The Day Before The Party

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Anna pov

Woop woop woop. ITS TOMORROW!!!! WOOHOO WOOHOO WOO...hoo. Where is Elsa. I tried looking for her everywhere. No where. Elsie where are you my sis.

Elsa pov

Tomorrow is Anna's Birthday. I am exci-a-a-ACHOO!

"Elsa keep that cold in for tomorrow" Rapunzel said while making the buglehorn. We are in Rapunzel's house doing the finishing touches on Anna's birthday bash. I was figuring out where to put the gifts for the hunt. Rapunzel was, you know what. Merida was looking for a string long enough. The boys where just, lazing.

"Hey fellas care to join us?" Merida said.

"No thanks" Flynn said.

"You know, I think I have a frying pan big eniugh for three of you" Rapunzel said. The boys gulped. Yes, Jack is not here. Then the doorbell rang. Merida opened it. Well, looks like Jack is here.

"Hey I thought you we're rehearsing and packing for your world tour" Merida said.

"Its next month" he answered and walked to the guys. They just hi fived and sat down. Everything was silent. All that was heard was Merida digging through every drawer in the house.

"How come everyone is silent" Jack asked.

"Only Elsa is silent" Rapunzel answered. I gave her a glare.

"Did she forgot how to talk" Flynn said.

"Rapunzel! Frying pan!" I shouted.

"Okay okay nevermind" he panicked. The girls and I just laughed. Then the doorbell rang. Kristoff peeped through the door.

"Anna!" He whisper-yelled. I signaled everyone to act natural and help hide the buglehorn Rapunzel was making. Hiccup opened the door and there stood a soon to be 17 years old Anna.

"Oh hey guys. Elsa I have been looking for you!" She came in and hugged me.

"Hey Anna . Advance happy birthday!" Kristoff said.

"Tnx Kristoff" she walked up to him and kissed him on the cheeks. He blushed and the girls and I giggled. The boys just looked confuse.

"Ooh Anna has a bf!" Punzie said.

"HEhe. So Elsa why are you here?" She asked.

"Nothing, go make chicken soup for us. Kristoff help Anna" I said. I whispered to Kristoff's ear.

"Stall her" he nodded and left tk the kitchen with Anna. Phew.

Jack pov

I kept on looking at Elsa while she kept on thinking and helping Punzie. But if she took a glance at me I looked at something else.

"Hey dude. Crush on Elsa I see" Flynn whispered in my ear.

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"The same for Anna. She kept on looking at Kristoff when she went to Starbucks. Crush to be and gf" he said.

"Wow, help me" I whisper-yelled"

"OK but do this after Anna's birthday" he said and continued whispering in my ear about some tips and a plan to get her. Hiccuo helped out. Oh me likey.

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