Chapter 13 - What if

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Georgina's POV

"Helloooo, Chad? Is anyone home?" I shout out while causally entering my house.

"In here." My gran called from the kitchen.

"Where've you been Georgina?" She questions me as she makes tea for the both of us. She loved tea. As did I. It has a sense of home.

"Chad didn't tell you?" I ask,

"Oh no, he told me everything when he got back yesterday. I just wanted to hear everything from you." We both laugh. I know the situation of me being friends with a huge celebrity like Justin, is crazy to her, to most people. I have many questions ahead of me. I pick up my cup of tea and we make our way to the dining room. I look around me and notice the change in decor, here's my chance to delay this discussion. "Nan, did you redo the lounge? I love the color sch-"

"Cuzzz, your home!" I hear a loud voice. Another save from the what-are-you-doing-with-him-Georgina talk.

I get up and embrace chad in a light hug. "You just saved me," I whisper in his ear.

"Oh no I didn't. She thought the situation was crazy when I told her yesterday. She ain't letting it go Gigi. Sorry." Well he is about to gain some news himself.

"By the way," I pull him into the kitchen, "Why the hell did you tell gran about the whole thing with Justin in the first place? She didn't need to know who we were with. It's so unbelievable, she probably thinks we're lying or-" I whisper aggressively.

"So you spoke to her about it and she didn't believe you?" He asks me.

"No, she asked me about it now but I don't want to tell her. Nothing has to be said. If I tell her, she'll tell gramps and the rest of the family and no one will believe it! Once again, I'll be the laughing stock of the family who still loves a pop star she'll never be with. I don't love him in any way though," I add through a mumble, "This should just stay between me, you and the girls until I know what's going to happen between Justin and I." I do know, but Chad dosent. Off to the USA I go, maybe.

"Well, I've already told her most of it and she doesn't seem very fazed about what happened, just who it happened with. I'm pretty sure she thinks we're lying but does it really matter if she dosent believe us? Just tell her everything, the truth." He tries to walk away. Hell no, I'm not done.

"Truth? There's no truth. I'm only telling everyone the full story once I know what's going to happen with Justin and I. Doesn't that sound fair to you?" I need to calm down, this isn't that big of a deal. What is a big deal, is that I could be leaving for America in 2 days. Shit.

"Okay fine I get it but she already knows a lot so maybe give her some justification and ask her not to say anything to anyone."

"Yeah that's chilled, I'm over it." We both sat down at the table, chad stuffing his face with my grans famous pudding and me with my tea.

"So, let's hear it from Georgi, tell me, how did your trip go?" My gran asks.

"It was interesting, isn't that right Georgina?" Chad says cheekily. I'm going to slap him if he dosent keep quiet.

"It was very relaxed," I lie. At times, it was rather stressful with the whole Sasha situation therefore relaxed was the wrong word.

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