Elsa and Rapunzel

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Authors note is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!
Jack pov

Since the thing that happened last night. I was hoping that Bonnie and Crystal had an idea for me and Elsa and Eugene and Rapunzel to get back together, but when I called them they said that they forgot the plan. -_- . So I just thought of going to Elsa's house and ask Anna if she can help me.

"Anna, are you there" I said knocking on the door. It opened and Anna was there looking a bit annoyed.

"Frost, what do you want. My sister us not here" she said.

"I was not here for your sister, I was here because I need your help to get her to love me again"

"I don't know what to do" she said.

"Okay then, where is your sister?" I asked her.

"She went some place with Rapunzel. They have a date" she smirked.


"I'm kidding. They went somewhere I don't know. But she left this note that says going to the park with punzie. I think that's welhere she is going but I didn't bother ask like what I do often" she answered and handed me the note. I thanked her and drove off to see if I could find them.

Elsa pov

'It's been a long day, without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way, from where we began
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again'

I sang as Rapunzel and I watched a clear view of the sunset sitting on a bench in our favorite park. Indeed it has been a long time since I have hang out with Punzie alone.

"Why do I suddenly have this weird feeling that, I still love Eugene even if he did that" Rapunzel asked and I stared I not her emerald eyes. I was feeling the same way for Jack.

"I don't know. It's like one of those movies, tv shows and novels. I never thought you would actually feel like that in real life" I answered. We continued watching the sun until it set.

"Where will we go next?" Rapunzel smiled at me.

"To the Light Tree Park (A/N: Made up)" I said. We stood up and entered my car and drove to the place.

Once we arrived, I saw a few people walking around the park admiring the different colored lights stuck on each leave less tree. Since it only us beautiful at night, it opens only at night.

Rapunzel walked to her favorite pink tree that looked like a cherry blossom while I walked to my favorite tree with white lights on each leave less branch. I stumbled upon a few white roses around the tree. I picked up one and sniffed, and sneezed a little. I put it on my ear and walked towards Rapunzel. She too had a flower but it looked like a golden one.

"Nice flower Rapunzel" I complimented. She smiled.

"Yours too Elsa. This flower just reminds me off my patents. They said that I was their little drop of sunshine that fell from the heavens and into their arms" she said. I sighed at the thought of her parents, my aunt and uncle. She missed them so much. They left her 5 years ago just to work. I hugged Rapunzel and she hugged back. I could feel her crying silently. I pulled away from the hug.

"We gotta go before some people notice us" I said. She nodded and we hopped in my car and drive.

It was a quiet drive. Rapunzel was looking at the window while my eyes we're locked on the road.

"So...... why didn't you want to bring your car" I said breaking the silence.

"I just didn't want to. I feel like your car is a little cozier" she said and smiled.

Then my mind started to think about Jack. I don't know why but, I still love him? I do, but I don't at the same time. I just couldn't figure out why thus happened. How did he even met her? Probably just another one of the crazy flirters who says hi and then kisses him/her immediately without him/her trying to answer back.

"Elsa look out!" Rapunzel shouted. I got out of my trance and a pair if bright lights was all I saw.
I woke up and saw that we hit a truck. By head was bleeding but I didn't care. Where is Punzie? I looked at the passengers seat and saw her, she was bleeding too.

"Rapunzel!" I tried waking her up. Her eyes fluttered open and looked at me.

"I'm so sorry" I apologized.

"Don't worry Elsie. We'll be fine" she assured. I could here a siren so I just hugged her and, blacked out.
My eyes fluttered open and saw nurses around me and figured out I was in a hospita cot. And a guy with white silvery hair saying my name, asking if I was okay. I don't know is who he was. I just hope Rapunzel was okay. I hope my cousin was okay. All I remember is my sister, my cousin, my family, career, Merida and my childhood friends. The rest was a blur. I blacked out again.

Author's Note

That was expected was it? If it wasnt then... surprise? Sorry for not updating so much. School was a bother and I was more worked up with my new book

*The Cold Storm (jelsa)

So much jelsa! Eeek!!!!!! Any who, Elsa doesn't remember much, also Rapunzel. So it's a bit if a mystery and at the sane time expectedly for the next chapter. And I have more reads!!! Thank you my precious jewels! You are all my jewels!

Bonnie and I created a YouTube channel called Crystal, Bonnie and Friends XD . Please subscribe! I haven't had a video yet but we will soon. The characters there includes Me, Bonnie, Kylie, Claire, Diana, and more. If you don't know who the three others are. You'll figure it out soon. Please subscribe!!! It talks about our weirdness!!! And awesomeness!!!! And craziness!!!!!!!!!!!

Ill update the behind the scenes after this. Here is a sneak peek:

One day at school that you go to
In the science class.
Worst class seat on my chair guyz
Not so comfortable

Thats it. Hope you all like my book/s.


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