The stolen soul (a Supernatur...

By Sam-winchester-lover

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Chapter 2: New Home
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Exorcism
Chapter 5: Help....
Chapter 6: Daddy
Chapter 7: Glad To Be Home
Chapter 8: Jonah
Chapter 9: Hell Risen
Chapter 10: Cestialo
Chapter 11: New Friends
Chapter 12: Leaving Home
Chapter 13: Verge Of Death
Chapter 14: Will The Fight Ever End?!
Chapter 15: How It Happened
Chapter 16: Living My Dream
Chapter 17: Stranger
Chapter 18: Lucifers Daughter
Chapter 19: Goodbye
Authors note

Chapter 1:Secret Uncovered

567 11 1
By Sam-winchester-lover

I just got out of the shower at night and mom asks me to meet her in the living room once I'm dressed. My mother has blond hair and blue eyes, same as my grandmother and my father has red hair and green eyes. I look like neither of them in any way. I have black hair and mainly brown eyes but they change and I'm tall and both my grandparents and parents are short. I sometimes think I'm adopted. My boyfriend Jonah is adopted and his parents told him that once he was 11. I once asked my mother this and she threatened to ground me and spank me if I asked again so I never did.


I am 14 years old and my name is Zoe. Last night I had a talk with my mom, it turns out my superstision was true, she told me she found me and just took me in, that I was starving and on the verge of dying. Its the summer so I don't have school but I will be out today. My boyfriend Jonah has invited me to a barbecue at his house so all be there all day, and my "mom" doesn't care. My dad would care that I'm with a boy but he died when I was 8 is a car accident. I'm outside walking to Jonahs house when suddenly I feel someone grab my arm, I scream and turn around.

Its just Jonah, "oh you jerk!" I yell and I punch his arm. "Love you too." He replies sarcastically then tries to kiss me but I refuse. "No, you just scared the crap out of me, you get no kiss" I say and he groans but I grab his hand and we walk to his house together. As we walk I tell him about the conversation I had with my mom the night before.

"So she tells me that all the times I asked why we look nothing alike and if i was adopted that I was sorta right. That when I was two she found me in the back yard sleeping wrapped up in a ball. I had ripped rags on and I was starving so she just took me in. Didn't post any 'hey we found your daughter' posters" I stop because Jonah chuckles at that so I just stare at him with my could-you-just-be-serious-this-one-time- look and he shrugs his shoulders so I continue.

"So I asked her about that and she said that I told her they would beat me and threw me out in the dirt so I ran away and they said to not come back." "What did you do when you found out?" He asks " I ran to the police station and told them and they said theyd look me up and call me with info"

I finish my story just in time as we get to Jonahs house and we immediately let go of hands. His parents don't like any 'affection' of any kind because its 'sinful' "hey Zoe its very nice to see you!" His mother greets me " you too Mrs worth" right as I say that I reach my hand out to shake it but she gives me a what-the-hell-are-you-doing- look so I lower it and walk inside.

I lift my iPhone to see the time, its 3 pm so that means dinner won't be ready for another three or four hours so Jonah and I sneak up to his bedroom to be alone. "So do you even want to find your real parents? I mean I do I just can't tell them that or I'm like the spawn of the devil or something" Jonah says once we get into his bedroom. I just shrug my shoulders

" I dunno, kinda but I'm not sure" Jonah groans at me so I just move closer to him and he leans in and we kiss. We both laugh then my phone rings, its the police station. I answer "hello?" I say into the speaker. "Yes Zoe?" A man asks "yes," I answer

"we found information on your family. Turns out you were kidnapped from the park at 2 years old. Your mother is dead but your father is an FBI agent and is agent Smith and is on his way to the police station could you come down please?"

"yes sir I'll be on my way, uh can i bring a friend with?" I ask "If you like" he answers then hangs up. I tell Jonah and ask to come along " but what about the barbecue? Nevermind I'll just tell my mom the truth OK?" He asks And i nod


"Hey, I'm your dad, Agent Smith." Explains the man whos supposed to be my dad, although I say papers saying he is."you were playing at the park and the woman you call your mom stole you. Your uncle and I looked for you forever but couldn't find you. We never gave up and now 13 years later I find you! My baby girl."

The man explains to me, he's tall, like me and i have his eyes, they change too. This HAS to be him! "What did my mom look like?" I ask cautiously "like you, just her eyes were blue." He says and I light up "do you have a picture?" I say then to be sweet I add, "dad?" He nods and goes into his wallet

"Here" as he hands me the picture I freeze and can't look. So Jonah takes it first then nuges me, "he's right, its you." I look and start to cry, my real mom. I struggle to speak and as I do my voice cracks, "how did she die?" I ask and The man lowers his head and seems to wipe away tears,

"she...she...she uh, she, killed herself because she thought you were killed." He finally says. My heart dropped, so its my fault. I killed my mom. Jonah seemed to have read my mind because he puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him

"Its OK, its not your fault. You were a toddler, don't blame yourself." He says I want to cry but Jonah has never seen me cry, he might think I'm weak, I don't care, I turn my head and put it onto his chest and I just burst out crying.

I don't know how long I cried till the agent smith asks if I would like to say goodbye to my 'mom' and I pull away from Jonahs chest and nod, "I will get my stuff too." "Do you want me to come with you?" Smith asks "yes, she might try and take me again" he nods and I leave the police station with Jonah and my father.

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