles are my favorite, and that I don't like chocolate pancakes. "Thank you, Naomi" I said kindly.

She kissed my head. "Happy birthday" she mumbled into my hair. I thanked her again before eating my waffles. Keith and my dad were sitting at the table with me, eating pancakes. A smile made it's way onto my face at the sight of my little family. Sure, the everyone who lives on this area is considered family to me; but since Dad and Keith are closer to me, it's like they're my immediate family.

Dad looked up at me and smiled. "My little girl is 18" he said dramatically. "You're all grown up now"

Keith nodded in agreement and smirked at me. "You're so old" he teased. I'm only older by like two months. I glared at him and let released a low growl. "How old would you be in dog years?" he questioned. I mentally smirked before focusing on Dad's coffee. I made it tip towards Keith until it spilled all over his lap. "Dammit!" he shouted.

I burst into fits of giggles, and Dad chuckled with me. My best friend glared at both of us. Well, he deserved that one. Dad cleared his throat. "That wasn't nice, Audrey" he said sternly. I laughed at my father's attempt to be serious.

Keith laughed along with me. "You look like you're trying not to gag!" he exclaimed. Gross! But very true. My dad has a horrible serious face. It just makes me crack up every time.

Dad shook his head at us while he pulled a small rectangular box out of his pocket. He placed it next to my plate. "Open it" he urged. Smiling, I grabbed the box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful heart-shaped locket. "I did the honors of putting two pictures inside" Dad boasted.

I laughed and opened the locket. One side had my father's picture, and the other side had Keith's. "I love it" I said honestly. My little family. Keith helped me put it on and I leaned over to hug my dad. "Thank you, Daddy" I mumbled into his shirt.

Someone burst into the kitchen, interrupting our family moment. It was John. He's one of the witches. "Anthony. We need to go, now" he said urgently.

Pulling away from my father, I turned towards John and gave him my attention. Dad and Keith did the same thing. "What is it?" Dad asked.

"I couldn't re-create the spell. If we don't leave soon, they can find us" John stated. He was assigned to re-create the spell that Leo made. Since he died, the spell was broken. Now, we have no protection. If someone finds us, we're gonna have to fight.

Dad sighed and glanced at me. "Can't it wait until tomorrow? It's Audrey's birthday" he questioned. I smiled at my father's kindness.

Unfortunately, John shook his head. "They can alrea-"

Naomi rushed into the kitchen as fast as she could. We all froze as she panted to catch her breath. "Under... Attack" she choked out. Dad ran out with John following behind him.

"We need to get her to the safe house" Keith informed me. I nodded in agreement. We connected both our hands and had Naomi in between us. In a matter of seconds, we were able to teleport her to the safe house. Perks of being bonded. "Go" Keith demanded.

I quickly shook my head. I'm not just gonna stay in a safe house while everyone else fights. I was blessed with the gift of being a hybrid. I can fight in wolf form and use my powers. It's an advantage. I started running to the door, but Keith caught up to me and held me back. "I have to help!" I shouted as I thrashed in his arms.

He picked me off the ground and started to walk deeper into the house. I knew he was gonna go to the basement. "Keith! Let me go!" I demanded. He didn't say anything as he continued walking. God, I don't want to hurt him. I used my strength to push away from him.

"Crap!" I shrieked as he flew against the wall. He hit the wall with a loud thud. He groaned, signaling that he was still alive. "Sorry" I whispered before running outside.

There was havoc surrounding me. Dead bodies were everywhere. Sadly, I recognized all them as part of our pack/coven. I noticed a handful of people still fighting. There was only one werewolf, and he was going against two other werewolves. The witches had force-fields up as they made men fly away from them. I froze as I saw one man in the middle of everything.

My dad was on his knees in front of a man. Power was flowing off of the man in waves. Looking closer, the man's claws were extended. "Daddy!" I cried out just as the man lashed at my father. His head flew off his body.

Casey fought for control, but I easily dominated her. I narrowed my eyes at the man, who was smiling triumphantly at my father's dead body. Evil bastard. I ran towards the man with every intent to kill him.

Until I was tackled from the side. I screamed out in pain as teeth were dug into my side. "Audrey!" I heard Keith's voice faintly shout.

Immediately, the white wolf unlatched it's jaws from me and shifted into a man with blonde hair. The dark-haired monster that killed my father also walked up to me. They stared at me, in confusion and shock. I quickly looked towards the house in time to see Keith clutching his side. Before the wolves saw him, he disappeared. Good, he'll be safe. If I don't die. If I die, he dies with me because of the bond.

I can't die. I fought the darkness, but blood was pouring out of my side. I heard one of the men say something before I closed my eyes.

"I found you"


Hey guys!!!!

How'd you like the first chapter and that little background chapter???

Rejecting A Princess got up to #98 in Werewolf!!! *jumps up and down while squealing*

Thank you guys for reading!!!

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