Beauty Comes in More Sizes th...

Bởi Writer_

88.1K 3.4K 446

"Sometimes he pretends he doesn't know me in front of his friends, but sometimes he makes me feel like Cinder... Xem Thêm

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

14.4K 402 29
Bởi Writer_

Looking back, it's hard to remember what happened. It's hard to remember the moment that signified the downfall – the moment that changed it all. Looking back, it's hard to remember; but at least I'm glad it happened.

I had been sitting on my roommates bed, her mountain of pillows surrounding me as I watched her stare down at her freshly painted nails.

"Does this nail polish make me look slutty?" she asked, examining the dark blue polish, "is that a weird question?"

I looked quizzically at my crazy best friend, her blond hair covering her face just slightly as she looked down at her left hand.

"Please tell me you're joking." I groaned, falling back into the mountain of pillows. "Nail polish can't be slutty."

Cassie shrugged as she lifted herself up from the floor, and made her way over to her messy closet. "Clearly you haven't gotten out enough Kelly. Nails can totally be slutty!"

I rolled my eyes at her ridiculous statement – I guess that's what pretty girls had to be insecure about; slutty nails.

I watched as Cassie rifled through her outfits, sifting around between her shorts, dresses and tank tops. Scowling and frowning at the different garments she held between her fingers.

"Ugh, I have nothing to wear!" The girl exclaimed, tugging a pair of shorts down from where they hung. "Brian's already seen me in all of these."

I chuckled as I folded my legs into a pretzel; "like he cares Cas. He would love you in a sack!"

My friend smiled as she ran a hand through her blonde waves, finally grabbing a maroon tank-top to go with the already chosen shorts. She dropped her bathrobe from her body and slipped into her outfit, tugging at the ends of the shorts as she examined herself in the full length mirror.

She looked amazing. That was the problem with Cassie - she always looked amazing.

"God, I'm running so late!" She groaned, tearing me out of my thoughts. "Will you do this for me?"

I looked up at the straightener she was handing me and lifted myself up from my pillow cocoon to sit down behind Cassie. I straightened her hair carefully as she did her makeup, and within half an hour she was done and looking great.

"Just in time." She said happily as she heard her phone start to ring. Smiling down at Brains picture that appeared.

Cassie quickly slipped on her sandals and clipped her hair back behind her ears. Then I watched my best friend race out of her room and make her way down to the man she loved.


Once Cassie had gone I lifted myself up from the floor of her bedroom and padded down the hall towards the kitchen. I heard my stomach grumble as I looked through the odds and ends we had stored in the old fridge. Mostly condiments, some bread (and spreads to go along) and an old jar of pickles.

Groaning I decided to ditch the sandwich idea and made my way over to my favorite drawer - the one that stored the take out menus. I called up my favorite Chinese place, placed my order and smiled as they promised to have my food to me in half an hour or less - or my food was free. God Bless America.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock at my door, feeling my stomach grumble again I lifted myself up from the couch and tore the front door open.

"Connor?" I asked, staring down at my downstairs neighbor. "You're a delivery boy now?"

Connor chuckled sarcastically before handing me the heavy bag of food I'd ordered. "They confused our addresses again smart-ass."

I nodded in understanding, a little embarrassed that Connor had once again received my giant order of fattening food. This wasn't the first time the police-officer had put his skills to good use and saved my dinner; this was just the first time he had caught me on a night I was eating alone.

"Well thanks for bringing it over." I muttered politely "Would you like to, uh, help me eat it?"

Connor looked at me bemusedly, a boyish smirk tugging at his lips "I'm not one to turn down free food Kelly - don't offer if you don't mean it."

I open the door wider and let Connor in, a smile of my own taking over my features "I mean it"


"Okay" Connor said a few minutes later between bites of sesame chicken "Let me get this straight. You, were goth in high school?"

I groaned, leaning my head back in embarrassment "It's not something I'm proud of. It was the era of vampires; I wasn't the only one!"

"Oh, well then that makes it better." Connor said sarcastically.

"Oh come on" I groan. "It was high school - like you were any better."

Connor laughed before setting his fork down on the table "I was quarterback of the football team and dating this girl named Brittany - damn was she hot."

I watched as he rolled his eyes back, clearly reliving a memory long forgotten.

"How cliché were you, James?" I joked, referring to him by his last name. "Was she blonde and basic too?"

Connors face dropped, his eyes studying me as he contemplated my words. "No actually, I've always had a thing for brunettes"

I bit down hard on my lip to stop myself from blushing, tucking a piece of my own brown hair behind my ear. Was Connor James flirting with me?

"I've always liked it when you did that" Connor said, studying my face with his eyes. He was definitely flirting with me.

Instinctively, I dropped my own eyes to the table - not being able to look at him and those deep baby browns anymore.

I couldn't understand why he was saying all this? I mean he's Connor James, the literal God of our neighborhood. Every girl within a fifty-mile radius had the hots for him and there he was hitting on the overweight girl who lived upstairs. It just didn't make sense – didn't add up.

"Uh, I should really start cleaning up." I said suddenly, grabbing the takeout boxes and tossing them over to the garbage. "Cassie will be home with Brian soon."

My heartrate wouldn't go down; honestly, I was scared I was having a heart-attack. God, what would my tomb-stone read if I died? If Connor James killed me?

Death by Compliment – Long Live the Art of Flirting

"You want help?" Connor asked, tearing me out of my thoughts. "I could do the dishes!"

I watched as he lifted the china from the table and brought it over to the sink, turning on the water as he reached for the dish-soap.

"No, no that's okay." I replied, hastily grabbing the soap from his hands. "I can do it. After all, I don't want to have to clean up when I have dinner at your place."

Connor smirked as he leaned back against the counter; "you're having dinner at my place, huh?"

I felt my eyes go wide as he said those words; suddenly realizing what I had said. "Only if you're lucky James, Only if you're lucky!"

Connor nodded as he stuffed his hands into his pants pockets. "Okay, Kelly. Game on!"


Later, at 1:30 in the morning I heard Cassie slip her key into the lock and slowly push the door open.

"It's late."

Cassie jumped, sending her bag flying across the room before breaking out into a fit of laughter. "Shit Kels, you scared the crap out of me!"

I laughed along with her before wrapping her in a warm embrace, welcoming my best friend home.

"What're you doing up?" She asked as she bended down to lift her fallen bag. "Don't you have work tomorrow?"

I nodded, tugging at the sleeve of my pajama top. "Couldn't sleep."

"Again?" Cassie asked, clearly remembering the last time I had fallen ill with a bad case of insomnia. "Everything okay?"

I nodded again, folding my leg beneath me as I fell back onto the couch. "It's probably just work stuff; I have this presentation this week. I'll be fine once it's over-with."

"Okay, just let me know if it gets worse Kells. I'm heading to bed, I'm seriously exhausted!" Cassie yawned as she started down the hall way. "Good night!"

I sent my friend a knowing look, wondering what it was that made her so tired. Then with a chuckle and a grin she was gone, behind the closed door of her bedroom where I believed she was having the sweetest of dreams.


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