The Big Eight: Stardom (offic...

By nocturnal_demigod

114K 4.5K 543

Welcome to the wonderful Los Angeles. The hone of Hollywood. And the home of our four protagonists, Elsa and... More

The Girls
The Boys
Night at The Winters Mansion
Music Video
The Guardians
Can't Think Straight.... Because of You
Nothin' To Do
Song Battle
Song Battle *Part 2*
Crush On You
Sick in Bed
Stay Sick
Getting the Gifts
Boys <3 Girls
The Day Before The Party
Happy Birthday Anna!!!
So Fast
Author's Note
Riff-off 2
Let The Anna Rage On
Winters Resort
Beaten Up
Cheer Up
Not Again
Tell The Truth
A New Guests
Update if A/N
The Old Band
Fist to Fist!
Reunion Show Planning
The Plan of The Guardians
Easter Eggs
The Reunion Show!
VIP Passes!
Blank Chapter
Gala Night: Night Of Our Lives
Gala Night: Broken Hearts
Cold Shoulder
The Favor
Author's IMPORTANT Note
Elsa and Rapunzel
Be My Brother
Book 2!!!

Book Ending: Whatever It Takes

1.2K 33 5
By nocturnal_demigod

3rd Person View

Elsa finally got released, but Rapunzel still needs to stay for further medication.

Winters mansion....

"Home sweet home" Elsa said relieved. She plopped down on the couch and turned on the tv. Lots of news about her and Punzie's accident was still airing. She sighed and quickly changed it to a cartoon channel.

"I'm just going to go to my room sis" Anna said and ran upstairs and locked the door. She walked to her bed and sat down. Still feeling guilty of what she has done....

Jack's house.....

Jack walked up to his room relieved that Elsa is fine, but guilty of what he has done. He locked the door and stared at his room.

They lied to Elsa even Rapunzel, about their relationship, enemies and life. They thought it was for the greater good, but it's so wrong to lie. It may just be a little lie, but it can cause a great mess. Their just happy that she's okay........ for now.

"I'll do whatever it takes for them to be safe from the dangers of their life that they don't know. I can do this. No matter how hard. I'll do it" they both said under their breathe.

2 years later........

Elsa: Anna! Faster! Their waiting for us.

Anna: Coming!

They end tee red the car where Merida, Hiccup, Jack, Kristoff, Eugene and Rapunzel are.

Jack: Ready guys?

Others: yup!

And they drove of

This happiness we have don't last for long. I need to do this for my sister/girlfriend and cousin/ friend, and for everyone else. I just have to be strong and face it. I wish I could change everything, but I can't. So I need to be prepared. I need to.....
- Anna Winters and
Jack Frost.

Author's Note

This is still not the end, but I thank all of you for reading my book. This is the first book I completed so far. From comedy, to drama. Wow I never knew I got this far. Thanks to all my readers. Lav ya'll. The book two isn't finished yet but it's being made. I'all just inform you.

P.s. Crystal and Bonnie will still be in the next book.

Baiiii! And thankie.

To my recent readers


Those are just the readers I see on my notifications about this book.

See you in the next. Bye!

Never lie, you'll never know what it can cause
- crystalshany

Special thanks to @BonnieBounce a.k.a my best friend, weirdo partner and Co journalist, Mela.......


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