Burn-an Adam Gontier Love\Hat...

By OnMyOwnTilItsAllOver

21.8K 1K 254


Wake Up
Are You Ready
Home-Adam's P.O.V.
Born Like This
Born Like This Adam's P.O.V.
Just Like you
Just Like You Adam's P.O.V.
Take Me Under
Burn- Adam's P.O.V.
Let You Down
Now or Never
Scared- Adam's P.O.V.
I Hate Everything About You
I Hate Everything About You- Adam's P.O.V.
Overrated-Part 2-
Float On
Save Me
Save Me-Adam's P.O.V.
So Far Away
The Hand That Feeds
The Hand That Feeds-Adam's POV
I'm Not Okay
I'm Not Okay-Adam's POV
Away From Me
Away From Me-Adam's POV
Pain-Adam's POV
Can't Repeat
Passive-Adam's POV
Sooner or Later
Sooner or Later- Adam's POV
Right Here
Right Here-Adam's POV
Be Yourself
Be Yourself-Adam's POV
Best Of You
Best of You-Adams POV
Welcome Home
Welcome Home-Adam's POV
Happy? -Part 2
Happy?-Adam's POV
All These Things That I've Done
All These Things That I've Done-Part 2
All These Things That I've Done-Part 3
All These Things That I've Done-Part 4
All These Things That I've Done-Adam's POV
All These Things That I've Done-Adam's POV-Part 2
Smile Like You Mean It
Smile Like You Mean It-Part 2
Smile Like You Mean It-Part 3
Smile Like You Mean It-Part 4
You Only Live Once
You Only Live Once- Adam's POV
Through Glass
Through Glass-Adam's P.O.V.
Land of Confusion
It's Time
Guilty Conscience
Guilty Conscience-Adam's POV

I Don't Care

135 10 3
By OnMyOwnTilItsAllOver

Shadow looks excited and starts acting like a puppy jumping at its treat-wielding owner. As I unbuckle myself from the seat I feel a great pain in my abdomen and I cringe. Adam helps me out of the car and walks me over to the cheerful Shadow. I want to punch her in the face because of her happiness.
Adam sits me on the couch and the two siblings stare at me while I scoff and roll my eyes. "What? Am I growing another head or something?"

Adam's P.O.V.

If only she realized the irony in that remark. The pain in my gut grew and the guilt was burning a hole in my heart. I don't know how I'm going to tell her. I know she's confused and probably very irritated at why I keep tip toeing around her questions. I just don't know if she's ready for the truth. I barely held it together when Dr. Watson told me. I was constantly out at bars and writing and recording just to get my mind off of it. I have no idea how Ariel is going to handle this. I promised her safety with me, and I've barely been able to deliver. She's so young and fragile, so breakable and vurnerable. I've let her tremendous amounts. She needs me to protect her...especially with what's she's gone through. She's been dealt some shitty cards in life and she's played them pretty well. But this is a whole not her set back.

Ariel's P.O.V.

Adam's faced went pale white, contrasting against his raven black hair causing a dramatic expression all together. Not sure what exactly made him act this way.
"Guys I'm getting real sick of your bull shit. So if you don't mind I'd like some answers. Now if you don't mind. Whatever works for you." they continued to stare.
Shadow awkwardly shifted in her seat with a cup of coffee in her hands. She smell gravitated to my nose as I began craving the bittersweet dark drink. Remembering where the kitchen was, I began to get up to help myself to a cup. I must've gotten up too fast because the pain in my abdomen quickly made it's way back. I found myself missing the morphine.
"You should just sit." said Shadow. She had a gentle look on her face that had potty all over it. I scoffed.
"I've been laying down for what seems like forever. I can make myself some coffee can't I?"
She let me go. So I finally started walking to the kitchen with this newly found pain in my leg and the same pain in my gut.

Adam's P.O.V.

I watched her walk to the kitchen and brought my hands to cover my face. I'm a failure for not protecting her.
"Adam, what happen?" Shadow asked, trying to break me from my train of thought.
She doesn't know about anything other than what everyone else knows. Which is the superficial stuff. Not the details.
"Adam you better be treating her right, she's my friend too, you know. Ass." Shadow announced as if it was news to me. Just bringing more guilt.

Ariel's P.O.V.

I made my way back to the living room and sat on the floor between the two dark haired, pale skinned siblings who seem to be addicts to dramatics.
Adam removes his hands from his face. "Ariel, you were in a coma."
I stared at him, confused.
"You had some internal bleeding and that's what caused it. You had some ovarian damage....you were 6 weeks pregnant.

Finally updated like I promised.
What do you think?
Hehe please don't kill me, my darlings.
Vote for more please and thank you.

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