
By gabriellacali

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"The truth about love is, the more intimately you know someone, the more clearly you see their flaws. You not... More

Chapter 1 - Back at it
Chapter 2 - Music
Chapter 3 - She's Different
Chapter 4 - Straight up feelings
Chapter 5 - We want what's wrong.
Chapter 6 - You me and her.
Chapter 7 - Her again.
Chapter 8 - One Last Time
Chapter 9 - I can be without you
Chapter 10 - Frienenemys.
Chapter 11 - You dont have to worry with me.
Chapter 12 - Consider it
Chapter 13 - What if
Chapter 14 - Better this way or not?
Chapter 15 - There's my confession.
Chapter 16 - Just Like Me
Chapter 17 - Compatible
Chapter 19 - Alliteration.
Chapter 20 - Whose
Chapter 21 - Give into me

Chapter 18 - We're here

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By gabriellacali

Georgina's POV:

"Tell me which ones are your bags and I'll grab them." Jaden says to me. He's a darling.

We landed about 10 minutes ago. It felt great to be back on land. Flying is something that appeals to me in certain aspects but after too long in the air, I get claustrophobic and paranoid. I'm glad to be on land.

"No, don't worry you don't have to do that. I can get them." I give a friendly smile to Jaden and put my hand on his shoulder.

"No really, I want-" We were suddenly interrupted.

"I'll do it." Justin says, in a quick and snappy manner.

"Jay man, you are carrying yours, I already said I'd-" Jaden tried to talk.

"She's here with me." Justin tries to say without being rude but Jaden and I sense the issue. He grabs my black and white stripped Country Road bag and throws it over his shoulder, walking away.

What's his problem now? He's getting all snappy and cocky with his own best friend.

I look over at Jaden while Justin texts furiously on his phone, then looking up, frantically, searching for our bags.

Jaden looks back at me. We both shrug. I thought girls were meant to be the hormonal ones. I don't know what his problem is but I have a feeling Jaden has an idea. Maybe it was something he happened to see on his phone.

I won't get involved.

Once we had gotten all our bags in trollies, we headed straight to a black SUV, which had been waiting for us.

"I'm Georgina." I smile and greet the driver. Everyone says hi besides Justin.

As we climb in, I nudge him, hinting for him to say hello. He looks up at me in an irritable manner, "Greet him Justin." I whisper.

He rolls his eyes and ends up mumbling a hello. I'm a good influence on him, I know that.

I don't know what's wrong with this boy but I want to find out. This is not the Justin I'm falling in- for.

What was I about to say?



Justin's POV:

I loved Africa but I couldn't be happier to be back in the states. I missed my house and my family. I missed routine.

I also couldn't be happier that Gi's with me. I'm nervous for how this is going to work out but we get along so well and we're compatible therefore I can't see this going wrong. I really want it to work out. I need a friend like her in my life. To be honest, ever since I turned my life around, I lost friends. I had to, they were a bad influence. Apparently.

I have been really happy though. I haven't been taking my depression pills because I haven't needed them. I don't really know why I've been a lot better these past 2 weeks but I just have.

Maybe it's Gi.

No, it couldn't be. She's just one girl, how could she fix this problem, this unhappiness, I've experienced for so long.

The text message I received just ruined that happiness though. Tranquility doesn't last every long. I don't know why Tori felt the need to send me pictures of Selena and her new guy. I doubt it will last long but it's still upsetting. I don't know if that pain will ever stop when it comes to what we had. I don't think I will ever find that again.

I look over at Gi, just to check if she is alright. This must be hard for her, moving here with me for month without any family or friends. She's looking out of the car window while listening to music.

I nudge her where I know she's ticklish, above her pelvic bone. She gets a fright and starts giggling, in a painful way. "Whatya listening to?" I wink at her.

"Blood on the leaves." She says, slightly displeased but it won't last long.

"Kanye? You got the album?" I ask.

"Yip." She sighs. I'm impressed.

"That's a good song." I compliment her, meaning it. I look down at my phone for a while. I decide to listen to music. It's the only thing that is able to cheer me up. I scroll down my playlist and decide on Simple things by Miguel. Seems relevant. Within seconds, I'm lost in the words, as usual.

"What are you listening to?" She asks

"Guess." I say putting the music down a tad.

"Hmm," she taps her fingers on her thigh, "this is hard, there are too many songs out there. I need clues Justin in spite of the fact that I read people very well." She smirks at me with those plumb perfect lips.

"Oh can you now, you wouldnt be able to read me. I'm harder than you think." I chuckle, smirking back at her, "but yeah it's R&B." Her face brightens. I move slightly closer to her. We are on separate sides of the car and it bothers me. I want to be closer to her body.

"Is that a challenge J?" She turns to me. "I'll definitely be reading you, 24/7 from now on. Just to prove that I can read you, like a book. Anyway, is it a girls song?" She moves slightly closer to me. I have a feeling she's feeling the tension between us as much as I am. It's a good tension. The best tension.

"24/7 huh?" Our shoulders almost touching, "no it's a boy." I finish.

"Yep." Georgina answers, cheekily, "so does this song relate to what you want? Like a love song or what?" She questions, raising her eyebrow.

"Hmm, it's sort of a love song but not too lovey dovey like what guys want in a relationship."

I shift closer to her as she ponders.
As our bodies touch she looks up at me, "Is it Breezy?" I shake my head.

"The Weeknd or J Cole?" I shake my head.
"Hmm then it's got to be Simple things by Miguel." She states, confidently.

The fact that she new that, even if I gave her clues, it could have been anything and she got it, that is crazy shit. I slowly lean in to kiss her. She stays still as I feel her breathe on mine and I tilt my face to go into action but I am suddenly interrupted by a distinct vibration coming from my phone. I look down and it's Sasha, my heart skips a beat.

Say goodbye to all your progress Justin. I'm back at square one again. This girl will be the death of me.

"What's the problem?" Georgina sighs.

"Sasha messaged me." I stutter out.

Georgina huffs and rolls her eyes, "Okay so what now? What did she say?"

Reluctant to tell her, I hand over my phone and let her read the message I received.

'He's nothing like you. I'm not at that point where I've fully moved on. I just want you to know that.'

The look on Georgina's face isn't very positive. She's not very impressed.

She hands me back my iPhone then continues to listen to music and nods her head along to it. Does she have nothing to say? Something's wrong. She always has something to say.

"Do you have nothing to say?" I ask as my mind asks it. I get no reply or acknowledgment.

"Hello!" I say as I pull out one of her ear pieces.

"What?" She spits, not literally.

"You didn't say anything." Did the message bother her? No, it shouldn't. She doesn't think of me like that, I don't think. We we've just been fooling around but I'm sure she doesn't like me. Who am I kidding, I like her and I'm pretty sure she likes me.

"Cause I don't think there's anything to say. It's your problem, not mine. I don't want to get involved." Feisty.

"Since when do you not want to get involved?" I ask, wondering if that was the right thing to say.

"Excuse me?" She turns to look at me, taken back.


"Are you trying to saying I always get involved in your problems?" Before I could answer she already had something else to say, "Don't worry, from now on I'll do my best to not get involved Justin."

"I never m-meant-" I am interrupted.

"The reason I never said anything was because I can't help you anymore with her. You obviously aren't over her or ready to get over her if every message you get from her, you start to overreact and analyze it."

"You can't honestly expect me to be over her already." I exclaim, trying to stay calm.

"No, I guess not but It has been about a year now though since you broke up and you've had other flings so you should be sort of in the process of moving on Justin. You asked me to help you move on but I can't if you aren't ready. We've had this conversation before, I'm not doing it again." She looks away from my gaze and starts typing vigorously, on her phone.

I shouldn't have shown her the message.

Georgina's POV:

To be honest, I was upset because I hated the fact that Sasha messaged him. Besides the fact that he was making a lot of progress, but what about the fact that she told me to go for him? She was so persistent about him and I being a thing. I'm just confused and vexed right now.

If she wasn't going to be mature about this, I had hoped he would act strong willed, as if the message didn't bother him but it did. It bothered me too. I don't know why but I hate that it did. I don't want to be in a jealous place. I've been there before and it's not pretty. I am the jealous type, well I was with Matty but I don't enjoy it.

I just can't comprehend why she wont let him move on? Why do I actually even care about them so much? Maybe I want Justin to move on, but only with me. There, I said it.

I really hoped I wouldn't fall for Justin but sadly, I'm finding myself falling slowly. In spite of my feelings for Justin, there are still feelings hovering around for Matty.

To Matty:

'I'm sorry for leaving the way I did.'

"Don't do that." Justin says, but I am angry with him for saying I always get involved. I like to help him, that's why I get involved. I care about him. And I don't always get involved.

Finally, I notice we're outside a rather large property, with tall white walls and a large silver gate. It's very closed up but that's understandable. I am blown away as the gates open.

There is a long patterned road leading up to a few small cottages linked to the house. At the end of the road, is the house, or should I say building or palace might be a more suitable term. It looked like it had three stories which I thought was too excessive I mean for what reason does a twenty two year old need a three story house for? A different room for every member of his crew? I hope not. From what I've heard, I don't know if I'll be able to live with his 'crew'.

I will admit it, I've always liked the good things in life and I'll say one thing, this house is a very good thing in my life. Even if it is elaborate, it is beautiful. I definitely see myself living here. This is what I've been waiting for, the life I've been waiting for.


Thanks for reading yall. Will try update frequently.

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