The Prince's Mate

By Platinum2002

84.4K 2.1K 116

You go to Italy to buy your dream house. To enjoy the last few years of freedom from the responsibility of be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 23

1.6K 38 0
By Platinum2002

(Picture of Vanessa's Dress on the side--------------------->) 


(Vanessa's POV)

I was coming to and I could tell I was in a vehicle and then I went back into unconsciousness, dang it. I forgot all about the meeting.

"Okay so Vanessa is finally here. We can finally get down to business," Jennifer said

"Hi," I said

"What happen? I really don't know okay. I'm was just coming to and you guys pulled me here" I said

"Okay so we have something to tell you" Lisa, the moon goddess said and Jennifer just looked down

"Okay so you know about your parents will correct?" She asked

"Yeah," I said

"Well, they knew since you most likely wouldn't have a mate they had an arrange wedding made for you..." she said and I just looked dumbstruck. It took me a few minutes to process this.

"WHAT?" I yelled

"Calm down, Vanessa. It's just...," she said but I cut her off

"Calm down, Calm down. You decided to tell me now that my parents were going to wed me off!" I said

"Vanessa you must understand they just wanted you to be happy and you did really get along with him when you to were younger" Jennifer said

"What if I had found my mate?" I asked

"They said and I quote 'we want for Vanessa to have an amazing life. So we arranged a wedding for her with Dmitri, but if she does find her mate, she can choose between her mate and Dmitri'. Okay so don't worry but we officially thought that you are ready to know who he is and hopefully your wedding will be next year in the spring," she said, next spring that would leave about a year before I take the crown as the Sun goddess.

"Well, who is he?" I said

"It's me," Dmitri said walking up, the soon to be god of war. Wow, my parents were either complete genius or great guessers. I think he is one of the few guys that if I had an arranged marriage to would be okay.

"Oh," I said

"Yeah," he said and it just got really awkward

"Well, you see it's not that bad, Vanessa," Jennifer said

"Would you like some privacy to talk?" Lisa said

"Um...," Dmitri said

"I think it would be a good idea," Tony, Dmitri's mentor and the god of war, said

"Okay," I said and we walked out of the room and into a room that looked like a miniature library

"I really want this to work," he said

"Um..." was all I could mutter up

"Wait, I just want a chance please. You have always been special to me and when my parents told me that they arranged a wedding I felt the same thing as you do right now but when they told me it was you it didn't seem that bad. Can I just have one chance please?" he said and I thought it over.

"Sure, I guess I can give you a chance, do you want to start with the ball tomorrow" I said

"I really would love to take you to the ball but, I have a job to do and I'm staying in Canada at the moment but I will come and visit you in person in a week. We can talk and figure out what's next, then," he said

"Let's head back," I said and we were walking he offered me his hand and I took it but for some reason I imagined him as Jason. I guess I must be really tired and stressed about the stress that I'm hallucinating.

"Yeah, they worked it out," Marissa the goddess of love squealed.

"Okay, but can I just go now? I have a lot to think about tonight and I have a lot to do tomorrow," I said

"Sure" Jennifer said

"Bye, Dmitri" I said as I was disappearing. I got back and I was in bed. How did I get here? I'll wonder in the morning.I woke up around seven even though I was tired I had a lot to do today and my body knew as well that I couldn't stay in bed. I got up and took a shower and changed my outfit then went down stairs.I walked into the dining hall and there was a collective out takes of breath.

"What?" I said

"Oh nothing just that we are happy to see you up," Bethany said

"What happened last night?" I asked and Angelika told me the everything. By the end, I was able to recall everything that happened before I was hit with the dart and remembered the meeting with gods. I guess that wasn't a dream after all.

"Oh, can I talk to Thomas for a couple of minutes" I said

"NO!" Angelika, Li, Calvin, Christopher, Richard, and Bethany said at the same time.

"Why? What do you think I'm going to do to him?" I said

"Well, you could pretend you can't throw a knife and when he decides to teach you accidentally keep aiming at his head," Calvin said

"Soak his entire wardrobe in vinegar," Angelika added

"Change his hair color to pink," Richard added

"Put his bed on a river," Christopher added

"Give him some of your cooking," Li added

"Put a charm on him so his skin is blue for a month," Bethany said

"Okay, Okay, I get it you guys know that I get revenge but I really just need to talk to him" I said and I was going to get revenge later maybe by spiking his drink tonight

"Fine, but I'm coming with so I know you didn't do anything to him," Calvin said. We finished eating and I went to get the final additions down for tonight. Once I was down, I headed to get ready for the ball.

When I walked into the room, everybody was already there. I started by taking a shower and then walked out to get my dress. I ended up asking Li to do my make-up.

"So how did it go with the god and goddess meeting?" Li asked

"Um..., good I guess," I said.

 "You are hiding something but now is not the time including tonight is meant for us to have fun," she said

"No it's meant to be an assignment," I said. I was about to change my eye color back to dark brown.

"Nope, the dress matches your normal eye color leave your eyes purple for tonight. You will look stunning and anybody who sees you will fall head over heels," Li said and the other girls nodded their heads in agreement.

"Fine but just tonight" I said. I did agree that the dress did match my eyes but I barely want to leave them their natural color. By the time we were done, we were running a bit late. We ran to the doors to the ballroom and opened them.

As soon as we walked in everybody was staring at us. The other girls started walking down before me and I relised they were actually watching me. I didn't know what to do so I just walked down and followed them.


Okay as promised another chapter. I hope you like also, what you think of Dmitri, another child hood friend of Vanessa. I can't wait to finish writing the next chapter. I feel like it is going to be the best yet. I will try to get it up by Wednesday, Friday at the latest.





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