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Elsa and Anna finally arrived at home. The others are already in their respective houses.

Elsa: Yes, finally. Home sweet home.

Anna: Still remember about-

Elsa: Don't remind me!

Jack and Rapunzel: ELSA, ANNA!!! HELP!!!

Anna: What was that?

Elsa: Jack and Rapunzel?

Jack and Rapunzel came in together with the other four. Rapunzel's palm was stuck to Jack's elbow.

Elsa: What happened?

Rapunzel: Well funny story. Emma asked me to help her with an art project.

Jack: I don't know why? Her class ended days ago.

Rapunzel: I thought it was a summer project.

Anna: Go on.

Rapunzel: Well then Jack came and tried stop me because he thought it was a prank. Emma squirt glue on his elbow to stop him. I tried to help him removed it but my hand got stuck to his elbow.

Elsa: Easy, remove it with water.

Hiccup: That is a problem. That was Emma's quick drying forever glue.

Elsa: Let me see that *looks at bottle of glue* Damn this is sticky stuff.

Rapunzel: The good thing about this is. Why are you hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself.

Jack: Punzie *slap* stop *slap* that *slap*

Rapunzel: Never.

Merida: I don't want to be in this mess, c'mon Anna let's go to your room.

Anna: ooh okay!

Elsa: I'm coming.

Jack: Wait your not gonna help us?

Elsa: Let the boys help you. I'm beat. *leaves room with Merida and Anna*

Kristoff: I'm not getting stuck in this, I'm hungry.

Eugene: Me too.

Rapunzel: You both are always hungry. Help us!

Eugene: Hiccup will help you two.

Rapunzel: What kind of boyfriend are you.

Eugene: The hungry kind.

Rapunzel: Wait until I get my frying pan!

Eugene: Lets get out of here Kristoff. *goes to the kitchen with Kristoff*

Hiccup: Hey don't leave me hanging! *follows the two boys*

Jack: Well I am hungry too.

Rapunzel: I have to be updated. I want to know what those girls are up to. *goes to the direction of Anna's room*

Jack: *Goes to,the direction of the kitchen* Ahh

Rapunzel: Wahhhh!

Jack: Where do you think your going?

Rapunzel: Uhh, to the girls.

Jack: No, we are going to the kitchen.

Rapunzel: I don't want to see you boys eating!

Jack: Then why don't you cover your eyes!

Rapunzel: Hmmm, okay *laughs evily softly*

*at the kitchen*

Boys: *eating*

Rapunzel: *gags* don't you boys have manners? *scoffs* *grabs a frying pan nearby and...


Boys: *knocked out*

Rapunzel: Finally! *drags Jack up the stairs*

This will take a while. *struggling*

Rapunzel finally dragged Jack up the stairs and in Anna's room.

Rapunzel: *opens door and sees the girls having a dance party* Really?!

Girls: *stops*

Elsa: Oh Rapunzel, wait you dragged Jack all the way here?

Rapunzel: Yes just to see you having fun while I am not.

Anna: What happened to him?

Rapunzel: I knocked him out with the frying pan. And I did it to the other boys too. Want me to do it you ?!

Anna: No no no. We'll help you we'll help you!

Merida: You guys do that while I get a treat!

Elsa: There are cream puffs in the fridge!

Anna: Why did you say that. I was saving that for later!

Merida: Yummy! *leaves*

Rapunzel: So how will we remove it?

Anna: I have an idea but it is a painful one.

Rapunzel: Well what is it?

Rapunzel: Aahhhhh! That hurts!

Jack: Huh what, the heck happened.

Elsa: The good news is that you are free. Umm two bad news, there is icky goo on Jack's shirt.

Jack: My favorite shirt!

Elsa: And Punzie has more on her palm.

Jack: That's it? Drama queen.

Anna: Jack, the goo burns.

Jack: Ouch.

Elsa: Punzie I'll help you wash that off.

Punzie: Quick!

Jack: Pfft, drama queen.

Anna: *puts too on Jack's hand*



Guys, starting June 8, I will not be able to update. Because it's school time in my country. I will only update on a few Saturdays and Sundays. But I will try the best I can to update. So please be patient. Studies are my number one priority starting June 8. Thankie for the 905 reads. You all are so special to me.

That's it for now!

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