Dramione One Shots

By EnjolrasIsOutThere

255K 6.5K 2K

A whole load of Dramione one shots. More

One Book That Started Everything
The Haunted House
Romeo and Juliet
Good Old Professor McGonagall
Hermione's Thoughts
Draco the Gryffindor
Draco The Gryffindor - Part Two
The Hogwarts Professors
The Troll
A Walk in the Dark
Valentine's Day
A Dramione Book?
IT'S UP!!!
The Holiday Part One
The Holiday Part Two

What a Girl

15.5K 422 163
By EnjolrasIsOutThere

Pain spreads across my left cheek. I am in complete shock. Hermione Granger - the biggest goody-two-shoes I've ever met - just punched me in the face. I did not see that coming.

Hermione stares at me, her anger blazing in her large eyes. It's quite intimading, actually.

"Come on, Crabbe, Goyle! Let's go!" I say running as fast as I can away from Hermione. I hear her, Harry and Ron laughing as I run. Now I look like a wimp. Well done, me.

"Draco, I-" Crabbe begins.

"Shut up! Don't even mention it!" I yell. Neither of them bring up the subject again.


I can't sleep. I am still shocked by Hermione's outburst. Does she really hate me that much? I suppose I deserved it really; I've been nothing but horrid to her since the day we met.

Usually, I would be furious at someone for punching me, but instead I am intrigued. I never thought that she would be capable of even hitting someone, let alone so hard. She's a lot stronger than she looks.

I feel as though I owe her an apology for all of the grief I've caused her over the years. I'm going to talk to her tomorrow.


I find her in the library, staring down at the book she's reading, her eyebrows knitted together in concentration. I take a deep breath and walk over to her.

"Hey." I smile.

"If you're here to mock me, I'm kinda busy right now." she replies without looking up from her book.

"Actually, I'm here to apologise." I tell her. She bursts out laughing. "What?"

"Apologise isn't even in your vocabulary."

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Would you just hear me out?"

"Fine. But be quick, I'm trying to read."

"I'm sorry. I've never said a kind word to you, even though you've never done anything to me and I understand perfectly if you don't want to forgive me but I had to say this." I turn to walk away.

"I forgive you."

"Really?" I frown, turning back around.

"Only someone decent would apologise." she smiles. I smile back and before I can stop myself I press my lips to hers.

When I realise what I'm doing, I jump away and blush.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me, I-" I am cut of by Hermione kissing me. After a few seconds, she pulls away and I feel my cheeks get even hotter.

"Well, I'd better get to class. See ya!" she says, picking up her book and leaving the library.

"What a girl." I say to myself before starting my journey to class myself, smiling all the while.

Oh my God this just deteriorates as it goes along. Not my best gotta admit. This is dedicated to WhovianPickle for giving me the idea. Thanks for reading and I promise the next one won't be so terrible :)

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